Joints And Bones

Tendinosis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Tendinosis - these are the symptoms of degenerative lesions in the large muscles and tendons.

Tendinosis manifested by severe pain and impaired motor activity in the affected joint, pain with movement expressed, hardly felt alone. Tendinosis dangerous trauma, ie, separation of affected tendons from place to bone attachment.


If the load on the muscles and ligaments in terms of active sports training is so intense that the muscles and tendons do not have time to rest and restore micro-damage caused by the loads, then their destruction occurs - a so called chronic (fatigue) injury.

The most common of these injuries is tendinosis - progressive degeneration, areas of degeneration in the tendon.

The most common causes tendinous:

  • microtrauma tendons,
  • Excessive, rigid motor load on the tendon.

The result is the formation of areas of necrosis, fatty degeneration of cartilage and tendons, the deposition of calcium salts. As the process progresses ossifies tendon loses elasticity and leads to degeneration and inflammation.

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Tendinosis - is evidence of excess load on these muscles, much hard training.


Most often tendinosis are post-traumatic or post-exercise as professional athletes with their heavy loads, and at construction sites and factories with workers in heavy physical labor.

However, separately allocated tendinosis rheumatic origin as a result of gout, arthritis.

symptoms tendinous

Common symptoms tendinous include:

  • pain in the commission of the movements, passing alone,
  • passive limb movements virtually painless,
  • palpation of the affected tendon is unpleasant, painful,
  • it is sealed, the redness is visible on the surface, increase of temperature over the affected portion,
  • when moving pohrustyvanie or audible crackling.

Depending on the location has its own characteristics tendinous.

tennis elbow (epikondillit lateral)

- the defeat of the wrist extensors. Thus elbow pain arises in the field and give up the shoulder, on the outer part and the forearm. There may be a weakness in the hands, difficulty in lifting the cup, by shaking hands or wringer.

hand golfer, Baseball (medial epikondillit)

- failure of the extensor muscles and rotating the forearm. Manifested by pain in the inside of the elbow, wrist pain when bending down, the pressure on the brush.

Quervain's disease

- tendinosis tendon thumb, manifest pain in extension and abduction of the thumb. Pain on palpation base of the thumb, as well as pain in conjunction with the pads of the thumb little finger.

patellar tendinosis (Jumper's knee)

- pain in the knee, swelling of the tendons, swelling. If untreated tendinosis possible separation of the patella.

quadriceps tendinosis

reminiscent of the patella with the problem, but usually occurs in a age athletes.

Post-tibial tendonitis

with the defeat of the tibialis tendon gives pain, heel pain, in the arch of the foot. Can lead to flatfoot and heel spurs. The pain intensified when running and carrying heavy loads.


Basis of diagnosis tendinous - a patient's complaints and their connection with the excessive and prolonged load, mainly in athletes.

The basis of diagnosis takes a thorough inspection and palpation of the tendons and muscles, conducting active and passive movements of the assessment of their pain and the degree of restriction of movements.

Complemented by conducting x-ray inspection of the damaged joints and tendons, as the data may be supplemented by magnetic resonance imaging.

tendinous treatment

Treatment tendinous engaged in orthopedic trauma.

Appointed by the conservative or operative therapy. In the early stages of showing conservative measures of primary and secondary character.

The primary include:

  • provision of complete rest,
  • chill and rest the tendon,
  • the imposition of tight bandages or support and give the final exalted position.

Secondary measures of conservative therapy tendinous include the use of:

  • physical therapy and physiotherapy,
  • injection of drugs,
  • methods of rehabilitation,
  • anti-inflammatory drugs.

All therapies at all stages prescribed by the doctor, apply a special dressing and bandages are based on the specific localization of injury and type of injury. Sometimes it is necessary to use a special kind of fixation bandages.

Anti-inflammatory gels and ointments used in the first three days of injury, then they will be most effective.

In advanced tendinosis used surgical treatment - dissected areas with altered tissue, followed by plastic surgery to restore the tendon.


The rehabilitation process can take up to three months or more, use the methods of stretching and strength of the operated tendon.

Weather favorable for life, but there may be relapses.

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