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How to treat a cold on the lips quickly and effectively?

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Contents of the page

  • 1 How the cold on the lips of
  • appears 2 How to treat a cold on the lip
  • 3 Antiviral ointments
  • 4 Medical therapy for herpes on the face
  • 5 Prevention of herpetic rashes on the face

Herpes has a "habit" to manifest itself at the most inopportune moment. Every time a characteristic symptom arises, there is a problem how quickly to cure a cold on the lip to get rid of unpleasant rashes, which are also a source of infection.

As a cold on the lips of


The causative agent of herpes simplex, once trapped in the human body, enters the nerve ganglia and remains there for life in a latent state. From time to time the virus activates and affects the skin and mucous membranes, more often in the mouth and lips. A signal to wake up infection is the weakening of immunity. Relapse can trigger:

  • subcooling or overheating;
  • acclimatization;
  • tanning abuse;
  • stress;
  • catarrhal disease.

Pregnant women, patients with diabetes mellitus, patients with immunodeficiency states and oncology are more prone to herpetic eruptions. More than 90% of the world's population are carriers of the virus with periodic exacerbations. Relapses usually have a worn out picture: besides local lesions of the lips, other symptoms may be absent, rarely - accompanied by a temperature and a slight malaise.

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Unlike a chronic infection, the primary infection with herpes takes place violently: with heat, signs of intoxication, painful rashes. The virus can be obtained by direct contact with a sick person, airborne and household way. The organism reacts to penetration of the pathogen:

  • lip in the zone of introduction of the virus swells, itches, tingles;
  • in the place of swelling poured vials filled with clear liquid;
  • after rupture, the vesicles turn into ulcers that dry up to form crusts;
  • adjacent lymph nodes increase;
  • body temperature increases, weakness, lability, chills( optional symptoms).

Begin to treat a cold on the lip at home without waiting for rashes, as soon as the first signs of the disease appear - swelling, itching and burning.

Than to treat a cold on the lip


In the case of herpes, speech about complete disposal of the virus does not go. Infection can only be kept under control, strengthening immunity and avoiding provoking factors. In a healthy body, it is possible to reduce relapses to a minimum, but do not forget about them forever.

Fast treatment of colds on the lips reduces to symptomatic therapy and local suppression of the virus. Antiviral drugs and folk methods prevent the spread of rashes and promote the speedy healing of those that have already appeared. The earlier measures are taken, the sooner one can expect to clean the skin of crusts.

Antiviral ointments


The most effective remedy for cold on the lips of rapid action is an ointment based on the antiherpetic component of acyclovir. The first drug on the market was Zovirax, later analogs became available in pharmacies:

  • Acyclovir;
  • Gerpevir;
  • Penciclovir;Pharmacovil and others.

The drug is applied up to 5 times per day directly to the sore and to the area around it. Treat the rashes conveniently with a cotton swab. But if a dense crust formed on the lip, the fleece can stick and damage the scabs, then it is better to use a clean finger. Affected skin is smeared with a thin layer about every 4 hours for at least 4 days. If healing does not occur, the treatment is prolonged up to 10 days. After treatment, the hands should be thoroughly washed with soap to prevent self-infection and contamination of other people.

The preparation can be individually responded in the form of increased itching, redness, peeling, in isolated cases - allergic dermatitis and Quincke's edema. Side effects of antiviral ointments are rare, these drugs can be purchased and used without a doctor's prescription. With often relapsing herpes it is advisable to always keep a medicine with acyclovir in the medicine cabinet to start treatment of the cold on time.

Medical treatment of herpes on the face


A mild cold on the face does not require taking serious antiviral drugs. Systemic medications are used in rare cases when there is a risk of generalization of the infection, and the patient's body is too weakened to fight herpes.

For appointments, you need to contact a doctor - a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist. Internal preparations are applied in the form of tablets or injections, among them:

  • Valtrex;
  • Famvir;
  • Acyclovir;
  • Isoprenazine.

Antiviral agents inhibit reproduction of the causative agent of the common cold and stimulate immunity. The course is not less than 10 days and is recommended:

  • in severe herpes( large area of ​​rashes, high temperature, severe malaise);
  • when bacterial infection is attached;
  • in case of danger of generalized damage to the body;
  • for patients receiving immunosuppressants;
  • with too frequent relapses of the disease.

If the medications can only be used according to the indications, vitamins and dietary supplements that stimulate the protective forces will not stop drinking on their own. Tincture of Echinacea, Immunal will help the body produce antibodies against herpes, and vitamin-mineral complexes will strengthen immunity and serve the prevention of colds. Gerimax, Supradin, Neuromultivitis are suitable for these purposes.

Folk remedies against colds on the lips

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There are dozens of popular recipes in the people how to quickly get rid of colds on the face with the help of handy tools:

  1. Toothpaste. It is applied to the swelling of a thin layer and left on the lips, preferably at night. The paste has a cooling, drying, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The product quickly removes unpleasant symptoms( itching, burning, flushing), crusts dry out better and fall off.
  2. Hot Spoon. This extreme method of treatment only helps with the first signs of a cold. As soon as there is a small puffiness and tingling in the "habitual" place for herpes, you need to lower the metal spoon into boiling water and attach it to the lip. The cutlery should be hot, but not scalding, so as not to get injured. Manipulation can be repeated several times.
  3. If there is alcohol in the house, a cauterizing compress is done with it. Vatka is wetted in a flammable liquid and applied to the affected area. The product disinfects wounds, dries crusts and helps to get rid of a cold as quickly as possible. Alcohol can be used at any stage of the rash. It is important not to overdo it and do not burn the skin. Instead of pure alcohol, any alcoholic tincture is suitable.
  4. Garlic can be found in any kitchen, and it can be used to combat herpes rash. Phytoncids contained in garlic juice have antiseptic properties and inhibit viral activity. Several times a day you need to lubricate a cold with juice or rub it with a cut denticle. The intake of fresh garlic inside also does not hurt.
  5. Household soap as a remedy for herpes on the lips works only at the stage of the appearance of harbingers. If you do not miss the moment and smear your lips with wet soap, the alkaline medium will not allow the virus to pass into the bubble stage.

Most popular recipes, how quickly to clean the cold on the lips, contain natural antiseptics: propolis, essential oils, plant extracts.

To eliminate herpes rash, you can use:

Mint increases or lowers pressure

  1. Spirituous tincture of propolis. Treatment schedule: 6 - 7 times a day until the healing of the lips. The agent should be applied directly to the wound without affecting the healthy tissue. It is desirable to protect the delicate skin of the lips from drying out with a moisturizing cream.
  2. Fir oil is cauterized every 2 hours. This method is not suitable for people who are sensitive to pain, since burning sensation is felt during treatment. Patient patients are rewarded with the quick disposal of itchy scabs.
  3. A mixture of aloe juice and sulfuric ointment in a ratio of 2 to 1 is infused for 3 hours. The resulting mass is applied to the diseased lip twice a day: in the morning and at night.
  4. Ointment from Vaseline with the extract of calendula in equal proportions speeds up the healing of the cold, if you use it at least 3 times a day, or better - every 2 hours. Keep in the refrigerator.
  5. Peppermint gums disinfect wounds and relieve discomfort in the affected area. To make a medicine, take a glass of boiling water and mint grass. If the raw material is fresh - 2 tbsp.l.crushed plants, dried enough 1 tbsp.l. Boil mint for 15 minutes in a water bath, then drain and cool the liquid. For the lotions, the soft tissue is wetted in the broth and applied to the lip every hour. The exposure time is 15 minutes.
  6. Tea with raspberries helps to cope with a runny nose and cough, and compresses from crimson branches - with a cold on the lips. Fresh twigs from a crimson bush are washed and scrolled through a meat grinder. The crushed mass 4 times a day is superimposed on the diseased area and lasts for 30 minutes.
  7. Chamomile tea is a powerful natural antiseptic. For the treatment of herpes, it can be taken internally and simultaneously treat the sores from the outside. A great deal of effectiveness is given to a few drops of propolis alcohol tincture. The medicine is used as a lotion for several minutes every hour.
  8. Alcohol extract of birch buds is prepared for 2 weeks, so it must be done in advance for the cold season and stored in a refrigerator in a dark bottle. For the funds are 2 tbsp.l.kidney and a glass of alcohol with a concentration of 70%.The ingredients are placed in a glass container and insisted away from sunlight for 14 days. The medicine treats herpetic eruptions on the face.
  9. For birch lotions from herpes are also useful kidneys.1 tbsp.l.rudiments are boiled in a glass of milk and another 20 minutes insist. The liquid merges, and the kidneys are added to the cheesecloth and applied to the lips several times a day.
  10. Melissa tincture on alcohol is prepared from 10 g of fresh crushed leaves. After insisting for several days, the medicine is ready to fight the common cold. The rash should be lubricated with tincture every 2 to 4 hours.

Prevention of herpetic eruptions on the face

to wash hands

It is always easier to do prevention than to treat the disease. But in the case of herpes, this rule practically does not work. The virus is extremely contagious, and many get it even in childhood. The danger of such a seemingly innocuous cold on the lips is that with a strong weakening of immunity, the disease can affect the entire body, including the brain. And if you do not follow the precautionary measures, and a relatively healthy person is subjected to self-infection.

It is useful to know
To avoid primary or repeated infection, both the carriers of the virus and others should adhere to the prevention rules.
  1. To the patient - separate things, utensils, hygiene items, to which no one else touches. Things that the patient used during the relapse period should be disinfected.
  2. Using other people's personal belongings is an unquestioning taboo. Cosmetics, toothbrushes, towels for each person should be strictly individual.
  3. Exclude close contacts with the sick: hugs, kisses, intimate connections. The virus is excreted from the body not only with the contents of the vesicles, but also with saliva, then, sexual fluids.
  4. Do not pick up bubbles and crusts, generally try not to touch them with your hands. After contact with affected areas, wash hands thoroughly.
  5. During an exacerbation it is better to refuse the use of cosmetics, otherwise favorite jars and tubes will become a source of infection.
  6. For colds on the lips, try not to rub eyes to prevent infection with hands.
  7. Before recovery, minimize exposure to the sun. Ultraviolet radiation activates the multiplication of the virus and undermines immunity.

To prevent herpes, it is necessary to strengthen general health, remembering that the disease is activated against the background of "gaps" in immune protection. Trying to exercise, fresh air, proper nutrition, course intake of vitamins, no bad habits help the body to fight the virus and keep it under control if the infection has already occurred.

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