Mental Disorders
Reference Book Of Diseases

Vascular Dementia: Symptoms and Treatment

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dementia - is dementia, a steady decline in cognitive functions, loss of previously learned knowledge, skills, difficulty in acquiring new ones. Symptoms for the treatment of vascular dementia are discussed below.


Dementia may start early in life as a result of addiction (drugs or other depending on the plan), and more often after 65 years (the so-called senile). Usually, dementia It is a progressive disease. According to WHO, at least 45 million worldwide. People suffering from this disease. According to forecasts, this number will increase in the coming years. This is due to increasing life expectancy, improving skilled care for head injuries. Symptoms and treatment of dementia depend on the classification of the lesion and the patient's brain.


Dementia develops as a result of organic brain damage. Experts know of about 200 of the causes and conditions that can cause it.

Main reasons are:

  • Alzheimer's disease (Loss of neurons and their connections, the accumulation of amyloid plaques, neurofibrillary tangles in the temporal lobes);
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  • Cardiovascular disease;
  • alcoholism;
  • volume growths in the brain - tumors, hematomas, abscesses;
  • head trauma;
  • hydrocephalus - excessive accumulation of fluid in the ventricles of the brain;
  • encephalitis viral nature;
  • meningitis bacterial and fungal origin;
  • metabolic and hormonal disruptions.


In later life dementia may be vascular, atrophic or mixed.

Atrophic form is caused by the destruction of neurons and connections between them.

Vascular dementia provoke atherosclerosis, Coronary artery disease, hyper- and hypotension. Changes in neurons are secondary, due to the deterioration of their blood supply, power supply.

Most often in the elderly is mixed dementia - a combination of the first two types.

According to the volume of brain damage disease is divided into:

  • partial (partial, lacunar);
  • total.

When partial deteriorate only certain intellectual ability. For example, there is a short-term memory. For the total characteristic of the gradual inhibition of intelligence in general, The global nature of the violations of cognitive and personal spheres.

Depending on which brain structures are affected, are distinguished:

  • cortical - damaged cerebral cortex;
  • subcortical - inhibited function subcortical layer;
  • corticosubcortical;
  • multifocal.

According to the degree of symptoms suggest three forms of dementia: mild, moderate and severe.

Symptoms of vascular dementia

Dementia can be manifested variety of failures of cognitive function, emotional sphere and behavior. Observed, in particular:

  • memory disorders. Problems arise with both short-term and long-term memory. They also include confabulation - false memories components. Facts from the far past tolerated by the patient at present, combined with fictional events.
  • attention disordersI, ie, inability to respond to several stimuli active, as well as difficulties in the transition from one topic of conversation to another.
  • "Three A" syndrome: Aphasia, apraxia, agnosia. Those. disruption or absence of speech formed earlier, purposeful movements and different kinds of perception.
  • orientation problems. In the initial stages there is a temporary disorientation, later joined by the spatial.
  • personality change. Is amplified and distortion of the basic character traits. For example, before an energetic, active person becomes restless and fussy, thrifty - stingy and greedy. In the later stages may be fundamental changes in the nature.
  • behavioral disorders. Often a person does not want to chat with someone, it becomes untidy, neglected hygiene and cleanliness.
  • thought disorder. Reduced or lost ability to think logically, release of significant meaning. Solve any of life's challenges become more difficult. Appear crazy ideas, absurd and simplistic.
  • emotional disorders. There is a manifestation of the previously uncharacteristic aggression, anger, and anxiety or complete apathy, tearfulness, lack of emotion or sentimentality. It can also occur exaggerated carelessness and gaiety.
  • disorders of perception. The patient has hallucinations, illusions arise.

Symptoms may develop gradually over several years (sometimes decades), remaining undetected. A person can only casual complain, for example, that with age become forgetful. Often signs of dementia, say relatives and people from the immediate environment. Aggravate the situation and to drastically increase manifestations of the disease can move, change of familiar surroundings, exacerbation of chronic disease.


The main role in the diagnosis of dementia assigned specialist. The conversation with the patient, his relatives survey give maximum relevant information. As a method to help determine the nature of the pathology can be considered CT - computed tomography, Vascular ultrasound of the neck and head, blood chemistry.

During the conversation, the doctor will find out:

  • What are the symptoms and how long there;
  • What significant events occurred in the life of the patient and his family;
  • if he has difficulty with the definition of time and space;
  • whether there are difficulties with the implementation of new conventional and Home Affairs, the working duties;
  • whether there are changes in the nature;
  • what is the usual mood, plans and life goals of the patient (and whether they are typical for him).

Help for diagnostic tests will be:

  • Mini-cog to assess short-term memory and coordination in space;
  • MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination) or MMSE - Mini-Mental State Examination;
  • FAB (Frontal Assessment Batter) or BPD - Battery frontal dysfunction.

vascular dementia treatment

Effective treatment that could save people from dementia, no. Modern medicine can offer relieve the condition using drugs that improve the condition of vessels, and neuroprotective drugs.

Compliance with the clear mode of day, physical activity is feasible, simple household duties will allow slow increase in symptoms.

The patient is better to stay in a familiar home environment, avoid stress (even positive) change of residence.

The good effect of treatment can have group therapy - Here, patients receive communion and communication with the outside world.

In severe cases, the patient requires constant care by relatives or trained medical personnel. The ratio should be as discreet, soft. Talk calmly and kindly. Conflicts (if occur) solve peacefully.


Prevention of dementia is better to start at a young or middle age. Active both physically and mentally lifestyle - the main recommendation.

Refusal of bad habits - drinking and smoking - help to keep blood vessels in good condition. Also, careful monitoring of blood pressure, the regulation of its drug if necessary.


dementia It refers to an incurable disease. Moreover, the later it began, the slower progress.

At the speed of development affect the initial level of physical activity, mental abilities, social adjustment. Life expectancy depends not only from herself but from ailments related to it and causing it.

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