
Shingles: photos, symptoms and treatment in adults

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The herpes virus is becoming familiar to more and more people. Most often, people who do not have medical education, associate herpes infection with eruptions on the lips.

However, it's worth knowing - one type of virus, namely herpes zoster, can cause chickenpox in children and shingles in adults.

In this case, unlike chickenpox, herpes zoster( lichen) is a rather painful disease. And if chickenpox in children passes without any treatment with the formation of a stable immunity, then the herpes zoster can recur many times and requires urgent treatment.

Knowledge of the first symptoms of herpes zoster, an effective scheme of treatment of the disease in humans and preventive measures will protect against complications and accelerate recovery.


  • 1 Shingles - what is it?
    • 1.1 Is it herpes zoster or is it contagious?
    • 1.2 What is the danger of herpes zoster?
  • 2 Shingles symptoms for stages, photos
  • 3 Treatment of shingles in adults, preparations
    insta story viewer
    • 3.1 Can I swim in herpes zoster?
    • 3.2 How long are the pains from herpes zoster?
    • 3.3 Complications of

Shingles - what is it?


photos of the rash

Shingles - what is it?

Herpes zoster virus first enters the body in cases of chicken pox disease. Elimination of varicose veins does not mean the death of an infectious agent. The virus is kept by the immune system in a weakened state and is constantly in the body after chickenpox.

Shingles is an external manifestation of the herpes virus, activated against a background of decreased immunity. The disease is registered only in people who have recovered from chicken pox!

Activations of the herpes zoster are facilitated by:

  • hypothermia,
  • transferred ARI or influenza( any other disease leading to a dramatic weakening of immunity),
  • stresses,
  • visit to the solarium or prolonged exposure to the sun,
  • oncology and radiation therapy,
  • severe infections -HIV,
  • long-term administration of corticosteroid and treatment with immunosuppressants,
  • pregnancy( often the disease proceeds without skin rashes and severe pain, but negatively affects fetal development).

Is it herpes zoster or is it contagious?

Tinea is an infection. Therefore, the answer to the question of the infectiousness of the disease is unambiguous: yes, infectious .However, the incidence of herpes infection occurs according to the following rules:

  • A person who was not previously sick with chickenpox( usually a child) gets sick with chickenpox after about 21 days after contact with herpes zoster.
  • Symptoms of shingles in adults - a characteristic rash on the body( see photos), severe pain along the nerves, influenza-like condition - occur only in people with chickenpox who have a weak immunity.
  • The risk of contracting a herpes infection directly depends on the consistency of immunity: the weaker the immunity, the higher the probability of the disease.

Often, shingles are diagnosed in older adults with marked physiological extinction of all body functions, including immune defense. However, the appearance of herpetic eruptions on the body of a teenager is not ruled out.

Infection with shingles occurs by airborne and contact( liquid bubbles contains large amounts of the virus) through.

What is the danger of herpes zoster?

danger of shingles Skin rashes are not the most terrible manifestation of the disease. Herpes zoster is dangerous because it damages the peripheral nerves.

Being in the nerve endings, the virus in the active state destroys their structure, thereby causing unbearable pain in herpes zoster and a variety of neurological complications.

Shingles symptoms in stages, photos of

Symptoms of shingles in adults, photo

shingles in adults, photos of

Symptoms of shingles on the head and face

rash character on the head and face

Watery vesicles on the body, complaints of severe pain and decreased performance - this is how shingles appear in the opinion of many people.

However, this pattern is observed only at the height of the disease, the onset of herpes infection is not accompanied by a skin rash, and therefore is often perceived as a common cold.


  • The initial stage of shingles ( influenza-like)

Shingles herpes begins acutely. Suddenly, there is malaise, joint and muscle pains, a slight increase in temperature.

However, other symptoms interfere with the flu-like picture: itching and burning appear on the skin, where herpetic eruptions will soon appear( along the nerves, for example, along the costal arches).This symptomatology is observed for 1.5-4 days.

  • Stage of skin rashes

First, pale pink spots with fuzzy boundaries and a diameter of 2-5 mm appear in the course of the nerve damaged by the virus. Against their background, bubbles with a transparent liquid appear very quickly, regional lymph nodes increase. During the following week, the number of small vesicles increases significantly.

Shingles look like a cluster of yellowish vesicles on one side of the trunk, as if encircling it. However, often herpetic eruptions appear on the face( part of the face innervated by the trigeminal nerve).

It is during this period that the most vivid clinical picture is observed: high temperature to 38-39ºС, unbearable burning pain, severe itching.

This condition can last up to 3 weeks, the duration of the disease depends on the degree of immunodeficiency. The intensification of pain during movement, contact of the skin with clothing seriously affects the overall well-being( nervousness, insomnia), and the patient's ability to work.

  • Stage of involution( formation of crusts)

Gradually the liquid in herpetic vesicles grows turbid, they begin to dry out with the formation of yellow / brownish crusts. In their place in the normal course of the disease, a slight pigmentation remains for some time. However, the pain does not subside.

The typical course of herpes zoster is described above. Sometimes the disease gives an atypical clinical picture:

  • Abortive form - there is no stage of formation of watery vesicles. Against the background of the absence of skin rash, the pain is as intense.
  • Bullous form - enlarged vesicles merge to form large diameter blisters.
  • Hemorrhagic form - deep destruction of tissues with damage to the capillaries of the skin leads to the filling of the vials with blood. Healing occurs with the formation of scars and dimples on the skin.
  • Gangrenous form - in the place of the blisters deep ulcers are formed. The healing is prolonged, as a result, in their place, gross scars are formed.

Treatment of shingles in adults, drugs

Treatment of herpes zoster in adults with acyclovir Timely treatment of herpes zoster in adults will help to quickly remove painful symptoms and prevent the development of complications. In the complex of medical deprivation therapy are drugs:

  • Antiviral agents( acyclovir, valaciclovir, penciclovir, famciclovir) - in tablets and ointments. Drugs affect the cause of the herpes zoster - the herpes virus. However, they do not kill the infection, but only inactivate it. The greatest effectiveness of antiviral therapy is achieved when starting Acyclovir in the first 3 days of the disease. The course of treatment is 10 days.
  • To reduce pain in herpes zoster, NSAIDs( Meloxicam, Nimesil, Naproxen) and ointments with lidocaine are used. With unbearable pain, often novocaine blockade of the damaged nerve.
  • For the normalization of sleep and the removal of nervous tension - hypnotics, sedatives.
  • Antihistamines( Suprastin, Tavegil, etc.) - reduce the itching.
  • Infusion therapy - IV infusion of Ringer's solution and 5% glucose with simultaneous intake of diuretics perfectly eliminate symptoms of intoxication.
  • Local effect - diamond greens and Fukarcin for skin treatment( antiseptic and weak drying effect), Solcoseryl ointment for quick healing( used in the regression stage or with difficult healing ulcers).
  • Antibiotics( Gentamicin, Rifampicin, Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Oxacillin) - are advisable only in cases of attachment of bacterial infection and the development of pyoderma. Used in the form of ointments and tablets, in severe cases - in / in Ribavirin, Cycloferon IM.
  • Vitimanotherapy - vitamins of group B will prevent the destruction of the nervous tissue and in combination with other medicines contribute to the reduction of pain.
  • Vaccination - the introduction of a weakened herpes zoster virus in combination with antiviral therapy is an excellent preventive measure that prevents the development of relapses.

Treat shingles with hospitalization is advisable only in case of severe disease and the threat of complications. A qualified dermatologist determines the treatment regimen and the duration of the medication.

Self-medication - for example, corticosteroids, even in the form of ointments( Prednisolone, Gyioxyson, Triderm) - only worsen the patient's condition and, moreover, self-medication by domestic means can promote the spread of infection and the development of severe consequences.

Can I swim in herpes zoster?

Shingles - Strict contraindication to bathing, shower. Sites with rashes and the surrounding skin should never be soaked to prevent the spread of infection.

Partial washing of hands / feet is permissible, wiping with a moist napkin of the neck and face, provided that there are no rashes on them. In this case, the patient must provide a personal towel and regularly change underwear.

How long are the pains from herpes zoster?

Even after effective treatment, intensive pains persist in 70% of patients for some time( several months and even years, on average - 3-6 months).

Postherpetic neuralgia is caused by the destruction of the nervous tissue, namely for the nervous tissue characterized by a prolonged recovery. Therefore, it is so necessary to begin complex treatment from the first days of the disease.

Complications of

Unlike chicken pox, complications in which are extremely rare, shingles are fraught with serious consequences. In addition to scars on the skin and prolonged pain( postherpetic effects), the disease can provoke:

  • pyoderma( suppuration of herpetic vesicles);
  • eye damage, often leading to blindness;
  • meningoencephalitis;
  • neuritis / facial paralysis;
  • impaired sensitivity and motor function( paresis, paralysis) of the limbs;
  • impairment of respiratory function( respiratory paralysis), threatening rapid death;
  • problems with defecation( constipation, diarrhea) and urination( urinary incontinence or delay);
  • hepatitis, viral pneumonia;
  • in pregnancy - miscarriage, stillbirth, the birth of a baby with severe brain pathology, blindness, deafness.
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