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Red viburnum. Medicinal properties and contraindications, application recipes

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Modern science and traditional healers believe Kalina Krasnaya a valuable medicinal herb, medicinal properties which can successfully cure a long list of diseases.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Characteristics and description of Viburnum red
  • 2 The composition and caloric content of red viburnum
  • 3 How useful viburnum
    • 3.1 The use and effect on the female body
    • 3.2 The benefits and the impact on men
    • 3.3 Can I use the Kalina children
  • 4 The use of red viburnum in folk and official medicine
    • 4.1 The infusion and decoction of red viburnum
    • 4.2 Tincture of red viburnum
    • 4.3 Tea with snowball
    • 4.4 Baths and packs of red viburnum
    • 4.5 Bath with Kalina Krasnaya
  • 5 Application of viburnum in cosmetology
    • 5.1 Benefits for the skin
    • 5.2 Hair Beauty
  • 6 Possible risk of harm from viburnum and contraindications
  • 7 When is it better to collect and how to store a red viburnum
  • 8 Videos of Kalina red

Characteristics and description of Viburnum red

Red viburnum - shrub with vertical branches, reaching a height of 2 to 4m The average life expectancy of the bush reaches 60 years of age.. In May, bushes covered with snow-white inflorescences with tassels honeyesque sweet aroma.

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Fruits are oval-spherical, bright red at maturity, juicy, with a bitter and astringent taste and a large bone in the shape of a heart, begin to ripen in August and reach full maturity in September.

From the abundance of berry bushes become fiery red. At this time, start the first step with a noble preform juicy bitterness of valuable raw materials.

Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes

Bitter berry is not to everyone, but promorzloy Kalina bitterness is not felt. This improves its taste and already "seasoned" frost Kalina gather en masse almost the entire winter. In the mystical symbolism of the plant is given the value of feminine beauty and chastity. On this basis, it implies that reflects the word "cursed" in the title of berry trees, which characterizes the difficult women share.

Therefore, in the autumn, when it is the season of weddings, girl, coaxing fate weave bunch of red viburnum in a wreath bride adorn their table and bed Suite. And the couple swear allegiance in the bush viburnum, planted on the day of birth of the bride at the threshold of his father's house.

Sorcerers say that if a breast attach a sprig of red Viburnum, all the heartache and pain associated with unrequited love, pass quickly.

The composition and caloric content of red viburnum

Kalina Krasnaya medicinal properties shows thanks to the rich composition of biochemical elements. Exploring its healing resources, should pay attention that the average calorific value of fresh red berries viburnum according Fat Secret Platform API is only 89 kcal or 367 kJ, indicating that the benefits of using it in nutrition for obese people.

The nutritional value of berries:

Name Content
Sugars,% 7
Pectin% 1
Tannins,% 3
Vitamin C, mg% 85
Carotene mg% 2,9
Vitamin E, mg% 2,2
P-active compounds, mg% 280–500
Iron, mg% 5 (more than any other berry plantations)
Glycoside viburnin mg% 75-220 (determines the degree of bitterness of berries)

The berries of plants contain a complex set of organic acids: ascorbic acid, acetic acid, isovaleric, butyric, caprylic, formic acid, as well as unique on the effects of soothing valeric and caffeine on the nervous system acid.

Essential oils make up the complex bouquet of pleasant aromas to touch, and beta carotene - pro vitamin A, nourishes berries bright red hue and is the mainstay of treatment of eye diseases.

How useful viburnum

During the winter of Viburnum red dishes not only expand the options for flavors, but are also natural vitamin products, helping to overcome the deficiency diseases and related diseases of the gums, eyes, skin and hair.

Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes
Kalina Krasnaya is very useful for health and body as a whole.

Home cooks prepare tomlonye cereal, jelly, cakes with berry filling, teas and herbal teas. The content of pectin is optimum for cooking quality pastes, jams and marmalade without additional thickeners.

For therapeutic purposes, using all parts of the plant:

  1. A warm drink made from fresh or dried berries helps clean the circulatory system, supports the work of the heart muscles, restores hoarse voice, which is important for teachers, politicians, broadcasters and artists Conversation genre.
  2. Extracts from the bark stop bleeding in wounds, cure periodontal disease, relieve headaches.
  3. Broth inflorescences Viburnum has astringent properties, normalizes digestion, promotes the appearance of appetite.

A rejuvenating effect on the body is considered to be the most important properties of the plant. Confirm it and Bessarabian mysticism of estates of Count Dracula. Secrets of their potions they certainly did not disclose, but be sure to attach the name Viburnum Romanian word in viere, meaning "Resurrection".

The use and effect on the female body

Eating viburnum beneficial for women of any age. It compensates for the deficiency of iron in anemia and reduced hemoglobin, involved the formation of blood and normalizes blood pressure.

It is the responsibility of every woman enters a constant concern about the state of reproductive organs. Reliable assistant in regulating these functions is the daily washing and external organs and periodic irrigation trays broths from dried berries 2 tbsp. l. 0.5 liters. water. Water treatments should be combined with the use of 10-20 pc. defrosted / fresh fruit or juice of 50-100 ml per day.

It has been observed that women who regularly engaged in such practices, the character becomes softer, playful, increases visual appeal.

Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes

Recommendation is useful for those who suffer from the changeable moods and hysterical outbursts. Remember the soothing properties of Viburnum berries to be relatives of young mothers. With their help, you can easily and safely remove postpartum stress and help the woman get out in a calm psychological response mode to the difficulties of caring for a newborn.

The bitterness of viburnum berries helps with pregnancy toxicosis attacks repay. To do this, they keep hookworm time in the mouth in an amount of 1-2 pieces. and after calming discarded.

The benefits and the impact on men

viburnum berries in the diet of men are important to strengthen the immune system and calm. They help to recover from exercise. Drugs made from raw materials, cure colds, intestinal disorders, restore the power of male sexual function, normalize high blood pressure, and reduce mental excitability.

Kalina Krasnaya medicinal properties were sensitive. It does not tolerate mindless overeating. With the greatest success to help people some simple techniques.

They contribute to the solution of complex problems of male health-related:

  1. For the prevention or treatment of hemorrhoids and support male potency would be very useful homemade cushion for automotive seats or office filled dry sheet and Kalinovoye inflorescences.
  2. For the formation of a relaxed atmosphere, in the car or in the workplace men prudently hung a bunch of dried cranberries. Anti-stress effect create essential oils present in its red fruits.
    Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes
  3. For the prevention of colds and for protection against infection for men, located in crowded places, It should lay behind the cheek and just keep the mouth dry berries, relying on their high antiseptic properties.

When feet sweating in men developing nail fungus, making shoes and socks smell unpleasant.

The problem is solved as follows:

  • under the insole of shoes or socks poured directly into a fresh batch every day istolchonnoy powdered bark Viburnum (0.5 hours. l).;
  • socks after washing rinse decoction of dried leaves or berries (2 tbsp. l. 0.5 liters of water);
  • before bed and in the morning wipe stack tincture cortex vodka (1 hr. l. 200 ml alcohol 40%), diluted with water 1: 1.

Can I use the Kalina children

Kalina Krasnaya medicinal properties in relation to children is manifested not only in pharmaceutical compositions and food, but also in everyday objects. Cradles and cribs woven from twigs viburnum provide little ones quiet and sound sleep. Already six months old baby familiar with the taste Kalinovoye compote or tea, giving him a drink from a spoon.

Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes

Child of 1 year are prepared jelly or jelly. At 1.5 years, the children hunting drink diluted juice and can eat per day to 10 pieces. berries. After 3 years with the health benefits you can give them a cake with fruit candy and jam from berries. Drugs of viburnum well to help children with respiratory problems, constipation, but to resort to them should be under medical supervision.

The use of red viburnum in folk and official medicine

Kalina Krasnaya, the healing properties of which the bark is widely used official pharmaceuticals, becomes the basis of sedation drugs, aimed at the normalization of the nervous system, reducing the level of emotional excitability, stop bleeding, including gynecological character.

Printed sources healers recommend that women take postpartum broths from the bark Viburnum for removal of painful sensations and reduce blood loss. Both directions in medicine agree that extracts of berries improve maternal health, normalize their generic fictions, relieve spasms.

homemade extracts normalize the pathology associated with the stomach and intestines, provide a wide range of therapeutic effects, quickly and effectively helps with colds, providing a pronounced diaphoretic effect in dropsy and edema, in violation of the metabolic processes and atherosclerosis.

Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes

The bark and leaf viburnum heal wounds, insect bites. The steaming as they are applied to abscesses and skin damage caused by fungal infections, and breast feeding mothers to get rid of mastitis.

Effective wound healing agents are:

  1. Fresh leaf viburnum. His tear the tree, knead with your fingers or rubbed between the palms applied to the wound and bandage fixed for 2-3 hours. Then, a new sheet is applied.
  2. Dry bark. Viburnum bark powder sprinkled bleeding and the blood begins to clot quickly.
  3. Fresh bark. Fragment was excised from the branches and bark is applied to the inner side of the wound to stop the bleeding.

The infusion and decoction of red viburnum

Unlike infusion broth and is in drug preparation method. For infusion take 1 tbsp. l. Dry materials (flowers, bark or berries) was placed in a glass or ceramic ware and poured into 1 tbsp. boiling water. Tight-fitting lid, cover with a cloth and wait for 2-3 hours or overnight. During this time there will be a slow extraction of nutrients in the water, transforming it into an infusion.

The liquid phase was separated and treated in order to consume. Use course duration of 2 weeks for 1 st. l. 3-4 times a day before meals. Then do 1 week break and repeat the treatment.

To prepare the broth taking 2 tablespoons. l. dry raw material is placed in a saucepan with enamelled 500 ml (2 tbsp.) of cold water. Simmered adjusted to intense boiling. Boil 3-5 or 7 min. Then immediately strain the broth.

Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes


  1. Inside taking 50 ml. before a meal or in other dosages in accordance with a doctor's prescription.
  2. For baths hot broth diluted with cold water 1: 1.

Tincture of red viburnum

Prepare a tincture is mainly based on alcohol or vegetable oil. The "extreme" recipe uses kerosene, vinegar, and other solvents. 0.5 ml of 40% vodka take 100 g dry raw Viburnum red and maintained on extraction in a dark place for 2 weeks.

Liquid filter and used according to the recommendations of the treating physician:

  • dropwise into (30 kap. 3 r. a day for half an hour before a meal);
  • diluted 1 part of the tincture 3-5 parts water, as cosmetic lotions;
  • neat compresses or rubbing.

Tea with snowball

Kalina Krasnaya therapeutic properties effectively exhibits in tea. He is the most widely used drug.

Brew it as follows:

  1. Brushes Viburnum red dry or thawed at room temperature is placed in a brewing tea maker and boiling water is poured.
  2. Insist 15-20 minutes. and poured into cups, filling them halfway.
  3. Topped up to the top with boiling water use by adding honey, lemon, milk or jam viburnum.
Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes

Tea advantageously used for the prevention of respiratory diseases and seasonal viral infections, as well for their treatment.

The drink has a slight laxative effect, he quickly puts the patient on his feet thanks to the healing properties:

  • diaphoretic,
  • diuretic,
  • slimming
  • anti-inflammatory,
  • depressant.

Use 1 cup at night before bed.

Baths and packs of red viburnum

Hemorrhoids, breast disease, cystitis, inflammation of the pelvic organs amenable to successful treatment through the application baths and poultices based decoctions and infusions of Viburnum. For trays must use a decoction of leaves, bark or berries, prepared according to the scheme described above.

Treatment is carried out in the evening before going to bed:

  1. Broth viburnum is poured into a container (bowl, bucket).
  2. Dilute with cold water to warm comfortable state.
  3. Dipped in a solution of a sick body (arm, leg, head), and with hemorrhoids or cystitis sit in a basin.
  4. On cooling the solution, it is poured cautiously some hot water from the kettle, the temperature was adjusted to a comfortable condition.
Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes

After the trays get wet towel water balance in the body, take plenty of warm drink (tea viburnum soothing), lie in bed, wrapped in a blanket.

vodka compresses done as follows:

  1. Gauze soaked in water or in an infusion of cranberries.
  2. Vodka sprayed it in an amount of 1-2 hours. l. or tincture on alcohol viburnum.
  3. Applied to the sore spot.
  4. Top parchment or applied film.
  5. Wrapped a towel.
  6. Secure the bandage.

Duration compress from 5 to 10 hours. Repeatedly compress applied after 5-6 hours. recreation.

Bath with Kalina Krasnaya

As an antipruritic agent for nerve disorders and the like actions effective bracing warm bath broth Viburnum 40-45 ° C, 15-20 min duration.

In a bath of warm water is poured into 2 liters of broth viburnum, prepared according to the scheme:

  1. In 2.5-3 liters of cold water and 100 g of dry raw material.
  2. Simmered brought to the boil and boiled under a closed lid 15 min.
  3. Strain through a sieve into a hot state, without cooling the, to the raw material has not had time to absorb the beneficial ingredients again.

Kalinov bath calming effect on the total and the peripheral nervous system. The broth has antiseptic properties and beneficial effect on skin.

Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes

If the result of itching on the skin formed raschosy, then to accelerate the healing of the bath at 40 liters of water with broth Viburnum More added 2 tbsp. sea ​​or rock salt. After the bath, the body is dried in air. Do not recommend it to rinse or wipe off with a towel.

Baths taken every other day for 1 month.

Application of viburnum in cosmetology

Kalina Krasnaya, along with essential oils and vitamins contain carotenoids in berries, medicinal properties which are aimed at rejuvenating the body to return to tired skin elasticity freshness. Along with berries and effective means made on the basis of the plant inflorescences.

They are soft and aesthetically correct visible aging flaws on the skin. Modern cosmetology very successfully uses the full range of opportunities offered by nature.

Benefits for the skin

A simple correction of the defects of the skin provided by conventional ice cubes of frozen berries of the plant:

  1. viburnum berries crushed, the mass is poured into molds for ice and frozen.
    Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes
  2. Shaped ice cubes in the morning after washing and at any time to wipe the face, décolleté and palms of the hands during the day.
  3. Periodically, such as once a week complicate action: wiping skin Kalinovoye ice cube, is applied to the face for 30-50 sec towel soaked in hot broth Viburnum or in hot water. The sequence of actions is repeated 2-3 times.

Another technique, smooths wrinkles, is the following: take 2 tablespoons. l. cosmetic clay bred her juice or decoction viburnum berries until the consistency of thick cream. Applied as a mask on the face. Leave to dry completely. Wash off the face of the remnants of clay and enjoy the delicate skin of the structure. The method is carried out in the winter and early spring 2-3 times a week.

Hair Beauty

Kalinov berries, leaves and blossoms are able to give the hair the ideal support when used regularly only 1 time per week.

Would need:

  • winter dried raw materials - 2 tbsp. l. 1 liter of boiling water;
  • summer fresh leaf and inflorescence - beam fit into a palm, brewed in 1 liter of boiling water
  • instead of soap is used egg yolk.

How to use:

  1. The raw material was placed in a container is filled with boiling water, allowed to infuse with the lid closed, and the warm towel 30 min.
  2. Infusion decanted through a sieve measured temperature if necessary adjusted to a liquid state, comfortable for rinsing the washed hair.
  3. Added to the infusion of 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  4. Wash the head in the clear warm water, "soaping" hair only fresh egg yolk, which is a leisurely rubbed into the hair follicles, spread evenly on the head. The foam did not wash for 5-7 minutes.
  5. Yolk washed clean with warm water.
    Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes
  6. Rinse hair infusion Kalinovoye sheet and allowed to air dry, without the use of a hair dryer.

Possible risk of harm from viburnum and contraindications

Men and women, immensely fond consumption viburnum, are sometimes observed fevers or fainting associated with a sharp decrease in blood pressure.

Prohibited medicinally or nutritional use Kalina persons with low blood pressure and having a tendency to form blood clots without the approval of the therapist.

Medical sources warn that the body of excessive intake of Viburnum can respond to sudden hormonal activation. For this reason, women during pregnancy to avoid miscarriage, should stop using any drugs or drink containing fruit teas, tinctures, jellies and even eat jam.

Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes

Before you receive treatment agents of arrowwood should undertake an overall diagnosis of the state of health, and then consult a specialist - doctor or healer. Such an approach reduces the risk of overdose and ensures the safety of the treatment process.

When is it better to collect and how to store a red viburnum

The preform is a medicinal plant Viburnum held 3 times a year: the cortex - in April, flowers - in May and June, berries - from September to February.

Bark collected in the following way:

  1. In the thickened areas of the bush, pruning shears cut the bottom, which lie horizontally and shading branches.
  2. With cut branches removed the kidney and the blade sharpened knife make a circular incision of the cortex cross at a distance of 5-7 cm and a cut along its length.
  3. The slits formed blade tip and inserted with it peeled fragments of bark, collecting them into the prepared package.

The prepared raw material is dried, spread a thin layer in a warm place or in a draft. The dried bark of Viburnum becomes brittle. Store it in paper bags or glass containers with tight-fitting lid. Flowering viburnum red umbrellas carefully cut or break off, taking care not to trample, put in the basket.

Red viburnum. Useful properties and contraindications. recipes

Spread out in a non-ventilated room, not exposed to direct sunlight. It is impossible for a long time is, or sleep in a room where the dried flowers of Viburnum, as the air is saturated with essential oils exciting. During the dry raw materials are periodically inverted. The dried buds are stored in woven bags.

The leaves are harvested in dry weather in the morning, when the dew comes down to the plant and before the sun reaches its zenith. Dried in a shaded, well-ventilated areas. Store the dried leaf for a year in a dry place. The collected in September and October of red berries largest concentration of medical items.

Keep her hanging on the ropes in attics, closets or basements dry. In this state, it does not deteriorate for months. Harvested after frost viburnum is not stored for a long time. It must either be placed in the freezer, quickly dry or just cook jam, candy and crystallize to maximize the use of time.

Characteristics described berries would not be complete without a mention of its aesthetic value. In landscape design of Viburnum red original form compositions decorating gardens, the bush completely retains the therapeutic properties and remains a valuable medicinal plant.

Author: Nadia Lyutova

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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