Lungs And Bronchi

Bronchitis: symptoms, treatment, diagnosis

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Bronchitis - an inflammatory disease of the respiratory system characterized by a primary lesion of the bronchi.

At the moment, bronchitis is one of the most common diseases in the world.


The high incidence of bronchitis is caused, first of all, the variety of factors that may provoke its appearance. Among the most important:

1. Viral, bacterial and fungal diseases of the respiratory system. They are transmitted by airborne infections caused by viruses or bacteria

  • flu, parainfluenza,
  • laryngitis,
  • pharyngitis,
  • other infectious diseases of the respiratory system.

Much less act as a pathogen fungi.

The main mechanism of bronchitis caused by infectious agents - mechanical (air or sputum) distribution of agent deep into the respiratory system. Infectious diseases often cause acute form of bronchitis.

2. Damage bronchi toxins, e.g., when smoking or use of chemicals. Getting on the surface of the bronchus, toxins disrupt cell membranes, that leads to inflammation.

3. Dust pollution bronchi (most common among miners). The high content of dust in the inhaled air contributes to its accumulation in the bronchial tubes, resulting in destruction of the cells occurs.

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4. Exposure to allergens contained in inhaled air (e.g., dander, pollen, etc.).

Allergens are themselves instigators of inflammation, and under any adverse conditions (hypothermia, stress, etc.) in the inflammatory process is activated bacterial flora, which leads to progression disease.


There are two forms of bronchitis, distinguishable by the nature of its course:

  • Acute bronchitis (Most often caused by infectious agents, at least - other factors).
  • Chronic bronchitis (often the result of not fully cured of the acute form of bronchitis, although it may occur independently on the background of chronic irritation of the bronchial mucosa dust or allergens, as well as resins with smoking).

symptoms of bronchitis

Bronchitis clinical picture may vary depending on the shape of its course, the general state of the organism and factor leading to disease. But, given a similar mechanism of the disease to a variety of factors for bronchitis is characterized by the following symptoms:


Typically, the cough is the first symptom of the disease developing. At the beginning of the disease it is dry, non-productive (without sputum) may be painful.

With the passage of time (due to bacterial attachment component) cough becomes wet, deep, paroxysmal.

Sputum released during cough can have a different color - from clear to dark green, depending on what factors are involved in inflammation.

For cough in bronchitis is characterized by long duration - up to several weeks, while other symptoms may by this time completely disappear.

It should be remembered that at a bronchitis in the sputum Blood is never. If the blood is - it is a sign of a more serious lung disease (lung tumor, tuberculosis), and requires urgent consultations pulmonologist doctor.

Overall, symptoms of intoxication

  • Increase in body temperature up to 38 °, and in rare cases (more children) and up to 40 °,
  • Weakness, fatigue,
  • Pain in the joints.

These symptoms are caused by the body's response to the evolving inflammatory process, and often are 3-5 days after emergence.


If signs of bronchitis should see a doctor (general practitioner or GP), it's not always cough and fever indicate bronchitis.

Many other diseases may be hiding under this mask, including a very dangerous, for example, TB (prevalence is now quite broad, including among social wealthier people).

On coughing may begin

  • bronchial asthma,
  • neoplastic process in the bronchi,
  • in children is not uncommon aspiration (ingestion) of various small items.

at pharyngitis dry cough often accompanied by a sore throat.

Tests for suspected bronchitis

1. First of all, this is a common blood test. white blood cell count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) are increased in inflammation is almost always, and the amount of increase may indirectly supporting, what is the nature of the disease - viral or bacterial - and how serious process. The blood test correctly take on an empty stomach, but in extreme cases allowed and after meals.

2. Total sputum analysis can more accurately find out the cause of the disease. To properly collect sputum for analysis, 12 hours before it needs more to drink in the morning to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth, take a few deep breaths and cough into a sterile container (in this case to avoid falling to saliva).

3. In the long or obscure the diagnosis the doctor may prescribe sputum culture and study the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibiotics

4. Radiography light (preferably in the 2 projections) to distinguish from acute bronchitis pneumonia. Doing this research is not always necessary, but only if the doctor has any doubts in the diagnosis (pneumonia is not always "heard" in the stethoscope).

Sometimes the differential diagnosis between asthma and bronchitis holding spirography required.

treatment of bronchitis

In the treatment of acute bronchitis plays an important role mode: when the disease is better to stay at home so as not to increase the risk of complications. The room in which the patient, often need to be aired.

Meals should be frequent small meals and contain enough protein. Abundant warm drink is necessary for the best thinning and sputum discharge and reduction of intoxication. Well suited berry juice, alkaline mineral water, tea with lemon, you can brew chamomile in filter bags.

The following tools are used because of the drugs:

At temperatures above 38,5ºS - antipyretic: 1 tablet of paracetamol or combined means, for example, tera-Flu. But if the temperature is lower, and the state of health allows, it is better to do without him.

Mucolytics rizzhizhayut viscous sputum. Especially effective drugs ambroxol (commercial name - Lasolvan, ambrogeksal and so on.). They can be bought in the form of a solution and used for oral and inhalation.

Hot steam "breathe" should not be due to the risk of burns and amplification edema of the bronchial mucosa. It is better to buy a special device - a nebulizer (available at pharmacies and stores medical equipment) and inhalations as follows: 2 ml of sterile saline solution mixed with 2 ml mucolytic solution and carry out the procedure 2 times day.

Expectorants of action similar to mucolytics, but help to increase the amount of sputum presented in the form of herbal syrups: Gerbion syrup of licorice root, Dr. Mom, Linkus (including sugar for diabetics) and others.

Combination means, eg comprising salbutamol and bromhexine - Ascoril syrups, Dzhoset

Of the antibiotics most commonly used two groups: the penicillins (Amoksiklav), and macrolides (Klatsid, fromilid), may also be used fluoroquinolones (tsifran)

Do not use antitussives (e.g., Sinekod) as In this case, the sputum will not be output from the bronchi.

Symptoms of intoxication with bronchitis are usually held a few days, but the cough can last and more than a week. Treatment is best done under the supervision of a physician, and not neglect to prevent the development of complications.

Complications and prognosis

In most cases, bronchitis transferred quite easily, and even patients recover without serious medical correction.

However, acute bronchitis, treatment is initiated with a delay with high probability may become chronic.

In rare cases, acute bronchitis may be complicated diseases such as lung abscess (often with untreated bacterial forms), chronic bronchitis and long can be a trigger for appearance asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

The article used the following materials:

  1. Lab tests in the diagnosis of: Handbook / Ed. from English. AT. YU. Khalatov; under. Ed. AT. N. Titov. - M.: GEOTAR MED-2004. - FROM. 960.
  2. The Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. Order of February 12, 2007 №108 «On approval of the standard of care to patients with acute bronchitis."
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