Food Poisoning

How to restore the stomach after poisoning and run it

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1 Diet as a prerequisite for the recovery of

There are several general recommendations that will help to start the stomach after poisoning. The first thing you need to pay attention to is food. At an intoxication of an organism there is a lesion of tissue structures of a gastric organ. Therefore, cells that produce the mucus and gastric juice needed for food processing need rehabilitation. During this period the patient may suffer from gastritis, pain associated with the syndrome of the nervous stomach.

Do you have gastritis?

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Picture 1

Recommended to read

  • Diet for poisoning
  • Diet for poisoning
  • First aid for poisoning
  • Effective remedy for gastritis and stomach ulcer

Thus, any damage( mechanical or chemical) of the body shells causes a repeated irritation of the system. It is best to refrain from using:

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  • acute;
  • salty;
  • fried;
  • smoked;
  • is acidic.

Recovery after poisoning is largely dependent on the quality of the products. It is important to follow the diet for several weeks( although the timing, of course, depends on the degree of intoxication).To eat it is necessary enough often( up to 6 times a day), however portions of dishes should not exceed the volume of 300 ml.

Poisoning material that enters the body leads to dehydration of vital systems. Therefore, rehabilitation requires an urgent replacement of the lost fluid. To do this, drink at least 2 liters within 24 hours. Usually in such cases, consume several glasses of water 30 minutes before meals. After a meal, it is not advisable to take any drinks for 1 hour. Thus, the stomach is properly prepared for the reception of food and its digestion. To maintain a balance of the electrolyte balance, you need mineral water.

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2 Useful and harmful products

Acute food poisoning basically lasts no more than 3 days. During this period, it is necessary to direct all efforts to remove harmful substances from the body. Therefore, any food will only interfere with this process. Most doctors recommend taking a lot of water, special medicines, sweet tea. Dry white bread is allowed. After an exacerbation in a diet introduce a thin oat or rice porridge. They have a unique property to envelop the walls of the stomach and neutralize alkalis, which are the products of decay.

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How to start the stomach after severe poisoning, appoint a gastroenterologist. However, specialists developed a general list of products that are allowed to take almost everyone:

  • buckwheat porridge;
  • puree from potatoes without cream or vegetable oil;
  • of brynza;
  • boiled or braised sea fish.

Picture 3

Do not exclude from the menu fruit in the form of bananas, baked apples. A week later, the patient's diet is expanded. He can safely eat chicken, veal, rabbit. Intoxication primarily leads to dysfunction of the digestive department. Therefore, without taking sour-milk products, you can not do.

New beneficial microorganisms, populated in organs, improve the microflora of the system. This is facilitated by the use of cottage cheese, kefir, curdled milk, yogurt. Include them in the diet should not be from the first days of defeat. Food should not be hot. After obvious signs of recovery, it is allowed to drink non-concentrated juices, kissel. It will be very difficult to start the digestive tract in the first week when using animal proteins. They are difficult to digest. A lot of harmful components are released in the body. Doctors categorically do not recommend using:

  • Gastroenterologist. VAZHENOV: "I beg you, if you began to worry about abdominal pain, heartburn, nausea, do not do gas in any way. .."
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  • canned food;
  • fresh bread;
  • sparkling water;
  • sausages;
  • millet, pearl barley;
  • baking;
  • coffee.

The patient will have a stomach ache if he takes raw berries, vegetables and fruits raw. Therefore, it is best to refrain from them. Taking alcoholic beverages and smoking are not allowed during intoxication.

3 How to accelerate the rehabilitation process?

In order to optimize the work of the body, sometimes one diet is enough. But there are many ways that you can help deal with violations faster. The doctor often recommends enzyme products. They contain enzymes. They take on the function of natural substances. Thus, all products entering the body continue to be processed. At the same time own cells gradually renew. Among the drugs are allocated Pancreatin, Penzinorm, Creon.

Do not neglect the traditional medicine. Broths of herbs will help to quickly remove from the body toxic substances and strengthen immunity. Most often use chamomile, calendula, hips, black currant leaves. And in occasion of sweet: doctors strongly do not recommend to use confectionery and other similar products, including honey. Recovery from poisoning will be much faster if you give up fatty foods. To process such products you will need a lot of gastric juice. How to recover from poisoning with painful symptoms in the liver, explains the gastroenterologist. With serious consequences, it is necessary to constantly monitor the physicians.


Korotov SV: "I can recommend only one remedy for the rapid treatment of Ulcer and Gastritis, which is now recommended by the Ministry of Health. .." Read testimonials & gt; & gt;

  • 1 Diet as a prerequisite for recovery
  • 2 Useful and harmful products
  • 3 How to accelerate the rehabilitation process?

How to restore the stomach after poisoning, will prompt a specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient. After all, the digestive system is one of the most important organs of the human body. It is through her that useful substances enter the blood and lymph. Without proper rehabilitation, the patient may develop diseases of the digestive tract and other important organs - the liver and pancreas.

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