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Teymurova ointment. on the application of leg instruction, armpits, sweat, mildew. Analogues, price, reviews

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Ointment Teymurova a universal antiseptic agent which, based on the instructions for use, eliminates excessive perspiration, chafing and hyperhidrosis stop. Many use it for the prevention and control of fungal diseases of the skin.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Structure
  • 2 release Form
  • 3 How the agent
  • 4 Indications
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 Advantages and disadvantages of the paste
  • 7 Side effects
  • 8 Dosage and Administration
  • 9 The use of underarm sweating
  • 10 From sweating of palms
  • 11 Pasta foot fungus and nail
  • 12 From unpleasant foot odor
  • 13 acne
  • 14 How much should last treatment
  • 15 Symptoms of overdose
  • 16 Is it possible to be used to treat children
  • 17 Pregnancy and lactation
  • 18 Interaction with other drugs
  • 19 special instructions
  • 20 Storage conditions
  • 21 Shelf life
  • 22 Where can I buy
  • 23 Price
  • 24 Analogs paste Teymurova
  • 25 How effective paste
  • 26 Videos about Teymurova ointments, methods of its implementation and effectiveness


The ointment consists of the following ingredients (quantities per 100 g product):

  1. Boric acid - 7 g It acts as an antiseptic to the treated skin area.
  2. insta story viewer
  3. methenamine -3.5 g The antibacterial property of the component kills bacteria and restores the skin flora.
  4. Talc - '25 Has podsushivayuschee property stabilizes perspiration.
  5. sodium tetraborate - 7 g It has antiseptic properties and extends the use of the ointment components.
  6. Salicylic acid - 1.4 g Has a drying and disinfectant properties, it relieves skin from dead cells.
  7. lead acetate - 0.3 g It has anti-inflammatory properties.
  8. Farmaldegid - 3.5 g It is used as a preservative in the ointment, as well as a disinfectant. It inhibits the formation of pathogenic microorganisms, as a consequence, prevents the formation of unpleasant odors.
  9. zinc oxide - '25 It has anti-inflammatory, dries, antiseptic and absorbent effect.
  10. Glycerol - '12 Used to create consistency ointment.
  11. distilled water - '12
  12. Emulsifier - 3 years

release Form

Ointment Teymurova manufactured in a carton, which comprises a metal tube with a paste of 25 g, 50 g, and instructions for use. May have a form of release in the form of darkened glass jars amount of 50 g and 100 g Dosage form of the agent - homogeneous mass into a paste with white and gray tint peculiar odor.

How the agent

Pasta Teymurova is composed of antiseptic and antibacterial ingredients, which are processed through the skin is disinfected, it destroyed the pathogenic microflora, which helps get rid of bad smell.

Teymurova ointment. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Zinc helps stop inflammation and promotes rapid healing. Dried and disinfecting components removed excess moisture. Under the influence of the composition of the paste to clean the skin of dead cells of the dermis, and recovering microflora occurs cell regeneration.


According to the instructions, there are the following indications:

  • hyperhidrosis stop, underarms, hands;
  • diaper rash and abrasions;
  • excessive sweating;
  • initial stage of fungal skin;
  • unpleasant foot odor;
  • athlete's foot.


Ointment Teymurova has the following contraindications:

  • Do not apply the paste on the skin with severe inflammatory signs, open wounds, cuts, burns, bruises, sores, pimples.
  • Contraindicated the use of ointments women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • It is not recommended to use the ointment for children under 14 years.
  • Caution should be used a means for people prone to allergic reactions.
  • Do not apply the paste on the face, scalp.
  • Avoid exposure to mucosal areas of the nose, eyes, lips, mouth and genitalia.
  • It is impossible to apply the agent over a prolonged period and over large areas of the skin, to prevent intoxication by the accumulation of hazardous constituents of the drug (zinc, lead).
  • With extreme caution should be used ointment for people with renal failure and other renal diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the paste

Pasta is a versatile tool, but is mainly used against excessive sweating of individual body portions, combats malodorous and insignificant inflammation. Ointment can be used for preventing fungal diseases of the skin and nail for the treatment of fungal infections in the early stages of the disease.

Teymurova ointment. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

The advantage is the availability and low cost Teymurova ointment.

The disadvantages are the presence of toxic substances in the composition - zinc and lead, which have the ability to penetrate the skin and accumulate in the body. Also has a fatty paste consistency that does not allow it to quickly absorbed, this requires some time. The ointment has a specific odor, so it is recommended to apply it at night, but not before going out.

Side effects

Ointment Teymurova rarely causes side effects if you follow the instructions for use. However, in some cases, when applied to the skin may appear burning and itching, which pass after a short time.

If the unpleasant symptoms do not disappear, you should thoroughly rinse the pasta water. Sensitive skin may experience allergic reactions such as skin rash and irritation. In this case, you should stop using the drug.

Dosage and Administration

Before applying the ointment should wash treated skin and wipe them dry with a towel. The drug is applied to places excessive sweating by rubbing. Apply thoroughly to fully process the problem area. Then leave the treated area for a few minutes alone, until the paste is absorbed.

Ointment Teymurova (instruction manual supplied with the drug) used 1-2 times per day, preferably at night, for 7-10 days. If the paste is used to treat the fungus, it is possible to increase the dosage to 3-4 times a day, with the duration of treatment also increases up to a few weeks.

Using ointment lasts as long as the problem will not be solved. However, do not exceed the dosage and rate of increase for a long time, since long-term exposure with the skin can cause irritation and damage to the epidermis.

The use of underarm sweating

Excessive sweating in the armpits causes discomfort, to which is added and odor. Pasta Teymurova has antibacterial components that contributes to the destruction of germs and normalizing the microflora.

Teymurova ointment. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Dried and deodorant components allow to get rid of the problem of excessive production of moisture and odors. Before applying the tool, you must thoroughly clean the skin with soap and water. Then, the ointment should be applied to the portion armpits and grind to partially absorb and leave overnight. Repeat the procedure takes a few days.

Underarm skin is thin and sensitive, so the application of the ointment may cause a slight burning sensation. If there is severe itching and unpleasant symptoms persist for a long time, you need to stop using the drug not to cause severe irritation or other serious consequences, up to scratching and appearance ulcers.

From sweating of palms

Palms sweating causes psychological discomfort. In addition, the moisture - a breeding ground for bacteria. To get rid of it, it is recommended to use the ointment Teymurova.

Prior to use, you need to prepare a hand bath with a solution of soda: 1 tsp was dissolved in 1 liter of water. Hands should hold in solution a few minutes and carefully wipe dry. Then the palm is applied layer of paste is abundant and wait until it is dry (about 30-40 minutes).

Pasta foot fungus and nail

The fungus infects most commonly the feet and the skin surface of the nail plate. If time does not take action, it is possible to lose the nail, as the fungus spreads very quickly and can infect the skin are around. Pasta Teymurova detrimental effect on fungal infection. It helps to stop sweating, preventing the appearance of the fungus.

Teymurova ointment. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

It can be used for preventive purposes. Agent must be applied to the affected areas of feet and the nails, after cleaning the surface. The ointment is applied up to 3 times a day depending on the disease neglect. Apply the ointment should be up until the fungus is completely destroyed.

From unpleasant foot odor

An unpleasant odor due to bacteria propagation. Most often this is due to the fact that a person wears shoes out of season, which causes sweating or shoes made of synthetic materials that do not leak air. To get rid of this problem, you need comprehensive treatment, but the ointment Teymurova gives lasting effect.

Teymurova ointment. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
Ointment Teymurova used to treat hyperhidrosis.

It prevents excessive release of water, disinfects and deodorizes the skin of the feet.

Under the influence of paste vessels dilate, the skin is cooled and decreased sweating. In a dry environment, the bacteria multiply harder, so together with sweat and odor disappears. It is necessary to apply the means 2 times a day. After the application is necessary to give the pasta thoroughly soak, this should hold the legs open for a while.


Acne arise due to malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands, when the active expansion and elaboration of sebum. Pasta Teymurova has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, so it is possible to use in combating acne. Ointment reduces inflammation, dries the epidermis, and pimples are faster.

But you need to carefully use the tool on his face as irritation of the paste components may appear on the tender skin. The drug is applied to a dot on the place of formation of acne. It is not recommended to use the means for a long time, as this may damage the skin.

How much should last treatment

Ointment Teymurova - instructions for use:

  1. When the stop hyperhidrosis The ointment is applied 1-2 times a day. The course of treatment can vary from 4 days to 2-3 weeks.
  2. To get rid of diaper rash the ointment should be applied 1-2 times a day to the affected area. The course lasts until a positive result, but should not exceed 3 weeks.
  3. When excessive sweating of the armpits and palms Ointment is recommended to use 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment depends on the degree of complexity of the problem, it may be several weeks.
  4. In the fight against acne ointment is applied locally 1-2 times a day. Treatment lasts until a positive result. After removing inflammation ointment is applied 1-2 times. It is not necessary to continue the course, if there was irritation and discomfort on the skin.

Symptoms of overdose

Ointment Teymurova composition contains toxic substances such as zinc and lead oxide, which are able to be absorbed and accumulated in the body. With prolonged use intoxication can occur, which is accompanied by poor health, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache.

Teymurova ointment. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

Also, the ointment has a drying property, so frequent use may damage the skin, desquamation and pruritus. In these cases it is necessary to abandon the use of the ointment.

Is it possible to be used to treat children

Children's skin is very tender and sensitive, and the paste contains aggressive components which can damage skin. Therefore it is not recommended to use the ointment for the treatment of children under 14 years.

Pregnancy and lactation

Pasta Teymurova through the skin by absorption into the bloodstream. And since it contains toxic components, it is desirable to use the drug for treatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Interaction with other drugs

When treating Teymurova ointment is not recommended to use other drugs intended for topical application. paste components may react with components of other means that can result in unpredictable results and detrimental to the skin.

In the ointment include salicylic acid, which results in expansion of the pores and deeper penetration. This can lead to an increase in the amount of intake of another drug components applied topically.

To avoid overdosing is undesirable to use a paste with ointments containing salicylic acid and other inflammatory components.

Concomitant use tools with preparations containing benzoyl peroxide, and non-steroidal compounds with other topical retinoids.

special instructions

  1. Ointment Teymurova (instructions for use in general does not recommend using a means for young age) and in some cases can be used in diaper rash in children, but only after consultation with the doctor.
  2. Means must be applied locally, not use on large areas of skin.Teymurova ointment. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
  3. The paste should not be applied on the scalp and on open wounds.
  4. After contact with the ointment to the mucous membranes to be removed and the drug immediately rinsed with plenty of water.
  5. Do not exceed the dosage of paste, set in the application instructions.

Storage conditions

Keep ointment in a cool place protected from direct sunlight. For safety reasons, should limit children's access to the drug. Storage temperatures should be from 8 to 20 degrees.

Shelf life

With proper storage and temperature conditions the shelf life Teymurova ointment is 2 years.

Where can I buy

Pasta Teymurova is a drug, so you can buy it in any pharmacy. It is available without prescription. paste can also be ordered online pharmacy or on a dedicated website, where you can buy drugs.


The drug is available means and has a relatively low cost. Price depends on the shape and volume of the issue. The cost of the tube 25 g varies from 20 to 30 rubles. Glass jar of 50 g is from 40 to 60 rubles. Cost banks nominal capacity of 100 g varies from 100 to 120 rubles.

Analogs paste Teymurova

Additional analogs paste Teymurova isolated following medications external application:

  1. Boric ointment 5%. Price - 40-60 rubles.
  2. Sodium tetraborate (borax). Price - 20 rubles.
  3. Fukaseptol. Price - from 150 rubles.
  4. Aseptolin. Price - 50 rubles.
  5. Fukortsin. Price - 30-40 rubles.Teymurova ointment. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues
  6. Eton. Price - 60 rubles.
  7. Novotsindol. Price - 110-120 rub.
  8. Formagel. Price - 160-180 rub.
  9. Salicylic ointment. Price - 23-25 ​​rubles.

How effective paste

Pasta effectively treats fungal legs at an early stage, since it has a composition of ingredients that kill pathogens. Dried ingredients tools help remove excess moisture, which prevents the growth of bacteria and germs.

According to the reviews, the paste when properly used (systematic and clean skin of the feet) gives noticeable result after the first application. Especially praise her for what she instantly removes unpleasant odor. After a week of daily use to move enough to use once a week and the smell will not.

Multicomponent preparation "Ointment Teymurova", based on the instructions for use, helps to get rid of problems like excessive sweating of feet, hands, armpits, skin, diaper rash, as well as fungal infections in the initial stage. The drug has earned a lot of positive reviews, however, there are contraindications.

Videos about Teymurova ointments, methods of its implementation and effectiveness

Hyperhidrosis treatment with a paste Teymurova and its analogues:

Getting Rid of Athlete's Foot:

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