
Restoring hands after stroke: exercise at home, fine motor skills, the left does not work, gymnastics, paralyzed, rehabilitation, brush

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Stroke is accompanied by acute disturbance of blood supply to the brain tissues. Its effects are often paralysis of limbs, making a person disabled. Recovery hands after stroke possible when carrying out comprehensive treatment. The effectiveness of therapy depends on the degree of brain tissue damage.

Hands after illness

The causes of the problems with hand mobility

If the stroke does not work the left hand, the reasons may lie in the following states:

  • Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the brain areas responsible for the functioning of the limbs;
  • the presence of thrombi in the systemic circulation;
  • isolation and displacement of atherosclerotic plaques, which cover the major blood vessels, depriving the blood supply to the limbs;
  • postoperative complications (right hand may not work after purification by carotid atherosclerotic deposits);
  • injury of the cervical region;
  • jumps in blood pressure, leading to rupture of cerebral arteries.

How to restore the arm after a stroke

The goal of rehabilitation - to teach the patient to cope with the consequences of attacks and live a normal life. With the help of special exercises for the arms return the usual skills, drugs normalize brain function, eliminating signs of paralysis. The duration of therapy depends on reducing severity of the disease. Perform exercises regularly to keep all doctor's prescription.

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Arm exercises


Arm exercises after stroke at home are the following areas:

  • To restore the mobility of the shoulder. The weighting takes the arm, holding the limb straight, lift it up and quickly lowered. Exercise is repeated for the second hand. On the day of performing 10 sets. Should rise to the height of the shoulder and pulled back. Actions carried out at least 10 times.
  • For the development of the elbow. Leaning forward, elbows retracted. Erect hand take a dumbbell, the limb is bent and straightened again. Operate on 10 sets for each side. The weighting agent is taken in hand, which is bent at the elbow and abruptly straighten.
  • Recovery of fine motor hand. Dumbbells take in hands, elbows kept bent at a right angle. Palms turned upward at first, then down. Exercise for the brush needs to be done 10 times. Palm turned down, while holding dumbbells. Keep your elbows bent. Raise only the brush, leaving the rest of the limbs without movement.
  • Exercises to restore the entire hand. While in a sitting position, hands placed on his knees, the fingers are arranged and raised them one by one. Hands turn palms up, the action is repeated. In the same starting position raise your fingers and rotate them.

To be most effective exercises should be done after a stroke at least 1 time per day.


Together with weighting, and rubber bands for restoration of hand motor function after stroke simulators may be used:

  • Rubik's Cube. Restores the function of the fingers, it strengthens the muscles of the hands, and normalizes motility. The use of this device enables activation of several muscle groups.
  • Plasticine or constructors with small details. Training with these objects accelerate the recovery of limb function after a stroke.
  • Checkers and chess. These games not only improve motor skills of the fingers, but also increase the intellectual capacities.
Rubik's Cube

Small movements after acute stroke are the most difficult. Therefore, during partial paralysis encouraged to collect puzzles, shift scattered over a solid surface or bead matches.

folk ways

Folk remedies have a positive impact not only on the paralyzed arm, but also the entire body. considered the most effective:

  • Coniferous ointment. To prepare the take leafs 6 parts, 6 parts of pine needles, the same number of branches spruce and 12 parts of lard. Leaves, needles and twigs are ground to a powder, the fat melt. The components are mixed until homogenous. The ointment applied to the affected limb 2-3 times a day.
  • Rubbing of leafs. Preparing this means no less than 2 months. 100 g of crushed leafs and pour 200 ml sunflower oil. The drug insist 60-90 days and then filtered. Tool used for grinding paralyzed hands 2-3 times a day.

Along with the aforementioned pharmaceutical agents used tincture of arnica, Sophora japonica, motherwort and mint. They normalize the function of the nervous system, increases the body's resistance.

Taking medicines

Restore limb function help following medicines:

  • Baclofen. The drug affects the brain function by inhibiting the transmission of signals that cause muscle contractions. With the introduction of the drug disappear spasms, muscle tension and pain, hand mobility returns.
  • Tizanidine. The drug acts similarly to baclofen, but the effect does not last more than 6 hours. The drug is not applicable for the therapy and for temporarily removing signs of paralysis.
  • Benzodiazepines (Klonopin). Solutions relaxes muscles and eliminates cramps. Treatment of these funds is symptomatic.
  • Botox injections. The substance quickly eliminates spasms, promoting long-term relaxation of the tissue.
  • Phenol. Is introduced into the vertebral canal or intramuscularly. The drug eliminates the abnormal muscle contractions.
Botox injections

Treatment of post-stroke complications of medical facilities should take place under the supervision of a neurologist. The doctor selects a dose and dosage regimen of the preparation. Self-nomination therapy may worsen the condition of the person.


Work paralyzed limb is fully restored in 50% of patients. 30% of patients are disabled, in need of help. Such observed in the absence of movement in the year after the attack. Poor prognosis and is considered when re-occurrence of a stroke.

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