
How to restore vision after stroke: a loss in the home, violation

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After a stroke in humans there are numerous shortcomings in the work of the body. In addition to paralysis, speech impairment, memory impairment, hearing loss, there are problems with the eyes. Therefore, in patients during rehabilitation, post-acute form of the disease of the vascular system, the question arises of how to restore vision after a stroke.

Loss of vision

Why is the loss of vision

When vascular diseases there is a violation of the brain activity, since the blood supply of the body is carried out not in full, resulting in the defeat of the brain tissue. Some cells are responsible for visual function, die. Restoration of vision - a long process. Regenerate dead cells can not be, so their task should start executing other healthy neyrokletki.

Visual impairment in stroke may be of varying severity. It depends on how much was damaged brain cells and to which areas had a devastating impact of the disease.

Loss of vision in stroke - a frequent phenomenon. In this pathology is often expressed in different ways. There may be a loss of vision in both eyes or only one, sometimes there are visual hallucinations or oculomotor disorder. However, when properly organized treatment, which is appointed by a specialist, it is likely to restore the visual function partially and even completely.

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visual impairment

How to restore vision

Restoration of vision after a stroke should be carried out under the supervision of an ophthalmologist. Treatment is complex, the result is largely due to the fact how well a patient will follow the doctor's prescription. Of great importance is the regularity of the therapy.


Restore sight to help specially selected exercises. They are easy to do at home. Before you start to follow them, you need to moisten the cornea of ​​the eye. This can be done using lukewarm water, poured into a small container. The patient should lean over it and look at the water, eyes open, then sprinkle the liquid on the face. It must be done 8-10 times, then wipe dry with a towel.

Exercises for eyes

Gymnastics for the eyes includes different exercises. For example, the patient should keep an eye blink and in this position for 4-5 seconds, then relax the muscle. Then the action is repeated several times.

You can close your eyes and put his hands on the face so that the index, middle and ring fingers were in the eyeballs. Fingers need a little press on the eyes, gently moving the lower part of the organ of vision. Such exercise improves blood circulation process.

You can not self-medicate. A suitable load rate will pick up the doctor.


To restore vision after a stroke, you should make compresses on the eyes. Eye muscles to relax and improve vascular tone by using warm and cool water. Alternately be applied to the eye tissue, soaked in a liquid at different temperatures. Hold each type compress be from 5 to 10 minutes.

Compresses for eyes

Mixtures have good effect for lotions. They are trained on the basis of honey, mint, dandelion, eyebright, etc.


To improve the visual function are widely used various devices, such as optical instruments like magnifiers. In addition, there are electronic devices, the use of which makes it possible for people who have lost their sight as a result of vascular disease, again begin to see. If the vision is lost completely, to the aid of technical means, in which the text can be read by means of tactile devices.

of drugs

Recovery vision after stroke requires mandatory use of drugs. View of the drug depends on how the disease proceeded, which had clinical manifestations. Often the basis for the treatment of taking medications that restore blood flow processes, dissolve blood clots formed, and thin the blood, preventing its high coagulation.

of drugs

Treatment may be followed by reception means which normalizes metabolism and accelerate the recovery of damaged cells. Required appointed vitamin complexes and drops for corneal hydration.

Folk remedies

During stroke rehabilitation at home you can enlist the help of traditional medicine. For example, cones of pine, spruce and cedar make effective tinctures, teas and tea. Trace elements contained in the cones, promote activation of blood, the purification vessels.

Therapeutic and prophylactic action has arnica.

It is used in the recovery of peripheral vision, which often disappears after a partial stroke.

Get rid of the double vision will help remedy made on the basis of garlic and lemon. In diseases hypertonic type Vitamin C is particularly useful because restorative way affects the blood vessels, making them flexible.

It should be remembered that some of the ingredients of traditional medicine can cause allergies in a patient, so they should be used to set doses and only under medical supervision.


If conservative methods vision is not restored, the operation can be designated. It is carried out at the same time the doctor 2: eye surgeon and a neurosurgeon. Often in the course of surgery involves the exchange of the lens that determines the presence of a second specialist.

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