Reference Drugs

Horsetail. Medicinal properties and contraindications. How to distinguish from toxic, the use of herbs in medicine and cosmetics for hair

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Horsetail - a perennial plant of the same name sort hvoschovyh. Also featured in the title the word "field", it also speaks for itself. The composition arvense include: malic acid, oxalic acid, ekvizetin, trimetoksipiridin, ethereal and fatty oils, inorganic salts, gums, vitamins, minerals and other therapeutic properties.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Horsetail - composition and description
  • 2 The horsetail is different from the poison?
  • 3 medicinal properties
  • 4 Harm
  • 5 Indications for use in medicine
  • 6 Contraindications
  • 7 Scope in cosmetology
  • 8 Traditional recipes with horsetail
  • 9 Gathering for the treatment of tuberculous lymphadenitis
  • 10 cystitis
  • 11 For the treatment of adenoids
  • 12 Osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism
  • 13 When long and heavy menstruation
  • 14 For removing warts
  • 15 By gallstones
  • 16 Kidney stones
  • 17 when fibroids
  • 18 Acne, eczema, psoriasis
  • 19 Recipe for Hair
  • 20 to rejuvenate
  • 21 Horsetail slimming
  • 22 Preparations on the basis of horsetail field, instructions for use
  • 23 Cautions during treatment horsetail
  • 24 Useful video of horsetail and its medicinal properties
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Horsetail - composition and description

Most often it occurs precisely in the fields. Plant height 40-50 cm, the flowers are not available. It has black rhizome with stems off of it. It looks similar to the branches of spruce. It resembles a horse's tail, for which he received his name. This is a literal translation of the word "horsetail" from Latin.

Many do not favor this plant, because it clogs the useful cultures throughout Eurasia. And for good reason. Horsetail - a unique plant. It has a huge number of useful properties, has a beneficial effect on the human body. It can help you prevent and cure a number of diseases.

The horsetail is different from the poison?

However, it should be remembered that the plant of the genus has several species of horsetail. Total of the globe for more than thirty. In any case it is impossible to confuse the medicinal plant "horsetail" dangerous plant "horsetail poisonous." Otherwise the consequences could be dire.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology
The figure shows how the horsetail.

Arvense branches depart from stem upwards directed to sunlight. At a meeting with the plant horsetail, the branches of which are inclined to the earth, to look out for it - it's a toxic horsetail. The substances contained in the plant, can cause irreparable damage to human health.

medicinal properties

Horsetail, the healing properties of which will be described below, is widespread.

Horsetail has a beneficial effect on the system:

  • bloodstream;
  • digestive;
  • excretory;
  • genitourinary;
  • lymphatic;
  • breathing.

This broad spectrum of activity is due to the chemical composition horsetail.

He is full of a number of organic acids, essential oils, polysaccharides, trace elements. The plant is used for medicinal purposes, as in the dried form, or as part of a variety of drugs. In any case, before you start using this herb for the treatment of diseases, it is necessary to consult with a specialist.


Such consultation need not to harm and not to aggravate the situation with health. For example, prolonged use of plants horsetail and preparations containing it will lead to lack of vitamin B1. Also leads to a decrease in the concentration of some trace elements in the blood. For example, potassium.

As a result, a malfunction occurs in the sodium-potassium channel. And this, in turn, negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Please be aware that horsetail is completely incompatible with some medicines. For example, slow excretion of lithium-containing compounds.

Indications for use in medicine

Provided that all of the factors taken into account the harmful effects of horsetail, you can consider it useful properties. Above mentioned qualitative composition of plants. It is they who are due to these properties. The so-called pony tail is ideal for complex effects on all the organ systems, elimination of benign tumors.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology

Has diuretic and a laxative effect - it displays the excess fluid from the body, removes various types of inflammation, combats the formation of atherosclerosis. The components contained in the plant, neutralized cholesterol and excrete toxic compounds.


Horsetail (medicinal properties and drawbacks described in the article) has a number of contraindications.

The following are the main ones:

  1. Renal insufficiency. Active ingredients contained in the plant, irritate kidney tissue. In the presence of nephritis and nephrosis should refuse treatment horsetail.
  2. Pregnant and breastfeeding women. In spite of the low concentrations, but potent substances it is still present in horsetail. They can adversely affect fetal development, or to get to the baby through the mother's milk.
  3. Individual intolerance of the organism. There are cases when horsetail makes people allergic reactions. They are very dangerous, and sometimes may become angioedema or anaphylaxis.
  4. Advanced stages of the disease. In this case, too late to resort to the methods of alternative medicine. Drink concoctions will not lead to a cure. Urgently required to address to the doctor.

Scope in cosmetology

Horsetail has long been famous for its healing rejuvenating properties. It contains organic acids, flavonoids, minerals, micro and macro. Enriched with vitamins. Horsetail a beneficial effect on blood circulation, enhancing metabolic processes in cells.

He struggles with the release of excess sebum, the appearance of facial wrinkles, pimples, blackheads, reduces hair loss and cures cellulite. Ancient beauties have used this plant since ancient times to maintain its beauty. But our contemporaries should not lag behind.

In the beauty industry horsetail is used extensively in creams, serums, masks, whose action is aimed at the fight against skin aging. The extract of this plant is part of many products for hair care products: shampoos, conditioners, rinses, oils.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology

To feel the effect in practice horsetail, can not resort to the use of expensive creams, shampoos, lotions. No need to spend a fortune on salon treatments. There are many ways to prepare their own equally effective cosmetics based on horsetail.

Traditional recipes with horsetail

Horsetail is especially good to use popular recipes:

The resulting product Recipe and useful properties
juice horsetail It is prepared from the fresh plant. Recipe: wash the grass with clean water, process using a blender. The resulting squeeze juice, pour into a suitable container and put in a cool place for storage. You can use the juice to relieve swelling, inflammation, fight viruses. It helps with diseases of the veins.
alcohol infusion 2 hours. l. dry horsetail pour a bottle of wine from light grapes. Universal means activates work of all bodies. Take 50 ml after awakening. Infusion is contraindicated for driving.
Healing herbal drink Well protects the immune system during the cold season. Recommended for the prevention of inflammatory diseases of the people after 60 years.
wound healing paste It helps to protect the skin when damaged. To prepare the need to connect the plant, ground to a powder (it is possible in a coffee grinder), and one of animal fat in a ratio of 1: 3. The components mix until a thick mass. Apply immediately after skin injury.

Gathering for the treatment of tuberculous lymphadenitis

Tuberculous lymphadenitis - an infectious disease that affects the lymph nodes in the neck tuberculosis. It occurs in both adults and children. Increasingly apply to loose lymph nodes. In the event of illness, immediately seek medical attention for the purpose of effective treatment.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology

Supplement it by the methods of alternative medicine. Horsetail is great for this approach. The following are the best means.

Here is an effective recipe collection. It needs - 25 g horsetail, gentian 15 g and knotweed. The ingredients must be mixed together. Then, prepare a decoction of the calculation: 2 tbsp. l. 500 ml of water. Boil the mixture on low heat for 15 minutes. Divided into 4 parts, to use completely during the day.

Another collection. Stir for 1 hr. l. dried yarrow, nettle, thyme, oregano and 1 tbsp. l. dry horsetail. The resulting herbal tea prepared in the following manner: 5 g of steamed 250 ml of boiling water. Let stand 30 minutes. Drink 2 administration.


In the initial stages of cystitis can be cured with the help of herbal medicine. Horsetail - one of the most frequently used plants to solve the delicate problem. It is a natural diuretic is ideal for cleansing the bladder. Excellent relieves pain and inflammation.

Universal broth cystitis - on the basis of horsetail. 30 g of plants boil in 2 L water for 50 min. Strained drink drink 3 times a day before meals. A week later, the problem will go away.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology

You can use the collection, sold in any drugstore. It consists of: horsetail, yarrow, chamomile, mint, rosemary, stigmas. Prepare a classical way. Drinking on an empty stomach, then in the afternoon and before bedtime.

For the treatment of adenoids

Very often a disease of the adenoids in children. It is therefore necessary to resort to a healthier grasses, not to stuff the fragile child's body strong medicines.

The agent for external use. It is necessary to take 10 g dry component brewed in 500 ml of hot water. Leave in a warm place for 1 hour, you can wrap up to keep warm. Before applying the filter.

Irrigate the nasal cavity with such a solution is worth every day, retreat to the disease in the fresh form. This is due to the fact that after a few minutes of a solution will evaporate useful active substances. After a week of treatment with this decoction descend swelling and inflammation, normal breathing.

Osteoporosis, arthritis, rheumatism

Horsetail medicinal properties opens in folk medicine for the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It is well strengthens the joints, a beneficial effect on bone. You can use tools on the basis of plants, not only upon the occurrence of the disease, but also as preventive measures.

This is especially true of people older than forty years. And those whose bones and joints can suffer as a result of professional activity. For example, athletes. Below is a herbal bath recipe. This is a very convenient form of treatment because the nutrients have an effect on the whole body.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology

The warm water bath was added concentrated infusion based horsetail prepared as follows. 1 liter of boiling water zaparivayut 2 cups of dry material. After 1 h the solution was filtered can be introduced into water for bathing. a bath exposure time should not be less than a quarter of an hour. Carry out procedures - within a month and a day.

When long and heavy menstruation

With the disruption of the menstrual cycle, each woman faces for life. If the bleeding is too heavy, and their life increased up to a week or more - it is an occasion to consult a gynecologist. This issue brings a lot of discomfort and pain, so it needs to be solved as soon as possible.

In addition to drugs, to normalize the menstrual cycle will help a ponytail. The next infusion should begin to apply for a few days before the start of menstruation.

Required in equal proportions dried plants: rose hips, horsetail, bloodroot goose, St. John's wort. The components should be mixed in one container, pre-chopped. Boiled in water bath for 20 minutes, 5 g of raw material. Drink 250 ml to 4 times per day. All ingredients are available over the counter.

For removing warts

Warts - not as a painful phenomenon, however aesthetic disadvantage. Their appearance on the human body is not connected, contrary to popular myth, nor toads or frogs. Warts appear in case of failures in the immune system. They can also be transmitted by contact from person to person.

Next remedy for warts are not the basis of horsetail should be used in the waning moon.

The mixture of herbs: horsetail, a burdock, chamomile, tansy, yarrow pour warm water. Simmered for 20 minutes. Allow to cool for 2 hours. The inside of a 100 ml three times per day.

By gallstones

Stagnant processes in gall bladder may result in the formation rock, it is quite dangerous disease. Are more prone to it people who have reached old age. But age-related features of the body - not the main cause of stone formation.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology

More strongly influenced by the person's lifestyle, diet, blood cholesterol levels, the presence or absence of bad habits. Horsetail helps bring small stones from the gallbladder.

Withdraw small stones and enhance the dissolution of large stones will help the next Herbal composition:

  • horsetail;
  • tansy;
  • chamomile;
  • coltsfoot.

Herbs are freely available in the pharmacy. All components must be thoroughly mixed. 1 tbsp. l. Pour mixture of 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse 1 hr. After cooling, it is necessary to use the drink during the day, before meals. The course of treatment should be at least 4 weeks.

Kidney stones

Horsetail medicinal properties opens fully in the fight against kidney stones. Broth based on it will be able to soften the stones to sand condition, then gently lead them out of the body. For its preparation is not suitable pharmacy grass. All the matter in the drying technology. Therefore collect green horsetail have their own. Then - subject to rapid drying.

The faster will be able to dry up, the better. Zasushivanie long, and even more so the collection, which has been stored for a long time does not work. From it have the desired organic compounds evaporate. Cooking at the rate - 1 tbsp. l. dried material in 500 ml of water. Strained broth should be consumed every morning on an empty stomach. admission rate - at least 2 months.

when fibroids

Need: a spoonful of the cauda equina, marjoram, mint, chamomile and hops, 2-fold less - celandine. 10 g of the prepared mixture boiled for 10-15 min and left for 8 hours in a dark place. Phyto drink drink 2 tablespoons. l. before eating. Treated - at least 4 months.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology

Despite the fact that fibroids - benign tumor, be sure to consult a doctor. Herbal treatment should act only as a concomitant medication.

Acne, eczema, psoriasis

The appearance of skin problems associated with the malfunction of the internal organs. First of all - the intestines. Wrong diet, sedentary lifestyle, negative environmental factors adversely affect his health. As well as lead to the accumulation of toxins in the body.

These problems will help solve a popular means of beauticians - horsetail. The following are the means to the skin based on it. When eczema help the following recipe.


  • dried stalks of horsetail;
  • centaury;
  • sweet clover;
  • clover flowers;
  • willow herb-wheat;
  • nightshade.

Cooking method:

  1. 4 tbsp. l. grass collection pour 1 liter of water.
  2. Boil the mixture for 20 minutes.
  3. Let stand 30 minutes after the infusion filter.
  4. Drink three times a day.

Broth can be used with shingles.

To get rid of spots suited proven facial mask on the basis of horsetail. First you need to cook a classic decoction of this herb. Then, 2 tbsp. l. broth add 1 ml of tincture of calendula, drops apricot kernel oil and 10 g of flour, preferably from buckwheat.

The mask is applied to a thick layer on cleansed skin of the face - once a week. The mask is suitable for regular use, dries acne, tightens pores and brings pollution. Psoriasis - a hereditary disease. From it is unlikely to cure decoction, but relieve itching, reduce flaking, soothe the skin as possible.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology

The following describes the preparation method for wiping the affected parts of the body:

  1. In 1 liter of water enter 3 tbsp. l. dry plants.
  2. Boil for 10 minutes. Infuse 1 hour.
  3. Wash the body must on a daily basis.
  4. problem areas stuhnut after about 20 days.

Recipe for Hair

Horsetail - herb common in cosmetics. On its basis, it produced a lot of professional tools for hair. However, you can prepare a decoction for strengthening of hair on the basis of horsetail. He will strengthen the hair follicles, reduce loss, hair will become soft and natural shine.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology

Immediately should stipulate that the funds on the basis of horsetail will approach the fair sex having greasy hair type. The rest is not recommended to use them often, as horsetail dries the scalp may appear dandruff.

Natural conditioner for hair should be prepared as follows. 25 g of dry grinding plant boil in 3 liters of liquid. After washing the hair in the traditional way - thoroughly rinse hair. Depending on the type of hair and skin, you can add other ingredients: chamomile, peppermint, burdock.

to rejuvenate

Require cooking 10 g herb in 0.8 liters of fresh milk for 30 minutes. Then allow the mixture to cool slightly. The resulting liquid is used at night bathroom reception. Such a solution will surprise the most skeptical ladies. The skin becomes soft, gentle, pleasant to the touch. Will be peeling and inflammation. Resort to this method can be once a week. Number of rounds - not limited.

Horsetail slimming

Help get rid of 3 to 5 kg per month wrap based on horsetail. In addition to the extra kilos go away and cellulite. At the very least, become less noticeable. Radically the problem of this method does not solve the problem. It helps only those who have a little excess fat.

Cooking is the active agent is necessary as follows. First, you need to buy at the pharmacy raw material - stems cauda equina. Take it take 15 grams, crush, add the juice of half a lemon middle. Pour the basis of active substance 600 ml of boiling water. Wait for 1 hr.

Upon the occurrence of readiness moisten a soft cloth in the solution. The length of fabric must be sufficient to be able to wind the problem areas. Roll up top with cling film. Wrap yourself with a warm blanket for at least 2 hours. Apply wraps every 2 weeks for 6 months.

Preparations on the basis of horsetail field, instructions for use

Horsetail is very common in medicine. Thanks to its unique composition and a broad spectrum of action, he is part of many medications.

Medicinal properties of horsetail, differences from the poison. The use of herbs in medicine and cosmetology

Among them:

  • The capsule form. Effective form of medicine that neutralizes the inflammatory processes. Outputs the excess fluid from the body, toxins, toxins, pollutants. Recommended for use in the treatment of genitourinary diseases. Boosts immunity. It strengthens bones and joints.
  • Therapeutic paste. Outputs of kidney stones, cleans the bladder wall, combats incontinence.
  • Extract. There are two varieties of extract: liquid and dry matter. Is used to relieve the symptoms of cystitis, increase blood clotting. It helps remove excess sebum from the skin of the face and scalp. Because of these properties is used as a part of the home cosmetics.
  • Tablet form. More often than not in the tablets on the basis of horsetail include adjuvants, more often - this herbal extracts. Used to relieve pain during urolithiasis.

Cautions during treatment horsetail

Undoubtedly - horsetail - very useful plant, comprising a mass active substances. But these substances can have adverse effects on the human body in the presence of a number of reasons. Therefore, there are limitations in the treatment of these plants. It makes sense to consult a doctor before resorting to the methods of herbal medicine.

You have to be careful and avoid the drugs on the basis of horsetail to the following people:

  • suffering from kidney disease;
  • women in pregnancy;
  • children.

People who do not fall under these categories, though you should be careful when dosing during the preparation of drugs and possession of the plant. So, horsetail - a medicinal plant, has many medicinal properties, which can be used in many cases.

Useful video of horsetail and its medicinal properties

The healing properties of horsetail:

Horsetail to strengthen hair and nails:

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