Hormones And Biochemistry

Low levels of estradiol: causes, symptoms, treatment

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The hormonal system is responsible for most of the processes in the body, each of its representatives carries one function assigned to it, and its violations can loosen the work of the entire system. Low estradiol can affect the functioning of almost all body systems, especially cardiovascular and reproductive.

Functions and features of


The most significant of the estrogen group is estradiol. Its biosynthesis starts from testosterone in the adrenal glands, follicles and placenta in women, which leads to an increase in its number during pregnancy. In men, this hormone is produced in the adrenal glands and seminal vesicles. Its role is to activate oxygen exchange, strengthen bones, produce ejaculate, improve blood coagulability, regulate metabolic processes.

The highest level of estradiol is observed in women during pregnancy, therefore deviations from normal indices are not pathologies. The longer the gestation period, the higher the level of the hormone, which gradually decreases after delivery. With the end of reproductive age, the amount of the hormone decreases, and with the onset of menopause, all women experience low estradiol.

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Out of pregnancy in the period of reproductive age, the level of the hormone gradually begins to rise in the follicular phase and lasts until ovulation, then again decreases until the end of the cycle. Reduced estradiol in this period speaks of violations in the work of hormones and malfunction.

Relationship with other hormones

Since the hormone is responsible for the development of the fetus in the female image and the development of female sex characteristics, monitoring of its number during pregnancy is systematically carried out. In the female body, he is also responsible for the regulation of the menstrual cycle, the characteristics of sexual behavior and attraction. Puffiness during pregnancy and irritability are also the result of the work of estradiol. Along with other hormones, such as FSH, prolactin, luteinizing hormone, estradiol regulates these processes in the body in a complex, and therefore depends on the proper production of other hormones of its group. The biosynthesis of estradiol is influenced by LH and FSH in the ovaries and follicles.


The principle of interrelation is the effect of FSH on the formation of the oocyte. The latter develops in the follicle, which consists of follicular cells. These cells under the influence of FSH directly synthesize estrogens. Then the latter suppress the production of FSH.

Standards for the standard

In men, the normal estradiol content is in the range of 40-161 pmol / L, while in women it depends on the periods of the menstruation cycle:

  • Beginning of the cycle - 68-1268 pmoles / l,
  • Ovulation - 133-1654 pmol / l,
  • Lutein phase- 93-864 pmol / l,
  • Menopause - & lt; 74 pmol / l.

During pregnancy, the rate is determined by the term( indicators in pg / ml):

  • 9-12 week - 1031-2211,
  • 13-16 week 2011-4413,
  • 17-20 week 3359-7743,
  • 21-24 week 5101-11301,
  • 25-28 week 7101-14901,
  • 29-32 week 7911-19313,
  • 33-36 week 9415-22615,
  • 37-38 week 12303-23701,
  • 39-40 week 8301-26603.

Symptoms of lowering blood levels


Estradiol is called a hormone of femininity, since any changes in voice, figure, development of sexual characteristics indicate a lack of hormone. In women, a decrease in this indicator causes such symptoms as anxiety, fatigue, regardless of the length of rest, swelling, brittle nails, hair, irregularities in the menstrual cycle, periodic dull chest pains.

Symptoms of reducing estradiol in the blood of a man are osteoporosis, cardiovascular diseases, high excitability, short temper, problems with conception of a child.

The origins of violations of

Causes in men and women are covered in bad habits, in particular, alcoholism and smoking, abstinence from protein foods. An improperly balanced diet, in which the amount of carbohydrates predominates, and the amount of fats is reduced, can also cause a violation.

More serious sources of impairment are a sharp decrease in weight, disruption in the endocrine system, inflammation in the genitals, disruptions in the process of the pituitary gland.

In men, the most common cause is high physical activity, which leads to rapid fatigue and a sharp burning of subcutaneous fat.

Elevated values ​​of

Blood test

Deviations to a higher level are also pathologies and require treatment. In men, this condition is called hyperestrogenemia and is a self-sufficient diagnosis. The cause of high levels of estradiol in the blood can serve as cirrhosis of the liver, tumors in the testicles or the ingestion of anabolic steroids. Less serious causes are covered in excess weight, since the accumulation of estrogen begins in adipose tissue. As a result, a high level of estradiol can lead to diseases of the reproductive system.

The causes of high levels of estradiol in women are oncological disorders of the appendages, hepatic and renal failure, cirrhosis, hormonal imbalance, the preserved follicle, despite fertilization.

This situation is accompanied by cramps, an inexplicable weight gain, sensitivity and painful sensations when palpation of the chest, swelling. Abundant menstrual bleeding after the end of menstruation and a sharp change in mood also indicate a high level of estradiol.

Correction of a reduced value of

For treatment of a low level, hormonal therapy is offered in women. Medicines based on estradiol can be prescribed for systematic violations of menstruation, polycystosis, infertility and exceeding the period of gestation. The form of the drugs is quite diverse, so you can choose the most suitable option.

It should be remembered that long-term use of drugs can lead to inhibition of the estrogen's own production, therefore, when taking it is necessary to constantly monitor the doctor and adjust the dose depending on the results of therapy. While taking medication is not recommended to sit on a diet, but also should limit the intake of carbohydrates.

Herbal medicine has a natural herb containing estrogen. For treatment you can use sage, clover, licorice, linden, oregano. But before use, a doctor's recommendation is necessary.

If the deviations are insignificant, the most gentle way to increase the hormone is sexual contact with a regular partner without contraception. Satisfactory intercourse can accelerate the production of hormones and improve the functioning of the hormonal system.

Protein food

In case of violations in men it is recommended to reduce physical activity, to balance the diet and the regime of the day in favor of taking protein food. In some cases, the appointment of testosterone, capable of converting to estradiol.

Correction of increased value of

High rates in men are treated with antiestrogenic drugs. Their action is based on the intensification of the synthesis of testosterone and gonadotropic hormones. Before the appointment of a course of treatment, a sample of clomiphene is used, one of the drugs of this group. If during a week treatment led to a significant increase in the level of gonadotropic hormones, then problems in the hypothalamic-pituitary system do not exist and treatment can be continued.

The synthesis of estrogens from testosterone in men can also be inhibited by the aromatase inhibitor. The enzyme is responsible for the synthesis, so its inhibition stops active synthesis. Preparations are presented in the form of antioxidants - catechin, vitamin C, zinc, and also in the form of medicinal preparations.

In women, in single cases, the body rises independently. If the problem is chronic, preparations that inhibit the synthesis of estrogens are prescribed. When hormonal therapy is used, it is necessary to observe the doctor, since oppression of estradiol will cause oppression of FSH and other hormones responsible for reproduction. If an obvious decrease in the level of FSH is detected, an immediate exit from the administration and a decrease in dosage are necessary.

Most often, systematic physical exercises are combined with a balanced diet to reduce. Reduction can also be caused by the use of certain products, for example, Brussels sprouts are recommended. Other sets of products must be agreed with the attending physician.

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