Infectious Diseases
Reference Book Of Diseases

Symptoms of rubella in children

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The causative agent of rubella is the so-called Togaviridae - microorganisms from the family Togaviridae, transmitted by airborne droplets. The incubation period for rubella is 21-30 days - a week before the first symptoms, and two weeks after they begin to appear. rubella virus is highly contagious, therefore, to prevent the spread of disease when it occurs in kindergartens and schools declared quarantine.


Togaviridae - micro-organisms, which is the carrier of people and some types of mammals and birds, so they can only be infected by direct contact with the carrier. rubella pathogen transmission risk is amplified due to the following factors:

  • lack of regular hand hygiene;
  • poor quality wet cleaning of the premises;
  • frequent contact with a patient;
  • a large team.

Unlike rubella it is that the carrier of the virus does not necessarily symptoms of disease, but it can infect surrounding it.

Once in the body, Togaviridae begins to multiply in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, gradually accumulated to a critical amount. After that, it spreads throughout the body, affecting primarily the lymphatic system.

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Specialists, virologists and infectious disease specialists are several types of rubella.


  • typical, During which manifested all the classic symptoms of rubella: fever, rash, general malaise. It may take place in the light, medium and heavy form. Severity depends primarily on factors such as age of the patient, its strength immunity concomitant acute or chronic diseases.
  • atypical: This form is characterized by an easy course and no rash. sick worried cough, runny nose, sore throat and low-grade feverTypical for any acute respiratory disease. This causes difficulties in diagnosis, so atypical measles treated often on the same principle as usual SARS, and recover from are not even aware that purchased immunity. Suspected rubella doctor can arise only if the patient is informed about the recent contact with sick from this disease.
  • subclinical (Inapparatnaya) It passes without any manifestations. This form is more common (about 4 times) than typical. It is impossible to diagnose.


Dispatched transplacental route. Results from the infection of pregnant women in the first trimester advantageously gestation and It has a very negative impact on fetal development, even in the case of subclinical rubella in mother.


Typical measles begins to manifest itself in the 11-20 days after infection. In the early stages of SARS rubella resembles ordinary, with his usual symptoms:

  • headache;
  • aches in the joints;
  • temperature increase (depending on the severity of - from 37 ° C to 40 ° C);
  • chills;
  • runny nose;
  • sore throat;
  • cough;
  • appetite loss.

The most characteristic symptom of rubella - rash - usually appears on the first day of the disease, at least - on the second or third day. patient's body is covered with tiny red spots papule filled with a transparent liquidThat gives grounds for suspecting the doctor had rubella. At first, the rash is localized on the face, scalp, behind the ears, but eventually can spread to the arms, legs, shoulders and back. Rubella covers the body very quickly, within a day, it can pass all stages - from the increase in the lymph nodes (in the particularly those that are located in the occipital region, the neck and ears) to cover almost the entire body of the patient red rash.

After the appearance of lesions for the disease is facilitated: the temperature decreases, malaise gradually recedes. The younger the child, the easier the disease: in some cases it affects the baby's state of health is not more than the usual viral rhinitis. After 5-7 days, the brightness and the number of rash begins to decline graduallyBut for its complete disappearance it is usually required at least two weeks.

rubella in adolescents and adult patients takes a lot harder - in their case, the temperature can rise to febrile (Above 39ºS), against this background, there is a noticeable deterioration of health, because of which the patient is forced to stay in bed mode. There may be inflammation of the joints, arthralgia. Much higher than in adult patients and the risk of complications.


In the diagnosis of rubella of paramount importance to the differentiation of the relative safety of illness other diseases fraught with more serious consequences. To this end, the patient takes a scraping from the nose to detect rubella pathogens - Togaviridae. But since the swab until the results usually takes at least three days, so setting an infectious diseases doctor preliminary diagnosis draws attention to the similarities and differences symptoms.

  • Measles. Common: rash on the face and the body, fever, catarrhal phenomena (coughing, sweating, runny nose, watery eyes). Differences: the later appearance of the rash, strong dry cough, swollen lymph nodes observed, but in other places (increase neck lymph nodes characteristic of rubella, rarely happens) conjunctivitis.
  • Scarlet fever. General: punctulate papuloobraznaya rash, sore throat. Differences: marked redness of the mucous membrane of the throat, rash strongly marked on the inner folds of the hands and knees, red or crimson language, The temperature may rise to febrile. Often present indigestion.
  • Infectious mononucleosis. General: Low-grade fever, lymph node enlargement. Differences: marked angina with suppurative fibrinous raids, laboratory diagnosis shows increased number of mononuclear cells to 60-80%, lymphocytosis, the presence of abnormal cells, a positive reaction Hoff-Bauer.
  • atopic dermatitis. Total: red rash on the face and body. Differences: a qualitative and quantitative difference rash - Dermatitis with her anymore, she is localized at the elbow and popliteal folds. Redness is often a solid spot, not punctate rash, severe itching is present, sometimes - stomatitis. No lymph node enlargement.
  • Exanthema. Common: rash, enlarged cervical lymph nodes and BTE, fever. The body temperature often exceeds 39ºS, severe complications can occur up to meningitis, Laboratory tests indicate a positive PCR and / or the presence of specific antibodies to HHV-4.

Somewhat more complicated to carry out diagnostics of the graft of the patient - in this case of rubella occurs very easily, and laboratory diagnosis can give a distorted result.


Rubella Treatment - symptomatic as special antiviral drugs against rubella does not exist. To remove the symptoms, patients following measures are recommended:

  • plenty of warm drinks;
  • regular airing of the premises;
  • prescribed by a doctor - receiving antiviral and antipyretic drugs of general validity (if severe, in order to prevent the accession bacterial infection, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics, and to prevent cerebral edema or different neurological complications - corticosteroids);
  • vitamin therapy.

As for the local treatment of the skin, it is not required for rubella. Unless otherwise directed by your doctor, then to smear green paint rash, iodine, Fukortsinom and other antiseptics - error.

From such zeal skin can dry out and begin to itch.


To prevent the spread of viral infection the patient should be isolated opportunities to communicate with others is strictly prohibited any direct or indirect contact with pregnant women. Quarantine begins with the appearance of the first symptoms and ends after 10-15 days after the complete disappearance of the rash.

As a preventive measure against the disease used vaccination of live attenuated cultureWhich is carried out at the age of 12 months, 7 and 12 years. Vaccination against rubella is particularly indicated for all girls, as Togaviridae negatively affect a woman's ability to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Rubella and pregnancy

Most the negative effects of a rubella infection in the event of it during pregnancyEspecially in the first third of it. It affects the fruit, causing it intrauterine death, miscarriage, premature birth. If the pregnancy continues, a baby born in the following congenital diseases can be detected:

  • cataract;
  • serious damage to your hearing, causing total or partial deafness;
  • heart defects;
  • congenital anemia;
  • intrauterine pneumonia;
  • microcephaly and other disorders in the central nervous system development;
  • shortage of weight and height;
  • diabetes.

In the second and third trimesters of infection Togaviridae less dangerous, but still undesirable because the risk of having a child with congenital diseases still persists. It is especially dangerous for pregnant women subclinical rubella passing is hidden and invisible to them and their physicians.

To protect herself and her unborn child from the serious problems that all women planning a pregnancy at a stage of highly it is recommended to donate blood for antibodies to rubella. The presence of antibodies indicates that re-infection is impossible, and in case of their absence woman it is desirable to pass the revaccination (carried out not later than three months prior to the anticipated onset pregnancy).

If, despite all precautions, the infection is still there, in the first trimester to a pregnant woman is recommended medical abortion pregnancy, and in the second and third - the careful observation of doctors (obstetrician-gynecologist, genetics, infectious diseases, virology) the status and development of the fetus.


Acquired rubella is fraught with complications mostly in adulthood. The most dangerous of these is rubella encephalitis - central nervous system disease that affects the patient's brain. The first sign of illness - severe headaches, which in the absence of timely and adequate treatment develop into seizures, loss of consciousness, coma. Often in this case, it all ends in death. It found similar complication about once every 5-7 thousand. cases.

Much more often in adult patients have easier concomitant rubella disease - arthritis, manifested by swelling and tenderness of the joints.

This malaise is not a danger and stops are usually within 5-10 days after the disappearance of the rash.


In the absence of complications Rubella is quick and easy and does not require hospitalization: patients take the prescribed treatment the doctor at home. Overall improvement in average occurs in 3-5 days, the rash begins to go 5-7, visiting pre-school and school education is permitted on the 20th day after the onset of symptoms.

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