Types Of Diseases

Rashes on the skin of the stronger sex

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  • Characteristics of rashes
  • Causes of the appearance of rashes
  • Diagnosis and treatment

Acne on the back of men appears due to various negative changes. You should not treat this problem lightly. In some cases, serious health abnormalities can be the cause. To determine the cause and choose the necessary treatment you need to visit a specialist. The doctor will appoint a number of diagnostic measures. Based on the results will be selected treatment.


Characteristics of rashes

Acne on the back often occurs in the pores. This is associated with a large number of sebaceous glands.

The gland has an outlet to the surface and a cavity in which sebum is produced. Under the influence of various factors, the yield of fat can stop. A large amount of substance accumulates in the gland cavity. It causes an inflammatory process. A small seal appears on the surface of the skin. It has a red color. In some cases, pimples are accompanied by itching.

Also, acne can form in the lower layers of the epidermis. In this case, a small lump appears on the surface of the skin. The way out such rashes do not have. To eliminate this problem, you need to contact a specialist for assistance. It is not recommended to squeeze this form of acne on its own. Manipulation can lead to rupture of the pimple shell. This threatens the onset of sepsis.

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The causes of the appearance of rashes

On the back, acne can appear for many reasons. Pathological factors include the following pathologies:

  • Disturbance of the hormonal system;
  • Oil seal fault;
  • Non-observance of the elementary rules of personal hygiene;
  • Irrational nutrition;
  • Having bad habits;
  • Features of the profession.

The main reason for the appearance of acne on the back is a disorder in the hormonal system. That is why many young men have rashes appearing in adolescence. This is due to a change in testosterone levels in the blood. During this period, a constant background is formed. The release of the hormone provokes the sex glands to active work. Thanks to this process, the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively. Salo does not have time to completely withdraw from the pores. Occurs plugging of the passage. An inflammation forms in the cavity. On the background of inflammation, redness appears. Gradually, a white base-head appears on the surface of the pimple. It is the tip of the rod. To completely clean the pore, it is necessary to remove the core, surrounded by skin fat.

Antibacterial agent In some cases, the gland itself is malfunctioning. In this case, the gland is subjected to a strong temperature drop. With a sharp decrease in body temperature, the pores are closed. To normalize the temperature, the body increases blood circulation. The blood begins to flow more actively to the epidermis. The pores produce a large amount of fat. Appear acne.

The same phenomenon is observed with frequent washing of the body with various antibacterial detergents. Such agents wash off the protective film from the skin. To restore the barrier the glands are working more actively. This leads to the formation of a rash. The more often a man uses these means, the more the negative process develops.

There is another reason. Against the background of a rare cleansing of the skin from contamination, a blockage occurs. Pores can not fully carry out their work. Such clogging of the channel leads to the accumulation of fat in the cavity. The danger of this factor is the process of nagnaivaniya. The dirt accumulates in the cavity, which mixes with bacon. The mixture causes severe inflammation. The dead tissue cells are also mixed with the substance. Pore ​​accumulates pus.

Many men prefer fatty foods. Snacks are also common. In this case, there is a violation of metabolic processes in the body. This leads to a decrease in the absorption of lipids. The accumulation of fat causes a disruption in the work of the stuffing boxes. They begin to produce a large volume of matter. This leads to the appearance of acne on the back.

The same phenomenon is observed in cases of abnormalities of the gastrointestinal tract. Many doctors strongly recommend that men undergo an examination with a gastroenterologist with acne on their backs. Rashes may indicate problems with the pancreas or gallbladder. In both cases, a man needs qualified help.

Acne can appear on the back due to bad habits. Pay attention to the amount of salt and alcohol drinks consumed.

Salt affects the functioning of the circulatory system. If the vessels cease to deliver the necessary volume of blood to the pores, the pores cease to work in the usual mode. Also, there is a violation with frequent alcohol abuse. Alcohol-containing beverages have a negative effect on the nervous, hormonal and vascular system. Any change in the operation of these systems causes a violation of salivation.

Intensive sweating The cause of acne on the back may be hiding and in particular the profession of a man. Many men have more physical work at work. Wearing heavy weights, constant movement causes acceleration of sweating. With a liquid stream, a variety of substances enter the surface of the epidermis. Accumulation of substances in the pores leads to rapid blockage. If a person does not have time to clear the pores in time, acne appears on the back.

Diagnosis and treatment

To determine the nature of rashes on the back is possible only in medical conditions. To do this, the expert examines the scraping of the skin. In some cases, acne can appear due to bacterial contamination. A general examination should also be conducted. Correct determination of the cause of rashes will help to choose an effective treatment.

Various means are used to eliminate acne on the back. The means for external and internal use are applied. Many external products are made on the basis of salicylic acid. Abuse of such drugs should not be. Acid causes dry skin. This leads to a more active process of forming acne.

Internal funds are selected based on the diagnosis. If there is a hormonal failure, the patient is assigned a remedy that normalizes the background. Problems with the gastrointestinal tract should also be eliminated with drugs for internal use. Selection of funds is carried out only by the attending physician. It is not recommended to use such medicines independently. This can affect the development of complications of the disease. The consequence of self-treatment in this case will be aggravation of the negative process.

If a man has noticed rashes on his back, he needs to consult a dermatologist. Only after careful diagnosis, the patient is assigned an effective method of fighting acne.

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