
Anemia 1 degree: what it is, easy, 2, 3, severe, the level of hemoglobin, average, classification, consequences and what threatens

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Anemia is a common disease that affects a quarter of the total population. Symptoms depend on the stage, the most mild anemia is 1 degree, what it is like to deal with it, tell a specialist after a detailed study and analysis of the general state of the patient.

Anemia (iron deficiency)

As for what is calculated severity

Independently difficult to establish the presence of disease, it is necessary to pass a diagnostic study. The reason for the medical facility may be fatigue, constant tiredness after a little exercise. For the diagnosis should be returned to the general and biochemical blood tests, go myelogram. These analyzes will help to establish the disease and to determine the degree of anemia, because of these indicators will depend on the range of treatments.

Taking into account the following data:

  • hemoglobin level (including a certain number of red blood cells);
  • color index;
  • the level of iron in blood serum;
  • change in the shape and size of red blood cells.
hemoglobin level

Anemia and its severity in the level of hemoglobin entails deterioration state of the protein in the blood. Norm for an adult is considered to be 100-155 g / l, a reduction of this index to the lower limit or more is a sign of the disease.

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The causes of the first, second or third degree of severity of anemia are:

  • a large loss of blood;
  • eating disorders;
  • change in bowel habits that impede the absorption of iron;
  • during pregnancy and lactation (increased need for iron).

But the development of anemia is characterized not only with a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood. Exist classification of anemia, Varieties have both similarities and differences:

  • B12 deficiency and folic acid. Due to lack of these substances appears tingling in arms and legs, inflammation and tongue burning, the skin becomes yellow, decreased appetite, a person becomes irritated.
  • Iron. Often unpleasant symptoms occur after exercise. This fatigue, shortness of breath, slight tachycardia, pallor, increased fragility of nails, hair, etc.
  • Aplastic. It appears on the background of an insufficient number of red blood cells in the bone marrow, so characteristic symptoms They are frequent dizziness, malaise, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, tinnitus and et al. With this disease are easily bruised skin, increases the risk of nosebleeds and bleeding gums.
  • Hemolytic. Because of hereditary pathologies observed increased destruction of red blood cells, which lead to weakness, tachycardia, slack occurrence of pain in the left hypochondrium.
  • Hemorrhagic. It occurs after a large loss of blood. The chronic form may be a consequence of small bleeding gastric ulcer or during menstruation, resulting in iron deficiency proceeds. Accompanied by a decrease in efficiency, weakness, appearance of dyspnea.
Iron in the blood

First mild

Mild anemia is quite difficult to identify visually as well as a man looks at first glance healthy. Deposit required tests for diagnosis. Hemoglobin level is 90-110 g / l, with a more typical rate is only due to physical stress.

Diagnosis of the first degree of anemia - an important step, since proper treatment gives good results. It is not necessary to wait for the transition to a more severe form.


  • the appearance of shortness of breath during physical exertion;
  • fatigue;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • headache;
  • noise in ears;
  • fainting (especially with a sharp rise from the bed);
  • heart palpitations.

In order to improve the general condition and normalization of blood parameters should be given to lifestyle and diet. Useful for hematopoiesis juices (apple, carrot, beetroot), but the glass with beetroot after preparation of the beverage to be delivered into the refrigerator for 2-3 hours to get rid of harmful fumes.

As anemia treatment you can cook a vitamin mixture of dried prunes, figs, raisins, dates. Scroll through the grinder components, mix thoroughly, adding a small amount of lemon and honey. Dried fruits enrich the body useful trace elements, after which the blood is restored.

The second average degree

Anemia moderate represents a specific state, which reduces the level of iron-containing protein and a part of red blood cells. With the shortage of hemoglobin (this is 70-90 g / l) occurs anoxia, which leads to disruption of all systems and organs.

Signs of anemia grade 2:

  • general malaise;
  • feeling of weakness, even without physical exertion;
  • respiratory insufficiency;
  • depressive and apathetic state;
  • changing the taste buds;
  • hepatosplenomegaly;
  • pallor or yellowing of the skin.
body malaise

After the diagnosis of anemia second degree must be in a hospital to identify the problem to begin timely treatment. If the cause is bleeding, you need to quickly find the source and eliminate it. Then medical treatment is appointed: vitamins and minerals, iron supplements, hormonal agents (in more severe cases).

Additionally assigned a diet to improve the effectiveness of the course. Diet enriched with fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes, liver, red meat, dried fruit, nuts, dairy products, natural juices and chocolate. The patient is shown walking in the fresh air, the rational allocation of work and leisure time, restful sleep and minimizing stress.

The third degree of heavy

Severe anemia is characterized by a marked reduction in the level of hemoglobin, which is complemented by pathological changes.

Common manifestations of severe anemia:

  • increasing muscle weakness, up to atrophy;
  • skin lesions;
  • spoon-shaped concavity of the nail plate (koilonychia);
  • mucous membranes of the mouth (dental caries, periodontal disease, glossitis, atrophy of papilla language, symptom "lacquered Language");
  • changes in membranes of the digestive system;
  • spontaneous urination sets (due to weakening of the sphincter of the bladder);
  • fever;
  • slow healing of wounds on the skin.
skin changes

Severe anemia third degree requires hospitalization of the patient for combination therapy in the hospital. To restore an acceptable level of hemoglobin is not enough to take iron supplements and vitamins. Medical assistance is complemented by anabolic steroids, androgens, corticosteroids, cytostatics and other drugs.

In some cases, severe anemia is assigned a blood transfusion and emergency surgery is performed to remove the spleen and bone marrow transplant. The optimal treatment option selected strictly individually taking into account features of the patient, concomitant disease and other factors.

Consequences depending on the stage

Varying degrees of anemia without proper treatment entail negative effects (mild hypoxia of tissues and organs prior to death). Complications and their danger depend on the cause drop in hemoglobin and severity of the disease.

The consequences of the first stage of anemia:

  • lowering blood pressure;
  • frequent nosebleeds (typical for childhood);
  • increasing the load on the cardiovascular system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • Anemia is dangerous during pregnancy - toxicosis, the risk of intrauterine growth retardation, the weakening of labor;
  • violation of mental abilities.
Lowering blood pressure

Moderate anemia threatens the development of:

  • myocardiodystrophy (manifested as arrhythmia, tachycardia, cardiac tones deafness, enlargement of the heart borders, etc.);
  • heart failure;
  • depression in cerebral hypoxia.

In anemia of grade 3 there are dire consequences in the form of:

  • acute renal failure;
  • cardiogenic shock;
  • complex bleeding;
  • heart failure, complicated by heart attack;
  • during pregnancy - preterm delivery, placental abruption;
  • death.

Timely access to experts to avoid unpleasant consequences, and cure disease. Systematic clinical examination, specimen collection to determine the level of hemoglobin and general medical examination in time to help diagnose disorders and prevent pathological changes in the body.

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