
After a stroke dizzy: what to do, dizziness, treatment, clean, ischemic, how to get rid why microstroke

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People with a history of cerebrovascular accident, complain that after a stroke dizzy, and what to do to relieve the pain, many do not know. Especially characteristic of this phenomenon after ischemic stroke. Doctors explain the consequences of the appearance of pain disorders in the vascular and vestibular systems.

whirling head

Why dizzy

Dizziness stroke - the sudden damage to the vestibular system and its linkages to other parts of the brain. The vestibular system consists of a central, located in the brain and peripheral situated in the inner ear. These systems are connected by the vestibular nerve. After a stroke in which there is a disturbance work vessels in the brain, reduced oxygen transfer process, which affects the vestibular apparatus.

Dizziness often occurs after vascular injury in cerebellar brain. If the patient has been observed before the stroke, low blood pressure, frequent headaches, migraine attacks, mini-strokes, in the future these problems will progress.

Sometimes the disorder in the vestibular apparatus begins on day 3 after a stroke, this time may occur and severe headaches. Women suffer from it more often than men. Often dizziness provoked by external causes:

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  • stress and depression, which are developed under the influence of fear of being disabled after a stroke;
  • drugs based curantyl or dipyridamole, taken after a stroke;
  • meteosensitivity when the atmospheric pressure fluctuations affect the human condition, causing headache and dizziness.
Stress and depression

Internal causes of vertigo symptoms:

  • atherosclerotic changes in cerebral vessels;
  • necrosis and atrophy of nerve endings;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, causing headaches, tension, and as a consequence of cervical vertigo.

How to get rid of vertigo

Complete rest, normalization of night sleep will help restore health. To reduce the frequency of dizziness after stroke, if the treatment has ended, can walking outdoors, phytotherapy, aromatherapy. Once the disease should follow some rules:

  • Exercising to strengthen the heart muscle, slow walking on the street to help stay in shape;
  • regular monitoring of blood sugar levels;
  • hot showers and warm baths help to improve blood circulation;
  • Physiotherapy eases problems with the head;
  • acupressure and massage therapy have a beneficial effect on the body;
  • hydrating the body, which is carried out using 8-10 glasses of water drunk during the day; the water may be combined with fresh juices.

It brings great benefit to dietary treatment. At a high level of cholesterol is necessary to change the principles of nutrition. We must strive to reduce the consumption of meat and consumed products should contain low levels of saturated fat. High-calorie foods can replace foods containing complex carbohydrates, or fish. We need to avoid saturated oils such as palm, using unsaturated: olive or walnut. Increasing the amount of fiber in your diet can help lower cholesterol.

Good help in the development of vestibular exercises on the implementation of which can be given only 10 minutes a day:

  1. Turns head turns to the left, right, up and down. For safety, it is necessary during the exercise to lean against the back of a chair or a strong hold on him.
  2. Movements of the head to the left and right while walking. For the safety of exercise is best done in conjunction with another person who will insure from falling. Complicate exercise can be doing the same movements, but climbing the stairs, holding the railing.
  3. Movements of the head to the left, right, up and down, lying in bed.
  4. Standing up and crouching on a chair. Alternately sit down and stand up, turning the torso to the side, - first to one and then to another.
  5. Smooth throwing the head up and down in a sitting position.
  6. Exercise ball. Doing standing forward bends, holding the ball outstretched hands and moving them up and down.
head turns

For patients with dizziness important gradual rising after morning awakening.


Dizziness, headaches can be removed after an ischemic stroke by using drugs to improve cerebral blood flow.

Therapy, cerebral circulation improver include such drugs:

  1. Aspirin. The adoption of 50 mg per day reduces the incidence of stroke by about 30%, while high doses increase the risk of gastrointestinal bleeding.
  2. Ticlopidine (tiklid). This medication is similar to aspirin, but a little more efficiently.
  3. Coumadin (Warfarin). The effectiveness of this drug is controversial, but in medical practice it is used for treating patients who can not take aspirin.
  4. Heparin. This drug is used intravenously in a hospital with stroke frequently repeated attacks.
Aspirin tablets

There are oral new generation anticoagulants: Dabigatran, Edoksaban, Rivaroxaban and apixaban.

Well it helps reducing cerebrovascular dietary treatment carried out for at least 6 months.

After much research, it became clear that it is possible to treat vascular diseases of the brain and using statin drugs that reduce cholesterol levels.

Folk remedies

Dizziness after stroke is possible to stop and methods of traditional medicine. But cooked teas, tinctures, improve blood circulation, do not cancel the medication. They are used as an adjuvant.

How to get rid of dizziness after stroke using herbs and home infusions, decoctions:

  1. Medicine. Mix 1 tbsp. l. hawthorn, wild rose, motherwort. Pour boiling water and leave to infuse for a day. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. Course duration - 3 months.
  2. Broth. Handful of fresh spruce needles with sprigs brew in a thermos in 1 liter of boiling water and infuse overnight. In the morning add the peeled sliced ​​lemon and infuse for 2 hours. Drink entire infusion for 3 times, taking it for 1 hour before eating or 2 hours after eating. Course - 10 days.
  3. Tincture of garlic. With frequent dizziness can drink garlic tincture: 100 grams of garlic, pour alcohol and infuse for 14 days, then take 20 drops diluted in milk daily.
  4. The seeds of almonds and pumpkin. Stir in pumpkin seeds and almonds 12 with 3 tbsp. l. wheat. Soak the mixture in water overnight, then turn it into a paste, chopped finely. Add 2 pieces. dry cloves, and then boil the pasta and milk. To improve the taste, you can add a little sugar. There are a little over a week.
  5. Ginger. Ginger tea drunk or eaten a small piece of raw ginger - a time-tested remedy for dizziness and nausea. Ginger stimulates blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body, which helps to reduce the intensity of vertigo.
  6. Mistletoe. Brewed leaves of the plant help in starting an attack of vertigo.
  7. Melissa. Spicy aroma of this herb is added to the tea, can reduce the tension in the vessels of the brain.
  8. Oranges. Fruits contain bioflavonoids and vitamin C in large amounts, so improve blood circulation and strengthens the capillary walls.
  9. Watermelon and cantaloupe. These fruits prevent the formation of plaques in the same way as garlic, because they contain lycopene.

In addition, it is possible to massage the frontal and temporal regions of the head that when dizziness is considered an effective method of self-medication. Do it better in the prone position on a daily basis for 10 minutes.

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