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Lecithin. Benefit and harm to the human body, children. Indications, price, reviews

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Being exposed to the harmful effects of external factors, the body gradually wastes stock lecithins, whose use for the normal functioning of organs and systems is already apparent at the cellular level. Can make up for it with the help of Medicine chemically and physically related to their biological prototype.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Features of cellular material
    • 1.1 Description
    • 1.2 Storage
    • 1.3 Chemical composition
  • 2 medicinal properties
    • 2.1 For women
    • 2.2 For men
    • 2.3 For children
    • 2.4 Contraindications to receiving
    • 2.5 Methods of treatment
    • 2.6 application
    • 2.7 Medicine & Supplements
    • 2.8 Cosmetology
    • 2.9 food processing industry
    • 2.10 Drugs at the pharmacy
  • 3 Video of the lecithin

Features of cellular material

Lecithins found in most plant and animal tissues. This fundamental connection for the course of many reactions in the body. Without his presence can not be the work of the liver and nervous system. Its deficiency affects even the blood coagulation system.

Lecithin. Benefit and harm to the body, indications for use, price
Lecithin: Benefits and harms

The term "lecithin" refers to:

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  • phospholipids class - phosphatidylcholines, important components of cell membranes;
  • Complex phospholipids, LCD and other compounds obtainable from sunflower seeds and soybeans. It has a characteristic yellow or yellow-brown color.

Here and further in the article refers to the lecithin as a complex substance.


For the first time the substance was discovered in 1850 by French chemist Theodore Nicolas Goble. Lecithin has been isolated from the egg yolk, hence its name (lekitos - from the Greek. "yolk"). It was later found in legumes, sunflower seeds, soybeans, brewer's yeast and fish.

The pharmacology used lecithin extracted from oilseeds. It is a phosphatidylcholine (PC), a highly concentrated solution obtained due to repeated industrial processing raw materials:

  1. Isolation of "crude" lecithin by steaming. Acting directly on the raw, hot vapor condenses on the spot, moisturizing material.
  2. "Crude" lecithin degreased to obtain a white powder with a content of phospholipids (PL) to 96%. This is pure lecithin.
  3. By complex extractive and chromatographic techniques PL cleared to form 90% PC solution.

Obtaining essential PC - an expensive process. Hence the high price of medicines with its contents.


Medications in capsules and pellets stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of from 20 to 25 ° C. Solutions for injections - at 2-8 ° C in refrigerator. Shelf life - 3 years.

Chemical composition

Lecithin has a number of components whose benefit and harm to the body has also been studied in the laboratory. It - phospholipids and fatty acids. The content of other equally useful components may vary depending on the starting material processing.Lecithin. Benefit and harm to the body, indications for use, price

The main components:

  1. phosphatidylcholine - about 30% of the total composition. Along with proteins form the cell membrane, allowing selective permeability for substances surrounding cells and preservation of contents. Low temperature "melting" FH determines the high rate of bioconversion, defining him a key role in maintaining cellular homeostasis. Involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins, thereby regulating inflammation and pain signals.
  2. phosphatidylethanolamine - with PC form complexes with enzymes, activating the blood clotting factors. The content in lecithin - 20%.
  3. phosphatidylinositol - 15-18%. It plays an important role in cell division. Directly involved in the regulatory, transport and plastic membrane functions.
  4. Phosphatidylserine. According to research by American scientists, it reduces the severity of age-related dementia and improves cognitive function. PS stimulates the hormonal response to stress caused by physical exertion and reduces fatigue of muscles. It enhances endurance and achievements among athletes. The content in lecithin - 3-8%.
  5. Fatty acid - sources of vitamins. Presented palmitic, stearic, oleic and other IVH.
  6. triglycerides - are part of the lipoproteins. Perform thermoregulation, protective and energy functions.

medicinal properties

The chemical and physical properties of the lecithin make them indispensable components of cell membranes. Their content, depending on the location in the body, can vary from 30 to 65%.Lecithin. Benefit and harm to the body, indications for use, price

This is due to the enormous value of the PC to the activities of most organs and systems:

  1. Liver. Manifestation its dysfunction is associated primarily with the cell destruction - hepatocyte membrane which 65% consists of phospholipids. Receiving medicament lecithin has a regenerative effect, restoring the structure and function of the liver cells. It slows down oxidation processes, which reduces the number of free radicals and increases body resistance to negative factors. Lecithin fibrozoobrazovanie retards and reduces fatty liver. It has choleretic effect, stimulating gallbladder wall and duct.
  2. The cardiovascular system. With age, the vessel walls lose stiffness, which affects the velocity of blood ejected from the heart and a blood supply. This index, called cardiac index, begins to grow after 25 years, and regular intake of lecithin is able to reduce it.
  3. Blood. The presence of PL in erythrocyte membranes give them plasticity, which is especially important for passage through narrow vessels. With the natural antagonism of cholesterol, PC are able to regulate their contents into the bloodstream. Dissolving them in the blood plasma, they warn possible adhesion to the walls of blood vessels and the development of atherosclerosis. Thanks to the activity of the liver, with the participation of the PL, cholesterol is extracted from the plasma to form "good" cholesterol, or HDL.
  4. Nervous system. Normally, the PL content of myelin membranes of nerve fibers is high - up to 80%. It allows to realize the most important function - fast transmission of nerve impulses. Lack of phospholipids pronounced with age-related changes - dementia, Alzheimer's disease, multiple sclerosis.

It is vitally important properties possessed by the PL, make the functioning of biological systems is impossible in conditions of deficiency of these substances. The use of the PL in the composition of lecithin can not only prevent the age-related changes, but also to slow down the current pathological processes.

For women

Lecithin (benefit and harm to the body of pregnant women is not fully understood) the potential needs in the early stages of pregnancy, when it starts the process of formation of the nervous system of the fetus. As for the construction of nerve cells consumes a significant amount of PL, a need in the lecithin increases significantly during this period.

However, studies have shown qualities of soya lecithin some toxic substances, which leads to the risk of complications for pregnant women in the I trimester.

In contrast, sunflower lecithin does not have these qualities, but expensive and not widely produced. Property of lecithin to break down cholesterol, or LDL successfully used in dietetics. Regular use of a dietary supplement on the background of diet and exercise will help you quickly and painlessly to throw off excess weight.

For men

Along with other properties, lecithin improves endurance and reduces fatigue during exercise.

At a constant replenishment of muscle fibers phospholipids accelerates metabolism and excretion of free radicals from the cell products. BAA on the basis of lecithin may additionally contain useful acids needed for building muscle fibers and strengthen the ligament.

For children

The high dependence of the nerve cells of the PL content enables us to provide neurotropic action, stimulating cognitive function and nervous system in general. The use of lecithin improves short-term memory, facilitate the process of learning and storing information in the training period.Lecithin. Benefit and harm to the body, indications for use, price

It is found that under conditions of prolonged stress, the body may lose half PL, which increases the likelihood of onset or exacerbation of various diseases. Regular intake of lecithin increases stress, reduces fatigue and irritability.

Increased need for vitamins in early childhood is the indication to the use of lecithin as a food additive. It helps to break down and absorb fat-soluble vitamins, which increases their bioavailability.

Contraindications to receiving

Lecithin (benefit and harm to the organism studied Russian scientists) of vegetable and animal origin has minimal irritant action on the mucous membranes of mammals. In this regard, it attributed to the class 5 compounds with practically non-irritating action.

However, the lack of empirical data on the effect of lecithin in the body of children and pregnant women is not possible to recommend the drug for use for this category of persons.

This is due to the same, and that allergic reactions to soy products - a frequent phenomenon. Therefore hypersensitivity reactions - the main cause limitations in the use of pharmaceuticals and dietary supplements based on soya lecithin.

Methods of treatmentLecithin. Benefit and harm to the body, indications for use, price

Duration of treatment lecithin preparations may be up to 3 months, since it has a biological affinity with the animal PL and non-toxic. The recommended period of treatment in the instructions to the drugs - 1 month.

The extension of the course is possible after consultation with the physician, or highly directional specialist - a gastroenterologist, hepatologist or infectious diseases specialist.

Lecithin is taken in the form of:

  • oral capsules - 1-2 capsules 2-3 times a day;
  • gel - usually prescribed to children, to give 10g, 2 times a day with meals. Permission is granted to 3 years. It has a pleasant fruity taste;
  • Injection - administered intravenously at 5.10 ml per day, in severe conditions - 10-20 ml. Course - up to 10 days;
  • granules and powders (as BAA) - 1 tablespoon 3 times a day, can be added to food and drinks.

The process of filling the body lipids may take an extended period, but after a month since the beginning of the treatment significantly improved the liver status, its functions and other organs and systems.


With surfactant properties and not having a toxic effect on the organism, lecithin is widely used in the pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry. He may have not only a direct therapeutic effect, but also to change the properties and qualities of other substances.

Medicine & Supplements

The main effect of lecithin is directed to restoring and maintaining liver functions, since the cellular level. Other features stem from the higher and touch the body as a whole.

The main indications for use:

  • cirrhosis of various etiologies, including alcohol;
  • hepatitis;
  • liver damage due to toxicity;
  • fatty infiltration;
  • Initial tissue fibrosis;
  • dysfunction caused by physical illness;
  • psoriasis;
  • toxemia of pregnancy;
  • radiation disease;
  • prevention of the recurrence of stones in the gall bladder and ducts.

Lecithin. Benefit and harm to the body, indications for use, priceLecithin: benefit and harm to the body - are studied by American researchers in the field of nutritional supplements. Supplements with lecithin, typically include additional vitamins complex influence on the organism.

The best-known dietary supplements with phospholipids:

  1. Now Foods, Sunflower Lecithin - in encapsulated form lecithin content - 1200 mg. Initial raw material - sunflower. The daily dose for adults - 2 capsules during the meal. The average cost - 630 rubles. In the absence of specific indications, the additive is enough for 100 days.
  2. Solgar Lecithin - It is made from soybeans. The dosage of lecithin in 1 capsule - 1360 mg. The day allowed to use up to 2 capsules during the meal. The average cost of the drug - 1350 rubles.
  3. Natrol, Lecithin Brain Health - in each capsule 1200 mg lecithin. To take 1 per day. Price - 1200 rubles.


Lecithin is actively used in cosmetics due to the colloidal properties. It can perform both functional and technical role in products for skin care. The main feature of the PL - deep nourishment and restore the damaged cells of the surface layers.Lecithin. Benefit and harm to the body, indications for use, price

The ability to form liposomes are used to transport nutrients, which ensures complete saturation of the dermis useful acids and vitamins. Lecithin, as an antioxidant, slowing down skin aging by removing free radicals.

The use of lecithin in creams is needed to achieve the air and light texture. This tool is easy to apply and quickly absorbed into the skin. Lipids are also used in the manufacture of masks, serums, age and sunscreens.

food processing industry

Widely used in food production, lecithin is also known as E322. This component is included in the official list of safe food ingredients (GRAS) in Europe, the USA and Japan.Lecithin. Benefit and harm to the body, indications for use, price

Lecithin is used:

  • in the manufacture of chocolate, margarine, milk powder - as an emulsifier and antioxidant;
  • as a stabilizer in a finely divided granular substances;
  • as a surfactant in the production of dyes and food additives. Lecithin is poorly soluble substances helps to form a solution with the liquid medium;
  • as a dispersant in the production lyophilizer and cocoa powders, dry cream, to prevent sticking and maintaining nutritional value;
  • in the production of cheese, caramel. Colloidal properties of lecithin prevent adhesion to the form;
  • in the manufacture of fillings and icings, as a viscosity reducer;
  • water to prevent crystallization in the production of frozen precooked and ice cream.

Drugs at the pharmacy

Lecithin (benefits and harms to health are not fully disclosed) in pharmacology is available in capsule form, at least - of injection solutions.

A drug Structure The form Dosage Manufacturer Price, rub
Forte Essentiale H soy PL with the content of choline - 76% capsule, 300 mg adults and children over 12 years: 2 capsules, 3 times / day BUT. These things Natterman End GmbH, Germany 550-1200
Doppelgerts asset

lecithin complex

Lecithin - 200 mg;

Vitamin E - 15 mg;

vitamin B1, B2, B6, B12 - 10 mg;

Folic acid - 200 mg

capsules 1000 mg adults and children over 14 years: 1 capsule per day GmbH & Co. KG., Germany 315
Essliver forte PL - 300 mg;

thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, α-tocopherol, cyanocobalamin - 6 mg;

nicotinamide - 30 mg

capsules from 12 to 18 years - 1 capsule 2-3 times / day;

adults - 2 capsules 2-3 times / day. The course of treatment - up to 3 months

Pounce Pharma, India 300-400
Enerliv soy FL capsule, 300 mg 2 capsules 3 times / day before meals Berlin-Chemie, Germany 380
Liventsiale forte soy FL capsule, 960 mg 2 capsules 3 times / day. Course - up to 3 months Berko Pharma, India 550
Phosphogliv phospholipids - 65 mg;

glycyrrhizic acid - 35 mg

capsule, 100 mg 2 capsules 3 times / day for 3-6 months. Not recommended for children under the age of 12 years JSC Pharmstandard, Russia 560

Lecithin plays an important role in metabolic, transport and regulatory processes of the whole organism. In pharmacology it is known for its hepatoprotective properties, in the food and chemical industries - emulsifying and antioxidant.

Lecithin, whose benefits for the body of women, men and children is proved by numerous studies of domestic and foreign scientists, able to exert a weak adverse effect only as hypersensitivity reactions, and in very large concentrations.

Video of the lecithin

How useful lecithin:

Author: Maria Pavlova

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