Digestive Tract

Intestinal polyp: types, symptoms, treatment

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intestinal polyp - benign pedunculated tumor formation or broad basis, which hangs from the wall of the hollow body in its lumen.

Polyps may be the result of chronic inflammation of the intestinal mucosa. Proponents of embryonic theory believe that when the embryonic development in some cases there is an excess embryonic material, turning into a new formation as a result of the inflammatory process.

Types of intestinal polyps

Hyperplastic intestinal polyps of small size usually found in the rectum (50% of cases of colon polyps in adults). They are not considered to be neoplastic entities.

Gamartomatoznye intestinal polyps are formed from normal tissues in an unusual combination thereof or disproportionate development of a fabric element. Youth intestinal polyps - the most typical representatives gamartomatoznyh polyps of the colon.

Adenomatous polyps - precancerous optional. The probability of degeneration of adenomatous polyps depends on their size and type. Probability degeneration of adenomatous polyps during polyp size, <1 cm - 1%, 1 cm -2 - 10%. > 2 cm - 30 40%

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Tubular (pipe) adenoma - formation of characteristic pink color with a smooth dense surface. Villous adenoma characterized vetvepodobnymi multiple protuberances on its surface. Generally, this formation of soft consistency on a broad basis. Usually during the asymptomatic, but can occasionally be watery stools with a touch of dark blood. As a consequence, they are at risk for degeneration of villous adenomas pronounced cellularity to a greater extent than tubular adenomas. Tubular-villous adenoma consist of elements such as tubular and villous adenomas. Inflammatory bowel polyps - growths of the mucous membrane in response to acute inflammation. They are referred to as pseudotumor, and not to neoplastic formations.


Polyps in the intestines often develop without symptoms. For villous adenomas are characterized by large amounts of mucus in the stool. Possible bleeding. Large polyps can mimic the symptoms of partial ileus with bouts of cramping pains.

In 95% of cases, colorectal cancer arises from adenomatous and villous polyps within 5-15 years.

intestinal polyps Treatment

  • Polyps on a thin stem loop removed during electrocoagulation colonoscopy. Formation on a broad basis usually resected
  • Polyps, which are impossible to remove by endoscopy because of their size or shape, and with signs of malignancy polyps removed surgically. When you select the volume of resection of the affected bowel cancer are based on the requirements for such operations
  • Synchronous (simultaneously occurring) polyps noted in 20% of cases, and asynchronous (different time) destruction - in 30% of cases. This determines the need for X-ray with barium, a complete colonoscopy or a combination of the detection of polyps and each subsequent 3 years. annually check stool occult blood
  • At the close relatives of the patient with colon polyps, the risk of developing such lesions increases approximately 4 - 5 times
  • Some degenerated polyps (early cancer) can be removed by endoscopic techniques. However, such polyps should possess the following features: arranged on a stem, malignant degeneration does not extend beyond the head of the polyp, polyps do not germinate or venous elements lymphatic system
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