
Sore arm paralyzed after a stroke, why, what to do, limbs, leg muscles, treatment

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Some patients notice that the sore arm paralyzed after a stroke. Unpleasant sensations arise from the incident have ischemic or hemorrhagic lesions. The pain of this nature does not belong to the forerunners of the disease. Pathological process includes upper and lower limbs, bringing a person very uncomfortable.

paralyzed hand

Why sore arm or leg

The main cause of pain in the muscles of stroke is considered paresis. The mechanism of pain include:

  • disappearance of reactions to pain, temperature and tactile feedback;
  • muscle paralysis, because of which the limb becomes completely immobile and insensitive;
  • the gradual recovery of nerve function, in which the brain begins to send electrical pulses to the nerves of hands and feet;
  • attempts to bring the muscle fibers in the motion accompanied by moderate pain.

types of pain

The following types of pain after stroke:

  • central;
  • peripheral;
  • local (pain in this case are not connected with the origin of the stroke).
paralyzed leg


Neuropathic pain in stroke occurs against a background of circulatory disorders of certain brain structures. Unpleasant sensations have different degrees of severity and character. In paralizoannyh limbs after a stroke appear tingling, burning, nagging pain or paresthesia. attack duration also varies. Sometimes discomfort present for several days, which aggravates the already weakened organism. Post stroke pain central character is determined by the sensitivity to temperature.

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Pain in the hand of the peripheral nature occur within 4-5 weeks. The pains are a sign of recovery limb muscle function. What causes discomfort: stroke broken pulses pass musculo-ligamentous structures, and in the recovery period brain signals begin to flow again. Muscle contractions are accompanied by intense pain.

peripheral pain

What to do

Many patients wonder what medications can help and what to do if a sore arm after a stroke. To eliminate discomfort used:

  1. Drugs. Standard post-stroke pain relievers when pain syndrome ineffective, so the patient is prescribed antidepressants (Cymbalta and amitriptillin) or anticonvulsants (gabapentin). Discomfort disappear only after 1-2 months after initiation of treatment. The circuit of drug therapy may include post-stroke relaxants (Baklosan, Mydocalm) eliminating muscle spasm.
  2. Physiotherapy (magnetic therapy, laser treatment, electrophoresis). These methods of treatment of pain in muscles increase the efficiency of drugs. They are based on the influence of electric current stimulating paralyzed tissue.
  3. Massage. It is aimed at improving blood circulation in the affected limbs. Massage start to do immediately after the stabilization of the patient's condition (5-7 days after the attack). Begin with light stroking movements. You can not have a strong effect on the muscles. As the recovery of functions of finite intensity of massage movements increase. The course of treatment consists of 15-20 procedures.
  4. Exercise therapy. Special exercises are effective only after the restoration of physiological processes. Classes eliminate pain and improve overall health. If a person has a sore arm or leg after a stroke, high load contraindicated. A set of exercises designed to develop several muscle groups when the need to monitor the uniformity of the load. Classes should be held under the supervision of a specialist.
  5. Bath with a decoction of herbs. 3 tbsp. sage, camomile or needles poured 2 liters of boiling water. Pushing means 2 hours and then poured into a bath with 30 liters of water. In the water are 20-30 minutes.

A person suffering from pain after a stroke, it is necessary to change the position of the body on a regular basis, to perform passive exercise and breathing exercises.

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