
Vitamins after stroke: cerebral, accept, what to drink, the name

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It is important to take vitamins after a stroke, because they help the body cope with the consequences of the disease, accelerate recovery, stabilize and improve the general condition.

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Useful vitamins

Stroke severely affected the brain, so it is first necessary to normalize its functioning. To do this, enter in the menu, fruit and vegetables purple and blue (grapes, eggplant, etc.), as anthocyanidin contained therein neutralizes harmful radicals, activates brain activity, reduces the risk of relapse.

After brain stroke have great value include the following materials:

  • B vitamins are involved in energy metabolism, reduce levels of homocysteine ​​which can cause another stroke. In addition, they help cleanse the arteries, lower blood cholesterol. B3 restores brain reactions and B12 activates hematopoiesis. They are found in spinach, fish, asparagus, broccoli, walnuts, carrots.
  • The retinoids or Vitamin A, stimulate regeneration of cells and tissues, are antioxidants, enhance immunity, helps in the synthesis of interferon, as well as taurine, responsible for the transmission of nerve pulses. Get these substances can be of such foods as egg yolks, liver, kidneys, fruit, yellow and orange, sour-milk products.
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  • Vitamin E reduces the severity of brain damage. This element is contained in a vegetable oil, marine fish, soy, milk, chicken eggs, greens.
  • Vitamins C and P reinforce vessel walls, prevent the development of fungi and bacteria. Contained in tomatoes, citrus fruits, berries (blueberry, raspberry, currant), kiwi, cherry, plum, rose hips, buckwheat, apples, potatoes.
  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids contain omega-3 and omega-6 are the building blocks of body tissues, neutralize free radicals, traumatic cells. Get these acids can be seafood, vegetables, vegetable oil, dried fruits, legumes, walnuts, prunes, flaxseed.
  • Vitamin D is involved in the regeneration of brain cells. The substance can be found in hard cheeses, fish, butter, fish oils.
  • Vitamin K improves blood flow. Found in leafy vegetables.
B vitamins

Names vitamin complexes

After the stroke is often prescribed vitamin complexes for the stabilization of the brain and body. These medications include:

  • Aevitum, main components of which are the alpha-tocopherol acetate and retinol. This complex activates blood circulation and strengthens the immune system and has an antioxidant effect.
  • Neurovitan, Neyrobion, Neovitam belong to the group members include neuroprotective and protecting brain cells during stroke, as well as these drugs improve the conduction of nerve fibers.
  • Papaya Attiva stimulates the functioning of the immune system, stabilizes blood circulation in the brain, restores the metabolic processes.
  • B-complex reduces homocysteine ​​levels, which can lead to the development of atherosclerosis and re stroke.
  • Coenzyme Q10 makes up for the lack of oxygen.

Any medications and vitamins to take after a stroke should be only on the recommendation of the attending physician.

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