Skin, Hair, Nails

Axillary hidradenitis: signs in the photo, treatment

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Axillary hidradenitis suppurative develops as a result of inflammation apocrine glands located in the armpits.


The main cause of hidradenitis sup- - is getting into the excretory duct apocrine glands of the pathogen - Staphylococcus aureus. However, Staphylococcus hit occurs only in the presence of predisposing factors:

  • increased sweating;
  • presence microtraumas skin obtained as a result of careless shaving scratching;
  • weakening the body's defenses (immune reduction);
  • failure to comply with rules of personal hygiene;
  • endocrine diseases such as diabetes diabetes, Exogenous constitutional obesity.

Hidradenitis, localized armpit, occurs more often in women than in men.

In old age, the occurrence of hidradenitis sup- practically does not occur, since at this age have sweat glands do not function.

signs of hidradenitis sup-

The process is often one-sided, in rare cases, can be bilateral involvement.

At the beginning of hidradenitis represented by small dense solitary nodules, they are placed just under the skin. At their palpation patient feels little pain.

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With further progression of the disease nodules increased in size, they may be size from 5mm to 3cm. As the node size increases their pain.

Pain in the armpit are amplified during movement. Nodules are soldered to the skin from this skin becomes bluish color.

intoxication symptoms can be present:

  • fever;
  • general weakness;
  • headache.

Large units tend to merge to form a dense infiltrate of large size. Painful sensations arise upon actuation arm to the body.

After 4-5 days, the center of this infiltration softening and purulent education opened. Purulent discharge, thick, it may sometimes be a small amount of blood.

After opening the patient's pain is reduced in the underarm area, reduced body temperature, improved overall health.

Healed by the formation of scar tissue.

Hidradenitis If left untreated, there is a recurrence of the disease.

Photo: hidradenitis
Photo: site of the Department of dermatology Tomsk Military Medical Institute


Axillary hidradenitis sup- Diagnosis is based on clinical picture, specific changes in the armpit.

Accurate diagnosis can be a surgeon.

Unlike boils (inflammation of the hair follicle) is not formed at hidradenitis necrotic core.

The general analysis of blood found signs of inflammation:

  • increasing the number of leukocytes (leukocytosis);
  • increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).

In cases of recurrent or protracted course hidradenitis sup- carried crop separated from the wound, it is determined to some antimicrobial sensitive pathogen.

Also in these cases, we recommend consulting immunologist. He does immunogram, with which you can determine the cause of immunity loss.

treatment of hidradenitis sup-

Treatment of axillary hidradenitis sup- engaged surgeon, but in the initial stage of the disease can be made to the therapist or the GP.

If treatment is started early in the disease, it can be cured without surgery and avoid complications.

Treatment is divided into general and local.

For general treatment include:

  • antibiotics: flemoklav, erythromycin, ampicillin;
  • when expressed pain appointed painkillers: nimesulide, ketorol, meloxicam.

When recurrent course hidradenitis sup- held immunostimulatory therapy, it is carried out strictly by appointment immunologist, after the examination.

When protracted course autohaemotherapy may be conducted in order to increase the body's defenses: subcutaneously or intramuscularly administered to the patient's own venous blood.

For topical treatment include:

  • ultraviolet irradiation axilla;
  • UHF treatment apparatus.

hidradenitis sup- home treatment

At home, in the initial stage of the disease can be carried out dry heat warming procedure. For this bag with a salt heated in the oven or hot boiled egg is applied to the underarm area 2-3 times a day.

Treated skin antiseptic solution: alcohol, brilliant green solution, an alcoholic solution of salicylic acid, boric alcohol.

In the step of forming infiltration ( "suppuration") vodka compresses is recommended. To do this, make a solution of water and vodka 1: 1. Impose a compress for 20-30 minutes.

Impose also ihtiolovaya or ointment Vishnevsky, when there is a softening of land in the center of the infiltration.


When conservative therapy is ineffective, surgical treatment step infiltrate softening center. When this is done the autopsy abscess with pus removal. Then made daily bandaging with antiseptic solutions (chlorhexidine miramistin) can be filled into the wound Baneotsin antibacterial powder.

Attention! Most open or squeeze pus formation is impossible.

During disease should avoid eating spicy products, smoked meats, condiments, alcoholic beverages. It is recommended to take a multivitamin.

Hidradenitis treated an average of 10-14 days.

possible complications

Spread on the subcutaneous fat with the development of soft tissue cellulitis. This process develops in untimely or incomplete treatment. With proper treatment and compliance with all recommendations of the doctor is rare.

Hit the pathogen from the wound into the bloodstream and spread throughout the body can cause infection sepsis. It occurs when trying to open the patient's own infiltration.

Prevention hidradenitis sup-

  • Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.
  • Careful hygiene axillary area for excessive sweating.
  • Decrease in body weight in obesity.
  • Refusal of irritating perfumes and deodorants.
  • Compliance with accuracy when shaving underarms.
  • Processing underarm area antiseptic (chlorhexidine miramistinom) with high propensity to develop hidradenitis sup-, relapsing course.

With timely and proper treatment of a favorable prognosis. If signs of disease should consult your doctor immediately.

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