Female Diseases

Bartholin gland cyst: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Bartholin gland cysts called circular formation inside filled secret. It is separated from the dense capsule of other tissues. Cyst formed by closure ductless glands.

Because of this broken branch vestibule lubrication and there is discomfort during intercourse. Large brush size can interfere with walking and cysts themselves can often be complicated by infection and abscess formation (the formation of a purulent focus).

gland function

Bartholin gland is steam, it lies in the area of ​​the vestibule, more precisely inside the tissue between the small and the large labia, at their base. Excretory ducts of the glands open onto the surface of the inner edges of the labia minora.

The main function of these glands - secrete a stringy, gray mucous secretion, which is due to its composition It provides enough moisture in the vagina entrance, allowing normal, without discomfort to perform sexual Act.

Without isolation, the secret may appear dry, provoking discomfort during sex.

cyst Causes

If there is an abrupt narrowing (stenosis) or complete closure of Bartholin gland duct, disrupted the normal outflow continuously formed secretions.

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Of course, the secret begins to accumulate in the oral cancer and throughout the channel. There is swelling and inflammation of the prostate, its walls are sealed - is formed cyst. Size may vary from small (1-2 cm) to large (5-8 cm).

Usually gland cyst occurs when:

  • infected gland ducts and genital infections (such as gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasma, mycoplasma or trichomonas)
  • at vaginal candidiasis (Thrush),
  • in the rapid multiplication of opportunistic pathogens due to weak immunity (E. coli, streptococcus or staphylococcus)

Development of Bartholin's gland cyst helps:

  • violation of personal hygiene,
  • Skin injury and labia of epilation, shaving,
  • wearing tight underwear and breathable,
  • conduct abortion or other gynecological procedures and interventions,
  • irregular, but very intense sexual intercourse, multiple, with grated and injuries.

If the conditions are unfavorable existence of cysts can form infection, accumulation of pus and formation abscess.

Symptoms of Bartholin's gland cyst

If a Bartholin gland cyst is not complicated, it usually looks like a round, painless swelling of the hearth in the labia, close to the anus.

With a small amount, for cyst can be inconspicuous, it detects gynecologist at the next inspection.

If a Bartholin gland cyst grows to a significant size, possible discomfort when walking, wearing tight clothing during intercourse.

The cyst may be complicated by suppuration, then the disease is the formation of an abscess. During its formation temperature rises, intoxication symptoms (nausea, weakness) are shown, being sharply deteriorates.

At the site of tumor formation is formed cyst size up to 10 cm, it is strongly painful, may pulsate, it gives a feeling of fullness in the crotch zone. If any movement pain intensifies.

When spontaneous dissection gland abscess, there is pus leaking out, in parallel, signs of genital infections - vulvitis, vaginitis, Abnormal vaginal discharge.


Diagnosis and treatment of Bartholin's gland cysts engaged gynecologist in complicated forms can be connected to a surgeon for an operation.

The primary diagnosis is based on examination in the gynecological chair.

Upon detection of a Bartholin gland cyst is carried out microscopy of vaginal smear and culture to determine the microbial composition, with the exception of infections transmitted through sexual contact. According to the results of the culture performed the selection of antibiotics for treatment.

Treatment of Bartholin's gland cyst

When cysts small size of 1-2 cm, do not cause physical discomfort or inflamed not apply active treatments, especially surgical.

You can select the observation tactics - often the cyst dissolve completely due to the spontaneous outflow of establishing secret. Such cysts are removed by the patient's desire, especially with frequent relapses or aesthetic purposes.

If the brush size large enough, there is discomfort when driving or sexual intercourse, need surgical correction. It is aimed at restoring the normal outflow of fluid from the prostate gland.

Applied methods:

  • Opening and draining the cyst (posing special drainage-tube with the creation of conditions for draining secretion).
    The method has a low efficiency, frequent recurrence (re-formation of cysts). Often, after several relapses have to be removed itself gland.
  • Marsupializatsiya cysts.
    This is her autopsy and removal of secretions with the further formation of the edges of the new duct cancer wounds. This method preserves the gland itself, and its flow.
  • Formulation word-catheter.
    Runs a small incision with removal of the contents, and the place of the wound set special silicone tube with a balloon on the end. It is left in the cavity for a few weeks, it allows you to create a new channel.
  • Puncturing cysts of Bartholin's gland - a puncture needle with suction contents. This type of operation is performed in pregnant and transient operation impossible.

All these methods do not give full guarantee of cure, recurrence of the cyst with resorting to the complete removal of the entire gland.

When Bartholin gland cysts suppuration, abscess formation, it is a compulsory opening, removing and draining pus. Only after this can be carried out one of the above methods for forming duct.

After the operation, treatment is supplemented physiotherapeutic methods, thorough removal of genital infections and immunotherapy.


Major complications include chronic bartholinitis - inflammation of the Bartholin gland.

Another serious complication is suppuration cyst with abscess formation. Purulent hearth can break through and form a fistula, or may be a breakthrough in the pelvic area and internal genitals.

Even with careful treatment of Bartholin gland cysts and conducting surgery relapses may occur, and cysts formed again and again.

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