Skin, Hair, Nails

Pink zoster: symptoms, treatment, causes

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Pink zoster (shingles Gibert) - an acute dermatological pathology that occurs in the off-season and appears specific spots of pink color on the body and on the limbs. The spots gradually transformed into plaques.

Pink zoster belongs to a group of heterogeneous (on causes and manifestations) diseases, united in the collective term "scab", although it is not considered contagious.

Most often it occurs in young people between 20 and 35-40 years. Often resolves on its own for 1.5-2 months.


The exact cause of the pink lichen on today is not detected, it is assumed the role of infectious agents or allergy of the body.

In modern medicine, pink zoster referred to an infectious-allergic erythema.

The disease usually occurs in the season of colds and infections, often provoked by the recent angina or acute respiratory viral infections, put forward the theory that the pink lichen is one of the herpes viruses.

Provoked pink deprive a lot of stress, hypovitaminosis, skin injuries, colds, chronic diseases, allergies.

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Photo zoster GibertPhoto zoster GibertPhoto zoster Gibert
Photo: site of the Department of dermatology Tomsk Military Medical Institute

Manifestations of the pink lichen

The vast majority of cases pink lichen redness begins to 1-3 motherboard patches of bright pink color, with a scaly surface and 4-5 cm in diameter.

These plaques grow and "bloom" about ten days, after which the skin on their screenings occur multiple small plaques in appearance resembling red spots round or oval in shape.

These spots are usually located on the trunk, legs or arms, maternal plaques usually occur on the chest, and from them is to dispel abdomen and groin, thighs and legs, shoulders, arms and neck, rash usually held on a conditional maximum skin tension lines (Langerovy line).

Pink spots on the body grow during the week, reaching the size of 2-3 cm or more, but the individual elements between are not merged, the skin takes on a yellowish tint in the middle, there is a peeling with the formation of small scales. Along the edges of the color pink spots, without peeling.

On average, new elements can pour about 2-3 weeks, then there is their gradual regression of pallor, and the disappearance portions of reduced pigmentation in places where there was originally a plaque, although there may be giperpigmentirovanye fragments.

Gradually, the skin regains a healthy state.

Some of the patients pink lichen can mark places of plaque formation a little itchy or uncomfortable, but for the most part except for spots on the skin, no other complaints.

Often, in the active period rash may be a slight increase in temperature, malaise and reaction cervical or submandibular glands.

On average, pink shingles lasts no more than 6-8 weeks and takes place even without active treatment, relapses it usually does not.

Occasionally there may be atypical manifestations of pink lichen with a bubble or Bugorkova rash, they last a little longer.


The basis of the diagnosis pink lichen - visiting a dermatologist with dermoscopy conducting sighting.

If necessary the skin biopsies for histological examination exception of similar clinical disease.

When complications and infection scraping plaque conduct discharge and crop on flora with definition of sensitivity to antibiotics.

Also, for the differential diagnosis is carried out inspection on the skin with a fluorescent lamp.

To distinguish the manifestations of the syphilitic, spend Wasserman reaction with blood.

Treatment of the pink lichen

As mentioned above, pink zoster runs for 8 weeks without treatment, only need to observe and respect the rules of hygiene skin care.

However, for the prevention of complicated by the need:

  • compliance hypoallergenic diet,
  • limit water treatments and tanning,
  • absence of friction wool and clothing,
  • restrictions on the use of cosmetics, particularly decorative,
  • Wearing only natural undergarments.

If concerned about intense itching, antihistamines are used in drops and tablets, antipruritic ointment on the skin, as well as impose tsindol, mash, lotions.

efficacy of cream and acyclovir ointment or erythromycin ointment is also proved.

Complications and prognosis

Major complications in pink shingles occur due to itching and joining secondary purulent infection.

If untreated, may occur folliculitis, pyodermaImpetigo streptococcal origin, eczema.

Forecast for Health at the pink lichen favorable zoster can be cured in a period of up to 2 months, complicated forms - 1-2 weeks longer.

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