Parasitic Diseases

Ascariasis: symptoms, treatment, complications

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Ascariasis - a parasitic, parasitic disease, damage the body roundworm Ascaris. Ascaris live in the small intestine and reach 10-25 cm in length.

For the most part, ascariasis are children, poor compliance with the rules of hygiene, a lot to communicate with animals, especially outdoors, living in the private sector. Ascariasis manifests itself as a variety of gastrointestinal and other symptoms - lesions of the lungs, the nervous system, general developmental delay.


Roundworm, along with pinwormsAre some of the most widespread worms in the earth. They struck up to 10% of children in the world, especially for younger children, from 1 to 5-6 years.

The causative agent of ascariasis is ascaris ascaris lumbricoides, a large, long yellow-white worm belonging to the family of roundworms. Typical parasite lives only by its owner, lives only in humans, animals do not get sick ascariasis.

In humans, roundworm live in pairs, they are always an even number, females reach 20 cm or more, males reach 10-12 cm.

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Roundworm can migrate to different parts of the body, but the main place of their habitat and breeding eggs is considered the small intestine. Degree ascariasis infection in children may be different - from one pair of worms prior to ascaris coil, which is able to cause even sometimes signs of intestinal obstruction.

The mechanism of infection and the development of

Infection occurs by ingestion Ascaris roundworm eggs which may have been contaminated soil, water from public sources, animal dander. Eggs can get on the power and reach of children products. Worms do not live in nature, and their eggs may be in the soil for years.

Dangerous in terms of the infection only activated eggs surviving larvae to the stage of the embryo. They are activated in warm moist soil, animal body or on fruits and vegetables.

Most often, infection occurs from mid-spring to early autumn - when hygiene violations, eating unwashed fruits and vegetables with beds, swallowed water from ponds, wells, with games in the sandbox, contaminated secretions animals.

Eggs in the human body go through several stages of development. From mature larvae microscopic fall into the portal vein system, the circulation in the bloodstream to the liver, right heart, and from there into the bronchi and lungs. During cough occurring ascariasis, as one of the symptoms from mucous bronchial secret they ingested into the digestive system and re-enter the cavity of the small intestine, which already grow to full worms.

The life cycle from egg to adult lasts up to 3 months, the early stage of the migration takes place in the lungs, late and final - in the small intestine. There is a female to mate with males and the female gives eggs. During the day, a female can be allocated to 200 thousand eggs which are immature fall into the waste water.

The average adult body roundworm live up to a year and are ejected. New Ascaris in the intestine does not appear without re-infection, which leads to self-healing by ascariasis on average per year.

The symptoms of ascariasis

If infection with Ascaris is small, parasites in the intestines of no more than 6-10 units, the clinical manifestations can not be celebrated. Occasionally you may experience symptoms of intoxication (pallor, loss of appetite, lethargy, refusal to eat) in the first weeks of stage migration, due to the reaction of the organism to circulate in the blood parasites. It may appear strange rashes of allergic origin, itchy skin and blood eosinophil response.

When a massive infection can be marked with signs of general malaise temperature rises to 38 degrees, chest pain, skin pruritus, allergy, dry cough or cough with expectoration, signs pleurisy. There may be enlargement of the liver and spleen, lymph node reaction.

At the stage of development of the intestinal ascariasis appear digestive problems - lowering gastric acidity, impaired enzyme activity in violation of digestion and digestion, fermentation in the intestines, bloating, abdominal pain around the navel with localization, violation of appetite until the complete lack thereof, or vice versa, increased appetite. Maybe selectivity of appetite, aversion to food, nausea, profuse outflow of saliva, unstable chair with diarrhea, frequent colds and slimming. There may be neurological disorders - headaches, mood disorders, memory loss and severe fatigue, irritability and sleep disorders, the emergence of compulsive movements and even convulsions.


ascariasis danger in its complications - obstructive jaundice (blockage of bile ducts) and ileus in damage to vessel walls when larvae migration, infiltration into the lung, as well as ulceration of the gut wall and liver tissue lungs. There toxicosis, allergy of the body, up to asthma and urticaria. May develop intestinal dysbiosis, immunopathological reaction to the vaccine.

methods of diagnosis

When detected in the stool child mature ascarids - diagnosis is not in doubt. In other cases, it is complicated, suspicions arise with the appearance of allergy and clinical data eosinophilia in the analysis of blood on the background of leukocytosis, and the detection of larvae in the sputum, and detection of the specific eosinophilic infiltrates in the lung tissue on radiographs.

More precise diagnosis is possible in the intestinal stage when detecting roundworm eggs in the feces. Roundworm sometimes found during endoscopy for other reasons.

treatment of ascariasis

Treatment of ascariasis conducts infectious diseases doctor or a pediatrician.

The mainstay of treatment - dehelminthization using specific formulations. Type of the drug is chosen, based on the age and weight of the patient and stage ascariasis - or larval gut.

In the early stage of prescribed drugs and antiallergic drugs worming (mintezol, mebendazole, thiabendazole, Vermoxum) which act on a wide range of helminth. Also pulmonary manifestations treated additional reception bronchodilators drugs and hormonal agents.

In the intestinal stage appointed worming drugs other plan - levmizol, pyrantel, dekaris, Vermoxum children after two years. The effectiveness of treatment is 80-90% a month is carried out monitoring fecal parasite eggs.

Prediction and prevention

Forecast favorable in uncomplicated cases, treatment is effective within 2 weeks without treatment and self-infection worms displayed the most in a year.

However worming forbidden to use drugs to prevent their own. Formulations toxic dosages for children picked individually by weight, in the process can develop an adverse reaction by the liver and nervous system.

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