Dental Disease
Reference Book Of Diseases

Periodontitis: Symptoms and Treatment, photos

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Clinical signs of progressing periodontitis: pain, bleeding gums, putrid odor from the oral cavity, it is possible mobility of affected teeth. It is important in the early stages to identify the symptoms and treat periodontitis.

The progression of the process may lead to the formation of pockets between the teeth and gums, tooth loss and separation purulent exudate. Complications include periodontal abscess formation, the formation of sinus tracts on the gums, lymphadenitis and periostitis.

With timely diagnosis of disease should take all possible therapeutic measures. These include sanitation of the oral cavity, periodontal pockets cleaned and curettageWhich is carried out using special tools.

It should be distinguished from periodontitis gingivitisWhich is considered an early stage of disease and timely treatment does not lead to the progression of periodontitis. If gingivitis It is not subject to therapy, provokes the development of periodontitis, in which the elements are destroyed periodontal and bone parts of the alveolar processes.

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Generalized periodontitis is systemic and affects the entire jaw. In old age, it leads to a complete loss of teeth.

Causes of periodontal disease

can be identified several major etiological factors that can trigger the development of diseases. These include:

  • plaque and tartar;
  • smoking - in addition to the direct effect on the fabric, tobacco lowers the activity of immune system that can induce periodontal infection; also reduced the ability of regenerative cells, which exacerbates the nature of the disease;
  • Genetic predisposition - in some cases, heredity is a leading factor in the occurrence of periodontal disease;
  • reduced saliva production - causes a marked plaque and calculus formation, is difficult because natural cleansing of the oral cavity; decreases when taking anti-inflammatory drugs and antidepressants;
  • gingival hyperplasia in patients receiving anticonvulsants, calcium channel blockers, and immunosuppressants;
  • metabolic disorders (diabetes);
  • changes in the endocrine regulation, which are specific to pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause;
  • inadequate consumption of vitamins, especially B and C;
  • calcium deficiency;
  • receiving soft products, which do not give adequate load on the teeth during chewing, which can reduce the intensity of the self-cleaning of the teeth;
  • malocclusion.


Periodontitis is always evolving neglecting therapy gingivitis. Initially appear gingival tissue edema, redness and bleeding. Further, the inflammatory process involved rapidly soft and bone tissues, which ultimately leads to tooth loss.

Pain syndrome is poorly expressed, often the patient is drawn to the dentist complaining of bleeding gums. In addition, it increases the sensitivity of the gingival tissue in response to irritants. Further, between the gums and teeth are formed period. Thereafter separated purulent exudate appears odor from the oral cavity. May cause an unpleasant taste. Periodontitis is the extreme manifestation of tooth loss.

At the beginning of the pathological condition of the inflammation process is easily reversible, since it is not involved in the periodontal ligament. The tooth is still functioning normally, because it is not exposed to overload.

After involvement in the ligamentous apparatus of the inflammation process appears periodontal pocket. It may fall plaque microorganisms accumulate there, all of which aggravate the inflammation. Thereafter, and bone and gingival tissue are destroyed, lost tooth in the jaw bone support, is loosened and may fall out eventually. gap can appear between adjacent teeth.

For periodontitis may have a different character. Possible aggressive process in which the teeth and gums are rapidly destroyed. In other cases, the pathology is sporadic, is possible prolonged periods of remission and exacerbation stage of inflammation.

In chronic periodontitis soft tissue and bone are destroyed slowlyBut in the whole process it has a constant trend. When provocation process various diseases with symptoms can subside corrective therapy of the underlying disease.

The most severe form of the disease - necrotizing. In this case, there is necrosis of the gingival tissue, and if left untreated necrotic changes exposed ligaments and bone. This pathology is more likely to occur in detecting severe immunodeficiency states, which may be primary or acquired.

Timely diagnostic measures and treatment specialist will prevent the occurrence of serious complications and improve the effectiveness of therapeutic measures.


Timely treatment of a patient in a dental clinic at the first symptoms of periodontal disease determines the effectiveness of further treatment. The dentist must gauge the depth of the space between the gum and tooth. This will allow to estimate the depth of the pathological process correctly.

Inspection is carried out for each tooth, resulting in parodontogramma unique to each patient. When the depth of the gap is less than three millimeters gums are healthy. By increasing the interval can diagnose periodontal disease of different severity. Also, when viewed should pay attention to the presence of plaque and calculusTo warn the patient of the possible occurrence of severe disease and have to neutralize these factors procedure.


Therapeutic measures include providing a snug fit of the gingival tissue to the tooth neck. Often, the patient comes to the doctor too late, and then the treatment may be delayed for a long time due to the accumulation of plaque and infectious agents in periodontal pockets. In this case, the therapy involves measures that prevent the deepening of the pockets and destructive changes in the gum and bone tissue.

Held professional cleaning oral cavity, During which the gum pockets are completely cleared from pathogens that serves as an excellent prevention of the progression of the inflammatory process. Effective rehabilitation centers of accumulation of microorganisms provides positive dynamics of the flow of periodontitis.

In that case, if diagnosed in time, the treatment of periodontitis is performed using gentle methods. Apply hygiene and antibiotic drugs are appointed.

The recommended procedure to remove plaque and calculus. They are carried out by using ultrasonic techniques and curettage. Tooth surface during the polishing procedure by means of oxygen disinfected periodontal pockets, which accelerates the healing process. After the procedure, appointed local agents with the content of antibiotics. Their use contributes to the suppression of growth of pathogens. Topical preparations preferable system because they provide fewer side effects.

In some cases you need surgery. Held flap surgeryWhich assumes gums slit exposure of the tooth root and purifying it from stone. In the propagation of inflammation in the bone tissue it is necessary to pre-alignment, after which the incision is sutured. Operation proceeds from one to three hours and is carried out using local anesthesia.

Sometimes It may require soft gum tissue transplantation. This is possible if the tooth is exposed periodontitis. The operation is applied to tissue grafts surface Sky. This closes the periodontal pocket depth, which allows you to close the roots of the tooth tissue. This prevents the occurrence of hyperesthesia.

In large scale destruction of bone tissue possible to use a bone graft. Osteoplasty and involves the use of synthetic materials and proper tissue fragments. The procedure starts a process directed regeneration own tissues. As a result of growing bone tissue, and the functioning of the tooth is restored. This is the most modern and effective method for the treatment of advanced cases of periodontitis.


Prevention includes sanitary measures, which take place in the home: brushing, rinsing,. It is also necessary to address in a timely manner to the dentist for checkups. The doctor can carry out procedures and professional tooth cleaning.

In addition, you must follow the diet, eating vitamins and trace elements. We should not forget that the pathology can be triggered and other diseases, which should be treated in a timely manner at the appropriate specialists.


Forecast favorable if all the therapeutic measures. Early treatment of periodontal disease reduces the risk of complications. Prevent tooth loss in periodontitis can be, if not to neglect the prescribed therapy in a timely manner, and conduct regular professional cleaning procedures and apply hygiene measures at home conditions.

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