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How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies at home

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Menstrual bleeding - the main indicator of fertility and the health of the female body does not always occur at a convenient time for the girls. many women planning a beach vacation or an important event start to think about how to try to delay the onset of menstruation at the necessary time to not worry about the appearance of the physiological features characteristic of the period critical days.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why delay menstruation for several days
  • 2 Possible complications of menstruation
  • 3 Top-10 preparations from the chemists to delay menses
    • 3.1 Monophasic oral contraceptives
    • 3.2 biphasic contraceptives
    • 3.3 The three-phase oral contraceptives
    • 3.4 progestins
    • 3.5 postinor
    • 3.6 Hemostatic agents
    • 3.7 Vitamin C
  • 4 Traditional methods to delay menses
    • 4.1 A decoction of nettles
    • 4.2 Fitootvar herbs
    • 4.3 Broth from aqueous pepper
    • 4.4 Decoction of leaves of wild strawberry
    • 4.5 Lemon
    • 4.6 Stop all menses
  • 5 Useful video about how to delay menstruation for several days

Why delay menstruation for several days

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How to delay monthly for a few days - the actual question facing the woman, while the long-awaited holidays coincide with the start of menstrual bleeding. Regular menstrual cycle - is considered the main indicator of normal functioning of the female reproductive system.

Each month in the first half of the cycle is an increase of endometrial tissue, follicle maturation and release of an egg. The second phase is characterized by preparing the body for conception. If fertilization occurs, the uterus endometrium rejects unnecessary layer with dead egg.

Arising from this spotting help purify reproductive organs and output the unwanted items. In a normal menstrual cycle of 28-32 days, but may be slightly shifted upward or downward strontium under the influence of internal or external. The duration and characteristics of critical days is dependent on the individual characteristics of the female body.

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

In most cases, menstruation takes 4 to 7 days and is accompanied by:

  • bleeding from genitals of varying intensity;
  • pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • migraine, nausea;
  • diarrhea.

Many women, especially those with heavy discharge and severe pain, hard to bear the critical days, experiencing at this time of physical and psychological discomfort.

The reason for the transfer of menstrual bleeding is a woman's desire feel confident anddo not worry about their appearance during:

  1. Beach holiday. Modern hygienic means do not interfere with a woman enjoy swimming, but doctors strongly recommend avoiding bright sun and open reservoirs during critical days, because at that time the reproductive system is most sensitive to hypothermia and the emergence of pathogens bacteria.
  2. Sports competitions. The girls involved in sports, regularly take medications, preventing the sudden appearance of menstrual bleeding day performances.
  3. Party, holiday, wedding. Clothing evening or wedding dress a woman wants to feel like a queen, not afraid to spoil secretions beautiful outfit and long-awaited holiday.
  4. The long-awaited date. Transferring monthly tumble enjoy the company of a loved one and the sexual games.
How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

Delaying the critical days you may need in case of an appointment scheduled operation date of the first days of the menstrual cycle.

Gynecologists agree that even a short-term postponement of menstruation is accompanied by serious hormonal failure, so often advised not to resort to such methods, the more that modern hygiene to minimize the risk of unpleasant consequences and possible discomfort.

Possible complications of menstruation

How to delay monthly for a few days - question facing the woman, on the eve of the wedding and the wedding night.

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies
The article discusses effective ways as possible to delay monthly for a few days.

Spontaneous delay in 50% of cases is an established failure of the menstrual cycle, and also can cause:

  • deterioration of the general condition;
  • severe cramps in the lower abdomen;
  • the emergence of strong bleeding;
  • increasing the number of days of menstruation;
  • long delays in subsequent cycles (more than 1-2 months);
  • the possible development of anemia.

Safer place to start is to prepare the body for a forced delay in the 14 day cycle. The sharp interruption just started menstruation can provoke neurotic process in the reproductive system.

Normally, in the bleeding helps cleanse the uterus of exfoliated endometrial tissue layer and dead egg. The sudden suspension of the process can cause necrosis, sepsis, or cause death.

Top-10 preparations from the chemists to delay menses

How to delay monthly for a few days - a problem faced by the patient after the doctor's appointment scheduled operation date.

To transfer the critical days of the passage of time shall apply:

  • hormonal drugs;
  • hemostatics;
  • vitamin C;
  • herbal infusions.
How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

By popular drugs used for the suspension of the menstrual bleeding include:

Monophasic oral contraceptives

Combined contraceptives, pills each of which contains a certain dose of progesterone and estrogen, blinked:

  • inhibit ovulation;
  • regulate the menstrual cycle;
  • thicken cervical mucus.

21 tablets, which is in the blister helps to establish a 28-day menstrual cycle and provides the body everyday fixed dose hormones. Upon completion of the package must be made 7-day break during which should begin menstruating.

To change the date of menstruation enough to drink the first pill from a new package immediately after the completion of the old without making the recommended break instruction.

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

List of monophasic contraceptive:

name of product Pharmacology Cost, rub.)
Diana 35 It contains ethinyl estradiol and cyproterone acetate, to help deal with an excess of progesterone, acne, male pattern hair distribution on 1200 rubles.
Janine Microdose dienogest and ethinylestradiol normalize the menstrual cycle and prevent the growth of active endometriotic tissue. During the reception of Janine reduces heavy menstrual bleeding, preventing the development of anemia 980 rubles.
Novinet Tablets having desogestrel and oestradiol normalize the female genitalia, and are prevention of cervical cancer. 470 rubles.
Silhouette Dragees mmeyut incorporates desogestrel and a synthetic estrogen used to regulate the menstrual cycle, protection against unwanted pregnancy and acne 600 rubles.
regulon 450 rubles.
lindinet Pills containing ethinyl estradiol and gestodene, indicated for long-term protection from unwanted pregnancy in women younger than 35 and additional treatment of acne. 1200 rubles.

Do not take hormonal contraceptives for women with:

  • thrombosis;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • jaundice;
  • Gilbert's syndrome;
  • Dubin-Johnson syndrome;
  • severe hepatic pathologies, accompanied by the emergence of jaundice;
  • predisposition to the emergence of hormone-dependent tumors;
  • uterine bleeding.

You can not drink contraceptives:

  • while waiting for the baby;
  • nursing mothers;
  • women suffering from nicotine addiction over the age of 35 years.

biphasic contraceptives

Each capsule formulation is strictly metered dose of progesterone and the progestogen which varies depending on the phase of the cycle. To delay the menstrual bleeding is necessary after the last pill blister drink capsule positioned in the second part of the package.

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

Popular Contraceptives:

Name Pharmacology cost of
Anteovin Part of the preparation levongestrel, eases PMS, treat dysmenorrhea and normalize the menstrual cycle 1300 rub.
Revigidon It eliminates the negative symptoms of PMS. Packing 28 comprises pellets 21 of which is saturated with hormones and 7 are enriched with iron and have a placebo effect 800 rubles.
Mikroginon A drug to protect against unwanted pregnancy increases sexual activity of patients. 980 rubles.
biphase It includes tinilestradiol norethisterone and help prevent unwanted pregnancies and to normalize the menstrual cycle 700 rubles.

The three-phase oral contraceptives

Birth control pills are divided into three phases, each of which contains a different dose of synthetic progesterone. The concentration of hormone changes during 3 weeks. To transfer monthly necessary to complete 1st drink packaging tablet of the 2nd or 3rd phase.

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

Popular Contraceptives:

drug name Pharmacology cost of
marvelon Active components ethinyl estradiol and desogestrel used for contraception and treating acne. Product form - tablets, 21 th Bean in a package 1600 rub.
Three-regolith Tricolor contraceptives shown in the menstrual cycle 760 rubles.
three merci 890 rubles.

Maximum critical days via oral contraceptives can transfer no more than one month (the result of non-stop reception of packages 2). Over prolonged use of drugs (Critical without occurrence days) can cause vaginal bleeding and hormonal background.

In the case of protection by other means to delay menstruation, oral contraceptives need to drink 3-4 days. This technique does not protect against pregnancy, but it will help to move the bleeding for 5-7 days.


Month delay for a few days provoke gormonosoderzhaschie drug filling in the female body a lack of progesterone.

Medicaments comprising dedrogen or cortisone, are widely used in gynecological practice for treatment of:

  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • endometriosis;
  • menstrual disorders caused by the absence of the luteal phase;
  • mastitis;
  • manifestations of menopause.
How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

List of drugs:

Name Pharmacology cost of
Pregnil It applies to 2 tablets a day for 14 days before the start of the bleeding. In urgent cases, you can start drinking the drug 5 days before menstruation. 1240 rubles.
Primolyut 130 rubles.
Orgametril 2900 rubles.
Duphaston 600 rubles.

Self-administration of synthetic progesterone is strictly prohibited. The exact course and dosage determined by a physician after a visual examination of the patient and examining her hormonal levels.

During the reception, progestogens may be observed:

  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • drowsiness;
  • changes in body weight;
  • menstrual disorders;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation.

You should not take synthetic progesterone to women who suffer from:

  • thrombosis and thrombophlebitis;
  • Vaginal bleeding of unknown etymology;
  • oncological diseases;
  • porphyria;
  • hepatitis or severe liver disease;
  • an allergic reaction to components tablets.

Use of artificial progesterone during breastfeeding. Admission duphaston, Primolyuta, Orgametrila discontinued for 2-3 days prior to the desired date of menstruation. After normalizing the hormonal cycle is restored.


The drug concentration at emergency calls single dose hormonal failure and provokes delay menstrual bleeding. Respite critical days causes tablet taken once onlyBut doctors do not recommend practicing this method, since there is a possibility to provoke strong uterine bleeding.

Hemostatic agents

Gemostatiki appointed to accelerate blood clotting and a quick stop severe bleeding caused by trauma or surgery. Taken a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle hemostatic drugs can provoke a delay or reduce bleeding profuse discharge.

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

Popular products:

Name Pharmacology cost of
Dicynone It improves blood circulation and strengthens the capillary walls. To transfer the date of menstruation is necessary to take the drug for 1-2 weeks with 500 ml per day. After receiving menstruation occurs within 16-20 days. 590 rubles.
etamzilat Tablet Formulation normalizing the permeability of vascular wall and improves blood circulation. In case of receiving 250-500 mg 3-dy drugs a day from days 14-17 of the menstrual cycle postpones the start date of bleeding until the cessation of reception. 120 rubles.
vikasol A synthetic analogue of vitamin K, which helps activate the synthesis of prothrombin, and improve blood clotting. Appointed for 3 weeks before the expected date of menstruation. In urgent cases, is able to stop for the day spotting. 59 rubles.
Tranexam Antihemorrhagic means stopping bleeding caused by platelet disorders. To delay menstruation shown to drink 500 mg of the drug with a 14-day cycle. 500 rubles.

At the time of taking the drugs can be observed:

  • migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Using a hemostatic means to delay menses contraindicated:

  • at thrombocythemia;
  • with hormonal failure;
  • women older than 35 years.

Doctors are allowed to use hemostatic agents to delay the menstrual cycle is not more than 1 second per year.

Vitamin C

We take 1 oz. Vitamin C for 3-5 days before menstruation helps to delay the bleeding for 5-7 days.

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

Ascorbic acid in high doses contraindicated in women having:

  • inflammation of the stomach and intestines;
  • predisposition to the appearance of ulcers and gastritis
  • individual intolerance vitamin C.

Traditional methods to delay menses

How to delay monthly for a few days - the actual issue is easily solved with the help of alternative medicine. Fitootvary help delay the arrival of menstruation for 3-4 days to reduce the profusion of subsequent discharges I and relieve pain. recipes:

A decoction of nettles

5 Art. spoons nettle poured 0.5 liters. boiling water and boil gently for about 30 minutes. The mixture was removed from the plate, cooled, filtered and completely consumed one day prior to onset of menstruation.

Fitootvar herbs

Shredded raspberry leaf, peppermint, and shepherd's purse (1 tablespoon of each herb) zaparivat 250 ml of hot water, infused for 30 minutes, filtered, drank 120 ml 3 rows per day. Receiving the collection is recommended to start 4 days prior to the date of bleeding.

Broth from aqueous pepper

5 tbsp aqueous pepper are mixed with 500 ml of boiling water and boiled for 5 minutes. The prepared mixture is cooled, about 3 hour infused, Filtered and taken to 2 tablespoons 3-hole day with 18-20 days of the menstrual cycle.

Decoction of leaves of wild strawberry

1 tbsp. teaspoon of crushed leaves of strawberry connects with 500 ml of hot water. The mixture was boiled at heat for 30 min, is cooled and taken daily (100 ml) for 2 days prior to menstruation. In the case of bleeding appeared fitootvar need to drink up to a complete cessation of emissions.


Due to the high content of vitamin C, the daily consumption of 5 lemons able to defer the onset of menstrual bleeding for 3-5 days. Eat citrus should begin no later than 5 days before the expected date of menstruation. An additional effect can give a 10-minute cold bath for the feet, carried out at the same time.

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

Carry monthly using fitootvarov contraindicated in women:

  • suffering from problems with the stomach and intestines;
  • patients endocrine pathologies and diabetes;
  • older than 35 years.

Stop all menses

Menstruation - a sign of the fertility of the female body. Complete freedom from monthly lead to the disappearance of genital function and the onset of early menopause.

Women suffering from heavy and prolonged bleeding, severe pain in the lower abdomen, doctors recommend taking hormonal contraceptives to help alleviate the pain symptoms and resolve menstrual cycle. Drugs and folk remedies, if necessary, will be able to delay the onset of critical days, but did not stop them completely.

The final disappearance of menstruation before the age of 45 years is possible only in the case of subcutaneous administration of hormones, introducing the female reproductive system in a state of artificial menopause. This procedure is irreversible and has many dangerous consequences for the female body, so is forbidden to use gynecologists.

How to delay monthly for a few days. Tablets, folk remedies

If a woman because of the physiological characteristics did not happen delay the arrival of critical days, that during the holidays should be observed precautionary methods:

  1. Cut bathing time in the days of heavy discharge to prevent hypothermia and inflammation of appendages.
  2. To change tampons after every session in the pool.
  3. Is not to be in the air at the time of strong solar activity. Burns cause increased bleeding.

Most women with caution and unpleasant attitude perceived during the critical days. Medications and herbal teas to help delay the onset of menstruation and a few days, and allows you to enjoy vacation or an important event without experiencing psychological and physical discomfort caused by menstrual flow feature bleeding.

Useful video about how to delay menstruation for several days

Tips gynecologist about the postponement of menstruation:

How to move the cycle and whether it is not dangerous:

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