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Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, child

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Banana is allowed to use a six-month of age, as almost does not cause allergies, is easily digestible and contains essential minerals and vitamins for the full growth of the organism.

Useful properties of the fruits used in folk recipes for the treatment of various pathologies (headaches, relief from cough, gastrointestinal diseases). But excessive consumption of bananas is likely to harm even an adult.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What are all the bananas and energy value
  • 2 Useful properties of bananas to the human body
    • 2.1 For adults
    • 2.2 For children
  • 3 Recipes with bananas
    • 3.1 From cough
    • 3.2 heartburn
    • 3.3 From gastrointestinal problems
    • 3.4 Unripe bananas from diabetic ulcers
    • 3.5 Compress from the rind from migraines
    • 3.6 A decoction of the rind of Hypertension
    • 3.7 Peel from burns, rashes, boils, warts
    • 3.8 The juice from the stalks of the hysteria and hypertension
    • 3.9 Tonic
    • 3.10 To gain weight and muscle mass
    • 3.11 In diseases of the kidney and liver
  • 4 Contraindications
  • 5 How to store bananas
  • 6 Video of the cooking banana cough
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What are all the bananas and energy value

Banana - a cultivated plant, which has more than 40 different varieties. Regardless of the type, the chemical composition of the fruit is practically unchanged. Basic elements of fresh banana.

Names of Digital range in mg per 100 g product Description of the action on the body
proteins 1-1,91 g It participates in the formation of cells and hormones. Normalizes blood clotting and functioning of the nervous system. It replenishes the body with energy.
carbohydrates 19-26 g Replenish energy stores for a long time. Involved in the output of "harmful" cholesterol and toxins from the body.
fats 16-400 Normalize metabolic processes and make up for the energy reserves.
Micro and macro elements Calcium 3,12-13,62 Regulates the contractile activity of muscles, including the heart muscle to start.
Iron 0,41-1,52 It prevents anemia and improves oxygen metabolism in tissues.
Phosphorus 16,12-50,01 It contributes to strengthening the tooth enamel and bone. Normalizes brain activity and is involved in all metabolic processes (fat, carbohydrate and protein).
Sodium 1,03 Normalizes metabolism and maintains water and electrolyte balance
Magnesium 31,01 It balances the nervous system and activates the functioning of the brain cells.
Copper 8,13 Involved in oxidation reactions, it decreases the development of inflammatory processes and improves bone strength.
Manganese 0,27 Removes toxins from the body, it is involved in metabolic processes and normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
Potassium 358 It improves the elasticity and permeability of blood vessels, which is beneficial to heart health.
Zinc 11,02 It normalizes the formation of new cells and strengthens the immune system.
Fluorine 0,18 It strengthens the tooth enamel and bone cells.
Selenium 0,13 It protects cells from the effects of toxic substances. This action prevents the development of tumors (benign or malignant).
vitamins IN 1 0,04-0,52 The main direction of vitamins improvement of the skin, hair and nails. They also improve metabolism and normalize the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.
IN 2 0,05-0,07
IN 3 0,67-1,02
AT 6 0,42
AT 9 10,02
FROM 5,83-36,01 It prevents the effects of toxins on the cells, which prolongs youthful skin and normalize the functioning of the organs. It strengthens the immune system.
E 0,42 It displays the "harmful" cholesterol and toxins from the body, provides elasticity of the skin.
BUT 0,01-0,15 Normalizes the clarity of vision, it supports the skin tone.
Amino acids tryptophan 16,98-19,01 Activates the brain cells. It improves mood and fights depression.
Lysine 58,02-75,99 Normalizes protein metabolism, which promotes weight loss. It balances the nervous system and normalizes the growth of bone tissue.
methionine 7,02-10,05 Prevents Effects of toxins in body cells, normalizes metabolism.
Cellulose 0,32-1,08 g It improves the functioning of the digestive tract and stimulates the removal of toxins from the bowel.
Pectin 0,42 It accelerates metabolism, and normalizes blood circulation and takes excess cholesterol.
inulin 0,21 It cleanses the body of toxins, and normalizes the microflora in the digestive tract and prevents the development of diabetes.
fruit acids 1,18 Excrete waste products and toxic substances prevent the growth of cancer cells.
Starch 0,59 Normalizes the amount of blood sugar, prevents the development of diarrhea.
flavonoids 1,32 It strengthens bones and muscles cells from premature destruction.
phenols 1,76 Prevent the development of inflammation and edema.
Ash 0,61-1,52 g Outputs from the body, noxious chemicals, and toxins.
Water 70 g It is involved in metabolic processes and prevents dehydration.

The number of elements and caloric vary depending on the type of banana (green or dried ripe).Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, child

Most usefully possess ripe fruit, and also less nutritional value:

  • ripe - 66-112 kcal;
  • green - 107-109 kcal;
  • Dried - 297-300 kcal.

Despite the high calorie content bananas have a low glycemic index, only 16-18 units. That is the fruit of a long time create a sense of satiety, so they can be included in the diet for weight loss.

Useful properties of bananas to the human body

Banana cough (recipes may comprise adult alcohol component) can be applied using different preparation methods (to be discussed below). The fruits can get rid not only of the cough, but also from other pathologies. Favor of banana can be divided into age groups (adults and children).

For adults

With daily consumption of bananas in the amount of 2 pieces. in the body are the following changes:

  • improved nerves (tested depression, aggression, mood swings);
  • improved oxygen exchange due to replenish the body's iron;
  • normalizes blood pressure and heart function;Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, child
  • recovering vessels is their elasticity and purification of cholesterol;
  • normalize the acidity of the stomach, heartburn passes;
  • women improves overall health during menstruation, increased potency in men;
  • output occurs chronic toxins. Also nicotine in smokers resins;
  • It derived from an organism excess fluid, as a consequence of reduced swelling;
  • improves brain function, enhance memory and mental activity is accelerated;
  • enhanced physical endurance;
  • when applied externally banana peel, you can get rid of skin disorders and eliminate headaches;
  • improves insulin sensitivity (delivers glucose to the organs), as a consequence of normal blood glucose concentration;
  • weight loss when unmodified diet and the use of no more than 2 ripe bananas per day;
  • It improves the quality of vision, so the bananas are important for people who spend much time at the computer;
  • normal functioning of the reproductive organs;
  • restores nail state, the appearance of hair and skin condition;
  • a rapid set of muscle mass in sports;
  • It reduces the effect of hangover.

Importantly, it is not necessary to increase the dose over 2 bananas a day. This will lead to weight gain and may cause a violation of the chair and the deterioration of health.

For children

Children can eat bananas to eat with 6 months, in the form of puree. The daily ration is determined by age. Up to 10 years can eat for half the fruit. Children older can drink a day for a whole banana. The greatest benefit are ripe fruits, as they contain more useful and nutrients.Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, child

Useful properties of banana for children:

  • balancing the functioning of the nervous system, especially important for children too emotional;
  • compensate for the lack of iron, so it is important to include bananas in the diet of preterm infants with anemia and development;
  • normal defecation process (eliminated constipation);
  • recovering microflora and functioning of the digestive tract;
  • It improves memory and mental development activities;
  • It prevents the development of infections and strengthens the immune system;
  • there is the strengthening of the bone tissue and normal growth of muscle cells, and bone;
  • quickly replenish energy stores in the body;
  • normalizes the state of the vocal cords, eliminates the inflammation process upon them and destroy the infection.

When the first meal is necessary to monitor the response of the body. In rare cases, there is an allergic reaction and intolerance banana components. The initial portion should be minimal.

Recipes with bananas

To eliminate the disease with the use of banana you need to follow the recipe preparation, dosage and course of treatment.

From cough

Cough, there are several recipes for banana. They can be used to treat both children and adults.

Popular and proven recipes:

  • grind banana pulp in a blender and add 100-120 mL of water (temperature 38 degrees). Stir and add 15 grams of honey. Stir until complete dissolution of the last ingredient. Serving obtained by ½ volume. Multiplicity 4 times a day. By evening, cough almost passed. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated on the following day;
    Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, child
    Recipe for banana cough does not require a blender. Suffice fork mash the fruit
  • 1 banana peel boil in 0.7 l of milk for 15 minutes. Catch rind and add 25 ml of honey. Mix well. To use in the form of heat of 100-120 ml. The procedure can be repeated on the following day;
  • banana pulp grind and mix it with Cocoa (20 g) and honey (30 mL). The resulting slurry was added 200 ml of milk (70 degrees temperature). Drink immediately. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated the next day. The drink is desirable to use in the evening.

By all means use fresh. Banana softens the throat tissue, which reduces the cough reflex. And also it promotes the elimination of infection and enhances the expectoration of mucus from the lung.


To eliminate the need to grind heartburn banana pulp and mix it with honey (25 mL) and pumpkin oil (20 ml). Stir until smooth. Use in bouts of heartburn means 30-40 g. After use it is impossible to receive liquid to 40 minutes. Due to the enveloping effect of heartburn attack passes.

To eliminate heartburn is necessary to identify the cause of its occurrence. Drug therapy is assigned to a specialist.

From gastrointestinal problems

To eliminate abnormalities in the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcers, impaired chair) can be eaten fresh banana daily. 1 time to eat 2-4 bananas. one-time procedure. Banana operability improves digestive organs, promotes healing of small wounds and relieves inflammation. Fiber helps to normalize the stool.Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, child

You can use the milkshake. To prepare the need to grind banana (pulp), add 120 ml of milk and add 25 ml of honey. Mix with a blender. Drink drink completely. Frequency 1 times a day before meals. The duration of intake should not exceed 10 days.

Unripe bananas from diabetic ulcers

In the presence of diabetic ulcers it is recommended to use dried pulp of unripe banana. It needs to be applied to the wound and fix using a bandage or plaster. Change every 12 hours. The procedure is stopped after scarring. Banana softens and destroys infection skin that accelerates ulcer healing.

Compress from the rind from migraines

To get rid of a headache is recommended to apply on the forehead or neck area ice, wrapped in banana peel. Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, childIt helps to normalize blood circulation and reduce pain symptoms. The procedure is repeated as necessary. Do not forget in a timely manner to change the compress.

A decoction of the rind of Hypertension

To reduce the pressure it is recommended to use the tea from a banana peel. It normalizes water-salt balance in the body, so that the pressure indicator is normalized. In addition, tea improves mood and relieves anxiety.

Tea should be particularly thoroughly rinse the rind (preferably green banana). It must boil for 5-7 min in 700 ml of water. For taste can be added 50 ml of honey. Peel can not be removed from the pan. Drink tea instead of the usual drink.

Peel from burns, rashes, boils, warts

Banana cough (adult recipes can be used without the consent of the doctor) is used more frequently in the combined treatment together with medication. In order to eliminate skin lesions enough to apply the rind of the fruit without any additional preparations.Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, child

To eliminate the skin formations (warts, rashes, sores) and burns, you can use the peel of a banana. To treat it is necessary to fix the damaged spot (bandages, plasters). Change every 12 hours, and when taking a bath. Treatment lasts until the restoration of the skin. Peel accelerates cell regeneration and prevents the colonization of microorganisms.

The juice from the stalks of the hysteria and hypertension

Juice made from banana stems, eliminates depression, elevate mood, as well as to normalize the pressure indicator. For the preparation of the beverage is required to prepare the stem.

It needs to be cleaned from the outer layer and the inner. Rinse. Further, it should be soaked in salted water (1 L taken on 20 g of salt) for 1 hour. Rinse again and using the available equipment to squeeze the juice from the stalk. For the treatment of enough to eat drink 1-2 cups a day. You can use the juice of one-time, with attacks, or drink a course for 20 days.


As a tonic, you can use the juice from the stem of a banana, tea from its peel or eat it fresh daily in an amount of 2 pcs. Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, childFunds will have an invigorating effect and stimulates the brain cells and give strength.

To gain weight and muscle mass

To increase muscle mass athletes recommended to use fresh 4 bananas per day, preferably all at once before exercise. Or eat with a banana milkshake. For its preparation should be mixed with the pulp 180 ml of milk by a mixer.

Drinking fresh. After 30 days of use the beverage is a break of 14 days. Action drink due to the presence in the banana protein, fat and carbohydrates, which are necessary for the development and formation of new cells.

In diseases of the kidney and liver

To restore functioning kidney and fetal liver can also be consumed fresh daily. They normalize the water-salt balance and acid-base, which leads to the normalization of the organs.Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, child In addition, banana removes toxins and waste products. Also 3 times in 7 days is recommended to drink a milkshake with banana. Duration of treatment is not limited.


Banana cough (adult prescriptions are allowed to use in compliance with all the rules of cooking) and the elimination of other pathologies are allowed to use, if there are no contraindications.

The list of prohibitions to the use of banana in medicine:

  • elevated blood viscosity, banana leads to further thicken it;
  • cancers of the digestive tract;
  • heart disease in a severe form;
  • ileus. Fruits cause flatulence, causing distention of the rectum.

List of conditional bans:

  • when a large number of eating a banana comes weight gain. People on the diet can not eat more than 2 pieces. per day;
  • in violation of the circulatory (varices), due to increased blood viscosity may develop its stagnation in the capillaries;
  • presence of hemorrhoids. Banana enhances bowel function and accelerates feces, which may cause an increase of hemorrhoids and hair loss;
  • the presence of diabetes in a severe form.

If there is any doubt about the use of the fruits of banana, then you need to consult a physician and clarify the permitted daily dose.

How to store bananas

Keep fruits can be in a darkened and if possible in a cool place. In a refrigerator to store prohibited, as part of the constituent elements is destroyed by exposure to cold. The ideal storage is considered to be in limbo at a temperature of 10-15 degrees. If you bought a bunch of bananas, the fruit is not recommended to disconnect.Banana cough, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea. Recipes adults in folk medicine, how much to drink, honey, cocoa, pregnancy, child

Bananas are useful in ripe condition and fresh. To get rid of the cough can use cocktails of banana and eat whole fruits as prophylaxis. Traditional recipes can be used to correct abnormalities in children and adults.

Author: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of the cooking banana cough

Recipe for banana cough:

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