Pain And Symptoms

Top 6 causes of pain in the patella in flexion and extension, pressing

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1. bursitis knee

Enough common cause of pain in the kneecap. In the pathology of inflammation occurs synovial bags. If the patient's knee therapy is not available, then the violation is strengthened and inflammation spreads to other tissues.


On the kneecap account for a significant burden of which the permanent joint mikrotravmirovanie observed. Such damage, if triggering factor becomes acute inflammation. Contribute to its appearance of the following reasons:

  • extensive knee injury;
  • Chronic overload knees, after which they do not get proper rest, when carried out activities aimed at the restoration of tissues;
  • long wearing shoes having anatomically an irregular block, because of which there is an increased load on the kneecaps;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • gout;
  • systemic autoimmune diseases, which lead to the affected joints.
From knee pain often affects a person, leading an active lifestyle, and engage in professional sports.


Manifestations bursitis sufficiently clear and confuse it with other diseases, due to which the pain is difficult in flexion and extension cup knee. Main symptoms of disease are:

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  • pain in the knee of varying intensity - moderate to intolerable, similar to that which develops in the abscess;
  • a visible change in the size of the joint and the formation of the swollen area;
  • Local temperature increase;
  • general malaise;
  • inability to fully act in bad leg, which is why there is a visible limp.

In the event of signs of inflammation of the bursa require urgent appeal for medical assistance.


First, we should ensure that the patient rest the knee, which uses a special splint. Next, conservative therapy is conducted with the use of antibiotics, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and analgesics.

surgical treatment of disease is carried out in the presence of purulent infection. In this case, the patient requires hospitalization. The success of treatment depends on how the disease was launched at the time of seeking medical help.

2. Osgood-Schlatter disease

The disease leads to impaired blood circulation in the knee joint for reasons of bone fracture nucleus. With the reduction of blood flow develops inflammation in cartilage and bone. As a result, a cup of the knee will hurt. Eliminate such pain without medical intervention is not possible.


Provoke a knee problem and the development of the disease can be the following factors:

  • bone fracture in the knee;
  • dislocation of the knee;
  • joint contusion;
  • professional sports.

Against the background of degenerative age-related changes in the kneecaps, the disease does not develop.


Pain syndrome in patella, which considerably amplifies the motion is one of the earliest manifestations of the disease. Next to it are attached puffiness in the morning and after active sports, as well as nagging swelling in the patella.


With timely treatment for medical assistance manages to cope with the problem, using only conservative therapies. It is mandatory to remove the knee load and use a special bandage, reducing joint mobility. Of the drugs take pain killers and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Also massages and physiotherapy.

Surgical intervention is required in the event that abnormality does not pass after a long medical treatment when the kneecap hurts especially strong, often a marked change in the joint and around it. Intervention refers to the category of light. On recovery he takes a short period of time. Pain when you press on the kneecap as a residual phenomenon may present a few more weeks.

3. knee Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis - a phenomenon often requires treatment. The disease is degenerative form and usually develops against the backdrop of age-related changes. With such a violation when walking kneecaps hurt always. Fully cured knees do not work, but maintenance therapy will eliminate the main symptoms of osteoarthritis and reduce the rate of joint destruction.


The exact cause of the disease have been identified. Exacerbations as it occurs against the background of the following triggering factors:

  • knee injury;
  • dysplasia of the knee;
  • diabetes;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • strong overload of the knee;
  • frequent prolonged standing on his knees;
  • long stay in the squatting position.

Most patients who are concerned about pain in the kneecaps due to osteoarthritis, refers to the age group over 50 years.


Pain on top of the kneecap comes at a time when the disease is already strongly developed. For other manifestations of knee osteoarthritis include:

  • crunch patella during the motion;
  • decrease in patient mobility knee;
  • the apparent increase in size of the joint;
  • regular joint jamming in a certain position;
  • Frequent subluxation of the knee.

As the pathology progresses symptoms and increases patient's condition deteriorates. In severe cases, the pain in the kneecaps leads to the fact that a person ceases to bend and straighten the leg affected by arthrosis.


Initially, the patients underwent a maintenance therapy. It turns reception drugs whose action is directed at the joint reconstruction, and physical therapy. If necessary, appointed by the nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and painkillers that reduce the pain over the kneecap.

surgery is performed in severe cases, in which carried out a complete replacement the affected knee joint prosthesis why the recovery period after the operation and is long.

4. osteoporosis knee

Pain over the kneecap with this disease - a frequent phenomenon. In osteoporosis sharply increases the fragility of bones, sore knee can not bend properly and disrupted its operation.


The reasons that trigger the appearance of osteoporosis, are the same for any site of disease, including in the kneecap. Precipitating the following factors may develop:

  • lack of physical activity;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking in fresh or dry form;
  • sharp hormonal changes;
  • calcium deficiency in the diet.
Most patients are in the age group over 50 years.


The disease manifests itself most often in the moment when it is already hard enough neglect. At the beginning of development for osteoporosis of the knee hidden. Symptoms of the disease are:

  • knee pain over a cup of long walks and squat;
  • significant reduction in range of motion in the knee;
  • crunch when driving foot;
  • outer joint deformation and the increase in its size;
  • atrophy of the muscles near the knee patients.

At the slightest suspicion of the disease is an urgent need to seek medical help.


disease treatment is done with medication. For him, use drugs that regulate calcium and phosphorus metabolism, restoring hormonal balance and saturate the body with calcium.

To relieve pain in the kneecap, demonstrates the use of analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. To speed up the improvement of the patient's knee to massage and physiotherapy.

5. knee tendonitis

The disease is an inflammatory process in the tendons. It is in the knee are often inflamed. If time does not begin treatment, the inflammation goes on the kneecap and other adjacent areas of the knee joint.


Provoke pathology are such reasons:

  • continuous overload of the knee;
  • knee injury;
  • systemic autoimmune disease;
  • disturbances in the physical structure of the musculoskeletal system;
  • anatomically incorrect wearing shoes for a long time, which increases the load on the kneecaps;
  • age-related degenerative changes in the tissues of the joints.

To treatment was as effective as possible, it is desirable to immediately identify the cause, provoking health problems.


Symptomatology of the disease occurs abruptly as soon as the inflammation. The main manifestations of the disease, other than a sudden sharp pain in the knee are:

  • reduction in knee joint mobility;
  • with pressure pain in the kneecap;
  • local redness of the skin;
  • swelling of the knee;
  • creak in the joint at the time of movement.

As soon as the violation of the symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor to find out why it hurts when bending the knee and what to do with this disease. Self in this situation is dangerous.


Treatment, depending on the extent of the inflammatory process, should be conservative or surgical. The second option usually required if the therapy is started with a delay and pathology already passed into the purulent process.

6. gout knee

the knee gout gives a lot of problems and causes intense pain in the kneecap. The joint is marked with the deposition of urate crystals that causes the disease.


The appearance of gout associated with metabolic disorders. The disease can be hidden for a long time. Symptomatology usually occurs when there is a provoking aggravation time, which may be:

  • severe stress;
  • the use of very large doses of alcohol;
  • heavy or viral infectious disease;
  • excessive load on the knees;
  • severe hypothermia.
Very often, the disease affects not only the tribe, but also other joints.


Onset is always sharp and sudden. Pain in the kneecap zastaot surprise, and once the patient can not understand where the injured, as it seems, the knee joint or ligament. Once the attack passes, at some time in recovering a satisfactory state of health. Further there is a re-exacerbation of disease. The main manifestations of gout knee following:

  • intense pain that is poorly removed by standard anesthetics;
  • a sharp decrease in joint mobility;
  • swelling of the patient's knee;
  • redness of the skin around the knee;
  • local temperature increase.

seizure duration from 4 to 7 days. After that he goes as abruptly as it had begun.


In the first place in the treatment of efforts for the relief of acute attacks of the disease. After this the active treatment of gout of the knee. For him, used drugs that enhance metabolism in the body and contribute to the restoration of the articular tissue.


Provoke pain in the kneecap can be diseases that have appeared for various reasons. Independently set themselves the correct diagnosis - which is why it became painful to bend the leg at the knee - is virtually impossible. Therefore, you must immediately seek help from a specialist.

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