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Black feces( stool) in the adult - reasons

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What can indicate the black stool

Black feces can signal the presence of serious diseases of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, including the stomach, intestines or esophagus.

Picture 1

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If it was observed that in adults or children after the first year of life a black stool appeared,take the following actions:

  1. Make a list of everything that a person took for 2-3 days.
  2. Continue to monitor the condition and color of the stool for several days.

The list should include not only food, but also medicines, drinks, vitamins, that is, everything that a person used, because it can cause all the listed black feces.

The reason for this manifestation may be simply the use of certain products or medicines, and therefore black feces occur. In that case, there is nothing to be afraid of.

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To lead to this can the use of products such as beets, prunes, grapes, drugs, which include iron, activated carbon and some other medicines.

Before taking medication prescribed by a doctor, carefully study the instruction, which indicates side effects, among them there is a black stool.

If you constantly take those foods, as usual, and do not use medicines, but you have black feces, in such cases, you should urgently contact the doctor. This can be caused by the development of internal bleeding due to taking medications that reduce blood clotting. In themselves they do not make feces black, but can cause the development of bleeding in the internal organs, which is dangerous for human life and health, and liquid black stools will be one of the signs of its development.

A few days are necessary to observe the chair. In the case when black feces did not appear due to the development of the disease, its color will become normal a few days after stopping the use of products and medicines that caused such a chair in an adult or a child.

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If the black stool is associated with the development of the disease, then it will be observed for a long period. Such a chair in an adult or child can periodically arise, even if the reasons for this are absent.

If the liquid black stool lasts a long time or arises from you periodically, you should definitely consult a doctor and take a test to determine the cause of it.

2 The state of health of a person

It is necessary to independently assess the condition of a patient who has a black stool: a person looks healthy or has a painful appearance. It is necessary to determine how his mood and state of health changed during the period when a man had a black stool.

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In cases where the color of the feces has changed due to the use of certain medications or food and has become black, the person is feeling well and he does not feel any discomfort, there is no cause for concern.

If the black color of the stool is accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting, heartburn, constipation, or diarrhea, this indicates that the body has pathologies and urgently needs to seek qualified medical care.

It is necessary to take into account also what diseases the person suffered before or is sick at the present time. If he had had hepatitis, cancer, cirrhosis, or an ulcer, then a black chair may indicate a complication of these diseases.

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Especially should be alerted when there was such a chair in an adult or a child, while it is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • a person has a fever;
  • appeared nausea and vomiting;
  • if a person is sick with an ulcer;
  • if a person has cirrhosis or cancer;
  • if such diseases are present in close relatives;
  • if before that there was alcohol poisoning and there was severe vomiting;
  • if anemia is detected continuously during the blood test.

3 The main causes of the pathological deviation of

Most often, the reasons for the appearance of a stool of this color is the consumption of food and medications, which stain it, and this can be either uniformly or stained in the form of a granular structure.

If the stool contains dark spots, grains or grains, they are the remains of undigested food or medicines, and there is nothing dangerous in this. When ingested and after processing, products that do not have a dark color can lead to staining the stool in such a color that it is a consequence of the chemical reaction and explains why the stool became such a shade.

Picture 3

Often in children, parents can find very stained dark worms in the stool, but the reasons for their appearance will be that before that the baby ate a banana and it's just undigested remnants. Many parents take them for worms and rush to the doctor, but in nature worms are not dark, they are light.


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Causes of liquid stool of this color can be associated with the development of internal bleeding from the intestine. To provoke such bleeding may be the presence of ulcers, polyps or varicose veins of the esophagus.

After the blood enters the stomach, it decomposes and turns red from red. This will be the reasons why staining in the same color feces. Other symptoms of the development of internal bleeding are the general weakness of the body, pallor, the head may be spinning.

If there is feces with blood, this may indicate the development of serious diseases such as Crohn's disease, gastritis, ulcerative colitis, ankylostomiasis, acute form of lymphoblastic leukemia or histoplasmosis, so if you have such symptoms, you should immediately go to the doctor.

If the organ that started to bleed is located below the caecum, then usually the blood that gets into the feces is red. In those cases when the intestinal peristalsis is weak, even if there is bleeding at the beginning of the colon, this can lead to staining of feces in a dark color. This is due to the fact that under the influence of hydrochloric acid, red hemoglobin is processed into hemin, and it has a dark color.


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Opinion of doctors. .. "

If a person underwent surgery and had a very dark stool, this could indicate the development of bleeding, and a person needs urgent medical help. In those cases where such a chair is accompanied by high fever, this may indicate an intestinal infection, and it is necessary to seek qualified medical help.

Pregnancy of a woman does not affect the functioning of the digestive tract in any way, so when deciding what black color of stools in pregnant women means, there will be the same reasons as for other people.

4 The appearance of black feces in children

Children rarely have diseases that can lead to the development of internal bleeding, which makes the stools color in such a color. Usually the question of what the black color of stools in children means is solved simply: just pay attention to what your child ate before.

Picture 4

For newborns in the early days of their life, the presence of a very dark colored stool is a natural process, in medicine it is called meconium. After a while, this chair will take a normal, natural color, usually it is light yellow, but everything will depend on the baby's nutrition, and that it is liquid is natural.

If the baby is fed with milk formula, they can contain vitamins and iron, which color the stool in such a color. If the child normally eats, sleeps and does not cry, then when such a stool appears, one should not worry.

If such color of a feces is accompanied by anxiety, temperature, other side effects, then, regardless of whether the child is an adult or not, you should urgently consult a doctor.

In any case, if you find a stool of a suspicious color or consistency, regardless of whether it is an adult or a child, you should consult a doctor, only he can determine the cause and prescribe an effective treatment. If it is accompanied by pain, an increase in temperature, urgent help should be urgently given, since such symptoms may indicate the development of internal bleeding or severe poisoning, and in such cases it is necessary to act quickly and professionally.

Contents of
  • 1 What can the black stool of
  • 2 indicate? State of health of a person
  • 3 The main causes of a pathological deviation
  • 4 The appearance of black feces in children

By itself, black feces do not yet indicate the presence of problems in the body, since its natural color can be from light to dark brown.

Every person knows the characteristics of his body and in the course, as he usually has a chair, so he can notice when the changes occurred.

Most often the normal brown stool is due to the fact that it contains the remains of not completely digested food that a person used for 2-3 days, and bile that has been processed in the stomach.

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