
Stroke in elderly women: symptoms, early signs, in 80 years, forecasts, extensive consequences, the chances of survival, the right side, people, treatment

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If you notice symptoms of a stroke, the first signs in older women it is important to recognize in time, otherwise the disease can lead to irreversible consequences.

Heart pain in women

Who is at risk

Stroke occurs heavily in the elderly. Pathology can develop if a person has the following problems:

  • developing rheumatism;
  • vasculitis various etiology;
  • diabetes;
  • aortic aneurysm and brain vessels;
  • blood problems, including aplastic anemia, leukemia, thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • acute infections;
  • Poisoning by combustion products;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • Systematic smoking and consumption of alcoholic beverages;
  • high cholesterol content (the critical parameter - above 5.5 mmol / L);
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • constant stress, leading to nervous breakdown;
  • transferred cerebral stroke;
  • the use of salt in large quantities.
developing rheumatism

The main cause of stroke in elderly - high blood pressure that develops as a result of problems with blood vessels and the kidney, disorders of the endocrine system.

If among the young and middle age the risk of stroke in men 30% higher than in women, after 60 years, the disease develops, regardless of gender.

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What are the symptoms

Stroke in the elderly hemorrhage occurs not violently, so early symptoms can be seen not just because of their low severity. At the start of the blood and body temperature in most cases is not changed. Hemorrhagic stroke can be recognized by hemorrhage eyeground, and the investigation of cerebrospinal fluid is detected blood in the CSF.

Symptoms of stroke elderly women:

  • the first sign of cerebrovascular accident - sudden severe headache on one side of the head, which is combined with nausea and vomiting;
  • there is an infringement of view, there is a double vision, a person can not focus his eyes;
  • face reddens;
  • at cerebral stroke manifest limb weakness on the right or left side;
  • skewed face when trying to smile or open your mouth;
  • abrupt pressure jump;
  • increased heart rate;
  • semiconscious state, while there is a clouding of consciousness;
  • People can not easily swallow a liquid;
  • disturbed coordination of movements and orientation in space.
face reddens

Signs of older women stroke may change, but if they are detected in time it is necessary to hospitalize the patient, to assist and prevent the development of irreversible effects that can lead to disability or of death.

The first symptoms in women should not be ignored by the relatives and friends. After 60 years of poor circulation in the brain can be unpredictable. The following resistant signs of stroke:

  • body paralysis on the right or left side, immobility of facial muscles;
  • in the arm or leg appears tingling, sensitivity of the skin is broken, there is numbness of certain areas;
  • memory lapses occur;
  • sick difficulty pronouncing words, language skills are completely lost;
  • a woman can not move an arm or leg;

If bleeding has occurred in the left hemisphere, the patient loses the ability to think, is not oriented in the room carries the unconscious movement, can not recognize family and loved ones. She can not hold a glass in his hand, make small movements.

How to treat

Man is treated for stroke in a hospital, where constant supervision is provided. The following activities are carried out in the course of therapy:

  1. It eliminated the reason that caused the stroke. This may be a sharp rise in pressure in hypertension, atherosclerosis, ischemia, kidney problems. The patient's condition is stabilized with the help of drugs.
  2. Restores blood flow. For this purpose means that thin the blood and eliminates the vasospasm. But if there was a hemorrhagic stroke, in which there is severe bleeding, and blood vessel walls are broken, it is necessary to reduce blood pressure in the vessels.
  3. Assigned means to improve the tone of vascular walls.
  4. Normal blood pressure with drugs administered to the blood.
  5. Accepted diuretics that lower blood pressure and prevent brain swelling.
Normal blood pressure

Stroke in the elderly are assigned funds to support the work of the heart and reduce cholesterol in the blood. The treatment includes diet, which must be strictly observed. Also corrected the image of human life.

The consequences and what the chances of survival

The chances of survival after a stroke and will recover in the following cases:

  • hematoma in the brain tissue, formed as a result of hemorrhage, is small, and it confirmed the survey;
  • during the first 5 days after the stroke, a person does not lose consciousness;
  • there are no problems with the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • no blood pressure variations, it is held normally.

Stroke after 80 years gives disappointing forecast. Recovery is slow and depends on which hemisphere of the brain affected.

If a person is paralyzed right side, it means that the hemorrhage occurred in the left hemisphere. Stroke on the right side forecasts favorable because the diagnosis is made quickly and treatment started immediately. Determine the pathology can be on the main feature: in this case, there is an infringement of speech function.

When the lesion in the right hemisphere completely or partially paralyzed the left side of the body. In this case, may be disrupted some internal organs. The stroke left side It is shown by the following features:

  • going left eye paralysis or loss of vision;
  • ear broken partially or completely;
  • left arm and leg immobilized completely or partially, one can not estimate the distance from the hand to any subject;
  • there is a change in facial expression, as many facial muscles are paralyzed;
  • aggression, falling into a depression, disruptive behavior;
  • the patient does not distinguish between colors and shades.
It does not distinguish between colors and shades

the central department of brain damage entails complete paralysis of the limbs. Hemorrhage in the parietal part is an infringement in the perception of heat and cold, the patient can not feel pain.

How many are living after a stroke depends on its type. ischemic attacks Patients suffer more easily after their chances of survival are 75%.

Dangerous hemorrhagic stroke in the elderly. Survive after him can not hit 65% even at the time the assistance provided. Already in the first month after the haemorrhage the mortality rate is 20-25%. The reason for this - the complications that come in after the attack. In most cases, develop brain swelling, pneumonia, exacerbated by problems with the heart and kidneys.

After the first attack in man likely to survive and recover as much as possible ahead after the second stroke.

How to avoid

Avoid a stroke in older women can help the following tips:

  1. Constantly monitor the blood pressure levels. Increased blood pressure - the first sign of Pre-stroke conditions.
  2. Conduct diabetes prevention. People suffering from this disease, high risk of stroke because of problems with blood vessels.
  3. Do not include in your daily diet of foods rich in cholesterol, which is deposited on the walls of blood vessels and clog them, creating conditions for hemorrhage.
  4. Keep track of your body weight. Extra weight cause the development of diseases in which the stroke (diabetes, hypertension) can occur.
  5. Conduct a correct way of life, to completely abandon the use of alcohol, smoking, to observe the regime of the day and food.
  6. Avoid the use of hormonal preparations, as they increase the risk of blood clots.
  7. Do not self-medicate. Uncontrolled reception medicines may cause irreversible reactions of the body, a sharp jump of AD and stroke. Any drug can be taken only on doctor's advice.

For an elderly person stroke represents a great danger to life. Early treatment can help avoid irreversible consequences.

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