Infectious Diseases

Tick-borne encephalitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Tick-borne encephalitis - a viral inflammation of the brain specific to the simultaneous defeat of the central and peripheral nervous system.

Tick-borne encephalitis virus is transmitted by bites of specific species of ticks, it has an unfavorable course and even fatal.


Tick-borne encephalitis is caused by a special type of virus. In nature, the virus is transferred ticks - the taiga and the European. Most of these species are found in Siberia, the Far East, the Urals. Encephalitis as a natural focal infection occurs in spring and summer, with a peak in May-June and August-September, when ticks are highly active.

Infected people in contact with the saliva of the tick into the bloodstream. The female mite can be on the human body for several days, until fully saturate the blood, while the bite itself is not painful. Less commonly, encephalitis transmitted through the consumption of raw milk of cows and goats infected with the virus.


Experts identify three types of virus and, respectively, three subspecies of tick-borne encephalitis:

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  • Far Eastern encephalitis, a severe disease and mortality up to 30-40%
  • Europe, with mild and relatively low mortality,
  • Siberian.

The severity of the disease depends largely on the age of the patient, his immune system, the virus' ability to penetrate into the brain.

The symptoms of tick-borne encephalitis

After a tick bite, the virus reproduces in tissues, it penetrates into the lymph nodes and bloodstream. During the multiplication of the virus and when it enters the blood is formed of influenza-like symptoms.

The virus penetrates the blood-brain barrier and affects the brain tissue, there are neurological symptoms.

The incubation period lasts from 2 days to 3 weeks, an infection develops depending on the infective dose and features immunity. Prodromal (preceding) the period is manifested by fever chills to 40 degrees, body aches, general toxicity.

There are several separate forms of encephalitis:

  • frenetic form without the virus enters the nervous system: the characteristic manifestations of severe viral infection with fever, severe weakness and aches of the body, the symptoms are very similar to flu. They last up to 10 days, changes in CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) are not present. At this stage, patients always recover.
  • meningeal form: after the rush period there is a temporary drop in temperature, the virus at this time It penetrates the nervous system, and increases sharply again the temperature, there are signs of neurologic violations. Headaches with vomiting, severe photophobia and stiff neck muscles, symptoms of meningeal irritation, there are changes in the cerebrospinal fluid.
  • encephalitic form: material damage to the brain with the formation of focal signs. To all of the above symptoms align mental disorders, cognitive disorders, paresis and paralysis, convulsions. This form of the heaviest yields high lethality.
  • polio Form: leads to defeat the field of motor neurons in the spinal cord areas like polio. This leads to flaccid paralysis and neck muscles, which leads to disability.


Suspected tick-borne encephalitis is possible in case of outings in endemic areas, when bitten by a tick, if you have a fever, headache, neurologic symptoms. But do not put the clinic diagnosis.

In order to accurately confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to identify specific antibodies -

  • immunoglobulin class M to encephalitis (IgM) - presence indicates acute infection,
  • IgG - presence indicates contact with the infection in the past, or the formation of immunity.

If there are two kinds of antibodies - a current infection.

Also determine the virus in the blood by PCR and PCR was carried out liquor.

In addition, in parallel define a different infection in the blood - Lyme borreliosis.

Treatment of tick-borne encephalitis

Specific cure for tick-borne encephalitis has not yet been developed, so all treatments are aimed at relieving symptoms of encephalitis. For the patient with suspected encephalitis require hospitalization in infectious disease clinic.

carried out:

  • symptomatically - introduction of detoxification products, glucose, diuretics, antivirals,
  • struggle with a fever and complications, especially neurological.
  • strict bed rest, intensive care,
  • as shown improving light food, physiotherapeutic treatments and massages.

Sometimes on the testimony being the introduction protivokleschevye immunoglobulin to fight the virus and stimulate their own immune system to the virus.


The patient is not contagious to others, from the man to the virus is not transmitted to another person.

If it affects the brain and spinal cord projections questionable, may be paralysis and focal symptoms, mental disorder, sometimes possible deaths. After recovery may be prolonged headaches, paralysis, sudden memory loss. Formed proof lifelong immunity.


Basis prevention TBE - introduction of specific vaccines and the prevention of tick bites.

Vaccinated children 12-24 months and adult vaccines - entsepur, entsevir. When the tick bite is carried emergency prevention - and Jodantipyrin administered immunoglobulin.

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