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Sciatica: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Sciatica is called the occurrence of pain, heat or coldness in the lumbar area and legs.

When sciatica pain spread over the region and the buttocks of the rear surface of the limb to the knee area. Unpleasant symptoms occur due to the propagation process zone sciatic nerve and spinal nerves.


Usually, when sciatica pain attacks occur abruptly as a result of:

  • lifting heavy objects,
  • long stay in uncomfortable positions, or internally,
  • awkward and sudden movements.

The main causes of sciatica are:

  • hernia or a disc protrusion.
  • deforming osteoarthritis,
  • age-related changes in the spine after thirty years,
  • chronic stress,
  • excess weight,
  • pregnancy,
  • incorrect posture,
  • severe physical or athletic exercises,
  • spine injury
  • hypothermia spine,
  • infectious diseases,
  • arthritis, fibromyalgia.


Depending on the causative factors of such isolated forms sciatica:

  • musculo-skeletal, which will be formed as a result of problems with the various departments of the locomotor system in the area of ​​the spine and lower limbs.
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  • neuropathic, with the formation of pain due to compression or pinching of the nerve trunks, which are responsible for the innervation of the lower limbs,
  • angiopathic at which pain occurs because of lesions veins or arteries feeding the waist and lower limb ischemia and the formation of oxygen deficiency in the tissue.
  • Mixed - This form is due to a pathology sciatica multiple structures in the lower extremities (nerves and blood vessels, nerves, and musculoskeletal system, etc.).

mechanisms of formation

The causes of sciatica is an irritation of the nerve roots of various influences - inflammation, trauma, compression of nerves or muscles deformed bone structures.

This leads to irritation of the nerve and the appearance of pain impulses. This may strain muscles, formed their roughness, can be broken skin nutrition and even nodules formed in the thickness of the muscle.

In the development of sciatica due to nerve disorders arise unpleasant sensation of heat or chill the extremities, discoloration, or sudden limb pale skin.

All of these tissue changes leading to more violations and the emergence of an even more severe pain.

symptoms of sciatica

When sciatica is characterized by the following symptoms on the part of the lumbar and lower limbs:

  • the occurrence of back pain, which is given to one or less in both legs,
  • motion in the lumbar sharply limited,
  • pain aggravated by a change in body position,
  • the patient is forced to take a special position - bent forward and leaning,
  • in leg pain tested on the buttocks, back-outer surface of the thigh, knee and calf muscle partially,
  • along the nerve can be feeling of itching, burning, heat, or conversely, sharp coldness,
  • skin sore feet usually has a pale complexion, may have a marble color, cold to the touch,
  • attempts to traffic and full stepping on the foot causes a sharp pain, which has the character of a burning, aching and growing.
  • pains become stronger upon cooling, colds, exacerbation of chronic diseases, fatigue after strenuous exercise.

Sciatica usually occur on vone progressive degenerative disc disease.

In acute sciatica, these phenomena are expressed strongly and sharply, the chronic course may appear periods - from activation and attenuation waves.


diagnostic base - is a manifestation of the typical complaints of pain in the back and leg, with the necessary medical examination and laboratory diagnostics. Necessary to carry out instrumental research:

  • X-rays of the lumbar and pelvic area,
  • CT or MRI lumbosacral spine.

sciatica treatment

Diagnosis and treatment of sciatica engaged therapists, neurologists and orthopedists. Apply complex methods of treatment and rehabilitation.

In the acute phase:

  • Bed rest with limitation of physical activity and body movement,
  • reduction of fluid consumed for removal of edema,
  • pain relief with analgesics reception inflammatory effect (ketorol Nurofen, diclofenac), and use them in place - in gels, creams, ointments.
  • when the severity of pain procaine blockade,
  • with pronounced muscle spasms and muscle relaxants used antispasmodics.

As used stihanija acute manifestations:

  • gymnastics,
  • osteopathic practice,
  • massotherapy,
  • acupuncture,
  • physiotherapy,
  • wearing special orthopedic structures - corsets, waist-correctors.

The forecast in the case of acute sciatica is favorable, the process can be quickly cut short. In chronic prediction process more complex - all depends on the cause and severity of the disease.


In order not to generate complications and does not exacerbate sciatica, you must:

  • not stay long in the vertical position,
  • periodically based on a chair or footrest relaxation,
  • should not wear high heels,
  • When sedentary work often change position and sit straight on a chair by placing the roller under the waist,
  • during long rides in the car to make frequent stops, leave to warm up,
  • no smoking,
  • monitor their weight,
  • at the first sign of pain to see a doctor.
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