
How to check testosterone in men: to know the level of the home, a test to determine a measure as to understand what is normal

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The male sex hormone testosterone controls the behavior of a person, regardless of gender, strengthens bone structure of the musculoskeletal system and regulates lipid metabolism in the body. When hormonal imbalance changes behavior or outward signs appear such as weight gain or lack of sexual desire. To stabilize the hormones, you must first learn how to check testosterone in men and eliminate the cause of the imbalance.

How and where to check testosterone in men

Why do I need to know your level of testosterone

Learn your testosterone level is necessary to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system and psycho-emotional state. Determination of the amount of androgen in the blood allows time to identify hormonal imbalances. As a result, you can prevent the following health problems:

  • the emergence of excess weight;
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • lack of sexual desire;
  • reduction in endurance and muscle mass;
  • reduced physical strength;
  • irritability.
Affects on erectile dysfunction, male

Determine hormonal disorders in men in the home can only be manifested by changes in behavior. A check for pathology and accurately measure the amount of testosterone in the body by using 2 tests: blood and saliva. They determine the level of free and bound hormone. The last forms a complex with large plasma proteins, and circulates in the blood, without affecting the cell.

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Free active androgens, affect the soft tissue receptors. Their blood levels of less than 2%, so the exact amount of hormones do not measure. Most often determine the overall rate of testosterone.

Determination of signs and symptoms

Determine the level of testosterone in the home to help change behavior and pathological symptoms. Due to the clinical picture, you can see low or high levels of androgens in the body, and to remedy the situation in time. Testosterone deficiency in the home is determined by the following criteria:

  1. Low libido. The man does not want sex, he observed erectile dysfunction.
  2. Problems with being overweight. Androgens regulate lipid exchange in the body, however, in their absence, or low plasma concentrations, an increase in fat mass. Reduced testosterone leads to an increase in the enzymatic activity of lipoprotein that transports lipids from the blood into cells for the formation of visceral fat.
  3. Violation of the psycho-emotional state. The indications for taking tests for testosterone in men is causeless depression or apathy. During this period, it lost interest in the world, no strength to perform the task, lack of motivation. Man becomes vulnerable to stress, easily upset and depressed. It requires a hormone replacement therapy.
  4. Reduced muscle mass. Sex hormone stimulates the synthesis of new muscle cells of skeletal muscle. Additional administration of 3 mg of active substance per 1 kg of body weight can increase muscle mass by almost 30% for 3 months.
  5. The deterioration of the central nervous system, memory lapses. Androgens common support and participate in the metabolism of fat metabolism, therefore at their low concentrations in circulating blood is observed decline of cognitive functions. Man becomes diffused, often forgets things and events, can not fully concentrate on the working process.
  6. Uncertainty in their own abilities. A low libido and depression lead to the formation of complexes. They can occur for no reason, therefore, become a dangerous problem for the mentally unstable men. Because of the uncertainty they stop to chat with the people turn in on themselves and lose interest in the task.
Overweight men

Check the level of testosterone in men with suspected high plasma concentrations of sex hormones help:

  1. Dermatological diseases. Most often problems with the skin on the back of strong testosterone occur in women, but in some cases they can also occur in men. Testosterone stimulates the synthesis of sebum, which is why in the beginning there are traffic jams. The result is inflammation, abscess, which progress in acne. Due to the violation of the sebaceous glands of the skin disorder is observed exfoliation, the stratum corneum thickens, there are redness and hyperkeratosis.
  2. Irritability, aggression. When a sufficient amount of testosterone circulating in the blood, becomes man confident activity, endurance. But if too much of the hormone, confidence is quickly replaced by aggression and irritability. This is due to the fact that androgens increase the activity of the subcortical areas of the brain. Neurons in this area are responsible for protecting the body, which is manifested in the form of anger and aggression. When testosterone excess worsens cortisol and serotonin synthesis, so there is no sedation, and people are often angry shouts.

Blood analysis

Measure the level of testosterone allows the CBC. Direction to carry out laboratory research gives the therapist or urologist. Interpretation of the results holds narrow specialists, t. To. He is able to explain to the patient what is the cause of high or low index hormone. Urologist appoints instrumental examination of reproductive organs, and then determines the scheme of drug therapy.

For mild deviations from the norm will need to change their lifestyle, a balanced diet and to normalize biorhythm. In this situation, testosterone begins to produce on their own in the required quantities.

In severe cases there is disruption of the reproductive organs, hormonal dysfunction of the testes. In this case it requires a hormone therapy and surgery. After rehabilitation, check testosterone again in order to avoid recurrence of disease.

The following blood tests to determine the parameters of sex hormone:

  1. A blood test to androgens. Rent on an empty stomach to 11:00. Decoding of results is carried out after 24-48 hours.
  2. Determination of free testosterone. Examination is necessary to clarify the preliminary diagnosis. Laboratory tests carried out during the week.
  3. Measurement of serum globulin, which forms a complex with testosterone. Decoding is carried out every 1-2 days. The study allows to specify the cause of a low level of androgens in the body.
  4. Indicator of the active metabolite of the hormone - DHT. Appointed in violation of work or congenital abnormalities of the reproductive system. It is recommended as an additional method for the correct diagnosis. Study duration was 8 days.
Man hands over a blood test for hormones

For laboratory research man has a blood test from the cubital vein. In order to eliminate false test results, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • the passage of hormonal therapy should stop taking the drugs with the permission of the physician 48 hours before the procedure;
  • during the day before the procedure, you need to stop smoking, drinking, exercising, or a fatty meal;
  • prior to the study for at least 2-3 hours do not need to eat, so the analysis for rent on an empty stomach in the morning.

Analysis of saliva

The test for testosterone in the free state is held with saliva fence on enzymatic assay. The study determined the hormone content, which fell into the saliva in the process of the salivary glands. Determine the amount of unbound androgen in the blood is difficult because most of them are circulating together with plasma proteins - albumin and globulin.

Also, free testosterone concentration in the blood is only 2%, therefore it is impossible to determine an exact figure in the plasma.

To obtain an approximate result carried saliva fence. For this laboratory conducts carefully with a cotton swab in the output of the salivary ducts. When this man should not eat anything for 2-3 hours. The assay was performed in the morning on an empty stomach.

testosterone Norma

Normal values ​​according to age, are given in the table below:

Age, years Normal total testosterone, ng / dL Age, years Normal free testosterone, ng / dL
10-11 7-130 10-15 0,04-17,7
12-13 7-800 15-20 1,62-21,2
14 7-1200 20-25 5,25-20,7
15-16 100-1200 25-30 4,65-18
17-18 300-1200 30-35 4,46-17
older than 19 240-950 40-45 4,26-16,4
40-79 falls below 320 50-55 4,06-15,6

How to normalize the levels of the male hormone

To stabilize the psycho-emotional and physical condition of the man, guided by the hormone level, resulting in decoding test results. When the low rate is recommended to adhere the following methods:

  • increase physical activity, up to 3-4 times a week to play sports;
  • in the training program must necessarily include the power load;
  • a balanced diet;
  • further take supplements with vitamin D3, whey protein and caffeine;
  • find a permanent sexual partner.

With the high level of sexual hormone is recommended more rest and avoid stressful situations. Most often in the comfort of life of testosterone rate environment returns to normal on their own. If this does not happen, conducting additional laboratory studies are needed. Need to check testosterone in men repeatedly donate blood for analysis.

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