Eye, Vision

Myopia (near-sightedness) cause, correction treatment

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Myopia (nearsightedness) - blurred vision, difficulty seeing at that distance, and good - at close range.

It is divided into three degrees of myopia: mild - to 3.0 diopters, average - 6.0 diopters, high - more than 6.0 diopters.

Adrift distinguish non-progressive and progressive myopia. The progression of myopia can be slow and result in the completion of growth of the organism. Sometimes myopia progressing continuously achieves high powers (diopters to 30.0-40.0), accompanied by a number of complications and a significant decrease of vision. Such myopia is called zlakachestvennoy - myopic disease.

Non-progressive myopia evident reduction of the distance, is well corrected and does not require treatment. Favorable flows and temporarily progressing myopia. Constantly progressing myopia - is always a serious disease that is a leading cause of disability. associated with the pathology of the eyesight.

Manifestations of myopia associated with the presence of a primary weakness of accommodation, convergence and overexertion of back department of stretching the eye that occurs after stopping the eye growth.

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Stretching of the posterior segment of the eyeball leads to anatomical and physiological changes. Particularly harsh on visual function in vascular disorders affecting the retina and. The consequence of these violations are typical for myopia fundus changes.

Strained eye membranes accompanied by increased vascular fragility with recurrent hemorrhages into retina and vitreous. Slowly absorbable hemorrhages lead to clouding of the vitreous. Of particular importance is the formation of a coarse pigment hearth, which greatly reduces the visual acuity. Blurred vision may occur in connection with the progressive clouding of the vitreous body, its detachment and its complications cataract. A very serious complication of high myopia is retinal detachment, developing in connection with a break in its various sites of the fundus.


In the development of myopia should consider the following factors.

  1. Genetic undoubtedly of great importance, since parents are often myopic myopic children. This is particularly true in large groups. In Europe, the number of myopes among students is 15%, and in Japan - 85%.
  2. Adverse environmental conditions, especially during prolonged work at a close distance. This is a professional and school myopia, especially easy to form when the body's development has not been completed.
  3. The primary weakness of accommodation, leading to compensatory stretching of the eyeball.
  4. Unbalanced voltage accommodation and convergence, causing spasm of accommodation and the development of a false and then true myopia.

correction of myopia

Correction of myopia is carried scattering glass. In the appointment of points shall be based on the degree of myopia, which is characterized by the weakest scattering glass, which gives the best visual acuity. In order to avoid freezing-purpose glasses with false myopia visual acuity in childhood and adolescence is determined in a state of relaxation ciliary muscle (atropine is instilled in the eye).

In myopia lesser degree, it is generally recommended full compensation equal to the degree of myopia. Wearing such glasses can not permanently, but only if necessary. In myopia medium and a particularly high degree of complete correction of the closeup causing congestion in myopes weakened ciliary muscle, which is manifested visual discomfort when reading. In such cases, especially in childhood, is assigned two pairs of glasses (for a given - full correction of myopia, to work in close proximity with 1.0-3.0 lens on the diopter less) or for continuous wear bifocals, in which the upper part of the glass is used for distance vision and the bottom - near.


Recommended special exercises for the ciliary muscle.

At high complicated myopia, moreover, shows a general partial load mode: islyuchayut physical stress (heavy lifting, jumping, etc...) And visual overload. Complications such as retinal detachment and complicated cataract, require surgical treatment.

surgical methods

Surgical treatment of myopia is now widespread. Research in this area are carried out in two main areas: the strengthening of the eyeball of the stretch of the posterior segment and a decrease in the refractive power of the eye.

In the past 20 years have developed corneal surgery performed in order to change its refractive power. surgery on the cornea in myopia, of course, do not prevent its progression and complications.

With regard to the short-sightedness high degree, when her main task - to prevent its progression and development of complications. An important role to play scleroplastic operation. Their meaning is to impose a kind of band, preferably on the rear surface of the eye to prevent further expansion of the sclera in this department. Effect scleroplasty with myopia consists in stopping or slowing the progression of myopia sharp, as well as a small decrease in the degree of myopia and improving visual acuity.

Physical training for myopia

Limitation of physical activity of persons suffering from myopia, as recommended until recently, considered wrong. The important role of physical training in the prevention of myopia and its progression as exercise contribute to both overall strengthening of the body and enhance its functions and improve the performance of the ciliary muscles and strengthen scleral shell eyes.

Cyclic exercise (jogging, swimming, skiing), moderate intensity (heart rate of 100-140 bpm. / Min.) Have a beneficial effect on the circulation and accommodative ability of the eye, causing the reactive increase in blood flow in the eye after a while after the load and improve efficiency ciliary muscle. Caesarean section after cyclic significant exercise intensity (pulse 180 u. / Min.) And exercises gymnastic apparatus, jumping rope, acrobatic exercises marked deterioration in performance ciliary muscle.

The main contraindications to sports for people with myopia

Children with myopia lesser degree are included in the basic group and can be engaged in physical training in the preparatory department of sports perfection. Useful lessons sports games. The constant switching of the game of volleyball, basketball, tennis a short distance to the farthest back and enhances accommodation and prevention of myopia progression.

If there is an average degree of myopia in children include preparatory medical group, they have engaged in physical training in the preparatory training department. Practical exercises with them should be carried out separately from the mainstream medical groups.

The software requirements are appropriate to introduce certain restrictions, delete jumping from a height of 1.5 meters, the exercises require a large and prolonged physical exertion. The degree of neuromuscular voltage and total load for physical training should be somewhat lower than those of medical students from the main group. For students of preparatory medical team along with training sessions should be provided and self-study, including special exercises for the muscles of the eyes or therapeutic classes physical exercise.

Students with a high degree of myopia (6.0 diopters or more) should be engaged in physical culture only in special medical department.

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