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Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, facial masks. Reviews

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As part of a balanced diet of modern man there are seafood, which have a special set of biologically active substances. The list of useful products for women other than fish and molluscs include algae. Spirulina has useful properties for health and for appearance. This alga is characterized by its properties from the laminaria and chlorella.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Features spirulina
    • 1.1 Description of spirulina
    • 1.2 Which is often used for medicinal purposes
    • 1.3 collection rules
    • 1.4 Features of the workpiece
    • 1.5 Storage conditions
  • 2 The chemical composition of Spirulina
  • 3 Medicinal properties for women
  • 4 Contraindications to receiving spirulina
  • 5 Methods of treatment using Spirulina
    • 5.1 Fruit-vegetable cocktail based on spirulina
    • 5.2 Dessert with spirulina
    • 5.3 Vegetable soup with spirulina
  • 6 The use of spirulina in folk medicine
    • 6.1 Spirulina in colitis
    • 6.2 Treatment of chronic cholecystitis spirulina
    • 6.3 Spirulina dysbacteriosis
    • 6.4 Algae in the treatment of varicose veins in the legs
    • 6.5 sinusitis treatment
    • 6.6 Spirulina herpes
  • insta story viewer
  • 7 Spirulina in cosmetology
    • 7.1 The mask of algae and aloe
    • 7.2 Mask based on gelatin
    • 7.3 The mask for acne
    • 7.4 The mask for the skin under the eyes
  • 8 Video of the beneficial properties of spirulina

Features spirulina

The biological classification Spirulina (Arthrospira) refers to planktonic cyanobacteria.

In medicine and cookery used two types:

  • Arthrospira platensis;
  • Arthrospira maxima.

These species successfully bred on special farms for subsequent use in the pharmaceutical industry or cooking. Alga not part of the other drugs, and acts as the main raw material for dietary supplement.

The basis of vital blue-green algae is photosynthesis (the conversion of solar energy to the cell). By building it relates to animal cells, as a representative of the two kingdoms. The biological classification Spirulina (Arthrospira) refers to planktonic cyanobacteria.

Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks

These species successfully bred on special farms for subsequent use in the pharmaceutical industry or cooking. Alga not part of the other drugs, and acts as the main raw material for dietary supplement.

Description of spirulina

Externally, the plant looks like a spiral dark green or emerald green. For this she was given the name "spirulina". The living form has a bright distinctive taste and smell of fish, which is completely lost after heat treatment. In nature, for the development of the organism requires an alkaline environment that has developed in three lakes - Texcoco, Chad, Qinghai.

One of the first forms of life on Earth, which is capable of photosynthesis - spirulina.

The ancient Aztecs and the Egyptians took the algae as food and medicines. Marathon, which had increased endurance, constantly involved in food dry seaweed. High Priests cops and Ancient Egypt cakes prepared with the addition of spirulina. This green bread was considered sacred and was not available to everyone.

Which is often used for medicinal purposes

This single-celled blue-green algae, which multiplies at stable temperature conditions. At higher temperatures above zero, and the complete absence of water algae flows into hibernation, but not destroyed, unlike other proteins.

Spirulina body is a thin thread (trichome) without branches, which visually minimized in a spiral shape. The filaments are connected to the beams and are able to intertwine with each other and with other algae. Algae contain photosynthetic pigments, which give them an intense blue-green color. Reproduction occurs by vegetative way - portions of trichomes.

collection rules

In their natural habitat on the planet there are three lakes in which Spirulina grows - Chad, Texcoco, Qinghai. Environmental changes in the world have led to the disappearance of Lake Texcoco. On the territory of the two remaining reservoirs deployed production of dry extract.

Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks

In the 80s of the last century in the Moscow University. University has developed a unique method of growing spirulina artificially. These developments were made for implementation in medicine and space research.

Today, all over the world spread the so-called "living farm", which successfully cultivated algae, creating favorable basic conditions for its growth. Such production is a continuous cycle and supplies the market necessary to dry the raw material.

Spirulina found in the natural environment but two lakes on the planet impossible, so a separate collection of the raw material is excluded. But you can try to cultivate spirulina at home if you wish. The techniques that will allow enthusiasts to grow their own weed. You need to create an alkaline environment with a constant temperature control. Saturating the water with carbon dioxide.

The technological cycle of cultivation of Spirulina:

  • a large aquarium fish (at least 10 liters) to dial cold running water;
  • to pour liquid: 150 c. soda; 25 gr. potassium 10 c. salt; 1 oz. lime; 5 g. potassium nitrate; 1 oz. magnesium sulfate; 10 gr. natural green tea.
  • water temperature should be maintained at 26 ° C (spirulina dies at temperatures up to +60 ° C);
  • set the compressor to the water saturation;
  • purchased on a "living farm" for production of algae spores;
  • settle them in the prepared environment;
  • set next to the aquarium ultraviolet lamp.

The process of adaptation and growth of the dispute will take a few days. The algae will start to actively proliferate in the aquarium walls. To accelerate the growth necessary to exclude the access of oxygen, it is recommended to close the jar top with glass.

Features of the workpiece

If we reject the way of self-cultivation of algae, the raw material is purchased in pharmacies or specialized stores. Recently, the product is widely distributed with the help of online stores.

Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks

For therapeutic purposes, single-celled algae are grown in special fitoreaktorah, open or closed.

These production facilities are in the territory of all States.

So do not be difficult to purchase the product of domestic production.

Quality criteria when purchasing dry raw materials:

  • homogeneity of the powder, no lumps and impurities;
  • color is brown. shades of green, can not be bright, neon;
  • a light smell of sea fish;
  • tight, sealed package without mechanical damage.
  • shelf life and production shall be indicated on the packaging.

In the case of acquisition of the frozen raw material for packaging must be specified method for fast freezing (at a temperature of 200 ° C). Such a product is stored only in the freezing chamber cold

Storage conditions

Spirulina useful properties for women shows both in dry and in live form. Dry powder concentrate spirulina retains all biologically active features.

Seaweed dried in the open air and stored:

  • dry raw material loses the properties for 1.5 years;
  • frozen live product has a shelf life of 2 years.

Modern manufacturers fill the spirulina market:

  • dry powder,
  • pills;
  • cereals;
  • gelatin capsules;
  • syrup;
  • canned food;
  • frozen pellets.

storage method depends on the type of raw material. When stored dry and concentrate flakes home, it is contained in a closed glass or cardboard containers. The preserved product is refrigerated and not stored for more than 3 days after opening a can.

The chemical composition of Spirulina

Spirulina useful properties for women manifests in cosmetic and weight loss due to the characteristics of the biological structure. It is considered a product of plant origin, which is recommended to be eaten without further heat treatment.

The biological value of 100 g:

Title Indicator
calorific value 290 kcal
fats 8 g.
cholesterol 0
proteins 57 c.
carbohydrates 24 gr.
sugar 3 c.
cellulose 3.6 g.

plants unique in that this single-celled algae contains all 18 amino acids necessary for the person (8 of which are not of synthetic analogues). Additionally it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids to the body in the desired amount.

Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks

Table minerals and vitamins in spirulina:

Title Indicator
vitamin A 570 IU
vitamin C 10 mg
vitamin B6 0.4 mg
vitamin D 0 IU
vitamin B12 0
iron 28 mg
calcium 120 mcg
iodine 0,3
chromium 124 mg
phosphorus 894 mcg
selenium 0.014 ug
potassium 1540 mg
sodium 41.2 mg
magnesium 192 mg

The value of spirulina daily diet of people provided a significant amount of iodine in the composition. Iodine supports thyroid function, speeds up the metabolic processes in the body tissues. The nervous system is due to micronutrient support their healthy cells, it allows to recover the conduction of nerve fibers after injury or strokes.

Iodine accelerates protein synthesis in the muscles, which leads to an increase in endurance and growth. To this end, it must be included in the nutritional status of children.

Selenium, in addition to effects on the immune system, is a powerful antioxidant that supports the stable operation of the heart, is opposed to the formation of cholesterol plaques and blood clots. Modern medicine has proved that the trace element inhibits the growth of cancer cells.

Chrome performs control balance blood sugar. Used for weight loss as an amplifier of the process of carbohydrate digestion. A set of these trace elements, in combination with low-calorie, makes the useful properties of spirulina essential for women in the process of losing weight. It is considered a potent immunostimulant and adaptogenic to the body.

Medicinal properties for women

Spirulina - a special microorganism in a small amount, which is a unique collection of useful substances. This provides a high nutritional value of the product and therapeutic opportunities.

The spirulina is useful for the person:

  • It filters the blood, ridding it of toxins;
  • It maintains the stability of immunity;
  • improved memory and eyesight;
  • promotes muscle fibers;
  • accelerates metabolism;
  • It leads to normal blood sugar levels;
  • improves the conduction of nerve fibers regenerate cells of the nervous system;
  • It stops the inflammatory processes in the tissues and the skin;
  • no cholesterol, fights with his high levels in the blood.
Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks

According to the World Health Organization spirulina is superior in content of nutrients all the existing plant complexes.

With regular reception spirulina might:

  • restore immunity after illness;
  • align vitamin deficiency;
  • conduct prevention of cancer;
  • regulates sexual life;
  • stabilizes blood pressure;
  • cleans the body of toxins;
  • regulates weight;
  • able to heal wounds, burns;
  • cutaneous inflammation;
  • enhances intestinal motility;
  • increases endurance.

Spirulina useful properties for women is manifested not only in the medical field, but also in cosmetics and dietetics. The acquisition of one bank spirulina capsules solve the problems of improvement of the whole family - children and adults. It is used in complex treatment of children with cerebral palsy and is able to increase the amount of breast milk from mothers during breast feeding.

Contraindications to receiving spirulina

Spirulina is considered a product with no side effects. But in today's dangerous environment and abundance of drugs can manifest personal intolerance of all the products on the basis of spirulina.

Doctors strongly recommend to use algae:

  • people with hypertension;
  • if there is any inflammation in the kidneys;
  • children up to 5 years;
  • Lyudmila older than 70 years.

The risk group includes persons:

  • internal bleeding;
  • ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thrombosis;
  • the presence of frequent allergic reactions;
  • with hypothyroidism.
Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks
Spirulina has useful properties, but it can not be taken for people with hypothyroidism.

seaweed The paradox is that it is used in the treatment of many types of allergies, the drug lowers the production of histamine. Otorhinolaryngologists believe that taking supplements with spirulina facilitate state during seasonal exacerbations of allergies. However, there is a group of people with individual intolerance plants.

Methods of treatment using Spirulina

Doctors of traditional and folk medicine agreed that spirulina is best taken on an empty stomach. Powder or tablet desirably dissolved in water (comfortable temperature 30-37 ° C).

When infusion of 10-15 min, seaweed fermentation occurs. After receiving the activation of the gall bladder and intestines, so the 30 minutes comes favorable time for breakfast reception.

The forms in which spirulina is taken:

  • dry powder;
  • tablets, capsules, syrups;
  • frozen seaweed;
  • canned.

The easiest way to make the algae in the pharmaceutical treatment - in the form of tablets or gelatin capsules. Some people are not able to use the dry extract of spirulina because of the specific taste, especially finicky kids. For them, the doctors offer include spirulina in the daily ration of food. It becomes a neutral taste in cocktails, and even ice cream.

Fruit-vegetable cocktail based on spirulina


  • Banana medium size;
  • spinach beam (50 c);
  • 1 apple;
  • honey 2 tsp .;
  • warm water 1 st .;
  • spirulina powder 1 tsp .;
  • adult add 2 tbsp Flaxseed.
Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks

The method of preparation is simple - all in the flask to mix the blender with warm water until a homogeneous green mass. Take immediately after preparation.

Dessert with spirulina


  • 2 ripe banana;
  • 1 avocado average size;
  • 1 mango;
  • cocoa from 1ch.l. to 1 tablespoon (optional);
  • Spirulina - 1 hr. l.

How to cook:

  1. Banana peel to put on 15 minutes in the refrigerator. Then get and, peeled, cut into slices.
  2. With avocado and mango rind removed, cut into cubes.
  3. All components combine in a blender and blend into the lush weight with seaweed.
  4. Expanded in the ice-cream bowls and put in the freezer for at least 30 minutes.

Spirulina - pharmacopoeial drug that is not included in the composition as an ingredient of medicines. However, it includes (in different doses) in the complex treatment regimen as an independent unit. To supply patients during the rehabilitation period is recommended to eat soup. The soft consistency and a set of biological properties provides a useful and easy processing of food.

Vegetable soup with spirulina


  • young squash without seeds 1 unit .;
  • onion - 1 pc .;
  • green beam - rukolla, parsley, spinach, dill (something one optional);
  • potatoes 3 pcs .;
  • milk 2-3 tbsp .;
  • Spirulina 1 tbsp .;
  • salt and spices as desired;

Technology of preparation:

  1. In salt water boiled potatoes cubes, zucchini and onion, peeled.
  2. Water is taken in a volume of 700 ml.
  3. Add greens, milk, spirulina and blenders crush all the ingredients into a smoothie.
  4. Mass of salt and season with spices.
Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks

Serve immediately after cooking. For children, you can add 1 tbsp cream. Each selects for itself a form convenient use spirulina. Duration of treatment spirulina (not less than 1 month) allows you to enter it in the menu in the form of various culinary dishes.

The use of spirulina in folk medicine

Traditional medicine uses more recipes medieval period.

The main areas in which classified medicinal recipes with spirulina:

  • Preventive cleansing the body of toxins;
  • acceleration of the production of hemoglobin;
  • regeneration of the skin;
  • acceleration of growth and strengthening of the muscle tissue;
  • improving intestinal metabolism.

In these areas are developed and practiced recipes of traditional medicine, in which as the base component performs spirulina.

Spirulina in colitis

Colitis (chronic) meets every second man after 40 years. Do not worry about over the years, and the worsening of the disease is accompanied by pain and flatulence. Often skin problems associated with disturbances in food processing intestines. Disease characterized by frequent diarrhea or constipation lasting, thus it is necessary not to destroy the symptoms and deal with the root cause - colitis.

For the prevention of exacerbations should drink 1 tsp Spirulina powder, pre-dissolving it in water. The warm solution was consumed within 30 min. before meals. You can drink all the time, sometimes taking breaks for 1 week. To improve the taste, you can add 1 tsp honey.

Treatment of chronic cholecystitis spirulina

This disease is characterized by a set of unpleasant symptoms: nausea, aching pain in his right side, flatulence, bile taste in the mouth. For the destruction of the symptoms should begin receiving spirulina powder 1 tsp at least 3 times a day.

Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks

After the disappearance of the symptoms go on a maintenance dose of 1 tsp in a day.

Spirulina dysbacteriosis

Kelp is the best natural regulator of microorganisms in the gut. The plant is able to destroy putrefactive bacteria. When dysbacteriosis intestinal flora is unbalanced. Harmful bacteria are combined with useful. Spirulina supports a stable equilibrium, destroys harmful microorganisms that cause pain and swelling.

To resolve this problem, it is recommended to include in the diet of fresh or canned kelp or spirulina. Both algae within 7 days regulate bowel movements and create harmony microflora.

Algae in the treatment of varicose veins in the legs

The problem of varicose veins begins as a cosmetic defect, but over the years transformed into a serious disease that requires complex treatment. It is impossible to get rid of the problem permanently only when using external ointments and poultices. However, a combination of such procedures with taking medication provides visible results.

For these purposes apply talassovanny (reference temperature 37C) - a combination of warm water, sea salt, seaweed. The procedure was carried out for 30 minutes. rates of 10-20 pc. You can use the wrap when fresh seaweed with baking foil primatyvayutsya on problem areas. Before that, you must thoroughly wash spirulina and kelp from the sea salt.

sinusitis treatment

The disease is considered a chronic inflammatory process. Accompanied by pain and heaviness in the sinuses. Perhaps a sharp rise in temperature and loss of smell. When purulent secretions can stop the process of oil spirulina or kelp.

Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks

For this fresh seaweed or powder must be filled in a glass refined oil (sunflower, olive). Infuse mixture in a dark place for 10 days. Strain through several layers of gauze and instill 2 drops 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment 14 days. After the first amplification procedures departure mucus and fever may occur.

Spirulina herpes

It is an infectious disease that affects all age groups. Most often, the presence of infection disturbed skin rash in the form of watery bubbles. Relieve itching and stop the spread of the skin rash may be a lotion or ointment from spirulina. The dry powder is mixed with plant petrolatum to form a uniform green mixture (1 part petrolatum: 1 part spirulina).

Constantly lubricate the problem area. To activate the immune system to fight the disease are advised to take seaweed in food, including in the first or second course. Treating algae (spirulina, kelp, fucus) allows to adjust the healing process by sending to the destruction of the internal resources of the body's disease.

Spirulina in cosmetology

Spirulina useful properties for women shows, participating in recipes cosmetology and nutrition. Having at hand algae powder can not only tighten the skin, but also lose weight. Masks on the basis of Spirulina suitable for mature skin, as well as in the fight against acne in adolescents.

Anti-inflammatory effect (within one year) becomes the regeneration of the skin (pore constriction, production of collagen). The skin under the influence of masks from algae smoothed - disappear wrinkles and unevenness of acne. To prepare the masks chosen spirulina powder or tablets.

The mask of algae and aloe


  • aloe - fresh plant juice or ampoule chemist - 2 ml;
  • spirulina - 5 tablets;
  • water 10 ml.

A method for preparing a mask:

  1. Crush pills into powder 1 tsp
  2. Add water and stir until completely dissolved algae.
  3. Pour a vial of aloe.
  4. Apply mask directly on the face with a silicone brush.
Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks

The skin before it is necessary to clear micellar water or soap. The mask on his face holds up to 30 minutes. We can not allow complete drying of the mass on the face, especially in the case of aging skin.

Mask based on gelatin


  • spirulina tablets 4 pcs .;
  • food gelatin or agar-agar, 5 g;
  • 20 ml of water;
  • Lemon juice 0.5 tsp .;
  • vitamin A oil 2 drops.

How to cook:

  1. Gelatin pour 10 ml of cold water and wait for the absorption liquid.
  2. Tablets spirulina chop and pour 10 ml of water.
  3. Connect the two masses in one container and add the lemon juice.
  4. Drip oily solution of vitamin A.

The mask for acne


  • Spirulina 4 tablets;
  • water 2 tablespoons

How to apply:

  1. Crush the tablets into powder.
  2. Pour warm water.
  3. Leave on for 20 minutes for fermentation.
  4. Apply silicone brush face, pre-treating it with hydrogen peroxide.
  5. To sustain the face mask until dry (about 20 min.).

The mask for the skin under the eyes


  • 2 spirulina tablets;
    Spirulina. Useful Properties for women, as taking slimming, cosmetology, face masks
  • 2 tablespoons water;
  • 1 tablespoon cucumber pulp without seeds.

After dissolving the tablets in the water, enter into a mixture of cucumber. Immediately apply on face, leave for 30 minutes. Masks are washed off with spirulina using tepid water. Do not expect miracles from the application of a mask. Beauticians recommend to start with the course in 5 masks to make sure that there are no allergies. The maximum rate at neglected up to 30 days.

Spirulina will be helpful for weight loss and when it will appear an opportunity to remove toxins and waste, lowering cholesterol figures. All the necessary elements are enclosed in a gelatin capsule volume. Spirulina algae, has unique properties useful for humans.

For women seaweed replaces cosmetics and medicines. One of the first plant in the world, today is able to support and regulate many functions of the human body. Modern nutritionists recommend to master recipes with spirulina and enter it into the daily diet of the whole family.

Author: Anna Beauty

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the beneficial properties of spirulina

Spirulina, the benefits and harms plants:

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