Digestive Tract

Colic in the newborn: Treatment, Komarovsky video causes

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Colic in infants are fairly common, they affect about 70% of children.

Colic - a spasmodic contraction of the intestine, which are caused by a violation of its motor function and flatulence, that is amplified flatulence. About colic say, if they occur in the third week of the child's life, there are at least 3 times a week and last for at least 2 hours to about six months old.


Allocate 2 groups causes which lead to the emergence of colic.

The first group is called the most extensive and functional factors. These include:

  • incorrect position of the baby during feeding;
  • eating foods mother enhancing flatulence (cabbage, kvass, grapes and others.);
  • anxiety women;
  • difficult birth;
  • intolerance mother milk products;
  • untimely change of the breast during feeding (the baby receives only the front milk rich in lactose, but provokes flatulence);
  • Short feeding time (same reason as above);
  • foul preparation of infant formula (excessive or insufficient dilution);
  • rapid sucking produced child, whereby the ingested air.
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Organic causes of colic include various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, such as enterocolitis, which already requires careful examination and treatment.

According to Komarovsky, colic grudnichki suffer for two main reasons:

  • due to overfeeding;
  • due to overheating.

The symptoms of colic in the newborn

The attack usually starts closer to the night, after dinner. The child becomes restless and starts to twist the legs, it is hysterical crying and never-ending character. Belly hardens, there is tenderness to palpation.

Since the baby constantly crying and screaming, the face he blushes. Changes and position of the body: legs pressed against her stomach, pen clenched in fists.

After the attack is separated gases and defecation.

Typically, colic observed in children up to 4, up to a maximum of 6 months.


It is important to distinguish between colic in infants and infectious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract as well as intestinal obstruction, the impact of falls and injuries. To this end, a differential diagnosis.

As a rule, no additional methods of inspection is not required, but if you suspect an infection, or dysbiosis performed bacteriological analysis of feces, appointed by common blood and urine tests. If you suspect a trauma and intestinal obstruction shows intestinal x-ray study.

Treatment of colic in the newborn

Treatment of colic has been doctor-neonatologist, and in its absence - a pediatrician.

mothers diet during breastfeeding

First and foremost, parents should be calm, because their alarm condition is transmitted to the kid and provokes cramps.

Lactating women need to revise your diet and give up products that enhance gas formation, like a mother and a child. These include:

  • beans;
  • peas;
  • cabbage;
  • cucumbers;
  • hot sauces and condiments;
  • and others.

Help babies

After feeding the child should hold it in a vertical position ( "column"), that was released into the air caught the stomach, and the kid srygnul. Effective laying on his stomach on the pressed a warm heating pad or diaper. Rhythmic rocking the baby, or walk with him through the rooms are not meaningless.

It will be useful and gentle massage tummy: lightly clockwise.

Some children receiving help warm bath with relaxing herbs (mint, lemon balm, motherwort). You can prepare an infusion of chamomile, caraway or fennel, which relieves spasms in the intestines. Children who are bottle-fed, you must dopaivat water.

Not excluded and the administration of drugs containing semitikon. These medications reduce flatulence and colic cropped.

These include:

  • Espumizan;
  • sab-simplex;
  • disflatil.

Doctors also prescribe probiotics (bifidumbacterin, bifikol) and enzyme preparations (mezim, Creon) to improve digestion.

Not often, but it is permissible to use a gas outlet tube, to facilitate discharge of gases.

Parents should guard occasions when colic persist, recur every day, a child's chair is delayed, and the baby is poorly gaining weight.

Consequences and outlook

Typically, colic occur without complications, but may develop intestinal obstruction. The prognosis of these symptoms in the majority of cases favorable.

Video of Dr. Komarovsky about colic

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