Medicine News

Gas-forming food products. List before abdominal ultrasound, MRI of the pelvic organs, X-ray, breastfeeding, for children
Medicine News

Gas-forming food products. List before abdominal ultrasound, MRI of the pelvic organs, X-ray, breastfeeding, for children

Gas-forming food products not recommended for people suffering from flatulence. Increased gas formation occurs against the background of overeating...

Diet for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux). Menu for every day, what you can eat, list
Medicine News

Diet for GERD (gastroesophageal reflux). Menu for every day, what you can eat, list

Diet for GERD is considered one of the main methods of treating the pathology of the digestive tract. The menu for every day is quite varied, dishe...

Self-absorbable suture thread for surgery, gynecology, dentistry. How dissolve, species
Medicine News

Self-absorbable suture thread for surgery, gynecology, dentistry. How dissolve, species

The suture material is sterile, easy to handle, durable (full length), infection resistant and cheap. Therefore, in general medicine and surgery, s...

Neonatal period. This is what age, how long, how long, characteristic
Medicine News

Neonatal period. This is what age, how long, how long, characteristic

Neonatal developmental period - this is the most important segment of the extrauterine life of a newborn child, during which the primary processes ...

Implants Nobel Biocare (Nobel Biok Biocare). Turnkey price, country of origin, reviews
Medicine News

Implants Nobel Biocare (Nobel Biok Biocare). Turnkey price, country of origin, reviews

Implants Nobel Biocare developed by the world renowned Swedish professor Per-Ingvar Brannemark. In 1965, this scientist made a real revolution in t...

Chenot's corset for the spine with scoliosis of 2-3-4 degrees, kyphosis. Price, reviews
Medicine News

Chenot's corset for the spine with scoliosis of 2-3-4 degrees, kyphosis. Price, reviews

Orthopedic narrowly targeted device Chenot corset intended for posture correction and scoliosis treatment. It is used in the general therapy of var...

Body types in women, men. Anatomy, objective indicators, circumference, dimensions, proportions, visual assessment, tests
Medicine News

Body types in women, men. Anatomy, objective indicators, circumference, dimensions, proportions, visual assessment, tests

Body type - This is a congenital anatomical feature of the body. It gives a person a personality. Objective measurements of physique affect the cho...

Counterfeit drug. What is it, definition, examples
Medicine News

Counterfeit drug. What is it, definition, examples

Medicines are in high demand due to vital necessity. Unscrupulous manufacturers and sellers take advantage of this, and often, instead of the neces...

Fixing bandage on the wrist: bandage, orthosis for sprains, fractures, bruises. How to apply
Medicine News

Fixing bandage on the wrist: bandage, orthosis for sprains, fractures, bruises. How to apply

The wrist bandage is a medical device used in the prevention and treatment of diseases of the wrist joint. The bandage is put on the surface of the...

Is the intensive care unit an intensive care unit or not? What it is
Medicine News

Is the intensive care unit an intensive care unit or not? What it is

Intensive therapy (resuscitation) - This is a specialized ward in a hospital of a medical institution, the conditions of which are used to treat pa...

Immunoprophylaxis. What is, meaning, purpose, principles of conducting, monitoring of the patient's condition
Medicine News

Immunoprophylaxis. What is, meaning, purpose, principles of conducting, monitoring of the patient's condition

In carrying out the immunization shall be monitored on the patient's condition. In order to prevent infection in the human organism antigenic mater...

Nutrition to lower cholesterol in men, women in the blood after 40-50-60 years
Medicine News

Nutrition to lower cholesterol in men, women in the blood after 40-50-60 years

Cholesterol is found in animal and human cells, is necessary for its correct functioning. But its excess is also harmful to the body. In order to r...