Reference Drugs

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, how to make, reviews

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Silybum marianum (Marin thistle) - grassy weeds with a broad spectrum of medical properties, experimentally confirmed by official medicine (in vitro). Biological value have roots, leaves, flowers, seeds and plants. If we follow the instructions for use, even a meal of milk thistle (bagasse) is useful in the treatment of many diseases and dietary nutrition.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is a meal of milk thistle
  • 2 biochemical composition
  • 3 Beneficial features
  • 4 Indications
  • 5 General admission rules
  • 6 How to determine the dosage
  • 7 tincture meal
  • 8 decoction
  • 9 Tea
  • 10 Infusion
  • 11 Schroth thistle dry
  • 12 Schroth thistle liver
  • 13 When the deposition of salts
  • 14 Joint diseases
  • 15 Heart diseases
  • 16 Gynecological diseases
  • 17 Skin diseases
  • 18 In diabetes
  • 19 in oncology
  • 20 Toothache
  • 21 To strengthen the immune system
  • 22 For the treatment of cough
  • 23 slimming
  • 24 How to use meal in cosmetology
  • 25 For children
  • 26 Side effects and contraindications
  • 27 Price and where to buy
  • 28 How to choose a quality meal
  • 29 storage Features
  • 30 Videos about Grist thistle
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What is a meal of milk thistle

Schroth - a byproduct of oil production from the seeds of Silybum product by cold pressing. In fact, it is crushed down to the last husk seed coats. In medical practice, used in preventive and curative purposes.

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

As an auxiliary drug meal connected to treatment programs in pathologies gastrointestinal tract, liver, skin diseases, intoxication. The possibility of using stem from the unique composition of raw materials.

biochemical composition

Due sparing technology of oil seed meal is not only rich in fiber (although this is its basis).

As part of the meal found:

  • resins;
  • fatty and essential oils;
  • mucus;
  • low content of vitamin K, organic compounds of Group B - panthenol, folic acid and nicotinic.

The content of active substance up to 200 connections.

Essential nutrients, the nutritional value of 100 g meal:

nutrient Content % Of the daily value daily rate


Thiamine (B1) 1.4 mg 93,3 2 mg
Riboflavin (B2) 1.3 mg 74,4 2 mg
Tocopherol (E) 47 mg 313,3 15 mg
carotene 1.72 mg 36,6 5 mg


Zinc (Zn) 14.9 mg 130,8 12 mg
Iron (Fe) 139.6 mg 809,4 18 mg


Phosphorus (P) 9600 mg 1200 800 mg
Magnesium (Mg) 3516 mg 879 400 mg
Calcium (Ca) 11200 mg 1120 1000 mg
proteins 17.4 g 22,9 74 g
fats 10.9 g 18,2 59 g
carbohydrates 9.2 g 4 213 g
dietary fiber 27.38 g 136,9 20 g
calorific value 202 12,2 1684 Kcal
Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

Schroth thistle does not threaten hypervitaminosis and excess salinity diet, because they use it in small quantities. Therapeutic and prophylactic prescriptions imply no more than 10 grams of the drug.

In addition to the unique properties of food nutrients thistle seed husk define biologically active compounds:

  • polyunsaturated fatty acid omega-6, omega-9;
  • amino acids - isoleucine, tryptophan, lysine;
  • enzymes, saccharides;
  • alkaloids, saponins;
  • chlorophyll, phenols;
  • digidrokvertsitin (taxifolin);
  • complex flavolignans: silidianin, silikristin, silybin (the most powerful).

It causes flavolignany hepatoprotective ability meal, botanical parts of the thistle and preparations based on plants.

Beneficial features

Milk thistle seeds and oilcake recognized as the best protectors of the liver.

Used as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent:

  • to protect hepatocytes from corrosive compounds and external factors cleansing body;
  • blocking propagation of hepatitis C virus;
  • recovery of cellular membranes, stimulation of protein synthesis and the formation of new cells, the normalization of metabolic processes in the liver.

The use of bagasse is not limited hepatoprotective action.

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

It is known that crushed hulls of seeds:

  • It facilitates the formation of bile, has a soft property choleretic;
  • normalizes the pancreas, and the gastrointestinal tract;
  • improves intestinal peristalsis;
  • restores microflora;
  • neutralizes free radicals through a combination of antioxidants (vitamin E, carotenoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, silymarin);
  • It has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system;
  • improve psycho-emotional background (due to the combined action of B vitamins and minerals);
  • prevents clot formation;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • improves metabolism;
  • promotes lipolysis;
  • lowers the concentration of bad cholesterol;
  • toxins, heavy metals, radionuclides;
  • oncopatients meal helps to eliminate decomposition products of the tumor and reduction of intoxication of an organism, improving health during chemotherapy and irradiation.

Low calorie content coupled with a high nutritional value allows you to include cake in a weight reduction program. The absorbent capacity of raw materials priced in cosmetics: scrubs and cleansing mask with husks rid of acne, dead skin flakes, increase skin elasticity.


The primary purpose of the meal thistle - hepatopathy treatment:

  • cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis;
  • lipid-fatty degeneration;
  • bacterial or parasitic lesions;
  • alcohol and chemical intoxications;
  • steatosis.
Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

Other indications:

  • cholelithiasis;
  • problems with the spleen;
  • inflammatory diseases of the digestive tract;
  • tendency to constipation, flatulence;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • cleansing the body in getting rid of alcohol, nicotine, drug dependence;
  • radiotherapy for cancer himiolechenie, the recovery period;
  • reduction in the overall immunity of the organism.

Meal is rich in fiber, so it is recommended for healthy people to maintain the functioning of the intestines, removing harmful substances, generated as a result of metabolic processes of the organism or entering the external environment.

General admission rules

The dosage and dosage form are selected depending on the problem.

There are 4 rules to keep in mind:

  1. Schroth thistle, instructions for use which is intended for adult human dietary food is included in the daily diet for 1 h. l. 1 per day. Length is 25 to 40 days. To enhance the effect, repeat the course after a break of 1-2 weeks (the longer the use, the longer the rest).
  2. When it comes to the prevention or treatment course selected reception the following scheme: 1 hour. l. 3 times a day for 20 days. Then make a break for 2 weeks and once again repeat the treatment. 3 steps up the full course. After it is possible to make a break and spend a month a new course.
  3. In most cases, taking medication for 20-30 minutes before eating. Exceptions are diseases of the stomach. Pre-need to consult with your doctor, especially for children.
  4. At the reception meal will have to give up the greasy, spicy food, pickles and marinades, a ban on alcohol.
Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

A doctor or healer can change the scheme and the dosage for individual human situation. It is important to understand that if the assigned medication, meal, milk thistle is used as adjuvant therapy.

How to determine the dosage

This instruction on the meal thistle used in severe liver damage when the product is used an increased amount. For other indications the dosage is low and is specified in the recipe.

The daily dose is determined by patient weight basis of 1 g of the drug per 1 kg of body weight. This volume was divided into 5 single daily doses. For example, the patient weighs 80 kg. During the day, he needs to consume 80 g of meal. The volume is distributed evenly over 5 portions every 5 hours. 80/5 = 16 g based on 1 reception.

tincture meal

Medicinal herbal extracts are alcoholic active substances from fresh or dry feedstock. They are prepared by 40-90% rubbing alcohol or vodka. This form has a high concentration of drugs and bioavailability substances.

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

cooking feature:

  • absence of heating;
  • prolonged incubation in a dark, warm place (20-24FROM);
  • low dosage.

At home generally use high-quality vodka. If instead of vodka to take alcohol, it must be diluted with distilled water up to 40-50%. At higher concentrations of active substances extracted cake worse.

Preparation of tinctures:

  1. in a 1.5 liter container to pour 100 g of raw material. Pour 1 liter of vodka, seal the lid;
  2. put in a dark place at room temperature for 20 days.
  3. Every 5 days the composition vigorously shaken. Ready composition poured into another container, well wrung out cake through a clean gauze.

How to apply:

  • 15-30 drops (depending on the disease) was dissolved in 30-45 ml of water;
  • The drug is taken 20-30 minutes before meals 3 times a day.

The infusion is used:

  • for cleansing and rejuvenation;
  • as an immunomodulator;
  • hangover;
    Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking
  • as a complement in deriving parasites;
  • as an effective analgesic.


The meaning of herbal preparations broths in maintaining materials in hot water at temperatures to the point of boiling. Decoction preferably sufficiently rigid parts of the plant, so take a non-ground oil cake. It turns out an effective dosage form, but the broth is kept no more than 2 days. Folk healers recommend to prepare the composition per daily intake.

How to cook:

  1. a small enameled pan to pour 20 g of oil cake thistle. Pour 200 ml of water at room temperature;
  2. warmed on a steam bath for 20 minutes, not allowing intensive boiling.
  3. remove from heat and infuse for 15 minutes. It is not necessary to wrap the pot in addition;
  4. broth poured into a jar, here the squeeze cake through cheesecloth, pour the water so as to obtain 200 ml of the finished preparation.


  • broth divided into 5 equal portions and taken every 5 h over 20 min.
  • if to be a meal, broth to drink for 20 minutes;
  • children to better prepare the broth on the seeds and combine it with food intake.
Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

In certain diseases using the circuit can vary.


Healthful beverage is brewed and brief maceration of vegetable raw materials. The tea has a mild effect. He may even use people who are prone to allergic reactions. The concentration of active substances is not high, teas therefore generally used for prophylactic purposes.

The classic method of preparation:

  1. teapot small amount of warm and dry;
  2. Pour into warm container 1 h. l. meal and pour a glass of boiling water;
  3. insist 15 min.

Drink tea better warm 100 ml. Too carried away a drink it is not necessary in order to prevent intestinal disorders. Suffice it 2 times a day. Schroth blends well with mint, dried fruits. This is the tea ceremony, which in addition to the therapeutic effect will appreciate a rich aroma and piquant flavor.

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

A classic drink or additives can be included in the diet to maintain / restore immunity, detox diets for weight loss and weight support.


The name suggests that therapeutic forms are prepared by macerating herbal products. Infusions are not additionally heated, so use ground meal. Prepare drug can be hot or cold process. In the former case, saturation of useful compounds above. From extracts of different teas cooking duration.


  • in a thermos pour 2 tbsp. l. cake (30 g) and pour 300 ml hot water (70 to 80FROM);
  • insist 10 hours, poured through cheesecloth into a glass jar.

Take 100 ml 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meal.

Quick recipe:

  • a tea maker or a small glass jar pour 1 hour. l. meal;
  • pour 230 ml (faceted beaker) of boiling water, good packaging wrap and leave for 30 min.
Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

After straining the infusion to bring the volume up to the glass. Take up to 3 hours during the day before eating.

Schroth thistle dry

Instructions for use of the dry meal thistle assumes well crushed and cleaned of extraneous inclusions feedstock. The main indications - purgation, recovery radiological treatment or poisoning, long-term use of antibiotics.

On a single use is sufficient for 1 hour. l. cake. Multiplicity of reception - 3 times a day, course duration depending on the problem of 14-21 days.

Schroth thistle liver

When gipotozah technology of preparation of therapeutic compositions based on the account patient's body weight.

Cooking broth:

  1. cake taken from the rate of 1 g per kg body weight, 0.5 liters of water is required;
  2. at a minimum fire solution was heated to reduce the liquid twice (250 ml);
  3. broth to cool down at room temperature, after which it was filtered.

The resulting composition is made up only if the volume decreased more than 2-fold. Moreover, it is necessary to bring up to 250 ml. Shoe liver every hour have to take ten to 1. l. drug, regardless of the meal. Start at 8 am, 21 hours to finish.

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking
Schroth thistle liver diseases, as the instructions for use, it is necessary to take 1 dessertspoon regardless of the meal.

To restore liver tissue cooked broth should drink equal parts every 5 hours. Assuming a 250 ml portion of 50 ml.

In chronic liver disease, in severe cases it is necessary to spend 2-3 courses for 20 days. It should strictly adhere to the proposed scheme, and always cook fresh teas or tinctures.

When the deposition of salts

2 tbsp. l. cake poured 0.5 liter of water. Composition boiled to reduce the volume of the liquid 2 times. After straining topped up to 250 ml and it is possible to start treatment. Treatment scheme: 1 tbsp. l. every 5 hours. Duration of the course 30 days. After a month break reception scheme is repeated. For a noticeable improvement of the need to pass 3 courses.

Joint diseases

Especially effective husks for patients with arthritis and chondrosis. It is used quite a rich composition: 1 tbsp. l. 250 grams water volume. Husk is placed in boiling water and heated on a water bath for 35 minutes, after its removal from the plate as much insist under a closed lid. Strained broth is adjusted to the original volume.

The dosage regimen: 1 st. l. 4-5 times per day on an empty stomach. After half an hour for lunch. Continuous reception is 20-25 days. As in the deposition of salts is required to 2 repetitions.

Heart diseases

Here we need a mild effect. It helps to normalize heart function infusion cake. 1 h. l. husk pour into closable container, pour 240 ml of boiling water. Well wrapped up and leave for 30 minutes. The final stage of preparation - filtering.

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

Displacement drinking in 3 equal portions receiving sips. The best effect of warm infusion (can heat up in a water bath), adopted for 15-20 minutes before meals.

Gynecological diseases

When inflammation of the internal reception combined with douching. If there are no contraindications, medicinal preparations are prepared and used by standard schemes.


  • carried broths low concentration, it would require 1 h. l. cake and ½ liter of water;
  • protomai ingredients in a water bath for half an hour;
  • cool, to hold a volume of douching.

When destructive pathologies vaginal tissues supplement formulation 2 hours. l. thistle oil, and wheat germ.

Skin diseases

The problems with the skin or cause slagging of the organism parasitic diseases. Sometimes this exchange crashes or nervous stress. In any case it is recommended to start with the reception of dry cake.

Scheme 1 h. l. 2-3 times a day for half an hour before meals. Wash down with a ½ cup of pure water. To gently cleanse enough 20-day course. Decoctions and infusions can be connected to the second decade or after completion of cleaning and tea combine with purification from day.

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

Recipe infusion for patients with psoriasis:

  • 100g cake poured 1.5 l of water, heated to boiling in a water bath, removed from the heat;
  • ready solution cooled to 40-50 degrees, poured into a 2-liter jar together;
  • container covered with a lid and put on a night in a dark place to infuse.

After straining the infusion take ½ cup 3 times a day for 30-40 minutes before eating. The duration of treatment 30-40 days. In a year it is recommended to 3 cycles, with an interval of 1 month.

In diabetes

In this case, use decoctions. Silymarin, the rolling of the therapeutic drug, improves carbohydrate and fat metabolism in the liver, contributes to lowering blood sugar, insulin production (in small amounts).

Applies concentrated formulation. 30 g of the powder cake filled with 500 ml of hot water. The composition is prepared on low heat until half the liquid evaporation. The dosage regimen: 1 st. l. every 3 hours. Course - 1 month. After a 2-week break the cycle can be repeated.

in oncology

Schrot, thistle, instructions for use which is intended for cancer patients, cooked in broth. 3 tbsp. l. raw pour ½ liter of water, boiled in a water bath to reduce fluid 2 times. The cooled liquid is filtered.

With good tolerability follow the following pattern under 10x daily intake:

  • 1 week - 1 hour. l. every hour;
  • 2 Week - 2 hours. l. one or ten. l. in hour;
  • Week 3 - 1 tbsp. l. in hour.

Bringing the dose to tablespoon broth is taken to stabilization. However, diagnoses are different, as well as well-being, so individual scheme chosen by the patient's feelings.


Effective broth cake thistle rate of 1 tbsp. l. a glass of water. Bagasse poured in water, for 20-30 minutes, adjusted to a weak boil over "bath" and allowed to cool at room temperature.

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

With the help of a gauze swab make lotions on the gum around the tooth of the patient, warm or cool the solution, rinse your mouth every half hour.

To strengthen the immune system

The seasonal outbreak of acute respiratory infections and influenza, with weakened immunity using this recipe:

  • 3 hours. l. cake poured 0.5 l of boiling water the cooled slightly;
  • in a water bath composition is brought to a boil and languishes 30-40 min;
  • ostuzhennoy 50-70 degrees infusion is poured into a jar, which must be properly wrap. After 10 h preparation is ready for consumption.

For immunity to be taken drink 60 ml 4 times per day. In periods flares colds dosage was increased to 100 ml.

Defenses can increase alcohol tincture of cake. In 30 ml of water was dissolved 15 drops of tincture. This 1 dose. During the day you need to drink 3-4 servings 40 minutes before meals.

For the treatment of cough

In the case of cough used a decoction, improve immunity. Only used it hot with honey. The same decoction can gargle. If the cough is the result of bronchitis, apply tincture of vodka.

20-30 drops dissolved in a little water. Multiplicity of reception time is 5 to knock (every 5 hours). The course of treatment 14 days. The body will recover faster if then drink infusions, teas.


When losing weight thistle has 3 objectives: normalizes metabolism, cleanses, nourishes with vitamins and minerals.

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

How to use:

  1. Cleansing. Enough to take on an empty stomach every morning for 1 hour. l. meal together with a glass of clean water to restore bowel function. The course is 1 month.
  2. metabolism correction, decreased appetite. 2 tbsp. l. cake, 50 g of dried apples, dried herbs peppermint and chamomile flowers poured liter of hot water and incubated for 30 min. Drink drink 4-5 times a day in equal portions between meals.
  3. Vitamin and mineral cocktail. With evening pour into a thermos 1 hour. l. cake, pour 200 ml boiling water and put on a night brew. On the morning of the infusion is filtered, added 50-70 g of frozen berries and banana. Whisk in a blender.

This cocktail is not only useful but also delicious. Drink it can be for an hour before breakfast. Pomace can be added to salads, main dishes, drinks, but it is important to know when to stop: 100 g of husk per day - this is the maximum.

How to use meal in cosmetology

Thanks to the fine structure and the absorption properties of milk thistle meal perfectly cleanses and smooths the skin. Vitamin and mineral composition nourishes and moisturizes the dermis, and bioactive substances stimulate the metabolism and tissue regeneration. Cosmetic effects is complex.

Scrub Meal of milk thistle in the home:

  1. 15-20 g of raw material diluted with water to a consistency of thick gruel;
  2. add 3-4 drops of wheat germ oil and 2-3 drops of lemon juice;
  3. thoroughly mixed, infuse at room temperature for 10-15 minutes.

Scrub is applied to the face of a thick layer and is maintained for 1 minute. After that is rubbed into the skin for 3-5 minutes. Washed away part of lukewarm tap water. need 10-15 procedures 2-3 times a week for visible effect.

Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

Effective meal of cellulite.

50-70 ml honey softened mixed with 10 g of dry meal. The mixture is rubbed into the problem areas, is carried on top of the food wrap film and a warm cloth. application time of 30 minutes.

For children

Pediatricians skeptical of herbal treatment of children up to 12 years. At this age, many functions of the body are formed and the work of individual organs, is the formation of the body's defenses. Therefore, the interaction of the active compounds herbs may have unpredictable reactions.

Schrot, thistle, instructions for use which objectively are unable to accommodate the precise biochemical composition administered to children in rare cases.

Nuances of use are as follows:

  • dosage is reduced to ½ hr. l .;
  • receiving frequency: twice a day with meals only;
  • treatment will have 15 to 20 days. If needed, the course is repeated after a week's break.

Indications for use are limited to the support of liver function:

  • steatosis therapy in the treatment of leukemia;
  • hepatitis;
  • recovery from acute and severe poisoning.

Hepatic correction is performed under the supervision of a physician.

Side effects and contraindications

Subject of the application instructions meal thistle seldom causes side effects. Subject to the recommendations for use in the treatment of meal does not cause discomfort and deterioration. Basically unforeseen reactions occur in people with allergies or intolerance to the compounds of the preparation.

In this case, the following manifestations:

  • heaviness in the right upper quadrant;
  • cramps in the epigastrium;
  • dyspepsia;
  • flatulence;
  • redness of the skin;
  • rash;
    Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking
  • itching.

Such reactions organism tested independently for 24-48 hours, during this period the dosage is reduced. If discomfort continues, the reception meal should be discontinued.


  • cholelithiasis. Due to a choleretic effect cake can lead to the movement of the stones;
  • asthma. Alkaloid in combination with flavonoids lead to edema of the larynx, which is fraught with episodes of severe cough suffocation;
  • pregnancy. Flavolignany affect hormones that can vyzvatvykidysh or premature birth;
  • peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis in the acute stage;
  • epilepsy, mental disease in acute phase;
  • allergic reactions.

It is not recommended to give meal for children under 3 years of age. Refrain from herbs should lactating women, as active components meal easily penetrate into breast milk.

Price and where to buy

Undoubted advantage meal in the availability and inexpensive cost. Buy supplements can be in the pharmacy network, specialized in herbal stores, online pharmacies.

In the latter case, we propose several ways of payment and delivery:

  • account when ordering online, cash on delivery;
  • Russian mail delivery, courier services, delivery to the customer's address, self.Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

Form cake release allows you to select the most convenient option in the application:

  • loose product (cake flour);
  • capsules;
  • pills.

Contents flavolignanovyh compounds in the cake is the highest, and application possibilities it anymore. Prices for raw materials from the meal will vary depending on the region, the pharmacy chain and release forms.

Spread the cost of online stores is the following:

Product form / number in the package Price, rbl.
shredded meal, '50 23 — 45
crushed meal, 100 g of packing 40-160
capsules, 30 pcs. 128- 144
capsules, 50 units. 173-251

Net meal in a capsule-shaped tablet is rare. In most cases this complex on several herbal extracts with the addition of the active compounds thistle, lactose, maltodextrin. That is why herbalists and traditional healers use loose meal.

How to choose a quality meal

Schrot, thistle, instructions for use which for therapeutic purposes involves a powder preparation, tender to choose the right.

There are 3 important points:

  1. optimum packaging. Transparent package allows you to visually check the quality of the meal. It permitted by its heterogeneous structure, but must not be extraneous impurities pieces of stems and leaves.
  2. color drug. It should be dark brown. Milk thistle fruits from which the seeds ripen in August-September. At this time, the highest concentration of silymarin, which imparts fruit cases a cinnamon-brown color. Light meal speaks of unripe raw materials and low efficiency of the finished product.
  3. region of origin. Preferably meal produced in the southern regions, as heat-loving plants. The natural growth area - the Caucasus, the Crimea, the regions with a warm climate. In colder regions, Russian thistle poor in active substances.
Schroth thistle. Instructions for use for weight loss, liver, cough for children. Useful properties and contraindications, as taking

If you've found a capsule of pure meal, preferably a transparent shell, as is clearly visible color. Normally it also brown or dark brown. As for structure, even if they were foreign objects, their ground in a grinding process to a powder cake. Here it is to rely on the reputation and integrity of the manufacturer.

storage Features

Bagasse absorbs moisture, and are part of the fatty acids are oxidized under the influence of heat and light. Therefore, in the instructions for use manufacturers recommend store thistle seed meal in a glass jar with a tight fitting lid and placed in a darkened container cool place. So husks will not lose all the recreational opportunities provided for 2 years shelf life.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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