
What pressure stroke: can be low, normal, women, high, male, why jump, blood

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To warn of the pathological process is necessary to know how much pressure in stroke develops, and what to do in case of risk of its occurrence. Cerebral vessel rupture can occur when both hypertension and on a background of low pressure. Hypertension is most dangerous due to the high likelihood of developing ischemic complications. Necrosis of neuronal cells can develop in people with normal blood pressure (BP).

brain stroke

Communication pressure and stroke

Stroke develops in violation of cerebral circulation. As a result of deteriorating vision and work of the vestibular apparatus, there is a depression of the speech center develops muscle weakness. to provoke cause of stroke (Thrombus with subsequent rupture of the vessel) may be unstable pressure, in particular arterial hypertension, in which figures pressure above 140 over 90 mmHg. Art.

The pressure stroke and may be low - progressive attenuate hypotension flow walls, resulting in the rupture of the vascular endothelium with subsequent cerebral hemorrhage.

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With unstable pressure, the risk of stroke increases against the backdrop of the following factors:

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • high cholesterol, atherosclerotic plaques;
  • diabetes;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • smoking, alcoholism;
  • physical and psychological strain;
  • elderly age;
  • heart failure;
  • vascular disease;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • frequent migraines.
frequent migraine

Diagnose pathology in time allow the typical symptoms associated with dysmotility and coordination of the skeletal muscles, and pressure indicators. Recent differ by gender. With the development of these values ​​need to immediately call an ambulance.

Floor Hypertension mmHg. Art. Hypotension mm Hg. Art.
Pressure norm of stroke in women 160-180/80-120 120-130/75-80
men 150-180/80-110 120-130/76-80

What pressure stroke can be

Identify prematurely, for any value of BP stroke can occur, it is impossible, because the body of each person has individual characteristics. At the risk of disease in 65% of cases it does not affect the stable indicator of pressure, and its sharp rise. A person with normal blood pressure values ​​may occur due to a sudden stroke of hypertensive crisis.

Strong emission circulating blood volume can cause rupture of cerebral artery. In such a situation requires urgent action, because it increases the likelihood of stroke manifest. If the vessel in the brain burst with high blood pressure and heart palpitations, you may experience acute hemorrhage. Hemorrhagic stroke can lead to brain edema.

measure pressure

Low blood pressure does not exclude the possibility of developing disorders of cerebral circulation. In the case of slow blood pressure, low blood volume and bradycardia disturbed brain tissue trophism. Neurons cease to receive the necessary amount of energy. The cells begin to die due to lack of oxygen.

Seizures stroke occur even in healthy people with a sudden jump in blood pressure in stressful situations. Pressure stroke in men rises more often than women.

with hypertension

People with high blood pressure are 4-6 times more likely to occur stroke, and increases the risk of severe complications, especially in the presence of chronic hypertension on the background of an unhealthy lifestyle. Progressive disease is the cause of atherosclerotic vascular endothelial changes. When the cholesterol plaques occurs obstruction of the great arteries. As a result of increased afterload on the heart and increases the pressure on the blood vessels throughout the body. Vascular wall small-diameter thinned and weakened the arteries, blood thickens.

In this situation, an increased risk of thrombus formation, followed by a break in the blood vessels that deliver oxygen and nutrients to the brain neurons. Sustained high blood pressure numbers in case of chronic hypertension can cause acute insufficiency of cerebral circulation. After ischemic stroke occurs. In order to prevent further progression of pathology is required to treat permanently regardless of the presence or absence of symptomatic picture.

To choose the right products for medical therapy to stabilize blood pressure can only physician. Specialist examines the patient and assesses the state on the basis of surveys. The cardiologist will explain how much pressure is in stroke, prescribe appropriate recommendations for the prevention of disease. If you follow all the instructions of antihypertensive treatment, in most cases, ischemia does not occur.

Rupture of the vessel in the brain occurs in diseases of the arteries that feed the retina. Therefore, in order to avoid the occurrence of stroke risk is carried out fundus examination and microangiopathy.

If hypotension

On the question of whether to be a low pressure stroke, cardiologists respond affirmatively. In this case, the increase in rates of blood pressure against the lowered pressure causes more complications than patients with chronic hypertension. If hypotension increases the risk of death.

Pressure during illness

Stroke under reduced pressure is caused not thrombosis, pathological process occurs due to insufficient blood flow to the brain neurons. The cells begin to die on the background of hypoxia and nutrient deficiency. Therefore, when the pressure can not immediately take strong antihypertensive drugs.

Low pressure stroke can trigger relapse occurrence. By reducing blood pressure in a human who has had a cerebral vessel rupture, deteriorating blood circulation in the affected area. In such a situation it is impossible to conduct stem cell therapy, update neurons and restore lost functions. On the re-development of necrosis of brain cells in the background of hypotension indicates disorder facial expressions.

Violation of the facial muscles, loss of cognitive functions or the appearance of paresthesias not associated with damage to the cranial nerves. In ischemic diseases in the brain neurons begin to die, because of which decreases a functional activity of peripheral and autonomic nervous system. The latter is responsible for the normal functioning of organs. When her defeat a stroke complicated by motility disorders of smooth muscles.

At normal pressure,

Many people wonder whether there can be a stroke under normal pressure. Acute impairment of cerebral circulation can develop regardless of such factors as blood pressure. In addition to blood pressure, the condition of cerebral arteries affects:

  • vascular health of the cervical spine;
  • hormone release;
  • psycho-emotional overstrain;
  • central nervous system;
  • Functional activity of the adrenal cortex.
central nervous system

If BP readings normally comprise 110 to 70 mm Hg. Art., but under the influence of stress factors they rise above 150-160 mmHg. Art. - a sign of hypertensive crisis, as a result of which may cause ischemia.

Pressure in stroke between the diastole and systole periods should be greater than 40 units. Otherwise developing apoplexy.

What to do

In the event of a stroke stroke increases the likelihood of a favorable outcome of the correct first aid. In the case of specific symptoms should immediately call an ambulance. Before the arrival of medical personnel is important to control blood pressure parameters.

At a high value exceeding the period of systole 180 mm Hg. Art., should not be given antihypertensive drugs. With such a blood pressure level of healthy cells near the lesion will be fully supplied with oxygen and nutrients. If timely treatment they will help restore lost function.

Increase pressure - a compensatory response of the body, focused on the protection of brain functional activity. If the blood pressure parameters are stored for 12 hours at the same level, the risk of complications, and increases the chance for a full rehabilitation.

In some cases, systolic tonometer values ​​fall below 160 mm Hg. Art. This marks the beginning of an irreversible necrosis of tissue. The body can not recover the damaged cells by necrosis, a high probability of death.

In order to prevent the omission of AD, you must provide first aid during the first 4-5 hours after the onset of stroke. Before the arrival of doctors required to perform the following steps.

If the person is conscious In a swoon
Translate the victim in a horizontal position. the patient lay on a flat surface and lift your head off the floor using the pillows to 30 °
Raise the head with the help of available funds by 30 ° from the floor. It is necessary for the outflow of blood from the cranial cavity and to prevent swelling of the brain tissue. Measure heart rate, blood pressure. Physicians need to inform about lowering or sudden pressure drops.
Measure heart rate and blood pressure values, to convey the necessary information to doctors. If you experience difficulty breathing the victim need to throw back his head, opened his mouth and move the lower jaw forward. If you perform these steps does not work, turn the head to one side. In this position, the patient can not accidentally swallow the tongue.
It is forbidden to give the patient food and fluid. If necessary, you need to clean the victim's mouth from vomit.

What pressure should be after stroke

For 6-12 months after stroke pressure must be maintained in a stable condition. This is necessary to prevent a recurrence. Maximum allowable systolic blood pressure should not exceed 140 mm Hg. v. if the person suffers from hypertension. If the pressure jumps, needed urgent hospitalization.

In this case, the patient must take an active part in the treatment and comply with all recommendations of the physician to increase the effectiveness of treatment. If a person ignores the medication, in 88-90% of cases, the work is not restored nervous system. In view of a possible recurrence of stroke high pressure developed after stroke is unacceptable - such indicators should be stabilized as soon as possible.

recovery period can be reduced while ensuring the normal blood supply to the brain cells. To this end, the values ​​of blood pressure should be maintained in the range 120-130 by 80-90 mm Hg. Art. Resuscitators recommend the sudden displacement of indicators to call an ambulance immediately.

In some cases, after the discharge negative pressure is observed, especially in paralyzed patients. Such people are in serious condition and are a still life. Ultra allowable value - 90 at 60 mm Hg. Art. When deletion of indicators below develops collapse, it increases the risk of death. The characteristic symptom of stroke recurrence in such patients is sharply rising pulse followed by a rapid decline.

The complexity of the treatment of hypotension after stroke is ineffective medication. Can be used in the intensive care department of epinephrine or phenylephrine. In case of hypertension can introduce 25% magnesium sulfate solution.

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