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Potato juice. Useful properties and contraindications, application for women, men, recipes

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Potatoes are perceived most people only as a tasty side dish. However, it has a number of medicinal properties. After cooking, the vast majority of them is lost, it is recommended to use it for good juice.

Vegetable drink has beneficial effects on the body and compares favorably with medications that has much less contraindications.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Especially potato juice
    • 1.1 Which parts of the potatoes used for juice
    • 1.2 How to prepare potato juice
    • 1.3 How to store potato juice
  • 2 The chemical composition of potato juice
  • 3 Medicinal properties of potato juice
    • 3.1 For women
    • 3.2 For men
    • 3.3 For children
  • 4 Contraindications to receive potato juice
  • 5 Methods of treatment of potato juice
    • 5.1 In pure form,
    • 5.2 In a mixture with other juices
  • 6 The use of potato juice in folk medicine
    • 6.1 gastritis
    • 6.2 In oncology
    • 6.3 When the heart and vascular disorders
    • 6.4 for burns
    • 6.5 For constipation
  • 7 Potato juice in cosmetology
    • 7.1 Nourishing mask to strengthen roots
    • 7.2 Mask for the normalization of the sebaceous glands
    • 7.3 for dry hair mask
    • 7.4 To remove eye edema and eliminate bags
  • 8 Video of the potato juice
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Especially potato juice

Juice of potatoes, useful properties and contraindications are known for a long time, is a thick starchy liquid. He was muddy, rather viscous, slightly tart and astringent taste. Depending on the varieties of potato tubers, the juice can be pale yellow, gray or pink in color.

Which parts of the potatoes used for juice

Potato tuber consists of two parts - the skin and the flesh. Prepare the juice possible as of each individual part, and combining them.

Potato juice. Useful properties the use of prescriptions, contraindications

Traditional juice made from peeled potatoes. The flesh contains a lot more moisture, which simplifies the process. It is a dense substance, which cells are filled with water and starch. The taste of the beverage prepared from the inside of root crops pleasant than from its shell. potato peel - a thin cork jacket on the tuber surface.

In potatoes, as well as other fruits and vegetables, namely, it contains most of all the vitamins and minerals. Potato purification rarely used as raw materials for juice. Drink made from them, unpleasant taste, but still useful. Do not take for preparing the old peel potatoes or green with fruit, they have accumulated toxic substances.

You can squeeze the juice from a tuber, after having washed it. so often come with new potatoes, the shell is still thin and not fully developed. With this method will combine the benefits of all the components of the fruit in one drink.

How to prepare potato juice

Potato juice is not consumed in large quantities, because the gastronomic value it has. It is used in food solely for medicinal purposes, so to harvest it for the long term is impossible.

The fact is that half an hour after cooking it begin irreversible oxidation processes in which break all the nutrients. The only thing you can do - prepare the tubers of potato and squeeze the juice from them as necessary.

How to store potato juice

Stored maximum juice hour, or nutrients will dissolve in it. To slow down the oxidation processes that need to avoid contact with the beverage to direct sunlight and high temperatures. You can put it in the fridge, it briefly delay the process of decay. If the juice color changed to dark brown, it is not recommended to drink it.

The chemical composition of potato juice

Potato juice useful properties and contraindications which are explained by its chemical composition, contains a variety of useful vitamins.

Potato juice. Useful properties the use of prescriptions, contraindications


Title amount
PP 1.3 mg
BUT 3 mcg
IN 1 0.13 mg
IN 2 0.7 mg
AT 5 0.3 mg
AT 6 0.3 mg
AT 9 8 g
FROM 20 mg
E 0.1 mg
H 0.1 mcg

It consists of a number of trace elements such as:

  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • manganese;
  • nickel;
  • chromium;
  • iodine.

Also present macronutrients:

  • calcium;
  • sulfur;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • potassium.

Energy value of potato juice - 77 calories per 100 grams.

This amount of product contains:

  • proteins - 2 grams;
  • fats - 0.3 grams;
  • carbohydrates - 20 grams.

Suppressive weight carbohydrates in the composition of starch is potato juice. A smaller part falls on the fiber and natural sugars.

Medicinal properties of potato juice

Potato juice has many medicinal properties:

  1. It helps eliminate spasms.
  2. It promotes the healing of wounds.
  3. It improves the functioning of the digestive system.
    Potato juice. Useful properties the use of prescriptions, contraindications
    Potato juice. Its useful properties make the drink for the treatment of stomach.
  4. Eliminates rashes, swelling and inflammation.
  5. Restores the acid-alkaline balance in the body.
  6. It causes a pressure decrease.
  7. It helps in the liver and kidneys.
  8. It has a positive effect on the nervous system.
  9. It strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  10. It improves blood circulation and prevents the formation of thrombi.

Also juice can ease the effects on the body of radiation sickness. This is confirmed by the review of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident, which have used this method of treatment. In addition to general to all the useful properties of potato juice can be used to solve specific problems of men, women and children.

For women

Potato drink because of its beneficial effect on digestion and high content vitamins, helps pregnant women to cope with major challenges at a toxicosis: heartburn and nausea. It also significantly reduces the likelihood of constipation, which often occur during pregnancy.

In pregnancy, the female body is suffering from hormonal shifts, which causes deterioration of the appearance and condition of the skin, hair and nails. The use of masks on the basis of potato juice, thanks to its content of vitamin E, the skin will return elasticity and natural color, but because of high calcium content such hair cosmetic procedures strengthen and nails.

Potato juice. Useful properties the use of prescriptions, contraindications

During the period of breastfeeding is undesirable to use drugs, as they can affect the quality of milk. Juice from the root to help cure the common cold, gastrointestinal disorders, and other diseases in a natural way.

Due to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of potato juice helps in solving women's problems such as uterine fibroids, cervical erosion or inflammation.

For men

Potato juice is widely used in the treatment of early stage prostate. It is used as a supplement to the designated physician medication.

Anti-inflammatory properties of the juice helps to reduce the size of the prostate gland.

Men who suffer from low sexual desire, it is recommended every day, drink a glass of potato juice before meals. Regular consumption of juice of this root helps to cleanse the body of excess cholesterol, improve blood circulation and vascular activity, and this directly affects the quality of men erection.

For children

Juice of potatoes, useful properties and contraindications which are well understood, can be given to children older than one year. At this age, it is enough to 25 ml of juice per day. Indigestion or heartburn in a child, it will be an excellent alternative to drugs that at this age may cause irreparable harm.

Older children juice is recommended as a tonic. The recommended dose - 50 ml per day. Packs of potato drink will help with skin problems in a child: dermatitis, itching, or peeling.

Contraindications to receive potato juice

Not recommended to eat a potato juice persons with increased flatulence and acidity of the gastrointestinal tract. If you are hypersensitive or vegetable allergies also should refrain from treating with it.

It is strictly forbidden to drink potato juice at:

  1. Acute gastric ulcer or duodenal ulcer.
  2. Severe forms of diabetes.
  3. Obesity is the second and third degree.
  4. Exacerbation of chronic gastritis.
    Potato juice. Useful properties the use of prescriptions, contraindications
  5. Serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

It is undesirable to use the juice for a long time, because he has a serious burden on the pancreas. If any doubt should consult with a physician.

Methods of treatment of potato juice

Potato juice is used exclusively in its raw form, no heat treatment it is not exposed, so as not to split up the nutrients. Defend it also is not accepted, the oxidation process takes place very quickly, and literally within half an hour the amount of vitamins in it will decrease by several times. The drink can be prepared and used in pure form or mixed with other liquids.

In pure form,

Before juicing should be thoroughly washed potato tubers. If the potatoes are old enough or on its peel are green spots, it must be clear, as it shows the contents of a large amount of toxins.

Then prepares the juice. You can do this in two ways: by using a juicer or a small grater. For preparing a beverage by means of a blender or juicer, it takes just put the right amount of tubers into the machine and drain the juice. Oilcake in this case is not needed, it can be thrown out.

Get the potato juice as possible and on a fine grater. To do this, the tubers need to carefully grind, then take the resulting cake and good press it through a sieve or cheesecloth. The resulting liquid is discharged into a separate container, bagasse utilized.

Potato juice. Useful properties the use of prescriptions, contraindications

The effectiveness of pure potato juice higher than that of its mixture with others. However, the taste of the drink is specific, so not everyone can use it in this form.

In a mixture with other juices

For this conventional potato juice is taken and mixed with any fruit or vegetable juice in the correct proportions. This is done only on the basis of preferences a person who will drink it.

The taste of this drink wins over conventional potato juice, but the benefit is reduced because the net potato juice has a specific texture, and properties that are lost on dilution it others. It is also possible to mixing a beverage with potato fruit syrup or honey.

The use of potato juice in folk medicine

Potato juice has long been successfully used in folk medicine. Its medicinal properties have a beneficial effect on the body and help in the treatment of various diseases. It is important to remember that it is only a supplement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor and has its own contraindications.


Potato juice is quite viscous and contains a lot of starch. This makes it envelops the walls of the stomach and soothes the intestinal mucosa. Healing effect potato beverage promotes cicatrization of wounds within the organ. Treatment consists in the fact that it is necessary to drink half a glass of fresh beverage (about 100 ml) for 30 minutes before each meal.

After drinking the juice you need to lie down for half an hour to use up the food he managed to completely cover the walls of the stomach. Maximum treatment lasts 10 days. After this time should stop taking the potato juice for 2 weeks, then you can repeat the treatment procedure.

For maximum effect requires strict adherence to the diet. It is desirable to refrain from fatty and fried foods, meat and dairy products.

In oncology

Juice of potato - a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. It is used to prevent the appearance of cancer cells in the human body. It suffices to 1 times a day half a cup of drink (100 ml) juice prior to breakfast.

Potato juice. Useful properties the use of prescriptions, contraindications

When passing chemotherapy volume drunk juice can be increased to 200-300 ml. They are partitioned into 2 or 3 doses, half an hour before eating. The drink helps in fighting harmful cells and supports the immune system of the body, serving as a source of beneficial vitamins and minerals.

When the heart and vascular disorders

Potato juice contains vitamins and microelements such as potassium and magnesium, which help to strengthen the heart muscle.

When violations of the heart, or to recover from a heart attack is carried out treatment potato drink. Before each meal (not more than 3 times a day) is consumed on an empty stomach 100 ml of fresh juice. The course lasts 3 weeks continuously, then pauses for 1 week and is repeated again. During this course a person can drink from 5 to 15 liters of juice.

for burns

The drink is made from potatoes perfectly heals wounds, reduces inflammation. It is used as in internal burns, and when external damage tissues. When you burn the esophagus should immediately drink half a cup, and after 30 minutes to make it again. Juice envelops the wall of the esophagus, relieves pain and prevents blisters.

When you burn the outer fabric is recommended to prepare potato juice compresses the damaged area. The wound is covered with a protective layer of starch is dried and reduced in size.

For constipation

Raw starch, which in large numbers contained in potatoes, contribute to thinning of the intestinal contents and emptying. Laxative effect of fresh potato drink strong enough to cope with most of constipation.

Doctors Gastroenterologists advised to drink a glass of juice for 15 minutes before eating. It is impossible in this drink it with water or any other liquid. To enhance the effect of potato juice is often mixed with beetroot.

Potato juice in cosmetology

Juice of potatoes, useful properties and contraindications which have carefully studied cosmetologists all over the world, used to improve the skin and hair. There are hundreds of popular and well-founded science recipes.

Nourishing mask to strengthen roots

For its preparation is required:

  • 6 tablespoons of fresh potato juice;
  • juice of 1/2 lemon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. bran.
Potato juice. Useful properties the use of prescriptions, contraindications

It is necessary to pre-steamed bran in hot water. Once they swell, add to them in a bowl of potato and lemon juice, then mix thoroughly. Mask should be applied to the roots of the hair and scalp, hold for half an hour, then remove the bran from the hair, combing their crest. Then rinse well and dry the head.

This procedure is suitable for dry and falling hair. It perfectly nourishes and strengthens hair follicles. To do this procedure, it is desirable not less often than once every 2 weeks, in order to achieve sustainable results.

Mask for the normalization of the sebaceous glands

To make a mask, you need:

  • juice of 1 large potato;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 1 h. l. salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey;
  • 2 egg yolks;

It is necessary to carefully whisk the egg yolk, then add the salt, honey, sunflower oil and potato juice. Once again mix all until smooth and apply on the hair and scalp. Keep the mask to 40 minutes, then rinse hair. To enhance the beneficial effect of the head can be warm dryer or wrap in a warm towel.

The mask will help remove the shine from head, improves the appearance of hair and their condition. The procedure required to carry out 3 times a week for a month.

for dry hair mask

Required components:

  • 150 ml of potato juice;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. honey.
Potato juice. Useful properties the use of prescriptions, contraindications

All components are mixed in a bowl until smooth. Mask is applied to a pre-washed and dried hair. Carried on the head for 30 minutes, then washed off with simple water without the use of shampoo. The hair should dry out on their own, without the use of a hair dryer. The procedure must be repeated 2 times a week for a month.

To remove eye edema and eliminate bags

To prepare you need:

  • juice 1 potato;
  • 1 h. l. low-fat cream;
  • 1 h. l. strong black tea.

It is necessary in a single container to mix all components take a cotton swab and the resulting liquid impregnate it. Then squeeze it a little, so that the water did not flow down the face, and put on lids. Another cotton pad is placed under the eyes.

potato juice, thanks to its ability to remove swelling and soothing effect, resulting in facial skin in order. Repeat this procedure, you can at least every day.

Potato juice helps in the treatment of many diseases and used for beauty treatments. Despite all of its beneficial properties, it is necessary to be cautious. It has its contraindications to the use, so it is advisable to use it only after consulting your doctor.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the potato juice

Useful properties of potato juice:

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