Reference Drugs

Amoxicillin. Instructions for use, tablets, suspension, capsules for adults, for children. Price, reviews, analogues

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Breakthrough in medicine has been the emergence of penicillin. So far, it is the antibiotic of choice in the treatment of many bacterial infections. As for the use of Amoxicillin guide provides all the details on prescribing.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Release form and packing
  • 2 Structure
  • 3 Indications
  • 4 Possible side effects
  • 5 Contraindications
  • 6 The mechanism of therapeutic action of drugs
  • 7 The dosage of amoxicillin for adults
  • 8 Dosage suspension for children
  • 9 As dilute suspension
  • 10 The use of tablets
  • 11 Application of slurry
  • 12 amoxicillin Candoz
  • 13 DS amoxicillin
  • 14 How to apply the medication when SARS
  • 15 with angina
  • 16 From kidney disease
  • 17 From cough
  • 18 antritis
  • 19 Bronchitis
  • 20 Pneumonia
  • 21 Cystitis
  • 22 Otitis
  • 23 Venereal diseases
  • 24 Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • 25 Properties reception for liver pathology
  • 26 When renal impairment
  • 27 The use of children
  • 28 drug interactions
  • 29 Compatible with alcohol
  • 30 The cost of funds analogues
  • 31 Video of amoxicillin, its efficiency and application rules
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Release form and packing

Instructions for use of the drug in detail describes all options release and appearance of packaging Amoxicillin. Manufacturers have taken care of the convenience of receiving the drug for different age groups.

At the antibiotic has several options by which it is released in pharmacy: tablets, capsules and granules for the manufacture of a suspension.

What is the fundamental difference:

  • Pills have a shell which coloration varies from white to pale yellow, shape oval, biconvex, there are notches on both sides. They are available in a dosage of 250 mg or 500 mg, can be in a pack 6, 10, 12 or 20 pieces. Tablets 500 mg dose is also available in container 1000 or 9000 pieces. This option is used more for the purchase of the hospital or other medical institution.
Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children
  • capsules dense gelatin housing painted in yellow, and the cover is in the red-brown within a white or pale yellow powder, respectively, has engraved dosage of active substance of 250 or 500. In the package are two blisters of 8 pieces.
  • granulesFrom which it is obtained a liquid form, dispensed in bottles of dark glass 40 ml. The package one bottle and measuring spoon. Content suffices for the manufacture of 100 mL of liquid for oral administration at a dosage of 250 mg per 5 ml. It is convenient to assign the young children and babies, as well as patients who, due to existing diseases of the esophagus or stomach, can not take the tablet form.


The preparation includes:

  • primary ingredient - trigidratnaya amoxycillin salt;
  • additional ingredients are magnesium salt, polyvidone, the composition of sodium starch, cellulose;
Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children
  • capsules made of gelatin cover;
  • Tablets shell consists of titanium salts, talc, hypromellose.


According to the instructions for use, an antibacterial medicament

Amoxicillin is used in the following cases:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as infectious changes in the ear, nose and throat. The doctor can prescribe the drug to patients with otitis media, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, laryngitis, sinusitis.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Medication prescribed to patients with bronchitis or pneumonia.
Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children
  • Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system. It is used for the treatment of diseases of the bladder, urethra, kidneys.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the stomach, intestines. It is used in the treatment of diseases of the gall bladder, colon, peritonitis, biliary tract, typhoid fever, diseases caused by Salmonella, dysentery bacillus.
  • Inflammation of the lining of the heart - endocarditis. May need prophylactic administration of the drug in patients who are at risk to develop the disease during the various manipulations, for example, at a reception at the dentist.
  • Inflammation of the membranes of the brain.
  • Inflammatory skin changes. Treatment is prescribed in situations when diagnosed with leptospirosis, erysipelas, impetigo, dermatitis, bacterial origin.
  • In gynecology - gonorrhea therapy, endometritis (inflammation of the lining of the uterus).
  • Other situations in which it is possible to use a broad spectrum antibacterial action: when borellioze, sepsis.

Possible side effects

According to the instructions for use, side effects Amoxicillin means are divided into common, rare and very infrequent.

Common symptoms:

  • long the medication can cause development of fungal infection - candidosis inflammation of the mouth, vagina;
  • dyspepsia manifest discomfort in the epigastric region, nausea phenomena, vomiting, poor appetite, abdominal distention, diarrhea, enanthema (rash on the mucous membranes), sensation of dryness in the mouth, violation flavoring habits (these changes are as prolonged application of the drug, reduce the severity of these reactions can be, if the pills during exercise food Time);
  • skin manifestations are presented: exanthema (usually appears on the 6-10 day of treatment), itching, hives (for fast development of complications, recommended the abolition of amoxicillin).
Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children

Infrequent manifestations:

  • hematopoietic system: the development of hemolytic anemia, eosinophilia;
  • immune system: may develop laryngeal edema, serum sickness, allergic vasculitis;
  • neurological disorders: may develop hyperkinetic, dizziness, convulsions (as a rule, they suffer from people who have varying severity renal failure, or those who receive treatment with high doses of preparation);
  • hepatobiliary system: increase in transaminase levels (ALT, AST), possible development of hepatitis, jaundice;
  • For the skin: there is the risk of development of angioneurotic edema, erythema multiforme exudative, common purulent rash, toxic epidermal necrolysis, dermatitis;
  • kidney and bladder system: provided acute renal interstitial inflammation;
  • Other reactions: drug fever refers to them.

Very infrequent manifestations:

  • hematopoietic system: decrease in white blood cell count, granulocytes, platelets, decreased levels of all blood cells, anemia, myelosuppression, agranulocytosis, increased bleeding time, thrombin time (all described changes stopped when therapy is canceled preparation);
  • the immune system: anaphylactic shock;
  • on the part of the gastrointestinal tract: To change the language of color on black.


In preparation, there are certain contraindications to the use of:

  • Hypersensitivity to penicillin group;
  • potential formation of cross-allergy with antibacterial agents beta-lactam group such as cephalosporins, karbopinemy;
  • you must use caution in patients with a diagnosis of atopic dermatitis, bronchial asthma;
  • renal failure leads to disruption of excretion antibiotic that requires reduced doses designated formulation;
Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children
  • It must be used with caution in medicine to infants and children born prematurely, with need for drug control carried liver, kidney, system blood clotting;
  • should exercise caution when taking medications for people with infectious diseases, as great risk of erythematous skin rash.

The mechanism of therapeutic action of drugs

The action of the drug is determined by the following properties:

  1. The drug is aminobenzyl penicillin, which exhibits bactericidal properties by inhibiting synthesis of bacterial cell wall.
  2. Bioavailability is 85%.
  3. Amoxicillin is not destroyed by the action of gastric juice, resulting in a well absorbed. This explains its high bioavailability compared to other drugs.
  4. After taking the medication, they saturate all tissues and body fluids, whereby the therapeutic effect is good.
  5. Up to 65% of the drug appears renal system, rest - liver.
  6. Amoxicillin is active against Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Shigella, gonorrhea.

The dosage of amoxicillin for adults

For patients over 18 years of age and children who weigh 40 kg or more, the drug is released in several doses: 250mg and 500mg - is tablets and capsules.

Dosage suspension for children

Amoxicillin for patients younger than 10 years, according to the instructions for use, should be taken under the supervision of a physician. In 5 ml of the finished suspension contains 250 mg of active substance. The maximum possible dosage means for infants up to 3 months was 30mg / kg body weight, which is taken every 12 hours.

Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children
The scheme of Amoxicillin.

When amoxicillin newborn or prematurely born children need to reduce the dosage of the drug or increase the interval between doses.

Children under 2 years of drug is given 20 mg / kg body weight, the resulting amount of medication to be divided into 3 doses. At the age of 2 to 5 years of medicine is taken at a dose of 2.5 ml three times per day, 5 to 10 years prescribed 5ml substance 3 times a day.

As dilute suspension

  1. To prepare the suspension to the mark on the bottle to pour water.
  2. All content Shake well.Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children
  3. The finished drug should be stored in a refrigerator chamber is not more than 14 days.
  4. Prior to use, the suspension needs to be shaken.

The use of tablets

Terms of use of the tablet form as follows:

  • The maximum daily dose of medicine 6g, the number of administrations and duration are determined by the particular disease.
  • Typically the antibiotic is assigned an adult to 250 mg or 500 mg 2-3 times a day, it should drink every 8 hours. You need to carefully adhere to the claimed range, as this allows to maintain the desired concentration of active ingredient in the blood.
  • Purpose of the drug required to carry out additional monitoring of the blood coagulation system of the liver and kidneys.
  • Treatment is carried out before the complete cessation of all symptoms, plus 4 days.
  • It is recommended to refrain from driving vehicles or carried out with precision, since it is possible the development of undesirable neurological changes, wearing reversible.

Application of slurry

Terms amoxicillin in liquid form:

  • Administered to children under 10 years.
  • It can be used in the treatment of infectious diseases in newborns and premature babies.
  • The suspension is diluted with water, stored in the refrigerator.
  • Efficiency is comparable with the tablet form.

amoxicillin Candoz

  1. Amoxicillin Sandoz contains the active ingredient amoxicillin, which is a semisynthetic penicillin group antibiotic.
  2. Tablets are manufactured at a dose of 500 mg or 1d.
  3. It is indicated for treatment of bacterial infections, where there is no resistance to the drug.
  4. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, when there is a treatment with this drug.

DS amoxicillin

  1. Amoxicillin DS is released at a dosage of 250 mg or 500 mg.
  2. It is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of activity, which is destroyed by penicillinase.
  3. This third-generation drug penicillin.
  4. Digestion does not affect the absorption of the drug.

How to apply the medication when SARS

Additional appointment of antibacterial drugs for viral infections is required in the following situations:

  • develop as a complication of viral pneumonia infection;
  • purulent limfodenit accompanied by a rise in temperature, fever, lymph node enlargement sizes;
  • when there are acute sinusitis, acute sinusitis;
  • formation of purulent angina requiring hospitalization;
  • Symptoms of suppurative otitis media.
Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children

Adult patients assigned 250mg in one portion, the daily dose can be up to 1000 mg. The medicine is taken after 30 minutes. after a meal to minimize the number of side effects from the stomach and intestines. ESP intake ranges from 6 to 15 days, its duration depends on neglect infectious process.

with angina

Quite often, angina internists and general practitioners prescribe Amoxicillin is because this is antibiotic that has a broad spectrum of action, which has resistance to a small amount of bacteria. It is also effective in chronic tonsillitis.

Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children

The drug is given at 500 mg per day or 250 mg (then 3-4 times a day). Term duration of reception up to 8 days when there is no development of complications. In complicated disease following treatment regimen: 750 mg or 1000 mg per day and duration of therapy may last up to 15 days.

From kidney disease

Activators of cystitis or pyelonephritis are bacteria usually is E. coli or Streptococcus. Infection can be ascending or hematogenous route. These diseases often affect women. This is due to the structural features of the urinary system: wider urethra, close proximity to her vagina and anus.

Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children

Risk of urinary tract infection is associated with the risk of serious complications - kidney failure, so antibiotic therapy should be instituted immediately after setting diagnosis.

The drug of choice in this situation would be Amoxicillin. It is used in a dosage of 625 mg 2-3 times a day, the treatment may last up to 15 days. In pregnancy, drug taking 250 mg per day, or 3 grams can be received only once.

From cough

If the treatment of viral infections it is impossible for a long time to overcome cough, hoarse and he becomes protracted, it says that there was a bacterial infection, and you want to amoxicillin. He assigned 250 mg 2-3 times a day, a course of not less than 5 days. In the absence of the effect of therapy, the dose of the antibacterial agent is doubled.


Widespread drug shows good efficacy in the treatment of sinusitis, since It is active against most pathogens of this disease process. The antibiotic used in the treatment, acute as the process and in exacerbation of chronic.

Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children

Appoint 500 mg 3 times a day, you can use the tablet at a dose of 250 mg, but then you have to take 2 tablets at a time. The duration of therapy depends on the nature of the disease: acute exacerbation or chronic. In both situations, the minimum rate is 5 days, the average is 10-14 days.


Amoxicillin is the drug of choice in the treatment of acute or chronic bronchitis, it can also be used in children from 2 years old, and in the form of suspensions - 3 months.

Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children

The drug is assigned when there is the following symptoms:

  • long persisting fever;
  • present symptoms of intoxication;
  • appearance inspiratory whistle;
  • increasing the number of leukocytes in the blood.

The dose is chosen depending on the severity of the disease. It can range from 500 mg per day to 5.6 g per day. The minimum duration of reception of 8 days.

Additional mandatory appointed mucolytics and expectorants.


Most often the causative agent of pneumonia is streptococcus, so the gold standard treatment of this condition include Amoxicillin. This is for two reasons: the high sensitivity of the pathogen to the facility, and the ability of the active ingredient to destroy the bacterial cell wall, thus leading to the death of the bacteria. Means assigned to 4 times per day, duration of treatment of at least 2 weeks.


When administered cystitis Amoxicillin 500 mg three times per day treatment is 7 to 10 days. If there are severe course of illness or complicated shape, it is possible to enlarge a single dose up to 1000 mg. Additional mandatory appointed uroseptiki.


The medicament is effective against all possible otitis pathogens and against highly resistant strains. Most often it is used in the treatment of otitis media.

Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children

The preparation is prescribed for adults, 500 mg in 12 hours or 250 mg every 8 hours. In severe cases it is possible to increase a single dose up to 1000 mg. The course of treatment is usually 7-10 days. Children older than 10 years of medication given at 500 mg three times a day. In this case, the therapy lasts between 5 and 7 days.

Venereal diseases

Amoxicillin is considered the primary treatment for syphilis at any stage of the disease. Another tool used in the treatment of gonococcal infection: men are advised to take three grams of the once and female patients of 3 g twice a day.

Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding

by oral amoxicillin instruction states that the use of this tool at the time of carrying a child can only in those moments when the potential benefit of the drug is greater than the potential harm to fetus. If during the period of lactation there is a need amoxicillin, it is necessary to raise the issue of the suspension of breastfeeding.

Properties reception for liver pathology

Contraindicated the use of the complex of amoxicillin and metronidazole in the pathology of liver function. In severe hepatic insufficiency may decrease drug dosage or decrease multiplicity administration should also monitor the level of transaminases.

When renal impairment

Patients diagnosed with renal failure may require a dosage adjustment the drug, namely its reduction. This is necessary because there is a delay elimination of the drug to prevent its excessive accumulation. Amoxicillin for patients with kidney disease require additional monitoring of biochemical parameters organ works.

The use of children

The antibiotic may be assigned to children under the age of 10 years, as well as infants born prematurely and small babies.

In this case, preferable to use the medicine in an embodiment of the suspension.

Dosage Amoxicillin and the number of receptions is calculated according to patient age. Patients younger than 18 years is contraindicated receiving amoxicillin and metronidazole.

drug interactions

The drug can reduce the effect of combined oral contraceptives. Simultaneous administration of amoxicillin and bactericidal antibiotics promotes synergy preparations. A co-administration with drugs, which exhibit bacteriostatic properties leads to antagonism preparations.

Amoxicillin. Instructions for use: tablets, suspension, capsules for adults and for children

The medicament reduces the production of vitamin K, prothrombin index level due to gain indirect action coagulants and suppression of intestinal microflora growth. Antacids, laxatives, aminoglycoside antibiotics inhibit absorption and vice versa ascorbic acid increases.

Compatible with alcohol

If the preparation is assigned in combination with metronidazole, the alcohol intake is contraindicated. Also, do not drink alcohol during monotherapy antibiotic because this may contribute to the development of side effects from the urinary system and the liver.

The cost of funds analogues

Price Amoxicillin drug varies depending on the dosage, the quantity and the pharmacy. On average, from 50 to 110 rubles. Amoxicillin Sandoz cost varies from 131 to 166 rubles. The price of the drug Amoxicillin Ekobol - from 116 to 121 rubles.

Despite the greater efficiency of antibacterial Amoxicillin funds at the beginning of the treatment, according to the instructions application, with regular use, through time excreta systems adapt to its properties.

Therefore, the effect of the drug on the body weakens with time. This is facilitated also uncontrolled receiving medicament, and further application in the treatment of other drugs.

Video of amoxicillin, its efficiency and application rules

Instructions for use of the drug in tablets:

For more information about amoxicillin and antibiotics in general:

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