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Chicory soluble. Useful properties and contraindications harm to men, women, use during pregnancy, diabetes, irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, breastfeeding, pancreatitis, hypertension, varicose veins, weight loss. How much can you drink per day

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Soluble chicory - fragrant, delicious and invigorating coffee substitute. The high content of inulin rich in organic acids and vitamin and mineral composition cause beneficial properties of the product.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Description of the plant and the product
  • 2 Beneficial features
    • 2.1 Energy value, the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates
  • 3 Composition of the product
  • 4 The chicory is useful for men
  • 5 The use of chicory for women
    • 5.1 The beneficial effect on the skin
    • 5.2 application
    • 5.3 Effect on hair
  • 6 The use of chicory During Pregnancy and hepatitis B
  • 7 Chicory diet
  • 8 Influence of the product on the nervous system
  • 9 The action of chicory on the cardiovascular system
  • 10 Admission beverage hypertension
  • 11 Purification of kidney and liver
  • 12 Chicory in colitis
  • 13 Can I use chicory in diabetes
  • 14 Brewing and drinking chicory
    • 14.1 with stevia
    • 14.2 With milk
      • 14.2.1 What can replace cow's milk
  • 15 types of chicory
  • 16 Contraindications to the use of the product
  • 17 drink consumption rates
  • 18 Video of the chicory
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Description of the plant and the product

Chicory soluble, useful properties are described in detail hereinafter, is used as coffee substitute or additive for enriching the taste and aroma imparting other drinks.

Chicory belongs to the family Asteraceae. There are about 8 wild species growing on meadows, forests edges, flat terrain, roads and along the bottom of the hills and mountains. Two types of chicory are cultivated: lettuce and ordinary.

Chicory is characterized by a long rigid stalk and thick taproot, penetrates deep into the ground.

Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm

Flower stems located at branching from a base sheet having an elongated shape. Mostly there are flowers sky-blue, rarely - pink or white. To drink, the flavor is reminiscent of coffee, we only use the roots of the plant.

Leaves cultivated varieties are sometimes used in cooking as an additional ingredient for salads or spices. For this purpose escaroles - fleshy, succulent leaves and stems. One of the most common methods of obtaining the soluble chicory is based on the method of extraction.

The process is as follows:

  1. The root of the plant is dried and carefully roasted.
  2. Then from it prepare a strong decoction.
  3. The special oven-dried decoction sublimator to obtain a powder.
  4. In some cases, cooked powder passes further purification, flavoring, and distributed to the packaging.

The classical soluble beverage recipe is as follows: 1 tsp dry powder is filled in a glass brought up to the boiling water.

In addition, there are many other cooking options:

  • spicy - with the addition of ground cinnamon, cloves, ginger, star anise;
  • honeyed - instead of sugar in the drink add a little honey;
  • lactic - powder is filled not with water, and milk;
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
  • fruit - as a sweetening agent is added fruit syrup.

Beneficial features

Soluble chicory retains most useful properties, in spite of the fact that this product goes through several processing steps:

  • Unlike coffee, it helps with insomnia, normalizes sleep quality.
  • Chicory is useful to use for people suffering from obesity. Substances contained in this drink, improve digestion, enhance the feeling of satiety and remove toxins from the body. It is recommended to consume the drink from chicory without any supplements containing additional calories, carbohydrates, and nutrients (such as sugar, cream, milk).
  • Chemical elements that are part of the rhizome plants, lower blood sugar and reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol. Chicory is useful to use for people with diabetes scare. In the initial stages of the disease chicory can prevent further progression of the disease. When serious problems drink can be consumed only as an additional product in the diet, without prejudice to the primary course of treatment.
  • Strengthens the heart muscle, it improves the condition of blood vessels, gives it elasticity. Regular consumption of chicory helps prevent blood clots, stroke and heart attack.
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
    instant chicory has various useful properties. It improves the condition of blood vessels, preventing heart attack and stroke.
  • A beneficial effect on the digestive organs, improves the assimilation of nutrients. Normalizes the intestinal flora, it promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria. It helps prevent ulcers and reduce the likelihood of inflammation, has a healing effect.
  • It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • Drink gives vigor, gives a charge of energy, increases physical and mental activity.

Energy value, the ratio of fats, proteins and carbohydrates

(All figures are indicated with the expectation of 100 g of finished product):

Product name Calories (kcal) proteins (g) fat (g) Carbohydrates (g)
soluble 10 4 0 4,3
fried 12 7 1 5,1
soluble cocoa 35 8 3 6,1
with ginseng 12 4 0 3
with condensed milk (2 teaspoons per serving) 15,2 0,9 – 1,1 1-3 5,1
with milk (cow) 19,4 0,9 1-4 4,5
with stevia 12 2 0 1

Composition of the product

Chicory has a unique structure:

  • inulin - polysaccharide of organic origin. Serves as a prebiotic (substance is not split in the upper digestive organs, promote growth and development of beneficial intestinal microflora). Also widely used as a raw material for the production of fructose.
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
  • Carotene (Precursor of vitamin A). Is an antioxidant naturally occurring, beneficial effects on the skin, increasing the rate of regeneration, improves visual acuity.
  • vitamin E. Takes part in the formation of tissues at the cellular level, a positive effect on the nervous system, slows aging.
  • Vitamin C. One of the most important elements needed by the body to preserve immunity. It prevents many diseases, helps fight viruses and infections.
  • B vitamins. Provide a wide range of actions on various body systems, supports energy metabolism, reduce stress, sleep normalized.
  • Calcium required for the formation of the locomotor system, building muscle tissue and normal functioning of the nervous system.
  • Potassium It contributes to the normal functioning of the heart, strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Magnesium necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system and muscle tissue. Takes part in the conversion of sugar into energy, and in many biochemical reactions in the body.
  • Phosphorus It takes part in the formation of bones, a beneficial effect on mental ability.
  • Iron is involved in hematopoiesis and some processes at the cellular levels.
  • Sodium It stabilizes the water and salt balance, activates the production of certain enzymes, dilates blood vessels.
  • Copper, Along with iron, is involved in the formation of blood cells, promotes the assimilation of certain amino acids (such as tyrosine).
  • Selenium is a strong antioxidant that strengthens the protection of cells, contributes to the normal function of the thyroid gland.
  • Zinc helps prevent diabetes, is taking part in the formation of bone and muscle tissue, it helps to absorb some vitamins.
  • Manganese need for critical processes at the cellular level (division, recovery), normalizes the activity of the brain and prevents the deposition of fat in the liver.
  • Pectin - a kind of plant-derived polysaccharide. Stabilize metabolic processes in the body, reducing the concentration of cholesterol.
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
  • Tannins improves the condition of the body, promote the development of beneficial bacteria and help protect against the harmful effects of pathogens.

The chicory is useful for men

Drink prepared on the basis of chicory has a number of useful things both on the physical and mental state of a person.

As for exclusively male health and potency, chicory has an indirect impact:

  • Regular consumption of chicory helps improve body tone.
  • One of the common causes of erectile dysfunction - obesity. Chicory helps to eliminate the underlying problem - get rid of excess fat tissue, which further leads to the normalization of the function of the whole organism.
  • Another quite common cause of problems with male health - stress, anxiety and worry. Substances contained in chicory roots, have a beneficial effect on the mental state of the person: eliminates irritation, increases concentration and attentiveness.
  • Chicory improves blood circulation throughout the body. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the prostate gland.

The use of chicory for women

Regular consumption of chicory effect on women's health indirectly.

The plant has a beneficial effect on all body systems:

  • One of the common causes of disruption of the urogenital tract, as well as the emergence of excess weight is a thyroid dysfunction. Chicory helps to restore the normal activity of the endocrine glands and prevent further problems.
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
  • Stress, insomnia, and elevated levels of anxiety and often cause various disorders. Chicory has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, it has a positive effect on the state of women's bodies.
  • Normalizes the function of organs of the urogenital system.
  • It enhances diuretic effect, removes harmful compounds from the body.

The beneficial effect on the skin

Chicory soluble, useful properties which are due to the rich vitamin content and a high percentage of inulin is used in the field of cosmetology.

When applied topically chicory has a number of actions:

  • It cleans the pores of the skin;
  • skin structure resumes at the cellular level;
  • eliminates various kinds of inflammation, allowing you to get rid of acne and pimples;
  • helps to even out skin tone, it eliminates age spots;
  • has a rejuvenating effect, it gives the skin natural radiance and healthy appearance.


In cosmetology used dry powder chicory, as well as infusions and decoctions based on fresh or dried plant:

  • finely milled root chicory is used for the preparation of scrubs and cleansing masks;
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
  • based root decoction prepared lotions that enhance skin tone;
  • aqueous and alcoholic tinctures are used for medical compresses, allowing disinfecting the affected areas of the skin and accelerate recovery from acne;
  • combined with cedar, peach or olive oil can be cooked and nourishing moisturizers.

Effect on hair

Shampoos, conditioners and masks made on the basis of chicory, have a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair. Substances that are part of this plant, restore damaged hair structure, removes dandruff, nourish the skin and promote faster hair growth.

One of the easiest ways to use chicory in the process of washing the hair - shampoo mix a half teaspoon serving boxes of instant powder.

It is desirable to add any additional agent for each washing procedure. Also, soluble chicory can be used as a hair rinse after shampooing. Conduct such procedures are recommended not more than 1 time in 3 days.

The use of chicory During Pregnancy and hepatitis B

Chicory is completely safe for mothers. The only exception is a small percentage of people who are prone to allergies and you are hypersensitive to certain substances contained in the beverage. If earlier similar reactions of the organism has been identified, it is likely that in the period of pregnancy, the use of a substitute for coffee would be safe.

Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm

The use of chicory for pregnant women:

  • It has a beneficial effect on the health of the expectant mother and baby: soothing, lowers anxiety, helps you prepare mentally for the upcoming difficulties, improves sleep, removes irritability and tearfulness.
  • Chicory helps to normalize cardiovascular functions and improves blood circulation.
  • Vitamin composition replenishes the body and has beneficial effects on the immune system.

It is necessary to observe certain precautions:

  • You should not abuse the large volume, as excessive use of chicory in some cases can cause weakness, lethargy and fatigue.
  • Beverage consumption of large amounts can also cause rashes and itchy skin. This is caused by vitamin-rich plant composition. Excessive intake of vitamin C may have an undesirable effect.
  • It is recommended to refrain from the use of the drink for people suffering from asthma.

Chicory diet

Chicory is an indispensable tool for weight loss:

  • Positive effect on the digestive organs, improves microflora, creates favorable conditions for the development of beneficial bacteria.
  • Cleanses the liver, it displays the body of harmful substances.
  • Increases the rate of digestion of adipose tissue cells.
  • Chicory gives a feeling of satiety and help reduce food intake portions, without causing discomfort.
Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm

For weight loss is recommended to use chicory drink daily. The day is not advisable to drink more than 3 cups.

Influence of the product on the nervous system

Chicory operates as follows:

  • It reduces the level of anxiety;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • It helps the body recover faster after stress;
  • improves mood, gives a charge of energy, without causing tachycardia (palpitations);
  • It increases concentration, improves brain function, increases attentiveness.

The action of chicory on the cardiovascular system

Chicory - an alternative to coffee.

In addition to a pleasant aroma, it enriches the body with a variety of useful elements:

  • Potassium contained in the roots, strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Magnesium helps to get rid of arrhythmia (abnormal heart rhythm) and tachycardia (palpitations).
  • Displays cholesterol, helps prevent strokes and heart attacks.
  • B vitamins and normalize the nervous system, which in turn has a beneficial effect on the heart.

Admission beverage hypertension

Chicory is very useful for people suffering from hypertension:

  • The substances included in the beverage receptacles ameliorate, improve their resilience and elasticity.
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
  • Chicory improves heart function and helps the body to overcome the elevated blood pressure.
  • It purifies blood from harmful substances, prevents blood clots.
  • It is a good preventive measure against stroke, heart attack. Useful in coronary disease.

Purification of kidney and liver

Chicory soluble, beneficial properties are known since ancient times, it cleans the body of harmful substances:

  • It stimulates the excretion of bile, prevents the occurrence of stones;
  • It cleanses the urinary tract;
  • a diuretic;
  • It neutralizes the effect of the complex compounds of heavy metals and removes harmful impurities from the body;
  • It helps to quickly recover from serious diseases such as hepatitis.

Chicory in colitis

Chicory soluble, useful properties which are widely known in the field of traditional medicine, helps with many diseases of the digestive system.

Drink is useful in diseases such as gastritis, colitis and ulcers:

  • eliminates inflammatory processes, accelerates the healing process and recovery;
  • helps relieve heartburn;
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
  • normalizes acidity.

Excessive use is not recommended. In acute manifestations of gastritis eat chicory only after a visit to a gastroenterologist or physician.

Can I use chicory in diabetes

One of the most important components of chicory - inulin - lowers blood sugar and helps avoid sudden surges hyperglycemic. In the initial stages of the disease when a small excess glucose, chicory helps prevent further aggravation of the state. In more serious cases, a drink is only able to supplement the diet, but not a substitute for the main course of treatment.

Brewing and drinking chicory

There are a few simple rules and recommendations for brewing chicory:

  • The rhizomes and stems of plants in chopped form is necessary to grind in a coffee grinder. After that you can start brewing.
  • The method of brewing any herbal powder is quite simple: 1 tsp pour a glass of boiling water. If the powder is not soluble, it is necessary to infuse, then strain.
Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm

If there are stems and roots in solid form, the beverage is brewed as follows:

  1. rhizome rinse well;
  2. dry;
  3. carefully cut with a sharp knife;
  4. finely chopped herb fry in a pan or in the oven to dry;
  5. grind in a coffee grinder.

with stevia

Stevia belongs to the same family as chicory (bitmap). This plant is also known as "honey herb" as it is widely used as a sugar substitute. In combination with stevia chicory acquires an unusual taste.

With milk

Drink from chicory roots with milk or liquid cream taste and aroma reminiscent of coffee. One of the easiest ways of preparing a beverage: add 1 tsp soluble powder in hot milk, sugar added to taste.

What can replace cow's milk

Due to lactose intolerance or allergy to the protein body of some people does not take cow's milk.

There are alternatives:

  • almond milk. This product is widely distributed among vegetarians. Caloric almond milk 2 times lower in comparison with cow. Moreover, it has rich vitamin and mineral composition.
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
  • hemp milk It has a unique composition of amino acids necessary for the body. It is very common among athletes and bodybuilders.
  • Coconut milk. Besides the taste, this product has a unique composition rich in nutrients. Has beneficial effects on metabolism, helps to eliminate excess fat and bring harmful compounds from the body.
  • oat milk rich in calcium, helps to reduce the amount of cholesterol, improves heart function.
  • Soy milk. According to its beneficial milk quality is not inferior to the rest of soy products. One of the main properties of this product - the ability to prevent cancer.
  • rice milk. Made from certain grades of brown rice. By the number of vitamins and minerals is not inferior to cow's counterpart. Rice milk fat level below.

types of chicory

To use the plant for medicinal purposes it is best to give preference whole rhizomes. The plant in this form requires a rather laborious independent processing (gathering, drying, roasting, grinding). Instant drink is a good alternative, because saving a lot of time to prepare.

Types of chicory:

  • roasted ground. Manufactured by roasting with further grinding roots. This is one of the most common options. The product retains most of the nutrients.
  • pasty chicory passes processing including extraction of roots, filtration and subsequent concentration. One of the main advantages of this species is the fact that such a product is difficult to falsify. As for the powder, the probability to get a fake little higher.
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
  • Sublimated (soluble). Manufacturers argue that even though the number of processing steps, which passes the freeze-dried chicory, the product retains all the beneficial properties. The main advantage of this species - the convenience and speed of preparation.
  • With rosehip. Chicory in combination with rosehip has a beneficial effect on the organs of the urinary system. Due to the diuretic effect of this drink makes it easier to get rid of excess weight, as well as to withdraw from the body. Also useful for colds and flu.

Contraindications to the use of the product

Despite a number of useful features, chicory has contraindications:

  • varicose veins. Chicory dilates blood vessels and increases the permeability of the capillaries, which may negatively displayed on health. Active ingredients that make up the root plants, may aggravate the condition.
  • Hemorrhoids. The beverage of this plant has a diuretic effect and outputs a large amount of water from the body. Dehydration is not highly desirable for hemorrhoids.
  • Cholelithiasis. Chicory helps to prevent gallstones, preventing the accumulation of bile. People who have this disease turned into a serious stage, the use of this product is contraindicated. Influenced by means of the production of bile can be enhanced. Also, the body begins to rapidly get rid of the stones that could cause injury to and clog the ducts.
  • acute pancreatitis. In the acute stage of the disease chicory contraindicated, since it can aggravate the condition.
    Chicory soluble. Useful properties, application, contraindications, possible harm
  • mental disorders. Chicory is able to stabilize the overall psycho-emotional background, but with serious psychological disorders, this drink is extremely undesirable.

drink consumption rates

As with any agent having potent properties, chicory should be used within reasonable limits. Do not take more than 3-4 daily cup of drink, given a dosage of 1 teaspoon 200 ml of water.

Chicory - a plant that is due to its beneficial properties, is used in cooking, medicine and cosmetics. The most famous types (soluble, roasted, ground) are a popular substitute for coffee and tea.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the chicory

Benefits and chicory harm to the body:

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