
Hiccups after stroke: the causes, how to get rid, treatment, why it occurs

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Hiccups after a stroke, the causes of which can be covered in pathologies that develop on the background of cerebrovascular accident, should not be ignored. This symptom worsens the quality of life of the patient, making it difficult to speak normally, eat and sleep. When it appears necessary to pass inspection and to begin treatment.

Hiccups in girl

why occurs

Hiccups in stroke, the causes of which are different, is the involuntary contraction of the intercostal muscles and the diaphragm. It refers to the processes that are not controlled by the brain. The attack is characterized by a short-term interruption of breath. Contraction of the diaphragm is combined with a push. The characteristic sound is generated due to air penetration into the glottis. Promote the emergence of hiccups:

  1. Brain lesions caused by the cessation of the blood supply to some parts of the body. Electrical pulses supplied brainstem passes through the vagus nerve and enter the abdominal cavity. Against the background of stimulation of nerve endings and involuntary contractions occur, the muscles involved in breathing.
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  3. The defeat of the rear of the brain. Cerebellum and pons is responsible for swallowing and respiratory function. At failures in these areas there is a hiccup.
  4. Pathology of brain structures that control the operation of the diaphragm muscle. Prolonged lack of blood supply causes a violation of the respiratory function, accompanied by the interruption of breath. The attack in this case is different long duration, it is difficult to remove the usual ways.
  5. The defeat of the nerve roots responsible for the contractile activity of the esophagus. During stimulation of the walls of the upper gastrointestinal tract as may occur uncontrolled aperture reduction.
brain lesions

How to get rid

If there is a hiccup after a stroke, get rid of it to help the following ways:

  • inhalation with oil of oregano (in 1 liter of boiling water was added 1-2 drops of essential oils, breathing over steam for 5-10 minutes);
  • challenge the gag reflex (finger pressure is applied to the root of the tongue);
  • laughing or sneezing (aperture thus sharply shrinks, thereby cessation of spontaneous contractions);
  • slow and measured breathing (slow inhale deeply and then gradually release the air through the mouth);
  • breathing into a paper bag (breaths produced at a rapid pace);
  • Pressure on the diaphragm (fast relieves hiccups);
  • pulling up the legs to the chest (with hands trying to hug themselves);
  • tilts forward (hands give birth behind his back, his hands in the lock, at an inclination of drinking a glass of water, which keeps the helper);
  • holding your breath while the compound of the thumb and little finger;
  • drinking water with closed channels and auditory nares;
  • change in the type of breathing on the phrenic or abdominal;
  • reception Corvalolum (50 drops are dissolved in 50 ml of warm water);
  • pressure on the phrenic nerve, located in the area of ​​the collarbone.
Inhalation of oil of oregano

Cope with hiccups help and food:

  • sugar (refined resolves small dice, drinking boiled water);
  • a slice of lemon, which chew slowly;
  • Ice water, 200 mL sips a drink;
  • honey (1 hr. l. resolves the product, after which a small amount of drinking water);
  • apple vinegar (1 hr. l. vinegar was dissolved in 1 cup of cold water and sips a drink);
  • salt (pinch poured on tip of the tongue, which is pressed against the sky);
  • chamomile broth (1 tbsp. l. herbs are boiled in 200 ml of water for 10 minutes, the resulting liquid drink 100 ml).

It is mandatory to conduct drug treatment aimed at eliminating the causes of hiccups. For this purpose, use novocaine, proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole), antiemetics (Reglan), nootropics (piracetam) and enzymatic means (Creon). Preparations normalize the nervous, respiratory and digestive systems, applying them on prescription.

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