
Microstroke: Symptoms and signs of women, men, what it is, on the legs as shown, treatment at home, a mini stroke, recognize (Define), the elderly, the effects, the recovery of what to do, ischemic, rehabilitation, care of what he is, the brain, diagnose

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In this pathology, as a mini stroke, the symptoms and signs of the women and men do not differ in specificity, the disease is accompanied by a breach of cerebral circulation in microvessels. Pathological process does not strike the whole brain, and affects only a small part of it.

Cerebral blood flow in the microvasculature

Microinsult from stroke characterized in that during an attack damaged portions partially or completely restored. At risk are patients older age group, ie, 50 years. But do not rule out the possibility that the mini stroke occurs first, for example, in 20-30 years. Pathology can be diagnosed at a younger age. In newborns is a common cause of microstroke anoxaemia. Hypoxia can cause prolonged labor, cord entanglement around the neck and so forth.

From which it is

Mechanism of development of pathologic process is stopped suddenly Incoming nutrients and oxygen to brain cells. Perfusion is broken as a result of narrowing or occlusion of vessels. Hypoxia of the brain tissue, and nutritional deficiencies lead to cell death.

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Risk factors and causes minor stroke may include:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • congenital vascular disease;
  • hypertension (persistent elevation of blood pressure);
  • high cholesterol;
  • thrombosis;
  • overeating;
  • obesity;
  • frequent fatigue;
  • stress;
  • poor environmental living conditions;
  • climate change;
  • oncological processes;
  • diabetes;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • head trauma;
  • bad habits.

The risk group includes patients who have had previous cardiac surgery. Predisposition to mini-strokes in people who during sleep for a few seconds longer breathe. When strays breathing process, the body is not supplied with oxygen. Its deficiency leads to disruption of the heart rate. In the morning the patient feels tired during the workday gets tired quickly, there is irritability and mood swings. The collection of all the consequences of sleep apnea can lead to a mini stroke.

Attentive to their health must be taken to people who are feeling the impact of changing weather conditions. These patients are more likely than others, there are problems in the circulatory system.

Changing weather conditions

Microstroke what it is and what it is, you can learn more from your doctor, as in official medicine (International Classification of Diseases), this term is not used. The pathology is diagnosed as passing the cerebral blood flow.

How to identify

Ischemic microstroke not always accompanied by severe symptoms, making it difficult to timely diagnosis. Many patients are not aware of the health problems, symptoms of malaise at writing off sharply decrease (or increase) in atmospheric pressure, temperature differences, physical fatigue, stress and so forth.

Symptoms of microinsult will depend on the site of localization of the pathological process and extent of the affected area. Malaise may occur within minutes or hours.

microstroke brain is most often seen in the form of headaches or dizziness. There may be nausea, general weakness and drowsiness. Pain localized spot-cover the entire head. Other symptoms of minor stroke include:

  • tingling in the tips of the fingers (unpleasant sensations can spread to the entire limb);
  • sensitivity to bright light or loud sounds;
  • numbness of the face;
  • transient blurred vision (blurred, the emergence of "stars" in front of his eyes, trouble focusing);
  • increased blood pressure;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • difficulty with perception of information, and so forth.

With extensive tissue lesions mini stroke can cause short-term memory loss, the patient can not get to know others. The memory recovery may take several hours.

Microstroke determine a person can be in appearance: if the victim when attempting to smile at one corner of his mouth will be lower, it is a sign that was broken in circulation the brain. Manifestations of disease may spread to the implementation of speech abilities. When miniinsulte victim often can not say the tongue twister, there is a lack of clarity of speech, speech may sound slurred.

Patients with difficult to control your body. If there is a suspicion that a person has violated the blood supply to the brain tissue, it is necessary to ask the victim to pick up and hold in front of outstretched arms. When the mini-strokes the patient will not be able to fully cope with the task, one hand will start to fall.

It is difficult to control your body

Signs microstroke transferred to the legs, can be mistaken for alcohol intoxication. The patient has impaired motor coordination, it can not give a clear answer to a simple question, such as his name or the town in which it is located. Often there is a hiccup. The patient can not adequately respond to the events occurring around him.

Impaired ability to control the movements of the limbs during the attack, you can check, if you give the victim any subject. During microstroke a partial tissue damage, for this reason, the patient can try to hold an object, but the process will be given to him with difficulty.

Among women

According to statistics, in female patients the pathology occurs more frequently than men (5-6% of the total number of registered patients). The fairer sex is more susceptible to psycho-emotional stress, which has a negative effect on health. Smoking patients compared with male smokers, often end up in hospital with signs of circulatory disorders of the brain tissue.

The first signs of minor stroke in women is often fixed during pregnancy. Cause health problems may be other diseases that are exacerbated due to changes in hormonal levels. Provocative factor pathology is often heavy during pregnancy complicated by placental or other disorders of the fetus.

Hormonal treatments for women

Microstroke symptoms in women can be the result of oral contraceptives. Patients taking hormones, often do not pay attention to the emerging health problems. Signs microstroke they relate to the side effect of drugs consumed, which is specified in the instructions.

In older women the risk of cerebrovascular accidents often associated with atherosclerosis and hypertension. Can provoke bleeding hormonal reorganization that occurs during menopause. Ovarian function is accompanied by psychological and somatic changes. Compared to other health problems, which are often diagnosed in people in old age, the risk of minor stroke increases.


The first signs of microstroke men often go unnoticed, since Representatives of this group of patients often expose themselves to intensive physical exercise (in comparison with women). Due to the fact that representatives of the stronger sex prefer not to pay attention to fatigue, slight headache, and other signals of the body, they are more likely to suffer a stroke micro standing. Number of attacks, after which was not given medical assistance, can be more than one. For this reason, men often come to the hospital already diagnosed with stroke.

The symptoms of minor stroke in men are identical to those observed in women.

How to diagnose

To find out whether the minor stroke, the doctor enough to learn how to manifest the symptoms of an attack. The patient need not be observed all the signs of pathology, 3-4 enough symptoms to a preliminary diagnosis, to appoint maintenance therapy and to direct the patient to additional analyzes. Results of laboratory and hardware surveys will provide detailed information on the state of human health.

Diagnosis microstroke includes elucidation of the causes of the pathological process, localization and size of the affected area.

The patient can be assigned to these procedures:

  • full blood count;
  • X-ray examination vessels (angiography);
  • ECG (electrocardiogram);
  • Doppler (ultrasound diagnostics, allowing to scan blood flow);
  • echocardiogram;
  • Computer tomography (CT);
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

For the purpose of diagnosis and appropriate therapy can be attracted several specialists from different areas of medicine.

What to do before the arrival of ambulance

In addition, how to recognize an attack, you need to learn how to provide first aid to the victim. The correct action in the first few minutes reduce the risk of complications. First aid - it is not treated at home, so if the attack is short, we should not give up medical care.

First aid for mini-strokes is that the patient is necessary to ensure complete rest. Due to the fact that the attack may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting, to prevent strangulation victim vomit should be given horizontal position on your side. Relative to the body's head must be raised not less than 30⁰.

Call medical teams should be made as quickly as possible.

On the phone, you must specify the age of the victim, sex, attack time and a short description of the symptoms.

In the room where the patient is necessary to create a flow of fresh air. It is necessary to minimize the impact of additional stimuli, ie, close the curtains, turn off the bright light, turn off the loud operating equipment and so on.

The patient must measure the blood pressure. If the index tonometer shows a critical increase in blood pressure, the victim can be given antihypertensive medication or an injection of such funds. On the forehead or back of the head of the patient is applied or towel warmer cold pre-soaked in cold water. You can make a warm bath for the feet.

Tight clothing should be removed (to undo the belt, the top button, cut collar, etc.). It should be explained to the victim that before the arrival of medical teams can not wake up. all body movements should be minimized. In the case of nervous overstimulation may be the use of sedatives such as valerian or hawthorn. The patient should not be given antispasmodics.

If the person who calls an ambulance, do not know what to do (to help the patient to a medical visit), it is necessary to inform the operator. Get all the information about the first aid he could call.

Treatment after a minor stroke at home is carried out only with the permission of a doctor, after all the necessary tests. Independently try to cope with a bout is not recommended, ie an ambulance should be called, regardless of the intensity of disease symptoms.


microstroke treatment for men and women should be comprehensive. Therapy aims to eliminate the cause of the pathology, symptom relief, and recovery of the body to prevent further complications.

To minimize the risk of dangerous consequences, expert help you need to provide in the coming hours. The patient is prescribed drugs that have a vasodilatory effect. Thanks to them, restored a sufficient amount of blood and nutrients to the tissues of the brain.

Blood oxygenation affected metabolic prescribed drugs. Recovering from a minor stroke brain activity is achieved with the help of neuroprotective drugs. Antiplatelet drugs prescribed to prevent the formation of thrombi. In addition, the patient must use vitamins and other agents that enhance immunity.

If the cause is microstroke thrombus occlusion of the vessel, the patient is administered tissue plasminogen activator. The drug dissolves the thrombus.

Blockage by a thrombus vessel

If the patient along with the cerebral circulation diagnosed some other illness, treatment is prescribed to suppress the symptoms of illness and the causes of its development.

Rehabilitation after microstroke involves not only the use of drugs. The patient should avoid stressful situations prescribed sedative medication if necessary. Experiences, excitement, depression increases the risk of relapse.

In overweight patients need to lose weight, since He is one of the reasons that an attack could happen. Stick to a rigid diet (fast), to load the gym itself is prohibited. In the fight against excess weight may help nutritionist. Before the appointment of the diet the doctor must see the full patient history.

To restore health after minor stroke, it is recommended to give up smoking and drinking. blood pressure must be constantly monitored and timely manner to stabilize it. Speed ​​up the healing process will help diet. From the diet should be deleted:

  • fatty and fried;
  • pickles;
  • smoked;
  • semi-finished products;
  • flour products;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • strong brewed coffee or tea.

such products must be present in the weekly menu:

  • dairy products;
  • lean meats (recommended steamed);
  • vegetables and fruits;
  • legumes;
  • fish;
  • greenery;
  • fruit drinks and herbal teas.

The daily calorie intake should not exceed 2500 calories. In the presence of concomitant diseases of the digestive system organs of the daily diet is recommended to select with the help of a nutritionist.

During the recovery period is not allowed intense exercise, heavy lifting, active sports. It is recommended to make daily walks in the fresh air, but not long. It is necessary to rationally distribute while awake and resting, any fatigue will hinder recovery.

Daily gymnastics after minor stroke can improve blood circulation throughout the body and improves overall health.

Exercises are selected physician-rehabilitator.

Additionally, it may be assigned a physiotherapy massage.

girudoterapii (leech therapy) rate may be recommended to normalize the blood flow and prevent blood clots in patients. The procedure is performed in a specialized institution. In special medical leeches are used during the session. Independently conduct hirudotherapy using blood-sucking, which were caught from the pond, it is prohibited.

During rehabilitation, the patient is already in the house, it is necessary to follow medical advice and timely visit a medical institution for the purpose of monitoring the effectiveness of therapy.

How dangerous

Consequences microstroke at the same men and women. If people do not seek medical help or does not comply with medical recommendations for treatment, it may be repeated attack.

If the patient continues to ignore health problems can occur at the next you feel unwell, massive stroke. Its danger is that complications can lead to partial or complete loss of capacity. At untimely provision of medical care does not exclude the probability of death.

According to medical reports, after microstroke without qualified medical assistance in 20% of patients experience a massive stroke within 3 months.

Microinsult dangerous long recovery period. Once memory impairment can be observed attack, a constant feeling of fatigue, weakness of arms and legs. Not ruled out a partial loss of sensitivity of the limbs. The patient may develop a stutter. In most cases, a speech impediment runs independently, but does not exclude the likelihood that need the help of a speech therapist.

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