
Simulators for rehabilitation after stroke: at home, feet and hands, recovery, rehabilitation, fingers, bud, Manuped, Shagonog, MOTOmed viva2, bikes

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Simulators for stroke rehabilitation needed to restore motor function, they are used in conjunction with a set of exercises. View simulator is selected with the goal of training and the area of ​​the affected muscles.

Simulators for treatment


Designed for hands. Simulators after stroke finger to help restore the functioning of the muscles at the first stage of the rehabilitation course.

After acute cerebral circulatory disorders fingers lose their mobility. To avoid this, you need to massage your hands, fingers, do the exercises therapeutic exercises. Simulator for hands after the "bud" fingers stroke develops and stimulates nerve endings.

To achieve maximum benefit from the simulator to the fingers after a stroke is possible, if the clips placed closer to the fingertips. This achieves the highest amplitude of the brush through the application of the disclosure of all the joints. Each session lasts about 30 minutes, the frequency of lessons - 2 times a day.

In addition to using the simulator for hand, on the stage of rehabilitation is recommended:

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  • collect the Rubik's cube;
  • play chess;
  • squeeze smaller items in the brush;
  • sculpt various objects of clay or plasticine.
Play chess

All of these measures help to develop motility of fingers, restore muscle.


This simulator for rehabilitation after stroke activates the upper or lower extremities. The device makes it possible to adjust the load and to assess individually the action taken.

It is indicated for:

  • severe states after apoplexy;
  • weakness in the muscles;
  • incoordination;
  • need to restore the muscles and joints of the upper and lower extremities.
The simulator Manuped

Manuped consists of a support, steering, rotating handles and pedals with locking straps. the axis of rotation of the handle connected to the drive wheel. Simulator for legs and arms is further equipped with a counter to record the number of revolutions. This allows you to use it with a decrease in muscle tone, joint diseases.

Simulator to restore limb mobility has the following advantages:

  • sliding wheel (it allows you to adjust the height in accordance with the growth of the person);
  • suitable for patients with poor mobility in the legs and hemiparesis;
  • It ensures the recovery of human mobility in a short period;
  • simulator design is made based on the best advice mechanotherapy;
  • uniform load on all the limbs.
Simulator to restore mobility


This device simulates walking for bedridden patients. It acts on the receptors of the lower extremities, prevents atrophy of the leg muscles after a long stay in a supine position. The device complements the rehabilitation activities after a stroke.

Shagonog consists of a mast, racks and power supply. It can be placed under the patient's foot lying and secure with fasteners. For the safety of the device is fixed on the side wall or headboard. Classes in this simulator to help lead the work all the muscle groups that are used during walking.

The simulator Shagonog

This simulator is made individually to the patient's foot size. To prevent injury during exercise is necessary to monitor the situation legs: limb should not be filled up to the side. You can not leave the person unattended for a period of training.

For efficient recovery should be at least 3 sessions a day for half an hour. dummy load - 700 m walking. Keep in mind that Shagonog calculated only on flexion and extension of the lower limb.

With the help of this simulator is possible to prevent paresis of the foot - it subject to the same physical strength as for normal walking. If after suffering a stroke a person can stand (even with strangers) and the more moving leg, the Shagonog not needed.

MOTOmed viva2

This orthotic device is used in both home and hospital settings to treat people with neurological disorders arising in stroke. MOTOmed viva 2 is used for training the muscles of the upper and lower extremities with integrated motor. Depending on the state of a person can be engaged without a motor, relying on its own strength.

Patient or medical staff installs the MOTOmed viva 2 preset parameters. The device has additional features needed to improve training effectiveness. working with this trainer security systems provide "Spasm Control" and "protection movements."

MOTOmed viva2

Training simulator possibilities:

  • passive muscle training with use of the motor (it performs motion limbs);
  • active exercise, a motor supported (as can train weakened patients);
  • active exercise, in which the pedal rotation is performed by the muscular strength of the patient.

The simulator has handles that are located so that a person was convenient to stay in the classroom. They provide a proper rest hand, if the patient has problems with sensitivity and balance.

To be most effective course of rehabilitation is necessary to use the simulator for half an hour 2-3 times a day.

Exercise Bikes

Apply common after stroke exercise bike at home is dangerous, because a person can fall from the seat and getting hurt. For effective rehabilitation will need to purchase a special device for muscle training.

If a person is in a serious condition, his paralyzed limbs, he needs a bike with an electric drive. The simulator operates in automatic and manual mode. When in automatic mode, the pedal spinning themselves and move limbs attached to the device.

If the patient can sit, make their own movement, then buy a mechanical device without a built-in motor.

When using the bike it is necessary to adhere to these guidelines:

  • First training duration should not exceed 10 minutes during the day. The pace should be slow or medium. The load is increased gradually - for a few minutes per week.
  • Gymnastics must first be passive. In the future, you need to gradually add active exercises at home after stroke.
  • Exercise should be regular. You can not deviate from the established schedule.
  • To be most effective training device should be used under the supervision of a specialist or to engage in a rehabilitation center.

Regular measurement of pulse and pressure during exercise training mode allows you to adjust and achieve a greater effect.

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