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The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications reviews. How to prepare and adopt

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Sunflower is a popular food and pharmaceutical crops, which is widely used in folk medicine. It is included in the list of rare plants, healers, is effective, but more gentle gentle therapeutic effects on organs ravaged by disease.

Unlike other herbs, medicinal properties and pharmacological activity of a root decoction sunflower, researchers first showed, and then their recipes with great success began to use the healers and healers.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Characteristics of sunflower
  • 2 The composition of sunflower roots
  • 3 Useful properties of the roots of sunflower
    • 3.1 For the female body
      • 3.1.1 Method of local outdoor exposure
    • 3.2 For the male body
    • 3.3 For children
  • 4 Useful properties of the roots of a sunflower in the treatment and prevention
    • 4.1 The stones in the liver, kidneys and bladder from urate
    • 4.2 For the treatment of knee, shoulder, elbow
    • 4.3 In diabetes
    • 4.4 cystitis
    • 4.5 From muscle, headaches and pressure
    • 4.6 Harm and contraindications of sunflower roots
  • 5 When to prepare and store the roots of sunflower
  • 6 Video of the root of a sunflower
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Characteristics of sunflower

According to the botanical description, sunflower belongs to the family of asters, fun blooming in the flowerbeds. It is believed annual herbaceous plant, and is indeed a such a golden flower under 3 m high with a powerful taproot reaching depth to 1.5 m and more.

In the myths some people it is venerated the divine plant and is perceived as a child of the sun. The European nobility heraldry flower sunflower stands sign of belonging to the nobility, the symbol of fertility and prosperity. The beauty of it is reflected in the works of many artists, including Van Gogh in the film.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

The history of the country and the ways of sunflower spread around the world is very contradictory. Some sources say that this culture originated in the North American states (despite her gentle nature and warm-loving disposition).

Others believe that the flower of the sun Columbus borrowed from the Indians that lived in the steppe prairies. But Professor David Lentz could not find evidence that the Mexican farmers cultivated and extracted oil from sunflower even 4600 years ago, and around 3500, the BC. e. it has cultivated in the valley. Mississippi.

In the domestic economy from the sunflower crop: seeds, cellulose contained in the stalks and husks are dependent several industries, including the food, pharmaceutical, livestock, pulp and paper, chemical.

Medicinal properties of sun flower appreciate how homeopaths and herbalists and doctors of different areas in medicine.

Of plant of finished drugs, designated as:

  • antipyretic agents;
  • Light laxative;
  • enveloping;
  • cholagogue;
  • antiasthmatic;
  • antitussive;
  • expectorant;
  • antirheumatic;
  • anti-sclerotic action.

Of particular value are:

  1. Contained in the fresh plant lecithin - a substance that promotes cell regeneration and rejuvenation.
  2. Sunflower bee honey - high-energy diet products and natural medicine does wonders in the recovery of a number of diseases.

The composition of sunflower roots

The roots of sunflower, as a medicinal raw materials, were first studied and described the Soviet academician B. Bolotov, which, among other characteristic plants therapeutic properties highlighted diuretic and litho lytic activity, ie. E. the ability to dissolve the salts formed or stones and remove them from the body naturally.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

The water extracts from sunflower roots were found:

Connection Name Content in%
Polysaccharides Society. Quantity 10,22–10,32
water-soluble polysaccharides 1–0,82
Pectin 2,5–3,0
Hemicellulose forms A 5–5,12
Hemicellulose form B 1–1,62
inulin 5,5–6,22
Tanning in-in 11,0–11,3
arginine 1,5–2,0

The sunflower roots scientist revealed the presence of bioactive compounds (BAS), whose composition within the permissible concentrations for the human body contains 19 vital minerals, including:

  • phosphorus;
  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium and others.

The decoction of the root have been allocated valuable minerals to maintain health in an easy to digest form:

  • iron;
  • manganese;
  • silicon;
  • barium
  • zinc.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

However, with all the abundance sunflower root biologically active components does not contain high-energy nutrients, so its caloric even in concentrated tinctures negligible.

Useful properties of the roots of sunflower

Sunflower roots exhibit therapeutic properties well in aqueous broth, the use of which as proved their studies Academician Boris Bolotov, effectively cleanses the body of salts urate, ammonium oxalate, and phosphate urological structures and can be used for the treatment of urolithiasis, gout, stagnation and gallstones or kidney, arthritis and arthrosis.

Pi cooking broth is important to follow exactly the proportions of raw materials and water, the formulation proposed by the author, and do not disturb the boiling time.

Because as a result of the calculations carried out in the development of techniques, he was able to obtain mineralized broth identical in chemical composition famous Carpathian Caucasian or alkaline mineral water, has a mild and calm lithotripsy painless removal the natural sand by.

For the female body

In some unverified sources on the Internet published information about the treatment of non-decoction of burdock root for pregnant and lactating women to breastfeed. The information is not very reliable.

The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt
Use the root of the sunflower breastfeeding better topically

Studies have shown that expectant mothers are well tolerated in non-aggressive in their composition drink containing complex necessary for fetal trace elements and minerals, provided that it is prepared exactly as described above classic recipe.

There are other recipes, where for the preparation of a therapeutic composition of the offer completely different, significantly increased the proportion of ingredients. Probably, those who trust them and take advantage of the recommendations will have a highly concentrated extract with a high content of alkali.

It is difficult to predict which side reactions can give body to such aggression, especially in pregnant women. In such cases it is reasonable to be safe and do not recommend treatment for pregnant women and nursing, and offer a more gentle technique.

Method of local outdoor exposure

Medicinal forms with a higher concentration of sunflower root extract have a significant therapeutic benefit by topical external application. For example, if painful sensations in the kidney, the pregnant woman should be in this area of ​​the body compress impose a period of 2-4 hours.

For this:

  • Article 0.5. sunflower root chips with 1 liter of cold water;
  • heated over low heat for 10 min .;
  • insist under a towel for 30 min .;
  • dipped in warm broth gauze folded in 4 layers;
  • squeeze it and applied to areas of the body in the kidneys, where the pain is felt;
  • cover waxed, baking paper or film;
  • Fixing bandages;
  • insulated warm scarf or towel.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

At the time of the compress action woman laid on a sofa or in bed and offer rest. After the end of the procedure body wash with warm water, wiped dry, lower back cover warm clothing or tie scarf.

The compress is applied daily for 6 days. Then make a break for 2-3 days. And repeat the treatment 6 more days. Such an approach to the dissolution of stones in the kidney takes time, patience and discipline, but provides a soft and effective results soaking improvement due to stone formation and root extract Plantago compress creating diaphoretic Effect.

For the male body

The roots of sunflower and exhibits therapeutic properties as an agent for cleansing the body by male salts and toxins, and as a valuable aid in disorders of erectile function.

Contained in broth roots bioactive compounds, including trace elements zinc and arginine - amino acid positively reinforcing male power, enhance potency, improve male health.

With the purpose of treatment of men take a decoction of the roots, prepared according to the classic recipe for 27-36 days, then make a break for 1 month. and repeat the course of another 18 days. Further, in order to prevent the course must be repeated regularly on the schedule: the fall and spring for 1 month.

For children

As a child at a young age and diagnosed low back pain occurs frequently. Physical inactivity. Intense training rhythm. Children 5-6 years old are already experiencing discomfort in the spine and the break-up in the joints.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

Tea from the root of a sunflower is recommended to drink the students, they will provide their body with vitamins support, The purification of the vessels and connective tissues of toxins and help to get out without any complications of disease states.

For the treatment and prevention using the standard broth recipes, but less than for adults, the daily rate:

  • from 6 to 8 years - 1 st .;
  • from 9 to 12 years - 0.5 l;
  • from 13 to 17 years - 0,75 l;
  • from 18 to 21 years - to 1 liter.

The duration of treatment on days 9-18 every 6 months.

Useful properties of the roots of a sunflower in the treatment and prevention

The roots of the healing properties of sunflower hepatoprotective nature successfully demonstrate and help with alcohol intoxication.

To this end, bitter prepared as black tea, broth seeds from aroma:

  1. 2 tbsp. l. root to 2 tbsp. water boil for 5-7 minutes.
  2. 5-10 min. drawn and decanted through a sieve.
  3. Consume slowly drinking a single, slow sips.

As a result, disappear unpleasant symptoms: nausea, urge to vomiting, gastric upset.

The stones in the liver, kidneys and bladder from urate

According to the classical formulation by the method B. Bolotov for one course of treatment lasting 36 days will need 4 tablespoons. crushed dry material.

The first stage of the course. The order of treatment in 1; 2; 3 days:

  1. Take 1 tbsp. (70-75g) sunflower root planed, the size of a grain of beans.
  2. Placed in an enamel pot.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt
  3. Poured into 3 liters of water.
  4. Put on fire and bring water to a boil.
  5. Boiled for 3 - 5 min.
  6. Without waiting for cooling, the broth decanted.
  7. After cooking the cooled raw shift in the glass jar EMK. 0,5 l, close lid and stored in a refrigerator for further use 3 days later.
  8. The filtered broth sunflower root poured in 3-cc glass bottles. 1 l.
  9. Use the liquid to 1 liter per day, drinking suitable for use doses: 0.5-1 article. fasting, beginning in the morning and later in the intervals between meals.

Days of treatment: 4; 5; 6. Take stored in a refrigerator boiled sunflower root, it is poured 3 liters of water, boiled again for 5-7 minutes.

The root of the shift in the same bank and store more 3 days. Broth use the same scheme for 3 days.

Days of treatment: 7; 8; 9. Boiled twice portion of the root is boiled again for 10-15 minutes. in 3. L of water. The drug is taken by 1 liter per day. Root after the third boiling discarded as useless.

In the second stage of treatment: 10 to 18 days, the third: 19-27 days and the fourth: 28-36 days, taking each time a new batch of sunflower root in an amount of 1 tbsp. and operate according to the scheme described in step I of treatment.

What type of diet followed during the treatment. Taking a decoction of the root of the sunflower, it should be noted that the main therapeutic effect it provides thanks to the alkaline composition. Consequently, the consumption of foods containing the acid will be somewhat retard the healing process.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

Therefore, the author recommends to eat tasty and varied, but to give up on time, wine with pronounced acidity, Marinades and mayonnaise containing vinegar. It is useful to add to the diet of dried apricots and raisins.

What sensations during the treatment can be expected. In the first days of treatment the body does not show any reaction. Only in 10-12 days in the joints thicken the deposition of salts, in the back, in the spine begin to feel itching, tingling, throbbing. Frequent urge to urinate.

The color of urine becomes reddish-rusty, it is observed turbidity and sand. Painful sensations arise due to the fact that the ureter starts output sand. In these states take Nospanum help warm baths.

As cleansing the body of sand and stones (2-3 weeks) unpleasant sensations in the joints weaken. Pain in the kidneys or under the right upper quadrant cease. Is reduced, and then comes back to normal number of urination. Total body tone rises. Normalizes blood pressure. Become more optimistic thoughts. Muscles begin to play and ask the youth movement.

These days, a little morning urine is collected in a transparent cup and examine its condition in the light. The liquid gradually loses reddish hue and haze becomes lighter. Treatment should continue as long as the urine is clear. In total, the treatment may take 30 to 60 days, depending on the clinical picture of the disease.

For the treatment of knee, shoulder, elbow

Treatment of classical sunflower root decoction containing zinc and silicon, a positive effect on health, particularly in the affected joints:

  • gradually decrease and disappear pain syndromes;
  • joints lose their stiffness;
  • gradually become more mobile.

In the intervals between treatments broth to strengthen cleaned from salts of connective tissue and cartilage, take golden whiskers aqueous infusion (1 tbsp. l. 1 Art. boiled water, 30 min. Drink throughout the day for 3 sips before each meal).The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

When severe pain, in addition to the broth treatment, on the night of the knee, elbow or shoulder joints impose hot compress of vodka infused with Burdock root. (Article 0.5. raw material is poured 0.5 liter of alcohol, insist 2 weeks). In cold weather, a compress is applied daily. In the summer, as aggravation of the clinical picture.

In diabetes

The roots of sunflower medicinal properties designed to aid in diabetes mellitus type I and II, shown not in the central shaft portion, and a thin side appendages. Infusion taking 100 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bedtime.

How to prepare the infusion:

  • from the evening of 1 st. l. chopped to 1 cm long. thin sunflower roots were placed in an enamel saucepan;
  • Pour 1 tbsp. of cold water and put on fire;
  • boil for 3-4 min .;
  • a saucepan off the heat and shelter with a towel, leaving the extraction overnight;
  • the morning of the infusion is filtered.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

Bitter-tasting drug should be taken daily for 3 weeks. Then rest 1 month.


Well cystitis help steam bath at night before bed. They relieve acute pain, relax the muscles of the lower abdomen, detrimental act on the pathogens present in the external genitalia, calm nervousness.

Prepare a tray as follows:

  1. Take 1-2 large piece of dry root sunflower, weighing 150-200 g (2-2.5 can take art. minced raw materials).
  2. Placed in a large bucket and topped up with 3 liters of water.
  3. Boil under the lid closed for 8-10 minutes.
  4. Remove from heat, leave infusions of 10-15 minutes.
  5. Open the cover, mounted on the bucket seat from the toilet whisk.
  6. Remove the underwear and sit down on the hot steam.

During the procedure, there are frequent urge to urinate. Hold them is not necessary, and it is better to encourage drinking before taking baths warm diuretic tea. Sit over steam for at least 20 min. Then, wrap the lower part of the body necessarily a woolen scarf or sweater and immediately lie down in bed. Baths are doing on a daily basis as long as the pain will be felt in the lower abdomen.

From muscle, headaches and pressure

In the process of fragmentation of kidney stones and gall bladder and removing sand through the ureter feel muscle and headaches. A warm bath with the infusion of burdock root relaxes the body and reduces the effect of negative reaction Organum for cleaning. To prepare a 3 liter of water, 300 g boiled root (possible large chunks) for 10 min. and insist composition is not less than 2 hours.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

The liquid fraction was decanted and infusion poured into filled with warm (38-40 ° C) water bath. You need to take a bath half an hour after dinner. Lie in it for 15-20 minutes, plunging into the water the whole body and sometimes dropping into the water for a short time and back of the head, leaving only the face surface.

After each aqueous procedure pain alleviated or entirely gone. During lithotripsy, in a period of intense aggravation, 7-10 days, take a bath every day. As purification of salt being reduced and stabilization of procedures, taking them through the day, followed by a bath in 1-2 week.

Harm and contraindications of sunflower roots

When receiving broth sunflower roots in therapeutic doses set author technique, no side effects do not arise. The plant does not accumulate toxic elements. sunflower root does not cause allergic reactions.

However, people with hypersensitivity before treatment decoction should be secure and that you first contact an allergist to test for individual intolerance.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

It is not necessary to prepare a medicinal decoction of the roots of sunflower, grown in an industrial environment. It is safest to purchase raw materials in cottages or in households where observe environmental cleanliness products.

When to prepare and store the roots of sunflower

Conditions of preparation of raw materials simple. During flowering sunflower root for medicinal purposes are not taken. They wait until the seeds have matured and no longer in need of food.

The same conditions apply in the procurement of the root in the more northern regions, where sunflower seeds due to weather and climatic features, do not have time to ripen, and sunflowers are grown for silage. Here is ready for harvesting root, 3-4 days after cutting the green mass.

The order of the workpiece:

  1. Take a sharp bayonet spade. Digging a hole around its root, the depth of approximately 1 bayonet.
  2. Ax or a shovel at the bottom of the pit cut it across in two.
  3. Pick up the severed tip of the root.
  4. Intensively shake him from the coma of the earth.
  5. Thin knife cut lateral roots (they are used for the treatment of diabetes).
  6. Taproot brush cleaned of soil residues. Do not wash.The roots of a sunflower. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and adopt

Home root is dried in air. Placed in wooden containers, paper or woven bag and stored in a dry and ventilated barn or attic no more than 3 years. In dry conditions, the raw material provides 100% safety regardless of outside temperature.

As required, before use, sunflower root removed from the repository. Washed under running water (not soaking). Dried. Hack, pinch off with pliers or planed into small fraction for the preparation of medicines.

The effectiveness of the therapeutic properties of the broth from the root of a sunflower confirmed in scientific papers and books of the author. In deciding to use these guidelines, treatment should agree the details with your doctor to get the most benefit as a result.

Author: Nadia Lyutova

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of the root of a sunflower

How to make a decoction of the root of a sunflower:

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