
Chronic anemia: disease, what it is, hypochromic, iron, ICD

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Chronic anemia - a pathological condition in which the body is a strong decrease in hemoglobin, changing the shape of red blood cells and a decrease in their number. The disease can develop on its own, but more often it occurs because of the lack of oxygen supplied to the internal organs.

Chronic illness


Anemia of chronic disease is subdivided into several forms depending on the severity of the leak:

  • Mild anemia. In this case, the level of hemoglobin is at around 90 to 110 g / l. It is characterized by mild symptoms and adjusted individually selected supply system, including special products.
  • The average severity of anemia. 2nd stage is diagnosed when indices ranging from 70 to 90 g / l. At the therapeutic diet is necessary to start taking medicines, the dosage of which is determined on the basis of blood tests.
  • Severe anemia. In this case the parameters are from 70 g / l and below. It is the degree of danger that threatens the health and life of the patient. With such a hemoglobin level require urgent course of medical treatment or even surgery.
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Determine the degree of AHZ and assessing the health of the patient, the doctor will be able to individually choose drugs, recommend appropriate Food and plan further therapeutic tactics.

Causes of

Most often, anemia occurs against a background of insufficient amounts of iron in the body. An adult should consume per day about 15 mg of this trace element, infants - about 1.2 mg, and the age of two daily rate should be increased to 10 mg.

Little iron in the body

There are several important reasons, because of which the body begins to suffer iron deficiency, resulting in anemia of chronic disease:

  • frequent heavy or small blood loss, which include menstruation in women, nosebleeds, internal bleeding caused by various diseases;
  • ulcerous disease in the acute stage;
  • Insufficient intake of iron from food;
  • malabsorption of iron components;
  • the effects of recent surgery;
  • the presence of cancer;
  • complicated pregnancy.

In some cases, anemia can develop due to a lack of vitamin B12 in the body, and in this case has a reason the following lines:

  • Insufficient intake of vitamins consumed with food;
  • side effects from gastrectomy;
  • gastritis various forms;
  • alcohol abuse.
Various forms of gastritis

In addition, there folic acid deficiency anemiaWhich occurs due to lack of folic acid in the body. The causes of the disease are as follows:

  • hormonal contraceptives for a long time;
  • the negative impact of alcoholic beverages;
  • side effect from application of anticonvulsant drugs;
  • consequences receiving antimicrobials.

It can also be mixed causes that lead to polidefitsitnoy anemia.


Anemia is characterized by a variety of symptoms and can lead to serious complications over time. Pathology affects the overall health of the body and weakens the immune system. The patient begins to get sick often viral and colds. Severe anemia affects the central nervous system and the heart and blood vessels. The disease has an impact on the health of pregnant women and can lead to premature birth.

To recognize the symptoms of anemia, you need to know how they are manifested:

  • In the early days of the disease like a cold, which is expressed by great weakness.
  • Gradually, there are headaches, dizziness, skin becomes pale, appears unreasonable irritability.
  • With the progression of the disease is the menstrual cycle, a person feels shortness of breath, discomfort in the chest, excessive hair loss begins.
  • In rare cases, anemia leads to the fact that a person begin to feel cold extremities, lowered blood pressure, tachycardia appear, as well as the patient may suddenly fall into a swoon.
The disease resembles a common cold

The probability of chronic anemia increases in older age, but young people also need to pay attention to symptoms and see your doctor periodically.


at the slightest symptoms of anemia it is recommended to pass a comprehensive examination, which in a short time be able to identify the causes of occurrence of pathology based diagnostic consisting detailed analysis of blood and other research.

To make an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, you must go through the following stages:

  1. To begin, the doctor must ask the patient questions to conduct medical history. At this time, the patient must be very frank with your doctor, and do not hide their pathologies or of previous operations, otherwise there is a risk that professional judgment will be wrong.
  2. Then, a diagnosis: appointed by a blood test, which is required to determine its composition, the quantity and quality of the components.
  3. In some cases, a complicated biochemical analysis, which determines the level of bilirubin in the blood and other indicators that allow for more in-depth to explore the state of the body and respond to a number of important issues.
  4. If additional research is needed, be appointed ultrasound, MRI, ECG and other methods.
Complex biochemical analysis

Only after a thorough examination the doctor can make a correct diagnosis and choose a competent therapy on an individual basis.

Methods of treatment

The earlier diagnosed with anemia of chronic disease, the faster and better pass her treatment. In most cases, the disease does not require complex site-specific therapy. It boils down to respect for special nutrition, healthy lifestyles, substitution treatment. The most frequently prescribed drugs containing composition useful vitamins and minerals, including iron.

If the disease is started and runs hard, doctors may resort to transfusion of red blood cells. This procedure is done in rare cases, because it is not completely secure. However, if other methods do not help, you should use this method of treatment.


The primary prevention is subject to a balanced diet. It is not necessary to give up meat products, because of their absence in the diet increases the risk of disease. It is also recommended to eat more cheese, milk, sour cream, eggs, fish. In addition, it is necessary to eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, beans, buckwheat, oatmeal. Thus it is necessary to spend more time in the fresh air, exercise regularly. Especially useful are running, yoga, swimming.

Preventive measures include regular check-ups with your doctor and take required tests.

Anemia does not pass without a trace, so at the first suspicious symptoms should take care not to start the disease.

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