
Lacunar stroke: what it is, cerebral infarction, ischemic, consequences, treatment

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Lacunar stroke is cerebrovascular brain pathology associated with the formation of multiple small cavities (gaps) in the deep parts of the brain structures. Gaps are formed due to ischemic injury perforating blood vessels of the organ. With timely and proper treatment, long-term rehabilitation, you can return to normal life.

stroke type

Causes and risk factors

Lacunar stroke type, doctors often called a heart attack. The main reason for its occurrence is considered poor circulation in the deep perforated cerebral arteries on a background of hypertension and systemic atherosclerosis.

Small gaps are formed in areas of the cerebral tissues damaged during ischemia. The average diameter of the cavities is 10 mm.

Lacunar brain infarction is often seen in the tissues of the cerebellum, white matter, internal capsule, bridge thalamus.

Factors contributing to the development of lacunar lesions of the brain, it is necessary to consider:

  • improper diet;
  • prolonged stressful situations;
  • bad habits - smoking, alcohol abuse;
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  • elderly age;
  • infection of the brain;
  • long-term use of hormonal contraceptives;
  • lack of proper rest and sleep, and so forth.
brain infection

Frequent causes of said pathology are the following diseases:

  • hypertension with frequent crises, sudden changes in blood pressure, in the absence of the treatment;
  • atherosclerosis leading to sclerosis cerebral blood vessels;
  • diabetes with impaired metabolic processes;
  • thromboembolism;
  • vasculitis allergic or infectious nature that disrupt the normal movement of blood through the vessels of the brain;
  • genetic changes of the anatomical structure of the arteries;
  • bundle of arterial walls;
  • functional failures in the central artery;
  • a bleeding disorder;
  • the effects of a heart attack infarction and others.

Healthy lifestyle, caring attitude towards their health to help reduce the risk of this type of stroke.

Symptoms and signs

Symptoms of stroke lacunar types depend directly on the brain of the affected area. permanent signs of stroke They are cardiac arrhythmias and high blood pressure.

Physicians are the following groups of neurological symptoms of this disease:

  1. Isolated Syndrome motor (more than 50% of cases). The hearth is damaged in the internal capsule of the brain. There is a paralysis of the opposite half of the body.
  2. The isolated sensory syndrome (5-10% of cases). It takes place during the formation of gaps in the area of ​​the ventral thalamic ganglion. The patient lost full or partial sensitivity of the body - limbs, head and torso. He ceases to feel pain, temperature of objects, touch, and so on.
  3. Atactic hemiparesis (10-12% of cases). Damaged areas of the brain are the pons, dorsal part of the internal capsule. For a given state is characterized by poor coordination of movements and weakness of the limbs on the affected side. Often there is a combination of the syndrome with loss of sensitivity (35-40%).
  4. Dysarthria, clumsiness of hands (6-7% of cases). Gaps are arranged in layers of neural tissue. The head can occur paralysis of the upper extremities, begin with a speech problem.
atactic hemiparesis

Less common signs of lacunar brain stroke can be considered:

  • hyperkinesis;
  • koordinatornyh syndrome;
  • pseudobulbar palsy;
  • involuntary urination and defecation;
  • biliary dyskinesia and others.

When you are silent lacunar formations in the areas of disease may carry asymptomatic.

When this disease is almost all the functions of the cerebral cortex are saved. This is due to lack of education gaps in the cortical structures.

Often this type of stroke, occurs during sleep. Immediate access to a doctor, will help prevent many serious complications and death.

Timely screening can help make the correct diagnosis and start treatment. Reveal the presence of cavity formation in the brain structures, their location and shape, capable of computer and magnetic resonance tomography (MRI and CT). Picture of the disease becomes more pronounced in a week after the attack. In this period re-diagnosis to confirm the diagnosis.

Features of treatment

Comprehensive treatment of lacunar stroke, the objectives are:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • restoration of normal brain tissue power;
  • preventing the deterioration of the situation (embolism, thrombosis).
pressure reduction

Deal with it competently and timely administration of therapy, including:

  • taking medication;
  • rehabilitation;
  • health food.

antihypertensive drugs used to lower blood pressure:

  • ACE inhibitors (lisinopril, enalapril);
  • vasodilator drugs (Diltiazem, Nifedipine);
  • diuretics (furosemide, indapamide), and so forth.

An important area in the treatment of cerebral infarction is lacunar antithrombotic treatment with heparin, aspirin, warfarin, etc.

To restore brain structures, improve microcirculation appointed Nootropil, vinpocetine, Akatinol, B vitamins and others. antidepressants (amitriptyline, fluoxetine) used to relieve depression. Statins are used to combat atherosclerosis, cholesterol lowering. To prevent complications to the patient is shown Aspirin able to thin the blood.

The program of rehabilitation of patients after lacunar stroke, necessary for the recovery of motor, speech functions, lost sensitivity. It includes:

  • physiotherapy;
  • physical therapy;
  • massage;
  • training of speech and so on.
Physiotherapy for treatment

When all medical recommendations prognosis is favorable.

How dangerous this kind of stroke

If lacunar ischemic brain stroke has only a small lesion and occurred for the first time, the risk of complications is small. With timely treatment and rehabilitation of a competent patient returns to normal life.

When the plurality of focal stroke can be serious consequences, above all affecting the psyche of the patient. These include:

  • partial or complete loss of memory;
  • spatial disorientation;
  • decline in mental and speech abilities;
  • dysmotility;
  • difficulties in communication;
  • crying, irritability, hysteria and others.

Every third patient diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in a year in the future - vascular dementia. Lack competent treatment lacunar stroke type can lead to death.

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