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Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of 1-2-3-4, a new generation, classification

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Antihistamines are used to treat and prevent allergic reactions. Every year, this group of drugs is becoming more and more popular among both adults and children to treat.

Scientists predict by 2020 any allergic disease will suffer every third person in the world, with all the pathology is more common in infants. Therefore, the development of new, more secure means to relieve unpleasant symptoms is permanent.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is histamine, its signs
  • 2 classification of drugs
    • 2.1 I generation
    • 2.2 generation II
    • 2.3 generation III
    • 2.4 generation IV
  • 3 Top-10 preparations from the chemists
    • 3.1 suprastin
    • 3.2 tavegil
    • 3.3 Fenkarol (hifenadina)
    • 3.4 Claritin (loratadine)
    • 3.5 Zirtek, Zodak (cetirizine)
    • 3.6 Kestin (Ebastine)
    • 3.7 Fenistil (dimethindene)
    • 3.8 Erius (desloratadine)
    • 3.9 Allegra, telfast (fexofenadine)
    • 3.10 Ksizal (levocetirizine)
  • 4 Videos about antihistamines for children

What is histamine, its signs

Histamine is a tissue hormone which acts on receptors of cells of various organs and capable of provoking allergic inflammation, swelling, disturb the structure of the capillaries, induce spasms bronchi. Contact with any allergen in the body accompanied by activation of immunity with increased release of the compound.

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Histamine acts on the tissue not directly, but through the receptors on cell surfaces. Therefore, inflammation is manifested only in certain tissues, rather than distributed throughout the body. To date, it identified four types of histamine receptors. The most important for the study and treatment of allergies there was one of them.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

H1 receptors are concentrated on the surface of the gastric smooth muscle cells and gall bladder, the bronchi and the inner vessel surface.

Therefore, exposure to high concentrations of histamine causes such reactions of the organism:

  • abdominal pain;
  • increased production of mucus in the bronchi and the nose;
  • the increased permeability of the vascular walls;
  • inflammation of the conjunctiva;
  • rash, dermatitis;
  • bronchospasm;
  • tissue edema.

Antihistamines can block sensitive receptors and prevent their union with histamine. That does not allow to develop an allergic reaction and saves cells from damage. The drugs are usually able to work only on free receptors to stop the reaction has begun, they can not.

Allergy does not disappear, but its symptoms are smoothed out and become less painful.

Antihistamines block the first-generation H-receptors, which are responsible not only for allergy. Along the way, they close for the impact of other cells sensitive to histamine, which slows down the regulatory functions in the body and produces a large number of side effects.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation
Antihistamines to help children cope with the effects of allergies.

This feature is particularly desirable for the treatment of children, because their organ systems are not yet fully formed, and undesirable effects occur much more quickly than adults. With each new generation of antihistamines, these detrimental effects are reduced.

classification of drugs

Antihistamines for children, as well as their form, intended for adults are similar mechanism of action, but differ in the strength of the therapeutic effect, the presence of contraindications and side phenomena.

Conventionally distinguish three generations of drugs that block receptors work H. Sometimes the most effective and safest of them isolated in the fourth group, as the latest generation of drugs.

I generation

The group includes non-selective drugs that act on all types of histamine receptors. Therefore, along with H1 blocked serotonin, dopamine, adrenaline and many other receptors.

Positive aspects of antihistamines I generation:

  • a strong impact with the rapid relief of symptoms;
  • an injectable form to help quickly stop the sharp reaction;
  • antiemetic effect of some drugs (Dramina, diphenhydramine), the ability to use anti-motion sickness;
  • potentiation of analgesics (analgin + diphenhydramine for lowering the temperature).


  • action momentarily, which requires frequent dosing;
  • provoke addictive drug therefore needs to be replaced after a course of treatment;
  • have a sedative effect, side-effects which are lethargy and drowsiness;
  • including adverse effects from taking note tachycardia, dry mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, blurred vision, constipation, and many others.

The most recognizable and still used antihistamines I generation of children: diphenhydramine, Tavegil, pipolfen, Diazolin, Suprastin, Fenkarol, Tavegil.

generation II

With the further development of drugs, scientists were able to almost completely rid them of side effects and a high selectivity to H1 receptors.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation


  • the absence of sedative and hypnotic action;
  • rarity of adverse events;
  • lasting effect, reduces the frequency of administration;
  • the absence of addiction and the possibility of long courses of treatment.

In an exact calculation of dosages for children, according to age and weight, the formulations are safe and completely neutralized liver.

With careful use of antihistamines II generation in such cases:

  • liver disease;
  • irregular heartbeat;
  • renal insufficiency.

If any of the renal and hepatic abnormalities doctor must adjust the dose, depending on the severity of the condition. Popular products from the group of loratadine, cetirizine, piperidine, dimetidin. On the basis of these active substances have been many pharmacies forms useful in childhood.

generation III

The group includes improved drugs of the second generation antihistamines. Their metabolites do not accumulate in the blood plasma, so they do not have a toxic effect on the body, which is especially valuable in the treatment of children.

Other advantages of antihistamines III generation:

  • do not slow down brain activity and do not cause drowsiness;
  • effect appears quickly and stored for up to 24 hours;
  • not addictive when long-term therapy;
  • liver and kidney dose adjustment is required.

Negative aspects of drugs not yet been found, side effects appear only on the background of persistent overdose.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

The group include such substances:

  • fexofenadine;
  • desloratadine;
  • levocetirizine.

Modern antihistamines do not interact with other medications. Clinical trials have not found their negative effect on the heart muscle.

generation IV

The group is sometimes referred latest tools designed as metabolites of drugs 2 and 3 generations. In group 4 include drugs which act twice faster than their predecessors have the property of selectively blocking N1- and H2 histamine receptors and have no significant side actions.

List of fairly conventional, more often it is referred to these pharmaceutical forms:

  • Aerius (Loratadine derivative);
  • Ksizal (Enhanced levocetirizine);
  • ebastine (The active metabolite of piperidine).

Antihistamines are a new generation of drugs have instant action, successfully docked all kinds of allergic reactions and does not require frequent dosing. These include the most secure to date medication allergies.

Top-10 preparations from the chemists

Antihistamines for children should appoint a pediatrician, they require careful selection and must meet several criteria.

Criteria for evaluation of medicines for the treatment of allergies in children:

  • efficiency;
  • impact speed;
  • multiplicity of reception;
  • contraindications and adverse reactions.

An important factor in the choice of means is the presence of the drug special "child" forms: drops, suspensions, tablets with low dosage.


Preparation I relates to the generation of antihistamines and fast action differs. The main active ingredient in the composition - Chloropyramine hydrochloride. Compound blocks the free histamine receptors removing swelling, redness, smooth muscle spasms. Additionally possesses antiemetic, hypnotic, sedative properties of light.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

The drug is approved for use in children older than 1 month. For the first year of life it is possible to use the milled tablet form, mixed with a liquid food or water. Currently, there are suprastina liquid form for oral administration.

Features of influence:

  • onset of action of 15 to 30 minutes;
  • duration of effect - to 6 hours;
  • It is indicated for all types of allergies except asthma.
  • well removes skin symptoms: itching, rash, swelling.

Suprastina dosage for children:

Age Pills:

dose / number of intakes per day


dose / number of intakes per day

From 1 month to 1 year ¼ Table. (6, 25 mg) / 2 times not applicable
From 1 to 6 years ¼ Table. (6, 25 mg) / 3 times 5 drops / 3 times
From 6 to 14 years ½ tab. (12, 5 mg) / 3 times 20 drops / 1 time

Mass side effects of drugs I to generation significantly limit its use for children.

Suprastina side effects in children:

  • drowsiness, lethargy;
  • fatigue, lethargy reactions;
  • dizziness, nausea, decrease blood pressure;
  • change in appetite, violations of the chair;
  • disruption of the normal heart rhythm;
  • decrease leukocyte production.

If you have any unusual reactions should immediately stop the intake and contact your doctor. The symptoms most often are transient and disappear on their own after admission. Suprastin price depends on the form of the drug and ranges from 100 rubles. packing with 10 tablets of 350 rubles. per vial (20 ml) with liquid medicine.


Preparation I generation are produced in the form of tablets, injection, syrup. ointment "Tavegil" is used for the topical treatment of dermatological manifestations.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

The composition includes clemastine fumarate, exhibiting the following properties:

  • facilitates breathing;
  • stops bronchospasm, relieves asthma attacks;
  • removes tissue edema;
  • eliminates itching, rashes and other skin manifestations.

The speed of onset of effect is similar to Tavegil suprastin, but the effect lasts about 12 hours, which allows you to take it less often. Children up to 1 year to designate the suspension after 2 years can receive a tablet form.

The dosage for the child:

  • younger than 6 years - ¼ of a tablet 2 times a day;
  • from 6 to 12 years - ½ of a tablet in the morning and before going to bed;
  • over 12 years - 1 tablet twice a day.

The syrup form Tavegil designate adults and children.

The dosage is calculated according to the instructions:

  • over 12 years - 10 ml of the suspension to 4 times per day, the maximum daily dose - 60 ml;
  • from 6 to 12 years - 10 ml twice per day;
  • from 3 to 6 years - 5 ml, 2 times a day.

Bottle syrup Tavegil (100 mL) is approximately 200 rubles. Tablets per pack 20 pcs. will cost 250 rubles. The injectable form (applicable after reaching 12 months), the Austrian production cost about 250 rubles. per pack of 5 ampoules.

Fenkarol (hifenadina)

Antihistamine medicine group I used for symptomatic therapy for allergies of any type. Effective drug from hay fever, dermatitis, allergic edema and insect bites. The drug is not addictive in children and can be used long courses (up to 3 weeks).

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

Fenkarol used for relief of symptoms and not only a single uncomplicated allergic episodes, but also for exchange treatment of eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis. The active substance is capable of stopping the growing asthma and angioedema. The substance overcomes the blood-brain barrier poorly, so it is slightly sedative effect. Time of onset of effect is on average 60 minutes.

The dosage for children:

  • up to 3 years - ½ table. 2 times a day;
  • from 3 to 8 years - Table 1. (10 mg), 2 times a day;
  • from 8 to 12 years - 1, Table 5. (15 mg), 2 times a day;
  • 12 years - 25 mg 1-2 times a day;
  • over 18 years - 50 mg per day

For the treatment of infants calculates pediatric dosage based on body weight and severity of the condition. Said the doctor of the tablets can grind, mix with water and allow the child to drink.

Antihistamines for children, it is desirable to choose on the basis of security. Adverse events in fenkarol much less than other antihistamines I generation. Treatment is permissible to conduct courses for 10-15 days, and repeat the treatment in consultation with a doctor. Fenkarol tablets (15 pcs.) Can be purchased for 300 rubles.

Claritin (loratadine)

Antialergichesky drug II generation differs from the older analog lack of effect on the central nervous system and does not lose efficiency at long reception. Its action can be seen as early as 30 minutes, and the blood concentration remains within the therapeutic effects up to 24 hours. Tableted Claritin is used for children from 3 years of age.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

Syrup suppose to receive from 2 years on such testimony:

  • seasonal and chronic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, dermatitis allergic origin;
  • pseudoallergy syndromes;
  • reactions to insect stings;
  • form contact dermatitis, dermatosis, eczema;
  • Angioneurotic edema, acute allergic conditions.

Rules dosing Claritin:

  • for children from 12 years (Or with a body weight of 30 kg) - 10 mg per day (in syrup or tablets);
  • from 2 to 12 years - 5 mg per day (½ tablet or syrup);
  • syrup is dosed measuring spoon accommodating 5 mg of active substance.

Means give the child once a day at the same time. It is advisable to take Claritin in the morning before breakfast. Tablets containing 10 mg of active substance (larotadina) packed with 10 or 20 units. Price per unit ranges from 150 to 220 rubles. Cost syrup vial (60 ml or 100) starts with 200 rubles.

Zirtek, Zodak (cetirizine)

The active substance is cetirizine is considered to be the gold standard in the treatment of allergies. It is effective in removing rhinitis, inflammation of the eyes, swelling, urticaria and able to stop an asthma attack. Improvement occurs after a single dose within 20-60 minutes and lasts 24 hours.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

Tolerance to a drug does not occur and the therapeutic effect is retained after a course of treatment 3 days.

Zodak, Zyrtec, other pharmaceutical forms on the basis of cetirizine useful in the acute phase of the disease, in chronic and successfully used for prophylaxis. Drugs can affect the histamine receptors, stopping allergic reactions in early and late stages of the development process.

Admission cetirizine warns reaction to specific allergens and cold urticaria. The drug has no effect on blocking acetylcholine and serotonin receptors in recommended doses does not cause drowsiness without inhibits nerve impulses.

Dosing and dose Zirteka Children

  • from 6 to 12 months - 5 drops per day;
  • 1 to 2 years - 5 drops twice a day;
  • from 2 to 6 years - 10 drops, 1 times a day;
  • 6 years - Table 1. per day (10 mg).

A single dose of 5 mg in any dosage form may be sufficient for the relief of symptoms appear suddenly. Especially claimed Zirtek allegricheskih for skin reactions. Zyrtec in the form of droplets from the official manufacturer Eysika Pharmaceuticals in different pharmacy chains is from 300 to 350 rubles.

Kestin (Ebastine)

Kestin relates to preparations of allergy II generation, effectively conducts H1 receptor blockade reduces the permeability of vascular walls, removes bronchial spasms. The effect observed in the first 60 minutes after ingestion. The duration of drug action - up to 48 hours. After the end of the course of therapy Kestin action is saved for another 6 days.

In compliance with the dosing regimen, the equilibrium concentration of the substance in the blood is reached after 3 days. The effect of habituation, the development of tolerance and sedation Kestin not.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

Children aged 6 to 12 years Kestin administered in a therapeutic dose - 5 mg per day, which corresponds to ½ a standard tablet of 10 mg. The drug should preferably be taken before meals, fatty foods enhances absorption antihistaminic agents and contributes to its metabolism in the liver.

Adolescents over 12 years adult dosage of medication - 10 ml or 10 mg of syrup in the form of tablets. The amount of drug per day based on the increase of severity, after reaching the age of 15 are allowed to double the initial dose.

For those who have difficulty swallowing pills, developed special freeze-dried tablets (20 mg), dissolves instantly in the mouth. Packaging with 10 pills for resorption costs about 500 rubles. Tablets (10 mg), put up to 5 pcs. are within 200 rubles.

Fenistil (dimethindene)

II blocker generation histamine receptors based dimethindene discharged in the form of droplets and gel for external application. Fenistil has urgent antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect, quickly relieves the symptoms of allergic skin reactions. The therapeutic effect begins to manifest after 30 minutes and amplified for 5 hours.

Antihistamines for children dosed carefully, especially for such a potent means like fenistil. The facility has contraindications, it is not used in allergic manifestations on the part of the bronchi. It is best to apply it to correct pollinoses and dermatoses.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

The dosage for children from 1 month and should be calculated on the weight of up to 12 years. 1 kg of body weight, a 100 mg drug, which means 2 drops of 1 kg. The daily rate for children up to 6 years, it is desirable to divide into 2-3 portions. When receiving fenistil day can be marked sedative effect, so it is recommended to give the child before bedtime.

For children aged from 1 month to 1 year, an antihistamine used only on doctor's advice, the dosage should expect the specialist. Teenagers, aged 12 years on average, measure 20 drops three times a day if the doctor does not prescribe otherwise. Increasing the dose might under strict indications.

Fenistil gel quickly removes itching, irritation and swelling at the contact types of dermatitis and insect bites. Dermatological manifestations of allergy issue of simultaneous application fenistil inward and outward accepts the doctor.

Gel for external use in tubes of 30, 50 or 100 g has the value of from 450 to 750 rubles. Drops inwardly packaged in dropper dispenser 20 ml, 600 are within the RUB.

Erius (desloratadine)

Tablets and syrup desloratadine based on a new generation of antihistamines. Preparation III group has a triple action on the body: anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, antihistaminic.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

The benefits of Aerius include:

  • the absence of drowsiness;
  • application regardless of fullness in the stomach;
  • means a single dose per day;
  • lack of drug-drug interactions.

The drug takes effect after 30 minutes, the effect is maintained over subsequent days. Aerius syrup is indicated for use in children ranging from 6 months of life.

syrup dosing regimen for children:

  • 6 months to 1 year - 2 ml;
  • 1 to 6 years - 2, 5 ml;
  • from 6 to 11 years - 5 ml;
  • over 12 years - 10 ml.

All syrup norm is taken once a day, trying to do it at one and the same time. Tablet form prescribed only 12 years old. The main indications for purpose Erius are pollinosis, urticaria, allergic rhinitis.

The drug is quickly eliminates nasal congestion, anti-inflammatory effect, side effects are extremely rare. Price Erius syrup (60 ml) Belgian - 160 rubles.

Allegra, telfast (fexofenadine)

Antihistamine and referred to the II and III generation of drugs against allergies. The effect is apparent within 60 minutes, the effect lasts up to 24 hours. Tablet forms have different contents of active substance - 120 or 180 mg. Children after 12 years of lower dosage prescribed for rhinitis, hay fever. The dosage of 180 mg is used for the relief of skin rash.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

Antihistamines are created on the basis of fexofenadine is easy to dose.

For children 6 to 11 years, the daily dose is divided into two steps, using tablets containing 30 mg. The maximum amount of agent per day should be more than 60 mg. Fexofenadine in the form of slurry is prescribed for acute exacerbations of seasonal allergy since two years of age.

In severe forms of idiopathic urticaria allowed to use Allegro 2 months. The daily dose for a single use and calculates the doctor. The cost of antihistamine tablets (120 mg) - about 450 rubles. 10 pcs. Packaging the drug at a dosage of 180 mg cost 700 rubles.

Ksizal (levocetirizine)

Modern H1-receptor blocker is derived classical cetirizine, but its efficiency is twice as high. The drug prevents the appearance and facilitates the allergic reactions almost no effect on other hormone receptors. The substance has antipruritic and antiexudative action.

At therapeutic doses has no sedative action. Secure Receive Ksizala possible an uninterrupted course of about 18 months. Tolerance to the active substance and a toxic effect on the accumulation in the body during this period is not fixed. relief of allergic symptoms rate was an average of 15 minutes.

Antihistamines for children, newborns. List of new generation

Ksizal prescribed to children with complex, chronic and seasonal form of allergic skin lesions, conjunctivitis, rhinitis, angioedema. Not use this drug only at substantial kidney damage with serious loss of functions, in other cases of kidney pathologies subjected dose adjustment.

Dosage and route of administration:

  • children older than 6 years - 1 tablet (20 drops of solution) per day;
  • from 2 to 6 years - 5 drops of liquid drug 1-2 times a day;
  • tablet form is prescribed to 6 years, liquid - to 2 years of age.

Ksizal drops drink with a teaspoon, breeding water. Tablets are taken in the morning before eating. The drug in droplet form, packaged in bottles of 10 ml or 20, can cost anywhere from 400 to 700 rubles. respectively. Tablets of levocetirizine in an amount of 5 mg per pack cost of 14 pcs. 690 rubles.

a new generation of antihistamines have a convenient shape for precise dosing and receive a very early age. The variety of active ingredients helps to pick up medicine entirely appropriate for children in each case. Symptoms disappear rapidly and the number of side effects from the new antihistamines tend to zero.

Videos about antihistamines for children

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