Skin, Hair, Nails

Vezikulopustulez: causes, symptoms, treatment

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Vezikulopustulez refers to pyoderma, ie pustular skin lesions.

Typically, the disease occurs in infants, often during the first days of life.

When vezikulopustuleze inflamed the eccrine sweat glands. Usually the disease develops as a result of untreated prickly heat The child has.


Vezikulopustulez called as Gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus) And Gram-negative (Klebsiella, Proteus, E. coli) bacteria.

In recent years it became known cases of fungal vezikulopustuleza.

Almost 80% of cases of the disease are originators staphylococci. Carriage of staph infection is widespread among women in childbirth, and among medical staff.

By the predisposing factors of development vezikulopustuleza include:

  • prematurity (Weakened immunity);
  • artificial feeding (through breast milk the baby receives antibodies that protect against infections);
  • excessive wrapping of the child;
  • improper care of the child (neglazhennye diapers, improper treatment of the skin);
  • overheating and humidity.

The skin of a newborn baby is too soft and thin, any of these factors It leads to damage them, followed by addition of infections and, consequently, to the development of vezikulopustuleza.

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Depending on the time of occurrence of the disease is isolated form vezikulopustuleza 2:

congenital form

Manifestations vezikulopustuleza occur on the first-second day after birth. Accordingly, the infected child comes from the mother with chronic or treatment of infections in utero or during birth.

The acquired form

Acquired vezikulopustulez develops 5-7 days of baby's life because of the presence of predisposing factors.

symptoms vezikulopustuleza

The first manifestations vezikulopustuleza is pinkish-red rash, which was first regarded as prickly heat.

If untreated, near the mouths of the sweat glands bubbles appear, the size of millet seed to a pea which are filled with a transparent liquid.

Bubbles edged giperimirovannym (flushed) roller and after 1-2 days the contents became turbid (purulent) - a stage of occurrence of pustules or pustules.

After another few days, the pustules or spontaneously burst, and in their place are formed sores or dry out and covered with crust.

With appropriate treatment after discharge of crusts and ulcer healing or scarring depigmentnye spots are not formed.

As a rule, the pustules are located in places where there is practically no natural ventilation (in armpits, in the groin and gluteal folds on the scalp in the occipital area). Pustules tend to spread rapidly and merge.

The general condition of the child is practically not affected.

Insignificant to subfebrile (37,2-37,3 ° C), the temperature rise.

With adequate treatment vezikulopustulez passes in 7-10 days.


Vezikulopustuleza diagnosis is straightforward (with a typical clinical picture and history).

But in order to clarify the type of microorganisms that caused vezikulopustuleza, sowing is carried out in the culture media of biological material (blood, faeces, the contents of pustules, mother's milk). After identification of the pathogen determine its sensitivity to antibiotics.

Permitted blood serology and PCR method (polymerase chain reaction). But these tests are not always reliable and roads.

vezikulopustuleza treatment

Vezikulopustuleza treatment in children has been a pediatrician.

With the development of complications of child hospitalized in the infectious department of boxing, where treatment has been held for infectious disease physician.

Uncomplicated vezikulopustuleza on an outpatient basis.

Strictly prohibited bathing the child in order to prevent the spread of infection to healthy skin. Uninvolved pathological process in the skin treated with weak solutions of antiseptics (potassium permanganate solution furatsillin).

The pustules and ulcers cauterize aniline dyes (brilliant green or methylene blue) is lubricated and antibacterial ointments (linkomitsinovoy, geliomitsinovoy).

With the spread of an antibiotic is prescribed penicillin in the age dosages, immune stimulant, vitamin B, C, A. The entire period of treatment takes 7-10 days.

In untreatable vezikulopustuleze shows specific immunomodulators (antistaphylococcal toxoid gamma globulin antistaphylococcal plasma).

It has a good effect and physiotherapeutic treatment (ultraviolet irradiation, UHF treatment).

Complications and prognosis

Possible complications of the disease:

  • omphalitis (inflammation of the umbilical wound);
  • otitis (Otitis media);
  • pneumonia;
  • phlegmon (spread process in the subcutaneous fat);
  • psevdofurunkulez (purulent inflammation of the sweat glands);
  • pyosepticemia and sepsis.

Vezikulopustuleze favorable prognosis for practically 100% of the patients recover.


To prevent the development of the following measures should be taken of the disease:

  • iron diaper on both sides;
  • skin care and baby child toilet daily (swimming);
  • adhere breastfeeding;
  • not coddle the child to prevent its excessive sweating.
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